Meaning of Business Communication

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What is Communication
 As a social being we are to communicate with each other for
various purposes. Even before the development of language system
the ancient men used ‘signs’ and ‘symbols’ for exchanging
information. From psychological point of view communication is a
‘conscious act’ which requires motivation; that is a person
communicates with another person having a particular ‘Motive’.

 Communication is a two-way process through which two or more

people can share their ideas and feelings. It may be understood as
transfer of information, idea, opinion, attitude etc. from a sender to
a receiver with a view to making it understandable to the later. By
effective communication is meant the process of sending a message
in such a way that the message received is close in meaning to the
message intended.
What is Communication
 In our definition of communication, we see that three conditions are necessary for
communication to take place.
First, there must be at least two persons (sender and receiver) involved in
Second, there must be some information to be communicated.
Third, an attempt must be made to transmit this information.

Some Definitions
 According to Gary Dessler, “Communication is the exchange of information and
the transmission of meanings.”
 According to Murphy and Peck, “Communication is a two-way process of
exchanging ideas or information between human beings.”
 According to Prof. B. R. Ricks, “Communication is the exchange of information
that is mutually understood.”
 According to Elliot Jaquer, “Communication is the sum total of directly and
indirectly, consciously and unconsciously transmitted feelings, attitudes and
Features of Communication
6 Main Characteristics of Communications
 (1) Two or More Persons:
The first important characteristic of communication is that there must be a
minimum number of two persons because no single individual can have an
exchange of ideas with himself. A listener is necessary to receive one’s
ideas. Therefore, there must be at least two persons-the sender of
information and the receiver.
 (2) Exchange of Ideas: Communication cannot be thought of in the
absence of exchange of ideas. In order to complete the process of
communication there must be an exchange of ideas, orders, feelings, etc.,
among two or more than two persons.
 (3) Mutual Understanding:
Mutual understanding means that the receiver should receive the
information in the same spirit with which it is being given. In the process of
communication, it is more important to understand the information rather
than carry it out.
Features of communication
 (4) Direct and Indirect Communication:
It is not necessary in communication that the receiver and giver of
information should be face-to-face with each other. Communication
can be both direct and indirect. Direct communication means face-
to-face conversation, while indirect communication is through other
 (5) Continuous Process:
Communication is an endless process, as is the case with business
where the manager continuously assigns work to his subordinates,
tries to know the progress of the work and gives directions.
 (6) Use of Words as well as Symbols:
There can be many means of communication, like the written, the
oral and symbolic. The examples of symbolic communication are
the ringing of bell for closing a school or a college, saying
something by the movement of the neck, showing anger or
disapproval through eyes, giving some decision by the raising of a
finger in cricket, etc.
Objectives of Communication


Your ability to communicate effectively increases productivity, both yours and your

With good communication skills, you can anticipate problems, make decisions, co-
ordinate work flow, supervise others, develop relationships and promote products and


Communication acts as tool for the effective work related flow of information.


You can shape the impressions you and your company make on colleagues, employees,
supervisors, investors, and customers in addition to perceiving and responding to the
needs of these stakeholders (the various group you interact with) without effective
communication, people misunderstand each other and misinterpret information. Ideas
misfire or fail to gain attention and people and companies flounder.
Objectives of Communication
You can shape the impressions you and your company make on colleagues,
employees, supervisors, investors, and customers in addition to perceiving
and responding to the needs of these stakeholders (the various group you
interact with) without effective communication, people misunderstand each
other and misinterpret information. Ideas misfire or fail to gain attention and
people and companies flounder.


Your organizations need for effective reach of company name and public
promotions are based on effective promotional material such as
advertisements , bill boards , online add , posters etc are all communicated
for effective message delivery and meaning.
Giving advice is based on individual-oriented and work-oriented, advice
should not given to the person for pinpointing his mistakes rather it should be
helpful for his improvement. Effective advice promotes understanding and it
can be a two way process if the subordinate staff given freedom.
Objectives of communication

Order is an authoritative communication pattern and it is directive to somebody always a
subordinate to do something. Orders will be written and oral orders , general and specific
orders ,procedural and operational orders , mandatory and discretionary order. Order
should be clear and complete, execution should be possible and given in a friendly way.

