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Presentation by Herman Jules R. Ravelo
Lesson 2:
Integration of Thoughts,
Feelings and Behaviors
How do you understand a person? This lesson will help you to see
the relationships among different concepts that are responsible for
the thoughts and actions of a person. These relationships can
answer lingering questions like "Why do you reacted that way?" or
"What makes you, you?".
In This Lesson
We will discuss how a person's behavior is dependent on three forces that help shape how
he/she responds to the environment and people that surround him/her. How can three
distinct concepts interact with each other? This is a question that this lesson will answer,
and we will learn why.

Dualism Mind/Body Connections Cognitive Behavioral

Therapy (CBT)
Rene Descartes
He is a philosopher who proposed the theory of
duality. He viewed that the mind and body both
exist as separate entities.

Duality is the recognition and comprehension of
the nature of things dually. According to eastern
philosophers, both the yin and yang exist. One
cannot do away with the other, and it cannot exist
Dualism: what is it?
Mind and Body are different basic substances
The body is essentially spatially extended
They have different essences
The mind is essentially a thinking thing

Duality Example
If there are two sides to a coin, metaphorically speaking, there's
a duality. Peace and war, love and hate, up and down, and black
and white are dualities.
Dualism is a philosophical term speaks of the
independence between the functioning of the mind and the

It is the idea that the mind and body are two separate
entities, but both are affected by each other. Your thoughts,
beliefs, feelings, and attitudes affect the body either in a
positive or negative way. The things that you do with your
body like the food you eat and the activities you do can
also impact the mind.
Example of Mind/Body

Jane loves to drink alcohol and smoke. Due to the long-term effects of these activities,
she was diagnosed with cancer. Upon learning this, Jane became depressed and lost
hope that she would still recover.
Cognitive Behavioral
Therapy (CBT)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy's main purpose is to
correct misconceptions, false beliefs, and faulty
reasoning. According to this technique, your behavior
is affected by how you think and feel. When a situation
or an event happens, the response or behavior of a
person depends on two things: the thoughts and
Example of CBT
May experienced being bitten by a dog when she was
little. This affected her behavior whenever she saw a dog.
Yesterday, she was walking down the street and saw a
Rottweiler in front of her. She remembered the experience
of being bitten (thought), and she started trembling with
fear (feelings). However, she stood quiet (behavior) until
the dog approached her and started licking her hand.
Duality is the recognition and comprehension of the nature of things

The mind/body connection means that your thoughts, beliefs,

feelings, and attitudes affect the body either in a positive or negative

The aim of CBT is to correct misconceptions and mistakes so a

person can sustain a healthy level of adjustment and connection with
other people.
Presentation by Herman Jules R. Ravelo

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