Waterfall Model: Cycle Model. It Is Very Simple But Idealistic. Earlier This Model Was Very
Waterfall Model: Cycle Model. It Is Very Simple But Idealistic. Earlier This Model Was Very
Waterfall Model: Cycle Model. It Is Very Simple But Idealistic. Earlier This Model Was Very
1. Feasibility Study: The main goal of this phase is to determine whether it would be
financially and technically feasible to develop the software.
The feasibility study involves understanding the problem and then determining the
various possible strategies to solve the problem. These different identified
solutions are analyzed based on their benefits and drawbacks, The best solution is
chosen and all the other phases are carried out as per this solution strategy .
2. Requirements analysis and specification: The aim of the requirement analysis and
specification phase is to understand the exact requirements of the customer and document
them properly. This phase consists of two different activities.
Waterfall Model
• Requirement gathering and analysis: Firstly all the requirements
regarding the software are gathered from the customer and then the
gathered requirements are analyzed. The goal of the analysis part is to
remove incompleteness (an incomplete requirement is one in which
some parts of the actual requirements have been omitted) and
inconsistencies (an inconsistent requirement is one in which some part
of the requirement contradicts some other part).
• Requirement specification: These analyzed requirements are
documented in a software requirement specification (SRS) document.
SRS document serves as a contract between the development team and
customers. Any future dispute between the customers and the
developers can be settled by examining the SRS document.
Waterfall Model
1. Design: The goal of this phase is to convert the requirements
acquired in the SRS into a format that can be coded in a
programming language. It includes high-level and detailed design as
well as the overall software architecture. A Software Design
Document is used to document all of this effort (SDD)