Campus 2 Corporate

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Campus 2 Corporate


What do you mean by campus to Corporate?

 What it takes to be there?
What corporate expect from you?
 Road Map (SWOT analysis)
 Balancing is the key
Meaning of Campus to Corporate

Transition from campus to corporate world

Not only restricted to mode of travel, but overall personality change.

What it takes to be there?

Communication Skills
 Verbal and Non-Verbal
 Listening Skills
 Writing Skills
 Questioning Skills
Business Etiquette
 Making the First Impression
 Importance of Handshakes
 Business Card Etiquette
 Grooming and Personal Hygiene
 Body Language
 Telephone and email Etiquette

Presentation Skills
 Fundamentals of an Effective Presentation
 Importance of Visual Aids
 Understanding and Overcoming Fear
 Public Speaking
 Importance of Managing Voice and Language
 Managing Question and Answer Session
Goal Setting
 Establishing SMART Goals
 Importance of Mission Statement
 Formulation of Goals o Procrastination
 Visualization of Goals
Time Management
 Prioritization
 Dealing with Difficult Tasks
 Getting Organized
 How to get away from Distractions
 Work-Life Balance
Conflict Management
 Creating a Win-Win situation
 Negotiation and Persuasion
 Dealing with Aggressive Behavior
 Different Styles of Handling Conflicts
 Dealing with Emotions
 Conflict Resolution Strategies
 Tools and Techniques for Conflict Management
Building Confidence
 Overcoming Nervousness
 Deal with Conflicts Effectively
 Developing Positive Attitude
 Increase Public Speaking Skills
 Reach your Personal and Professional Goals
 Strengthening your Self-Esteem
 Developing Social Skills

Interpersonal and Team Skills

Initiating Small Talks
Establishing Trust
 Managing Relationships
Acclimatize to Others
Understanding the Cultural Diversity
Teambuilding Process and Techniques
Coordination in Teams
Assertive Communication while Dealing with Teams
Balancing Team Needs and Individual Needs
 Importance of Feedback in Team Building
What Corporate Expect from you?

1.PUNCTUAL: One thing you should always remember is to be on time in office, it

should not be the other way round that your boss is waiting for you to arrive. You
have to learn to be an early bird.

2. LOOK PRESENTABLE: Looking handsome and beautiful is not the only thing

required, but apart from that you should be presentable and well turned out. You
should be clean and hygienic. As there is a saying that the first impression is the last

3. ALWAYS WEAR A SMILE: You should always have that smile on your face

because a smiling face attracts people to help you when you need it. 

4. KNOW YOUR COMPANY: Learn as much as you can about your company, you
should be fully aware about the policies & the functionality of your company.

5. START BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS: As soon you have learnt who's who try
to build relationship with them, offer to help them to maintain that relationship.
6. AVOID GOSSIP SESSIONS: Always remember that talking too much on baseless topics
distracts you from your work, so avoid talking too much in office. Save those gossips for after
office hours.

7. MAINTAIN PROFESSIONALISM: Corporate world is a world which requires you to

be professional at every level. Your professionalism will be counted more than anything else.

8. LEARN TO SAY 'NO': As you are a fresher and many people in the office would be taking
advantage of this, so you should learn to say no if you find a work inappropriate.

9. BE FRIENDLY BUT DON'T BE OVER FRIENDLY: You are here for your personal career
growth not for making friend. You will meet all sorts of people, may it be good ones, bad ones,
mean ones so maintain a cordial relation with all instead of being over friendly with anyone.
Don't let anyone take advantage of your friendship.

10. FOLLOW YOUR SENIORS: Make your seniors your role models, they are experienced
people you can learn a lot from them. Try to follow the footstep of your senior to reach their level.
11. TAKE RISKS: Since you are new and you don't have much responsibility over you so it is the best time
to take risks and learn new things. The more risks you will take the more you will learn.

12. ASK QUESTIONS BEFORE YOU START: Make sure you have clear idea with whatever work you
are provided with, if you are not clear regarding it, then it is highly recommended to ask your doubts
about it at the very beginning only so that you do not turn your work into a disaster with less
information about it.

13. TAKE CRITICISM WITH A SMILE: Since you are new so it is expected that you will crack mistakes.
It is better that you take criticism with a smile because it will be for your good only as you know
that criticism is a step to success.

14. WORK SMART, NOT HARD: If you want to achieve big in the corporate world, then always
remember to work smartly. Try to learn new things quickly and smartly rather than working hard on it
for the whole day. Because what counts in the end is smart work not hard work.

15. TIME MANAGEMENT: The best way to complete all your tasks on a specified date is a proper time
management. As soon as you reach office the very first thing you should do is to prepare a rough layout
of how to manage your time as this is the best way of completing for work on time and live stress free
16. LEARN TO MEET DEADLINES: Deadlines are provided to complete a task at a specific
time period, always remember to meet those deadlines as completing your work on time will
show how responsible you are towards your work .

17. BE A TEAM PLAYER: Learn to work in a team, team work is the best way to be
automatically liked by all. Good coordination with all your teammates show your team spirit

18. RESPECT FOR ALL: You should respect everyone in the office, even if you don't like them,
may it be a senior or a junior; respect is demanded by all.

19. DON'T TAKE LEAVE TOO OFTEN: Don't take leaves too often until and unless there is an
emergency. Taking leaves too often will not give a positive image of your personality.

20. RESPECT THE PROTOCOLS OF YOUR COMPANY: Every company has some protocols

or code of conducts which they expect their employees to follow. As a fresher always remember
that you are aware of your company protocols so that you can follow them.
Technical Competency

Don’t try to be jack of all traits

 Learn what you can
 Be master of what you have learnt
 Don’t exaggerate
Have strong logical reasoning- Coding you can do in
any language.
SWOT analysis
Success Mantra

Center for Campus Placement and
Industrial Relations

To reduce the gap between candidate skills,

knowledge and the industry needs by producing
competent resources who can sustain in corporate

 The Training and Placement Team of GNI is dedicated

towards achieving 100% placements and leaves no stone
unturned in preparing Recruitment schedule of the year by
inviting HR Teams of different corporate to ensure the
smooth functioning of the Campus-Recruitment process.
 Meanwhile, numerous Training programs, Workshops,
Seminars, Industry interactions, and also industry visits are
conducted parallely with Regular one-on-one counseling for
betterment of the students facing difficulties in interviews.
 Faculty Development Programs are conducted concentrating
on 360 degree improvement in student performance through
the skill development of the faculty.
 The Entrepreneurship Development area also is encouraged &
monitored with the view making Job-Creators apart from
Employability Enhancement Model

Four Year Comparison
Salient Features for 2022 Batch Placements

Highest Package offered was 33 LPA by Code Nation

 Lowest Package offered was 3 LPA by Cyient
 Average Package offered 4.25 LPA
 Number of Companies = 180+
 133 % of the eligible students got job offers in circuit
96% of the eligible students got job offers in non
circuit branches
Skills (ALERT) (to be looked upon)

• Aptitude(10-15%)
• Logical (10-15%)
• English (10-15%)
• Reasoning (15%)
• Technical(55% -65%)

These skills are becoming very tough to crack day to day as number of students
fighting it out all across India are increasing so role of training is becoming very-
very important.

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