Suggestion is supposed to be very mild and subtle form of communication. Suggestions
are welcomed for it is not obligatory to accept them , it can be voluntary and anonymous
and submitted through suggestion boxes.

Persuasion may be defined as an effort ‘to influence the attitudes, feelings, or beliefs of
others, or to influence actions based on those attitudes , feelings , or beliefs. Persuasion
can be done to others if you are convinced, you do not impose, you are not rigid are
prepared to meet half-way and you can look at the situation from the other person’s angle
Objectives of communication
Education is a very conscious process of communication, it involves both teaching
and learning by which organizations provide to their employees in the form of
training. Education is given for management, employees and outside public.

If the employees do not abide by the norms of the organization warning is a power
communication tool and it can be general and specific. Specific warning should be
administered in private and after thorough investigation. The aim of the warning
should be the organization betterment.


Morale stands for mental health and it is a sum of several qualities like courage,
resolution, confidence .High morale and effective performance go hand to hand.
Motivation is a process that account for an individual intensity, direction, and
persistence of effort towards attaining a goal.
Objectives of communication
Communication’s main idea is to give and receive
information because managers need complete, accurate and
precise information to plan and organize employee need it
to translate planning in to reality. Information will cover all
aspects of the business.


Counselling is given to solve employee’s mental stress and
improve the employee’s productivity.


Finally discipline is the foremost part of any business
communication. The various disciplinary codes are
effectively communicated to employees through disciplinary
Importance of communication
The importance of communication in an organization can
be summarized as follows:
 Communication promotes motivation by informing and
clarifying the employees about the task to be done, the manner
they are performing the task, and how to improve their
performance if it is not up to the mark.
 Communication is a source of information to the organizational
members for decision-making process as it helps identifying and
assessing alternative course of actions.
 Communication also plays a crucial role in altering individual’s
attitudes, i.e., a well informed individual will have better attitude
than a less-informed individual. Organizational magazines, journals,
meetings and various other forms of oral and written
communication help in moulding employee’s attitudes.
 Communication also helps in socializing. In today’s life the only
presence of another individual fosters communication. It is also said
that one cannot survive without communication.
Importance of communication
 Communication also assists in controlling process. It
helps controlling organizational member’s behaviour in
various ways. There are various levels of hierarchy and
certain principles and guidelines that employees must follow
in an organization. They must comply with organizational
policies, perform their job role efficiently and communicate
any work problem and grievance to their superiors. Thus,
communication helps in controlling function of
 An effective and efficient communication system requires
managerial proficiency in delivering and receiving messages.
A manager must discover various barriers to
communication, analyze the reasons for their occurrence
and take preventive steps to avoid those barriers. Thus, the
primary responsibility of a manager is to develop and
maintain an effective communication system in the
Steps/Elements of communication
The communication process refers to the steps through which communication takes
place between the sender and the receiver. This process starts with conceptualizing an
idea or message by the sender and ends with the feedback from the receiver. In details,
communication process consists of the following eight steps:

 Developing idea by the sender: In the first step, the communicator develops or
conceptualizes an idea to be sent. It is also known as the planning stage since in this
stage the communicator plans the subject matter of communication.

 Encoding: Encoding means converting or translation the idea into a perceivable form
that can be communicated to others.

 Developing the message: After encoding the sender gets a message that can be
transmitted to the receiver. The message can be oral, written, symbolic or nonverbal. For
example, when people talk, speech is the message; when people write a letter, the words
and sentences are the message; when people cries, the crying is the message.

 Selecting the medium: Medium is the channel or means of transmitting the message
to the receiver. Once the sender has encoded his into a message, the next step is to
select a suitable medium for transmitting it to the receiver. The medium of
communication can be speaking, writing, signalling, gesturing etc.
Steps/Elements of communication
 Transmission of message: In this step, the sender actually
transmits the message through chosen medium. In the
communication cycle, the tasks of the sender end with the
transmission of the message.
 Receiving the message by receiver: This stage simply involves
the reception of sender’s message by the receiver. The message can
be received in the form of hearing, seeing, feeling and so on.
 Decoding: Decoding is the receiver’s interpretation of the
sender’s message. Here the receiver converts the message into
thoughts and tries to analyze and understand it. Effective
communication can occur only when both the sender and the
receiver assign the same or similar meanings to the message.
 Feedback: The final step of communication process is feedback.
Feedback means receiver’s response to sender’s message. It
increases the effectiveness of communication. It ensures that the
receiver has correctly understood the message. Feedback is the
essence of two-way communication.
Definition of Business
Business can not exist without communication. Communication in the
business and for the business can be termed as business communication.
Managers make decisions by collecting data from lower level employees. In
other words, employee provides information to the management for
decision making. Whatever it is the fact is organizations can not move or run
without communication.

