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• An abundant number of cases had caught the society’s attention
when college students who graduated in the STEM (science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics) strands started choosing a
non-STEM field as their major when they enrolled in college (Chen &
Weko, 2009).
• Globally, the demand for STEM graduates is very high. Hill, Corbett &
St. Rose (2010) mentioned that many countries in the world face the
task of recruiting more individuals into STEM industries.
• Undoubtedly, STEM had contributed vital importance in building the
nation’s productivity
• Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT).
Purpose of the Study (Short description of the
significance of the study, who will benefit on your study)
• Teachers
• Learners
• Administration
Statement of the Problem
Problem Hypothesis Data Analysis
1) What is the interest of the Frequency count and
students in the STEM field? percentage

2) Why do STEM students enroll Thematic analysis

under the STEM strand?

3) What career will the STEM

students pursue after Thematic analysis

4) Why do students pursue (or Thematic analysis

not pursue) a STEM-related
Research Design
• The researcher will use the qualitative-
descriptive design.
Research Participants/Respondents (in case of immersion---
participants will be used)
City Schools Division Number of Schools Offering Name of School offering STEM
STEM Strand Strand
Dagupan City National High
Dagupan City 2 School
Federico N. Ceralde Integrated
Tandoc National High School
San Carlos City 2 Speaker Eugenio Perez National
Agricultural School
Urdaneta City National High
Urdaneta City 3 School
Camantiles National High School
Don Mariano Umipig National
High School
Alaminos City National High
Alaminos City 2 School
Telbang National High School

Total 9  
Ethical Considerations
• In qualitative research, ethical principles were primarily centered on
the protection of research participants and the guided foundation of
“do no harm.” Researchers faced ethical challenges in all stages of the
study, from design to reporting. These include anonymity,
confidentiality, informed consent, researcher’s potential impact on
the participants, and vice versa (Speziale & Carpenter, 2011).
Data Collection Tool
• Interview guide
• Adapted from the work of Mislang (2016)
• Adapted from the work of Soriano (2018)
Data Collection Procedure (Step by step—from letter of permission to interview portion)
Data Analysis Procedure
• Thematic analysis

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