Unit No 1 Part 2

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Unit No.


Introduction to Management Concept and Managerial Skills.


State the Principles and Level of Management

Page 2 Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education Friday, June 2, 2023
Principles of Management.

Principles of management are broad and general guidelines for managerial decision making and
behavior of employees towards organization. These are the essential to form the foundations of
successful management .

Following two theories are important-

F.W.Taylor: Principles of scientific management

Henry Fayol: Principles of modern management

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F. W. Taylor

 Frederick Winslow Taylor was a American Mechanical
 Born on 20 Marh 1856 and died on 21 March 1915.
 He is regarded as father of scientific management, and
was one of the first management consultant.
 He started his carrier as machinist in 1875. His
experience from the bottom most level in organization
gave him an opportunity to know the problems of
 Taylor principles concerns with increasing efficiency of
production as well as increasing the higher productivity

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F. W. Taylor’s Principles of Management
F. W. Taylors Principles of Management
(Scientific Management)
Management means-

► Science, Not Rule of Thumb

► Development of each and every person to

his or her greatest efficiency

► Harmony, Not Discord

► Cooperation, Not Individualism

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F. W. Taylors Principles of Management
1. Science, Not Rule of Thumb:
This means using scientific methods to study work and determine the most efficient way of performing specific
tasks instead of working by "rule of thumb" or habit.

2. Development of each and every person to his or her greatest efficiency:

Employees should be scientifically selected and placed depending upon their skills, capabilities and aptitudes.
They should be provided proper training to learn the best method of doing a job.

3. Harmony, Not Discord:

Harmony means there should be complete agreement on ideas and opinions between workers and
management. Discord or difference in opinion will lead to conflicts.

4. Cooperation, Not Individualism:

This lays stress on mutual cooperation between workers and the management. Cooperation, mutual confidence,
sense of goodwill should prevail among both, managers as well as workers. It will replace internal
competition with cooperation.

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Henri Fayol

Henri Fayol
 Henri Fayol  was a French mining engineer.
 Born on 29 July 1841 and Died on 19 November 1925
 He is regarded as Father of general management.
 Fayol's work was one of the first comprehensive
statements of a general theory of management known as
 He proposed that there were five primary functions of
management and fourteen principles of management.

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Principles of Management

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Henri Fayol’s Principles of Management
► 1. Division of Work:
Work should be divided among workers according to their
personal aptitude and skills.

This principle states that every work should be divided into the
smallest possible part and each such part is to be performed by an
individual person based on his skill, capability ,required
knowledge and will to perform the task effectively and efficiently.

This principle also guarantees specialization, efficiency and

maximum production with minimum time and least efforts.
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Henri Fayol’s Principles of Management
2. Authority and Responsibility :
The right to issue the commands, along with which to fix up the
responsibility for its function

► Authority is the right way of commanding subordinates, issuing

orders and instructions, and exacting obedience from the team.
► Responsibility is the obligation of a subordinate to perform the
tasks assigned.
► Authority and Responsibility should go hand in hand and must be
related to one another. An executive can do justice to his
responsibility only when he has authority.

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Henri Fayol’s Principles of Management
3. Discipline:
Discipline means sincerity, obedience, respect of authority & observance of rules and
regulations of the enterprise.
► This principle applies that subordinate should respect their superiors and obey their order.
► It is an important requisite for smooth running of the enterprise.

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Henri Fayol’s Principles of Management

4. Unity of command :
Means an employee is responsible to only one supervisor, who
in turn is responsible to only one supervisor, and so on up the
organizational hierarchy. 

► This principle states that an individual should get orders from a

single superior so that he does not get confused and can
discharge his duties effectively. “As soon as two superiors
impose their authority over the same person ,will certainly get
confused about his responsibility .Dual command is a perpetual
source of conflict.”

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Henri Fayol’s Principles of Management
5.Unity of Direction : 6. Subordination of individual interest to general
This is a broader concept than unity of
In any organization, the interest of the
command. According to this principle, each
organization should be above that of the
group of activities having the same
individual. This is necessary to maintain unity and
objective must have one head and one
avoid friction among employees.
plan. “

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Henri Fayol’s Principles of Management
8. Centralization:
7. Remuneration of personnel:
Remuneration is the price paid by the organization Centralization means the concentration of authority

to its employees for the services rendered by with top management. In a centralized organization,

them. The remuneration and methods of power is held by head office or a small number of

payment should be fair and provide maximum managers, whereas decentralized organizations allow

satisfaction to employee and employer departments and individuals to make decisions. It is

important to have a balance between centralization and
decentralization for proper working.

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Henri Fayol’s Principles of Management
9. Scalar chain: 10. Order:
The unbroken line of authority from the highest According this principle, everything(material)and
level to the lowest level is called scalar chain. everyone (human being), has a specific place in the
Managers are regarded as “Chain of Superiors” organization. They should be arranged such that right
from the highest to the lowest ranks and the material/right person should be located at the right place
unbroken line of command and authority should for effective functioning.
be maintained.

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Henri Fayol’s Principles of Management
. 11. Equity: 12. Stability of tenure of personnel:
According to this principle, managers should treat Stable and secure work force is an asset to an enterprise.
all employees/subordinates with fairness, Stability of tenure means ensuring that employees do
kindness and justice. This will make the not leave the company. Instability is a result of bad
employees to be more loyal and devoted towards management and increases the costs of unnecessary
the organization . labour turnover.

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Henri Fayol’s Principles of Management
13. Initiative: 14. Esprit de corps:
Initiative is conceived as thinking and execution of a plan. This principle of management emphasizes the
Managers should encourage and motivate the employees need for team work, i.e. harmony and
to take initiative which will help the organization to understanding among the employees and shows
improve. Employee initiative can include employee the importance of communication in obtaining
suggestions, new ideas, solutions to a problem and such team work. “Union is strength” is the
dealing with situations without being asked to do so. essence of this principle.

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Principles of Management
F.W.Taylor: Henri Fayol:
► He is known as father of scientific management . ► He is known as founder of modern
► He contributed four management principles, for ► He contributed fourteen management
enhancing overall productivity. principles, accomplishing managerial
► It is based on the scientific theory of management .
► It is based on general theory of
► It is mainly concentrated on low-level
► It is mainly concentrated on top-level
► Its approach is Supervisory viewpoint and bottom
to upward .
► Its approach is based on top to downward.

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1. F. W. Taylors Principles of Management:
1. Science, Not Rule of Thumb 2. Development of each and every person to his or her greatest efficiency
3. Harmony, Not Discord 4. Cooperation, Not Individualism

2. Henri Fayol’s Principles of Management:

1. Division of Work 2. Authority and Responsibility.
3. Discipline 4.“Unity of command
5. Unity of direction 6.Subordination of individual interest to general interest
7. Remuneration of personnel 8. Centralization
9. Scalar chain 10. Order
11. Equity 12. Stability of tenure of personnel
13. Initiative 14. Esprit de corps

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Thank You

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