 Prof. Lesiker and Pettit said that-“Business communication is the

ingredient that makes organization possible. It is the vehicle through which
the basic management functions are carried out.”

 Prof. Ricks and Gow- “Business communication is a link that allows

organization to function as a system.”

In the light of above discussion it can be said that business communication

is a continuous process through which business related information, ideas,
and opinions are transferred from one party to another.
Objectives of Business
Communication is the lifeblood of an organization. It is the vehicle that ensures proper
performance of organizational functions and achievement of organizational goals. As a
separate field of study, business communication has the following objectives:

 To exchange information: The main objective of business communication is to

exchange information with the internal and external parties. Internal communication
occurs within the organization through orders, instructions, suggestions, opinions etc.

 To develop plans: Plan is the blueprint of future courses of actions. The plan must be
formulated for attaining organizational goals. In order to develop a plan, management
requires information. In this regard, the objective of communication is to supply
required information to the concerned managers.
Objectives of Business
 To implement the plan: Once a plan is prepared, it is to
be implemented. Implementation of a plan requires timely
communication with the concerned parties. Thus,
communication aims at transmitting a plan throughout the
organization for its successful implementation.

 To facilitate policy formulation: Policies are guidelines

for performing organizational activities. Policies are also
termed as standing decisions to recurring problems. Every
organization needs to develop a set of policies to guide its
operation. Preparing policies also require information from
various sources. Therefore, the objective of communication
is to collect necessary information for policy formulation.
Objectives of business
 To achieve organizational goal: Collective efforts of both
managers and workers are essential for achieving organizational
goals. Communication coordinates and synchronizes the efforts of
employees at various levels to achieve the stated goals of the
 To organize resources: Various kinds of resources are available
in organization such as human resources, material resources,
financial resources and so on. In organizing these resources in an
effective and efficient way is a key challenge to the managers.
Communication is the vehicle to overcome this challenge.
 To coordinate: Coordination is a basic management function. It
involves linking the various functional departments of large
organizations. Without proper and timely coordination,
achievement of organizational goals is impossible. Therefore, the
objective of communication is to coordinate the functions of
various departments for the easy attainment of organizational
Objectives of business
 To direct the subordinates: The job of a manager is to get the
things done by others. In order to get the things done, management
needs to lead, direct and control the employees. The performance
of these managerial functions depends on effective communication
with subordinates.
 To motivate employees: A pre-requisite of employee motivation
is the satisfaction of their financial and non-financial needs. Financial
needs are fulfilled thorough monetary returns. However, in order
to satisfy non-financial needs, management must communicate with
employees on a regular basis both formally and informally.
 To create consciousness: Employees of an organization must be
conscious regarding their duties and responsibilities.
Communication supplies necessary information and makes them
conscious about their duties and responsibilities.
 To increase efficiency: In order to increase employee efficiency,
they should be provided with necessary information and guidelines.
Communication supplies such information and guidelines for them.
Objectives of business
 To bring dynamism: Organizations should be dynamic to cope with the
internal and external changes. Bringing dynamism requires finding new and
better ways of doing things. For this purpose, communication helps to seek
new ideas and suggestions from the internal and external parties.
 To improve labor-management is relationships: Harmonious
relationship between workers and management is a prerequisite for
organizational success. In this regard, the objective of communication is
to ensure the free and fair flow of information and to
create good understanding between them.
 To increase job satisfactions: Communication enhances job satisfaction
level of employees. It creates a friendly environment where employees can
express themselves. As a result, they become more satisfied with their job.
 To convey employee reaction: Communication conveys employees’
reactions, opinions, suggestions and complaints to their superiors about the
plans, policies, programs and strategies of the company.
 To orient employee: Communication orients the new employees with the
company’s policies, rules, regulations, procedures etc.
Barriers to Communication
For the convenience of study the different barriers can be divided into four parts:
 (1) Semantic Barriers
There is always a possibility of misunderstanding the feelings of the sender of the
message or getting a wrong meaning of it. The words, signs, and figures used in the
communication are explained by the receiver in the light of his experience which creates
doubtful situations. This happens because the information is not sent in simple language.

