Scientific Revolution in Mesoamerica

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Meso-America civilization
Meso-­America is the region from Mexico to
Guatemala, Belize and parts of Honduras and El
Mesoamerica civilization were isolated from the
accumulated scientific knowledge of Africa, Asia and
Europe. It developed on its own and became much more
Maya civilization was the most advanced Mesoamerica
civilization that was well on its way to develop true
Maya Civilization
Maya civilization was the most advanced Mesoamerica civilization that
was well on its way to develop true science.
Maya hieroglyphs is a piece of paper that allowed them to record all
knowledge on long strips of paper folded harmonica-style into books.
One of the three books that recovered called The Dresden Codex
contains predictions of solar eclipses for centuries and a table of predicted
positions of Venus.
The European scientist are used astronomical instruments like
The Maya made predictions by aligning stars with two objects that were
separated by a large distance, a technique that achieved great accuracy of
angular measurement.
Aztec Civilization
The Aztec followed the same road. They keep their own script and languages
but assimilated all they could learn from Maya society. Their manuscripts
describe how the Maya performed their astronomical observations.
Technology and invention are the area can they report such in achievement
in scientific revolution in Mesoamerica.
The manufacture in rubber was one of the earliest invention in Meso-
America civilization.
Ball game tlachtli is the game played by Meso-America civilization from the
earliest time.
In architecture the Maya were the first to pitched ceilings in their buildings
after the inventions of the corbelled vault.
Aztec city builders also understood the need for public sanitation; public
latrines were found along all highways, and to prevent pollution of lake Texcoco
Meso-America Civilization Contribution
American people were gifted horticulturalist and cultivated crop
plants from the earliest times.
Maize(corn) is the only cultivated plant that that was developed so
early in human history that is was wild ancestor is no longer known.
It can, however, still be crossed with two other plants found only on
the Yucutan Peninsula.
Also the several sculptures found at Meso- American sites in a year
1975 , 1979 , 1983 and dating back in 2000- 1500 BC have declear
magnetic properties.
In some of these sculpture the north and south poles
are in the most conspicuous positions, for example at
the snout and at the back of the head of a frog or
Another magnetic object found in 1966 was shaped
as if it was to be used to indicate direction. This find
strongly suggest that the early Meso-America
civilizations knew about and used magnetism.
(Malmstrom, 1976,1979).

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