Background Information: Emergency Care

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Emergency Care


At the end of the lecture, the

participants will be able to:

understand the Emergency Care.

define emergency care.
identify who needs it.
Importance of Emergency Care

o Most people are willing to

help but lacking in knowledge
and skills.
o People tend to cause harm
rather than help.
Who Needs Emergency Care?
 Statisticsshow that injuries both
unintentional and intentional constitute a
major threat to public health.
 Most of the injured victim do not die from
their injuries, they do because of the delayed
care given to them.
 A delay as little as 4 minutes when a person’s
heart stops can mean death.
 Most of the victims you see will have injuries
requiring only emergency care.
Things Learned in Emergency Care

 Value to self

 To care for others.

 It promotes development of safety
 You’ll be able to give proper immediate care.
Things Learned in Emergency Care

Value to others

 The main beneficiaries are the trained

individual and family and its benefits
of knowing appropriate care extend
further usually to coworkers, friends
and strangers.
Things Learned in Emergency Care

 Value to Remote Areas

 Some area cannot be reached for more than

10 to 20 minutes; as a trained responder
you will serve as bridge for the ill and
injured to nearest available medical facility.
What is Emergency Care?

 Isthe immediate care given to an

injured or suddenly ill person. It does
not replace proper medical care.

 It
consists only of giving temporary
help until competent medical care
arrives on scene.
Emergency Care and the Law
 Ways to minimize the risk of suit include:

 Obtaining the victim’s consent before touching

 Following guidelines (book or local protocol)
and do not exceed on your training level.
 Explain any Emergency care you are about to
 Once starting to care for a victim, stay with that

 Observant
 Make use of the things at
 Do no harm for victims
 Tactful
 Sympathetic
 Cheerful


Characteristics of an
Threat or Harmful.
Unusual or Rare.
Different from one another.
Unpredictable or Unexpected.
Requires immediate action.
 Link between the victim and the Emergency
Medical Services (MDRRMC or BFP)
Bystanders: Why Not Help?

 Reasons:

 Incompetence.
 Ignorance to emergency case.
 Relationship of the bystander to the
Bystanders: What to do?
• #Recognize the emergency.
• #Decide to help.
• #Call EMS.
• #Check the victim.
• #Give emergency care.
Recognize the Emergency

 -Severity.
 -Physical distance.
 -Relationship.
 -Time exposed.
Decide to Help

 To help is an attitude
 -Know the importance of bystander’s help.
 -Be confident that you can help.
 -Be willing to take the initiative to help.
 -Know the potential risks.
 -Be comfortable in taking charge.
 -Be at ease in seeing and touching bloody or
vomiting victim.
Call EMS

If the victim needs medical

attention and transportation is
Do not delay the call.
Do not bypass EMS, transport with
a public cab or private vehicle can
cause harm.
Check the Victim

 Check for scene safety- personal safety is your

first responsibility
 Check ABC’s- assess for life-threatening
 Do secondary survey- assess for potential life
threatening conditions (example: D-O-T-S)
 D-deformity
 O-open wound
 T-tenderness
 S-swelling
Give Emergency Care

Emergency care is effective if

given immediately by the
nearest person available to the
victim, most of the time that
person is the bystander.

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