 The chief language-related barriers are as under:

(i) Badly Expressed Message:
Because of the obscurity of language there is always a possibility of wrong interpretation
of the messages. This barrier is created because of the wrong choice of words, in civil
words, the wrong sequence of sentences and frequent repetitions. This may be called
linguistic chaos.
(ii) Symbols or Words with Different Meanings:
A symbol or a word can have different meanings. If the receiver misunderstands the
communication, it becomes meaningless. For example, the word ‘value’ can have different
meanings in the following sentences:
(a) What is the value of computer education these days?
(b) What is the value of this mobile set?
(c) Value our friendship.
Barriers to Communication
(iii) Faulty Translation:
A manager receives much information from his superiors and subordinates and he
translates it for all the employees according to their level of understanding. Hence, the
information has to be moulded according to the understanding or environment of the
receiver. If there is a little carelessness in this process, the faulty translation can be a
barrier in the communication.
(iv) Unqualified Assumptions:
It has been observed that sometimes a sender takes it for granted that the receiver
knows some basic things and, therefore, it is enough to tell him about the major subject
matter. This point of view of the sender is correct to some extent with reference to the
daily communication, but it is absolutely wrong in case of some special message,
(v) Technical Jargon:
Generally, it has been seen that the people working in an enterprise are connected with
some special technical group who have their separate technical language.
Their communication is not so simple as to be understood by everybody. Hence,
technical language can be a barrier in communication. This technical group includes
industrial engineers, production development manager, quality controller, etc.
(vi) Body Language and Gesture Decoding:
When the communication is passed on with the help of body language and gestures, its
misunderstanding hinders the proper understanding of the message. For example,
moving one’s neck to reply to a question does not indicate properly whether the
meaning is ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
Barriers to Communication

