Day 4 - Session 4 - Local Reference Fields

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Local Reference Fields

Day 4 - Session 4
Local Reference Fields
24/02/2011 Tech Support Program
Microcred, Senagal
Plan & Objective
Topics for the session


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 At the end of this session, participants will

• Appreciate feature of local reference field in T24
• Know to create a local reference field for T24 application
• Know to how to set up conditions for a local reference field

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Introduction to Local Reference Fields
Why Local Reference Fields?

 Not all fields required by a bank are available in a T24

 Local Reference Field are User defined & totally
 Once created, can be reused in various applications

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How to Create Local Reference Field?

 LOCAL.TABLE – To create field and assign properties

 LOCAL.REF.TABLE – To attach created field to application

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Important Fields

 ID is numeric
 Description – Holds a description of the field
 Short Name – Name that is displayed for that field
 Maximum Char – Maximum number of characters that the
field can hold

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Important Fields

 Minimum Char – If entered, the field becomes a mandatory

field in the application
 Char Type – Type of data that can be input in this field
 Vetting Table – List of predefined values the field can hold
 Remark – Enrichment for items in the vetting table

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Local Reference Creation

 Enter LOCAL.TABLE, I followed by numeric value in

command line
 Input details in the mandatory as well as other required fields
 Commit the record

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 Create a local reference field ‘Customer Gender’

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 Create the field Customer Gender using LOCAL.TABLE


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Important Fields

 ID – T24 application that the local reference field is going to

be attached to
 Local Table No. – ID of the LOCAL.TABLE
 Sub Assoc Code – Must be used if the local reference field
is a multi value or an associated multi value
• XX. Multi Value
• XX< Start of an associated multi value set
• XX- Part of an associated multi value set
• XX> End of the associated multi value set

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Local Reference Field Creation

 Enter LOCAL.REF.TABLE I followed by application name in

command line
 Commit and authorize the record

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 Create local reference field ‘Customer Gender’ to Customer


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 Attach the created local reference field to Customer


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 The local reference appears in application as shown

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Workshop 1

 Create a local reference field ‘Secured Y N’ and attach it to

Account application

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Solution 1

 Create a local field using LOCAL.TABLE application

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Solution 1

 Create an entry of the newly created local field in the

Account application

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Solution 1

 The attached Local Reference field appears in Account

application as shown

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Workshop 2

 Create local reference fields ‘ID Proof’ and ‘Proof’ for

Account application, setting Proof as multi-value field

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Solution 2

 Create local fields using LOCAL.TABLE application as


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Solution 2

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Solution 2

 Create an entry of the newly created local field in the

Account application

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Solution 2

 The Local Reference field appears as shown

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Additional Features
Local Reference Fields with condition

 The Local reference field can be set as No Input field and

then can be defaulted based on condition
 For condition setup, use the LOCAL.TABLE fields (shown in
screen shot)

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Important Fields

 Application – To which the local field is going to be attached

 Decis Field – Field in the application whose value has to be
 Replace File – Another application
 Replace Fld – Field in application whose value needs to be

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Important Fields

 Decision - 'EQ', 'GE', 'GT', 'LE', 'LK', 'LT', 'NE', or 'UL'.

 Decision Fr / Decision To – Range of values can be
 Override Possible – Can input in the local field differ from the
decision set
 Default Possible – If Y, value in vetting table is defaulted
 Noinput change Fld – Local field property can be set to no
input or no change

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Important Fields

 Application Vet – Application against the key of which the

field is being validated
 Appl Enrichm Field – Which field in the application
mentioned above is to be used as enrichment

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 Create a conditional local reference field ‘Valued Customer’

for Account application
 Wherein the field is updated with ‘Y’, when the conditions
sector = 1000 and category = 1001 are satisfied
 The field is updated with ‘N’, when the conditions sector =
1000 and category = 1001 are not satisfied

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 Create a local field ‘Valued Customer’

 This local field is to be attached to Account application
 Customer field in Account is the link to Customer file from
where Sector value is picked up and checked as the first
 The second condition is Category field in Account

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 Attach the ID of local field in LOCAL.REF.FIELD

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 Check the conditional default of newly created local

reference field, on committing the record

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 We have learnt how to

• Create
a local reference field for T24 application –
• Create a conditional local reference field for T24 application –
LOCAL.TABLE application

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