Breast Cancer MET

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Bhujbal Knowledge City

MET Institute of Engineering

Department of Information Technology

Final Year Project

Breast Cancer Classification and Detection

using CNN
A Project by:

Sanskruti Bagul
Aaditi Andore
Siddhika Ghule
Karan Kawre

Project Guide
Dr. R. P. Dahake
•Literature Survey
•Problem Statement
•Proposed System
•Dataset Used
•Algorithm used
•Software Requirements
•Result and Analysis
•Conclusion and Future scope
• Breast cancer is the country's leading cause of cancer in women, followed by
cervical cancer. Together they account for 39.4 percent of the total cancer
cases in women in India in 2020.
• Despite High Awareness, 75% of Indian Women Shy Away from Breast
Cancer Screening.
• In 2020, more than two lakh women in India were estimated to have been
diagnosed with breast cancer, and more than 76,000 deaths were reported as
per the estimates.
• As per the 2020 National Cancer Registry Program Report, the number is
expected to rise to more than 2.3 lakh cases in 2025.
Literature Review
G. Chen, Y. Chen, Z. Yuan, X. Lu, X. Zhu, and W. Li, "Breast Cancer
Image Classification based on CNN and Bit-Plane slicing," 2019[1] - In
this paper, authors propose a CNN classifier base on image bit-plane
slicing. The purpose is to improve recognition accuracy when we apply it to
breast cancer image classification. Each texture image is decomposed into
eight bit-plane images. Different bit-planes provide different levels and
detail of image texture features. At the same time, they have also tested
feature classification performance by each bit-plane respectively and the
fusion of all bit-planes. CNN classifier is used for classification and
Literature Review
Bah and M. David, "Analysis of Breast Cancer Classification with Machine
Learning based Algorithms," 2022[2] - In this paper, four Machine Learning
algorithms, which are Random Forest, Support Vector Machine (SVM), K-
Nearest Neighbors (KNN) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), with
five different breast cancer datasets are tested and analyzed to verify their
performance in a binary classification of breast cancer. The results show that
CNN obtained higher accuracy than the other tested algorithms in this type of
data. This study will help future researchers in the breast cancer field to
continue their research and focus on improving the performance of specific
Literature Review
P. T. Nguyen, T. T. Nguyen, N. C. Nguyen, and T. T. Le, "Multiclass Breast
Cancer Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network," 2019 - In this
paper, the author uses CNN to classify and recognize breast cancer images from
public Break His dataset. This dataset includes 7,909 breast cancer (BC)
histopathology images with four benign subclasses and four malignant
subclasses. Our new task with this dataset is the automated multi-classification
of these breast cancer images in eight classes, which can help reduce death rates
and save people's lives in the world. Our method is based on the resizing of
original images for building the CNN model and classifying breast cancer
Problem Statement
• Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women
worldwide, and early detection is critical for successful treatment.
In recent years, deep learning techniques have shown promising
results in various medical imaging tasks, including breast cancer
detection. Convolutional neural networks (CNN) are particularly
effective in identifying patterns in medical images and can be used
to classify mammograms as either benign or malignant.
• To develop a deep learning model to classify cancer cells, thus
facilitating doctors to achieve an accurate and fast diagnosis of
cancer in an early stage.
• This study aims to establish a deep learning model to classify
cancer cells, thus facilitating doctors to diagnose breast cancer
accurately and quickly in an early stage.
• To improve the accuracy and speed of detection using deep
learning techniques.
• To deploy the application on the cloud, enabling anyone to access
it via the internet at any time and from anywhere.
Proposed System
Proposed Work
• The images have been resized to a consistent size (224x224) that suits the
network architecture. The pixel values have been normalized to a suitable
range, such as [0, 1].
• Custom CNN architecture has been designed for the breast cancer detection
task. The architecture has consisted of several convolutional layers followed
by pooling layers, enabling the network to capture important features at
various scales within the Histopathological images.
• Fully connected layers have been added at the end of the network to classify
the extracted features and make predictions. Techniques such as dropout and
batch normalization have been employed to enhance the model's performance
and mitigate overfitting.
• These techniques have helped improve the model's accuracy and
generalization ability in detecting breast cancer from the Histopathological
Dataset used
• The Breast Cancer Histopathological Image Classification (BreakHis) is
composed of 9,109 microscopic images of breast tumor tissue collected from
82 patients using different magnifying factors (40X, 100X, 200X, and 400X).
• To date, it contains 2,480 benign and 5,429 malignant samples (700X460
pixels, 3-channel RGB, 8-bit depth in each channel, PNG format).
• This database has been built in collaboration with the P&D Laboratory –
Pathological Anatomy and Cytopathology, Parana, Brazil.
Algorithm used
• custom CNN architecture has been designed for the breast cancer detection
• The architecture has consisted of several convolutional layers followed by
pooling layers, enabling the network to capture important features at various
scales within the histopathological images.
• Fully connected layers have been added at the end of the network to classify
the extracted features and make predictions.
• Techniques such as dropout and batch normalization have been employed to
enhance the model's performance and mitigate overfitting.
• These techniques have helped improve the model's accuracy and
generalization ability in detecting breast cancer from the histopathological
In the BreakHis dataset, which consists of
histopathological images of breast cancer,
several visual features can be used to identify
malignant (cancerous) versus benign (non-
cancerous) cases. These features are typically
extracted from the images - morphological
features such as cell shape, size, nuclear-to-
cytoplasmic ratio, nuclear shape irregularities,
chromatin texture, and presence of mitotic
figures. Malignant cells often exhibit abnormal
characteristics in comparison to benign cells.
With the advent of deep learning, convolutional
neural networks (CNNs) can be trained to
extract relevant features automatically. These
deep learning models can learn hierarchical
representations of the input images, enabling
them to identify patterns and subtle differences
between benign and malignant cases.

