Functions of Communication: Dr. Majid Ali Assistant Professor Media Studies Department 12/05/2020

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Introduction to Mass

(082007001 /MDS111)


Functions of Communication
Dr. Majid Ali
Assistant Professor
Media Studies Department


It is the transfer of information from one

person to another person. It is a way of
reaching others by transmitting ideas, facts,
thoughts, feelings and Values.

“It is the exchange of information and

transmission of meaning” -------- Katz &
Definition of Functions
It refers to the particular purpose
for which a thing is used, something
exists, or a person is equipped to
meet his or somebody else’s needs
or desires.

There are primarily six basic

functions of communication.
Functions of

Regulation Control


1 - Regulation

Is a route or directive made

and maintained by an
authority. It is also the action
or process of regulating or
being regulated.

Example: Builders must

comply with the civil
regulations. Regulations on the
2 - Control
The power to influence or direct
people’s behavior or the course
of event”. In other words, a
means of limiting or directing
people’s behavior.

Example: Every province

enforces local control on
education. The tribes fought for
control over the territory, etc.
3 - Social Interaction
Communication allows individuals to
interact with one another to fulfill their
daily needs.

Example: A student has to talk to his

parents regarding his allowance and school
Likewise, in school it is unavoidable for
him to not to speak to his teachers,
classmates and other school officials.
Exchange - a social process whereby social behavior is
exchanged for a reward, which may be material (money,
objects) or nonmaterial (thank you).

Competition - is a process by which two or more people

interact and fight for a goal that only one can win.

Classification of
Cooperation - is a social process in which people work
Social Interaction together to realize their common goals.
Conflict - refers to strong disagreement between people,
groups, and so on, which results in often angry argument.

Coercion - is a process of getting something or making

someone do something by using threats.
Types of Social Interactions
Small Talk - Is a form of Straight Talk - Is good for problem-
nonthreatening communication that solving and conflict resolution. It may
may be used to effect social interaction. be used to facilitate emotional
It can help achieve the following: expression for catharsis, which is the act
• To maintain the status quo of purging, cleansing, and unloading of
ideas and emotions. It is usually done
• To break the ice (to start
with people you have a bond
• To get acquainted
• To establish relationships
• To concentrate on the here and now
Search Talk - Is another nonthreatening approach • To focus on issues
when you want to gather data or the consensus of • To share feelings
others to be able to provide information.
• To acknowledge feelings
• To accept without judging
• To center on an issue.
• To examine and clarify the issue.
Heavy Control Talk - Is designed to place blame
and to control or regulate people. This type of
communication creates defensiveness on the part
of the receiver and is rarely, if ever, appropriate.

Type of • To blame
• To attack

Social • To threaten
• To Coerce
Interactions • To demand

(CONT ’D) Light Control Talk - Is the tactful use of power to

get results. It may be used to motivate people.
• To persuade
• To direct
• To seek but not force agreement
• To use legitimate authority
4 - Motivation

Communication motivates or
encourages people to live
better. Motivation is either
internal or external
comes from within. It is something personal.
Example: A student is motivated to study hard because of his desires to
graduate with honors.

originates from the outside or from people surrounding him.
4 – Motivation Example: A student is motivated to study hard because of his father's
(CONT’D) promise to give him an expensive car once he graduates with honors.

Besides a physical reward, “Encouraging Words” serve to stimulate

people to perform or do better, that is, motivate them in a positive way.
Example: A breast cancer patient may desire to live longer after he
hears words of hope from his loved ones.
Similarly, a failing student may continue pursuing his chosen career
path the moment he hears words of encouragement from the school's
career counselor or from the relevant subject teacher.
5 – Emotional

Human always need to express their emotions

verbally and/or nonverbally. Emotions are a
central part of who we are. Beyond thinking
about the things and people in our world, we
feel about them and about ourselves.
Communication facilitates people's expression
of their feelings and emotions. As an
individual communicates, he emotes.
The function to which expressing an opinion belongs
depends on the purpose and setting in which it is done.
Expressing an opinion has broad functions covering
every category of communication functions.
Example: When one informs another about the
upcoming hurricane, the informer may express various
Modes of emotions in different situations, Like:
• As he informs his loved ones, he may show fear IF
Expression their house is not a safe place to stay when there is
hurricane forecast.
• He may show care & concern as he informs them
for them to get ready for the disaster.
• He may show joy and excitement as he envisions
another day of no classes or a grand vacation with
no other direct impact of hurricane.
6 – Information

Many events or incidents happen

daily. These incidences affect
people, so they have to be
informed. Communication can be
used for giving and getting
Giving information usually comes
in the form of statements of facts
(grammatically known as
• Downward flow - from the superiors or elders
to the subordinates in the form of directives or
• Upward flow - from the subordinates or
family members to the superiors or elders in
the form of feedback and reports or
Three flows • Horizontal flow - (peer to peer) from worker
to worker, husband to wife and vice versa,
of sibling to sibling, or manager to manager in
the form of data and reports.
Example: A new policy to be implemented in
school. Head office will make it known to all
faculty members before its implementation.
The school administration must tell all students
enrolled specifically about the grades that they
have to earn for them to be retained.
Summary of the Topic
We learnt that “Communication” functions in five or six ways
- It regulates and controls behavior, as in the case of following
orders or instructions. It is used for social interaction and
sharing information through dynamic, clear, and purposeful
conversation. It motivates individuals to express what and
"Nothing in life is more how they feel by certain words that depict a variety of
important than the ability to For communication we use Media as one of the prime
communicate effectively" - channels. As we know the goal of media is:
I. To inform us
Gerald R.Ford II. To educate us
III. To entertain us
While achieving these goals, we follow almost all the basic
functions of communication (more or less). This determines
how important Media can be in achieving an “Effective

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