(2) Psychological or Emotional Barriers

The importance of communication depends on the mental condition of both
the parties. A mentally disturbed party can be a hindrance in communication.
Following are the emotional barriers in the way of communication:
(i) Premature Evaluation:
Sometimes the receiver of information tries to dig out meaning without
much thinking at the time of receiving or even before receiving information,
which can be wrong. This type of evaluation is a hindrance in the exchange
of information and the enthusiasm of the sender gets dampened.
(ii) Lack of Attention:
When the receiver is preoccupied with some important work he/she does
not listen to the message attentively. For example, an employee is talking to
his boss when the latter is busy in some important conversation. In such a
situation the boss may not pay any attention to what subordinate is saying.
Thus, there arises psychological hurdle in the communication.
Barriers to Communication
(iii) Loss by Transmission and Poor Retention:
When a message is received by a person after it has passed
through many people, generally it loses some of its truth. This is
called loss by transmission. This happens normally in case of oral
communication. Poor retention of information means that with
every next transfer of information the actual form or truth of the
information changes.
According to one estimate, with each transfer of oral
communication the loss of the information amounts to nearly 30%.
This happens because of the carelessness of people. Therefore, lack
of transmission of information in its true or exact form becomes a
hindrance in communication.
(iv) Distrust:
For successful communication the transmitter and the receiver
must trust each other. If there is a lack of trust between them, the
receiver will always derive an opposite meaning from the message.
Because of this, communication will become meaningless.
Barriers to communication
(3) Organisational Barriers
Organisational structure greatly affects the capability of the employees as far as the
communication is concerned. Some major organisational hindrances in the way of
communication are the following:
(i) Organisational Policies:
Organisational policies determine the relationship among all the persons working in the
enterprise. For example, it can be the policy of the organisation that communication will
be in the written form. In such a situation anything that could be conveyed in a few
words shall have to be communicated in the written form. Consequently, work gets
(ii) Rules and Regulations:
Organisational rules become barriers in communication by determining the subject-
matter, medium, etc. of communication. Troubled by the definite rules, the senders do
not send some of the messages.
(iii) Status:
Under organising all the employees are divided into many categories on the basis of
their level. This formal division acts as a barrier in communication especially when the
communication moves from the bottom to the top.
For example, when a lower-level employee has to send his message to a superior at the
top level there is a lurking fear in his mind that the communication may be faulty, and
because of this fear, he cannot convey himself clearly and in time. It delays the decision
Barriers to Communication
(iv) Complexity in Organisational Structure:
The greater number of managerial levels in an organisation
makes it more complex. It results in delay in communication
and information gets changed before it reaches the receiver.
In other words, negative things or criticism are concealed.
Thus, the more the number of managerial levels in the
organisation, the more ineffective the communication
(v) Organisational Facilities:
Organisational facilities mean making available sufficient
stationery, telephone, translator, etc. When these facilities
are sufficient in an organisation, the communication will be
timely, clear and in accordance with necessity. In the absence
of these facilities communication becomes meaningless.
Barriers to Communication
4) Personal Barriers
The above-mentioned organisational barriers are important in themselves
but there are some barriers which are directly connected with the sender
and the receiver. They are called personal barriers. From the point of view of
convenience, they have been divided into two parts:
(a) Barriers Related to Superiors: These barriers are as follows:
(i) Fear of Challenge of Authority:
Everybody desires to occupy a high office in the organisation. In this hope
the officers try to conceal their weaknesses by not communicating their
ideas. There is a fear in their mind that in case the reality comes to light they
may have to move to the lower level,
(ii) Lack of Confidence in Subordinates:
Top-level superiors think that the lower- level employees are less capable
and, therefore, they ignore the information or suggestions sent by them.
They deliberately ignore the communication from their subordinates in
order to increase their own importance. Consequently, the self-confidence
of the employees is lowered.
Barriers to Communication
(b) Barriers Related to Subordinates: Subordinates-related
barriers are the following:
(i) Unwillingness to Communicate:
Sometimes the subordinates do not want to send any information
to their superiors. When the subordinates feel that the information
is of negative nature and will adversely affect them, an effort is
made to conceal that information.
If it becomes imperative to send this information, it is sent in a
modified or amended form. Thus, the subordinates, by not clarifying
the facts, become a hindrance in communication,
(ii) Lack of Proper Incentive:
Lack of incentive to the subordinates creates a hindrance in
communication. The lack of incentive to the subordinates is
because of the fact that their suggestions or ideas are not given any
importance. If the superiors ignore the subordinates, they become
indifferent towards any exchange of ideas in future.
Measures to overcome the barriers
of communication
In order to remove hindrances in the way of communication the following
steps are worth consideration:
(1) Clarify Ideas before Communication:
The person sending the communication should be very clear in his mind
about what he wants to say. He should know the objective of his message
and, therefore, he should arrange his thoughts in a proper order.
(2) Communicate According to the Need of the Receiver:
The sender of the communication should prepare the structure of the
message not according to his own level or ability but he should keep in mind
the level, understanding or the environment of the receiver.
(3) Consult Others before Communication:
At the time of planning the communication, suggestions should be invited
from all the persons concerned. Its main advantage will be that all those
people who are consulted at the time of preparing the communication plan
will contribute to the success of the communication system.
