Group7 - International HRM

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Philippine Christian University

1648 Taft Avenue corner Pedro Gil Streets

Malate, Manila

Internati onal HRM

Course:Human Resource Management

The seventh group

Leader : Li Ming Yue

Members :  Qu Li Mei, Niu Kuan, Zheng Si Ping, Cai Hong Sheng

01 04
The Concept of of Meaning of international HRM
international HRM

02 05
Issues in International HRM
International HRM Compensation Policy

Management model of  International HRM
01 The Concept of
internati onal HRM

Reporter : Qu Li Mei
Th e Co ncept of International HRM

International human resource management refers to summarizing the theory and practice of human
resources management under the background of global economic integration, and discussing and studying the
human resources management in multinational corporations and enterprises. It is an extended branch of human
resource management, the result of the close connection between human resource management and the
development of the modern world economy, the latest development of human resource management into the
new century, and a new hot field of human resource management research.
The Development of HRM

Human resource management is an emerging discipline that was founded in the late 1970 s. The real
history of human resource management is very short, but the idea of personnel management has a long
history. In time, the Industrial Revolution that began in the late 18th century to the 1970 s was known as
the traditional stage of personnel management. Since the late 1970 s, personnel management has
gradually given way to human resource management.
人力资源管理是一门新兴的学科正是成立于 20 世纪 70 年代末。 真正的人力资源管理的历史很
短暂但人事管理的思想却源远流长。从时间上看从 18 世纪末开始的工业革命一直到 20 世纪 70 年代这一
时期被称为传统的人事管理阶段。从 20 世纪 70 年代末以来人事管理逐渐让位于人力资源管理。
The Generation and Development of the Human Resource Concept

The concept of "human resources" was proposed and clearly defined back in 1954 by Pedluck in his book "The
Practice of Management". After decades of theoretical and practical development, human resource management
continues to mature. People more discusses how HR management changes the role of the HR department to the
strategic partnership of enterprise management.With the rapid development of multinational corporations, human
resources management breaking through the boundaries of a country has developed to the stage of international
human resource management. International human resources management is the acquisition, allocation and effective
use of the international human resources of an enterprise.
“ 人力资源”这一概念早在 1954 年就由彼德•德鲁克在其著作《管理的实践》提出并加以明确界定。经过几十
02 Issues in
Internati onal HRM
Reporter : Niu Kuan
I s s u e s i n i n t e r n a ti o n a l H R M

The main problems in human resource management of multinational enterprises are as follows
1. Tense relationship between management and employees
2. Internal communication is not smooth
3. There are some difficulties in internal management


1. 管理阶层与员工关系紧张

2. 内部工作交流沟通不顺畅

3. 内部管理上存在一定难度
1 . T e n s e r e l a ti o n s h i p b e t w e e n m a n a g e m e n t a n d employees

The subordinate companies of multinational enterprises are all managed by their own national
staff, while the ordinary staff in the enterprises mostly recruit local staff. The culture of one's own
country has been deeply rooted in the hearts of managers and employees, so it is difficult to
completely change. Employees are difficult to adapt to foreign management in their work, and
even have serious rebellious psychology, which affects the normal operation of enterprises.



2 . I n t e r n a l c o m m u n i c a ti o n i s n o t s m o o t h

There is a big difference in language and writing, resulting in communication barriers in the
work of employees, and it is difficult to carry out enterprise activities efficiently. Due to the
communication problems between managers and employees, employees may misunderstand the
instructions issued by managers, or their understanding is not thorough. It is difficult for the
management to effectively implement the major decisions, and the implementation is poor, which
has an impact on the normal operation of the enterprise. The lack of cohesion within the
enterprise makes it difficult for the enterprise to form a unified development goal in transnational
3 . T h e r e a r e s o m e d i ffi c u l ti e s i n i n t e r n a l management

There are great cultural differences among employees in enterprises. The business cultural
environment of enterprises is more complex and diverse. It is very easy to produce cultural
barriers inside. There is a generation gap between employees and between employees and
managers. Compared with state-owned enterprises, it is more difficult to manage human
resources. Some multinational enterprises have not made rectification and revision according to
the actual situation of their employees, resulting in the gradual distance between the
management and the ordinary employees, which eventually makes it difficult for multinational
enterprises to operate overseas.