CNNs have demonstrated exceptional accuracy in analyzing histopathological
images, surpassing human performance in many cases. These deep learning
models can effectively identify subtle patterns and features indicative of breast
cancer, aiding in early and accurate detection. This is crucial because early
detection significantly improves the chances of successful treatment and overall
patient outcomes. The benefits of CNN-based breast cancer detection extend to
doctors and medical professionals. By leveraging these advanced algorithms,
doctors can benefit from a powerful tool that assists them in making more
accurate and efficient diagnoses. The CNNs can process large volumes of
histopathological images rapidly, allowing doctors to handle a larger number of
cases and potentially reducing the burden on healthcare systems. Moreover,
CNNs can provide a second opinion or act as a support system for doctors,
enhancing their decision-making process and reducing the risk of misdiagnosis.
Future Scope
One aspect of future work involves developing CNN models that
can effectively handle large-scale datasets of histopath images. As
the volume of medical data continues to grow, it becomes crucial to
train CNNs on diverse and extensive datasets to ensure robust
performance. Additionally, researchers can explore transfer learning
approaches, where pre-trained CNN models are fine-tuned using
histopath images specific to breast cancer. This transfer learning
strategy can leverage the knowledge learned from other related
image recognition tasks, reducing the need for extensive data
collection and annotation.


• A. Bah and M. Davud, "Analysis of Breast Cancer Classification with Machine Learning based Algorithms," 2022
2nd International Conference on Computing and Machine Intelligence (ICMI), 2022, pp. 1-4.

• Eldin, Sara & Hamdy, Jana & Adnan, Ganna & Hossam, Maysoon & Elmasry, Noha & Mohammed, Ammar. (2021).
Deep Learning Approach for Breast Cancer Diagnosis from Microscopy Biopsy Images. 216-222.

• Hasan, Asmiya & Bhoumik, Partho & Tauki, Md. Sadik Yasir & Chowdhury, Eshanee. (2022). Multiclass Breast
Cancer Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks. 10.13140/RG.2.2.11057.04963.

• S. Ruban, M. Moosa Jabeer and R. Shenoy Basti, "Improvising Breast Cancer detection using CNN, VGG and SSD
Algorithms," 2022 Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing Instrumentation and Control
Technologies (ICICICT), Kannur, India, 2022, pp. 1772-1776, doi: 10.1109/ICICICT54557.2022.9918009.

• S. N. Raju, K. Snehaja and B. Srinivas, "Ontology Based Disease Prediction System," 2021 6th International
Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES), Coimbatre, India, 2021, pp. 1-6, doi:
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