Measures to overcome the barriers
of communication
4) Be Aware of Language, Tone and Content of Message:
The sender should take care of the fact that the message should be framed
in clear and beautiful language. The tone of the message should not injure
the feelings of the receiver. As far as possible the contents of the message
should be brief and excessive use of technical words should be avoided.
(5) Convey Things of Help and Value to the Listener:
The subject matter of the message should be helpful to the receiver. The
need and interest of the receiver should specially be kept in mind.
Communication is more effective in such a situation.
(6) Ensure Proper Feedback:
The purpose of feedback is to find out whether the receiver has properly
understood the meaning of the information received. In the face-to- face
communication, the reaction on the face of the receiver can be understood.
But in case of written communication or some other sort of
communications some proper method of feedback should be adopted by the
Measures to overcome the barriers
of communication
 (7) Consistency of Message:
The information sent to the receiver should not be self- contradictory. It
should be in accordance with the objectives, policies, programmes and
techniques of the organisation. When a new message has to be sent in place
of the old one, it should always make a mention of the change otherwise it
can create some doubts.
 (8) Follow up Communication:
In order to make communication effective the management should regularly
try to know the weaknesses of the communication system. In this context
effort can be made to know whether to lay more stress upon the formal or
the informal communication would be appropriate.
Similarly, suggestions can be invited in respect of the medium of
communication (oral, written and gestural) to know as to which medium
would be more effective and appropriate.
 (9) Be a Good Listener:
It is the essence of communication that both the sender and the receiver
should be good listeners. Both should listen to the each other’s point of
view with attention, patience and positive attitude. A sender can receive
much relevant information by being a good listener.
Effective communication and
performance of employees
 Every members of an organization is linked by an
information chain. If any employee of any department failed
to keep touch with that information chain, he/she will not
be able to perform as per expectation. Through proper
communication, managers try to explore the potentiality of
the employees. Let us now explain the role of
communication in improving the attitude and performance
of employees.
 Defining role: By using communication tools managers
define the role to the employees that what is expected
from them.
 Providing training: Proper training boost up the morale
of the employees and helps them to perform better. But
success of training program completely depends on the
communication skill of management.
Effective communication and
Performance of employee
 Providing motivation: Training can helps the employees
to learn how to perform the job. But that is not enough,
managers need to inspired the employees to perform the
job enthusiastically. The inspiration or motivation can not
provided without the help of communication techniques.
 Job satisfaction: When employees become motivated it
leads to job satisfaction. Motivated employees try to give
hundred percent for the organization. But without effective
communication, job satisfaction can not be achieved.
 Better performance: Effective communication ensure
proper motivated and job satisfaction which ultimately lead
to better performance.
Thus it can be said that a good communication system is
a prerequisite for the improvement of the attitude and
performance of the employees.
Communication and efficiency of
There is a saying, “Human minds are the like
parachutes, they don’t work until they are
opened”-management try to open the minds of
the employees and guide them to achieve the
desired goal. But this job of management will not
be possible if there is no communication.
Efficiency of managers and workers at all levels of
organization mostly depend on effective
communication system. Performing
management function efficiently and coordinating
these functions with one another require
communication. Thus, communication is regarded
as an integral element in achieving organizational
Communication and efficiency of
 Communication is pervasive in all managerial function. In
performing managerial functions like planning, organizing,
directing, motivating, coordinating and controlling, managers
must engage in internal and external communication. As a
result, organizations can achieve their goals and meet their
challenges. (Newstrom & Davis, 2002)
Now let us see how communication helps the function of
 Ensure Coordination: If there is no communication,
employees will not be able to know what their colleagues
are doing. Management will not be able to receive
information and can not give directions, as a result the
organization will collapse. Thus for the existence of the
organization communication is essential.
Communication and efficiency of
 Helps in Controlling: Managers exercise controlling
function when any deviation take place. But without the
help of communication deviation can not be identified.
 Assist direction : Proper direction is essential to fulfil the
organization goal. If managers can not receive required
information about the proceedings then they will not be
able to provide proper directions. Thus there must be a
sound communication system for receiving required
 Supports motivation : To motivate employees,
management at first try to understand the motives and
attitudes of the employees. Without communication skill
others attitude can not be evaluated and thus proper
incentives can not be provided to motivate them.
Communication and efficiency of
 Human resource development : The future of the organization
largely depends on the development of the human resource of the
organization. It has been proved that managers having excellent
communication skill can guide the human resource in proper
 Leadership : Leadership is he process of influencing and
supporting others to work enthusiastically toward achieving
objectives. That is managers achieve goal by directing the activities
of others, Thus they need to communicate with others to provide
proper direction.
 Decision Making : Decision making perhaps the most important
managerial activity also depends on communication. Top
management need useful information to make effective decision.
Adequate and authentic information can be obtained through
sound communication system.
Finally it can be said that managers can play a vital role to
ensure the achievement of organizational goal-but without effective
communication that will turn into a nightmare.
Thank You

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