03 Management model
of  Internati onal HRM
Reporter : Zheng Si
T h e m a n a g e m e n t m o d e i n i n t e r n a ti o n a l H R M

There are several modes of human resource management in multinational enterprises :

1 、 Localization mode based on cost consideration
2 、 Global center model for strategic consideration
3 、 Regional center model based on regional cooperation
4 、 Ethnic centered model based on cultural consideration

1 、基于成本考虑的本土化模式
2 、基于战略考虑的全球中心模式
3 、基于地区合作的地区中心模式
4 、基于文化考虑的民族中心模式
1 、 L o c a l i z a ti o n m o d e b a s e d o n c o s t c o n s i d e r a ti o n

Some multinational enterprises take the localization mode of senior management

personnel setting out of cost consideration, and the degree of localization of these
multinational enterprises is relatively high.

2 、 Localizati on mode based on cost considerati on

The global center model is to recruit and select employees around the world, meet the local
demand for senior executives, and train and equip talents around the world.
3 、 R e g i o n a l c e n t e r m o d e l b a s e d o n r e g i o n a l c o o p e r a ti o n

M & A enterprises follow the original mode of setting up senior executives of the parent company,
which is not completely localized.

4 、 Ethnic centered model based on cultural

considerati on
The nationality centered mode is that the management means and culture from the home country
dominate the operation of the subsidiary, and only the management personnel from the home country are
the first choice of the company's senior managers. The parent company strictly controls the employees of its
04 meaning of
internati onal HRM
Reporter : Cai Hong Sheng
International human resource management is based on human resource management,
adding cross-cultural and international factors.
Refers to the worldwide, according to the requirement of the enterprise development
strategy, in a planned way to rational allocation of human resources, through to the enterprise
staff recruitment, training, use, evaluation, motivation, adjustment and a series of process,
arouse the enthusiasm of employees, play employees potential, create value for enterprises,
ensure enterprise strategic target realization.
T h e m e a n i n g o f i n t e r n a ti o n a l H R M

International HRM is the process of managing people across international boundaries by

multinational companies. It involves the worldwide management of people, not just the management
of expatriates.
The functi on of internati o nal HRM

International human resource management has three main functions:

(1) Manage the human resources of global enterprises, especially the expatriation and repatriation
of employees;
(2) Adjust appropriate human resource management methods based on the company's strategy and
the political, economic and cultural environment of where the company is located;
(3) In each subsidiary, flexibly adopt labor relations that match the local needs

   (1) 管理全球性企业的人力资源,特别是员工的外派和归国问题;
   (2) 以公司战略为指导,根据公司所在国的政治、经济和文化环境来调整合适的人力资源的管理方式;
   (3) 在每个子公司灵活采取和当地需求相匹配的劳工关系。
Internati onal HRM
Compensati on Policy

Reporter : Li Ming Yue

1.Compensati on Policy 薪酬政策
Incentive problem is the key to the healthy operation of the enterprise, has been attracted extensive
study of Chinese and western management experts.In the present stage of social development, people's
needs have become more and more diversified. After meeting the basic material needs, employees turn
to the pursuit of spiritual pleasure, the pursuit of work achievements and the realization of self-value.As a
result, the company's compensation plan must be closely related to the reality of employees and
motivate them in the way of maximizing utility as much as possible.
For multinational companies, the compensation design of their subsidiaries must be in line with the
strategic background of the company, and to some extent combine with the local reality, reflecting the
local cultural environment, economic level, public preference and so on.
2.Set go als for the compensatio n pro gram

On the one hand, multinational companies want to recruit the most capable employees. On the other hand,
they need to control costs to increase profits.Sometimes these two goals can not be combined, which requires
us to carefully examine the various components of expatriate compensation, to develop an optimal plan.
In addition to reward individual contribution to the company, pay plan can also play a role in the following four
1)Personnel recruitment;
2)Personnel training;
3)Motivate the enthusiasm of employees;
4)Maintain a stable workforce.
  ( 1 )人员招聘;( 2 )人员培养;( 3 )调动员工的积极性;( 4 )维持员工队伍的稳定。
3.Remuneration management of
overseas personnel 海外人员薪酬管理

salary structure

Basic salary Bonus overseas allowance Welfare Measures

基本工资 奖金 海外任职津贴 福利措施

Salary Payment Method 支付方式

Multinational companies usually pay overseas managers in a
comprehensive way, that is, they are paid separately in two or more currencies
in a certain proportion.

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