Perceptions and DM
Perceptions and DM
Perceptions and DM
Organizational Behavior
What is Perception?
• A process by which individuals organize and
interpret their sensory impressions in order to
give meaning to their environment.
• People’s behavior is based on their perception
of what reality is, not on reality itself.
• The world as it is perceived is the world that is
behaviorally important.
• For factors that influence perception – see
Exhibit 6-1
Attribution Theory: Judging
Our perception and judgment of others are significantly
influenced by our assumptions of the other people’s
internal states.
When individuals observe behavior, they attempt to
determine whether it is internally or externally caused.
o Internal causes are under that person’s control.
o External causes are not – person forced to act in that
Causation judged through:
o Shows different behaviors in different situations.
o Response is the same as others to same situation.
o Responds in the same way over time.
Attribution Theory
Frequently Used Shortcuts in
Judging Others
• Selective Perception
– People selectively interpret what they see on the basis of
their interests, background, experience, and attitudes.
• Halo Effect
– Drawing a general impression about an individual on the
basis of a single characteristic
• Contrast Effects
– Evaluation of a person’s characteristics that are affected
by comparisons with other people recently encountered
who rank higher or lower on the same characteristics
Another Shortcut:
Judging someone on the basis of one’s perception of
the group to which that person belongs – a prevalent
and often useful, if not always accurate, generalization
Specific Shortcut Applications
in Organizations
Employment Interviews
Perceptual biases of raters affect the accuracy of
interviewers’ judgments of applicants.
Formed in a single glance – 1/10 of a second!
Performance Expectations
Self-fulfilling prophecy (Pygmalion effect): The lower or
higher performance of employees reflects preconceived
leader expectations about employee capabilities.
Performance Evaluations
Appraisals are often the subjective (judgmental)
perceptions of appraisers of another employee’s job
Summary and Managerial
• Perception:
– People act based on how they view their world
– What exists is not as important as what is believed
– Managers must also manage perception