Q3 - Perform Facial Treatment

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Perform facial treatment

Lo1. Prepare the client

1.1 Checking and analyzing skin condition

Objectives :
Introductory activity:
What is a skin?

 The skin is the body’s

largest organ. It covers
the entire body . It serves
as a protective shield
against heat, light, injury
and infection.
Functions of the Skin:

Regulates body temperature

Stores water and fat
Is a sensory organ
Prevents water loss
Prevents entry of bacteria
Acts as a barrier between the organism and its environment
Helps to make vitamin D when exposed to the sun
Anatomy of Skin
3 layers of skin

Epidermis Dermis

Subcutaneous fat layer
 The epidermis is the thin outer layer of the
skin. It consists of 3 types of cells:

• Squamous cells. The outermost layer is

continuously shed is called the stratum
• Basal cells. Basal cells are found just under the
squamous cells, at the base of the epidermis.
• Melanocytes. Melanocytes are also found at
the base of the epidermis and make melanin.
This gives the skin its color.
The dermis is the middle layer of the skin. The dermis
contains the following:

• Blood vessels
• Lymph vessels
• Hair follicles
• Sweat glands
• Collagen bundles
• Fibroblasts
• Nerves
• Sebaceous glands

The dermis is held together by a protein called collagen.

This layer gives skin flexibility and strength. The dermis
also contains pain and touch receptors.
 HYPODERMIS (subcutaneous fat

• The subcutaneous fat layer is the

deepest layer of skin. It consists
of a network of collagen and fat
cells. It helps conserve the
body's heat and protects the
body from injury by acting as a
shock absorber.

Skin diseases
- are most common form of infections occurring in all
people of all ages.
- Include all conditions that irritate, clog or damage your
skin, as well as skin cancer.
- You may inherit a skin condition or develop a skin
diseases. Many skin diseases cause itchiness, dry skin
or rashes.
- Often you can manage these symptoms with medication,
proper skin care and lifestyle changes .
Main types of skin disease

What is SYMPTOM?

 Any subjective evidence of disease . It is a phenomenon that is

experienced by an individual.

anxiety , lower back pain, and fatigue are all symptoms.

 They are sensations only the patient can perceive.

What is a SIGN?

 Any objective evidence of diseases. A sign can be detected by

person other than the affected individual. Gross blood in the
stool is a sign of disease.
 It can be recognized by a patient , doctor , or nurse or others.

Example: a bloody nose (it is evident to the patient, doctor,

nurse and others) Skin infections, skin tumors, etc,.
Common Skin Diseases

• Affects about 85% of teenagers
• May persist into the 40’s especially in women
• Acne lesions usually occur on the face, neck, back, chest
and shoulders.

How does Acne develop?

• Acne is a disorder resulting from the action of hormones
+ sebaceous glands + hair follicles.
• Acne is multifactorial
• Genetic predisposition
Skin Conditions
• Rash: Nearly any change in the
skin’s appearance can be called
a rash. Most rashes are from
simple skin irritation; others
result from medical conditions.
• Dermatitis: A general term for
inflammation of the skin. Atopic
dermatitis (a type of eczema) is
the most common form.
• Eczema: Skin inflammation
(dermatitis) causing an
itchy rash. Most often, it’s
due to an overactive
immune system.
• Psoriasis: An autoimmune
condition that can cause a
variety of skin rashes. Silver,
scaly plaques on the skin
are the most common form.
• Dandruff: A scaly condition of
the scalp may be caused by
seborrheic dermatitis, 
psoriasis, or eczema.

• Cellulitis: Inflammation of the

dermis and subcutaneous
tissues, usually due to an
infection. A red, warm, often
painful skin rash generally

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