Projection and Coordinate System

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Coordinate System and Map

Coordinate Systems
 A system of representing points in a space
of given dimensions by coordinates, such
as the Cartesian coordinate system or the
system of longitude and latitude.
 To represent a map feature on a plane
(These map features represent spatial
features on the earth’s surface)

Types of Coordinate System
 Plane Coordinate System or projected
Coordinate System (expressed in x and y
 Geographical Coordinate System (expressed
in longitude & latitude value)
Note: Map projection bridges the two type of Coordinate
systems (Projection transforms the earth’s surface to
plane, and converts the geographic coordinate to projected
or plane coordinate system)
Geographic Coordinate System
 It is defined by longitude and latitude
 Prime meridian and
the equator serve as
the baselines of GCS.
 Longitude values are
equivalent to x values
& latitude values
are equivalent to y values 4
Geographic Coordinate System
 It is the location reference system for
spatial features on the Earth’s surface.
 It is defined by longitude and latitude
 Both longitude and latitude are angular

 The angular measures of longitude and
latitude may be expressed in Degrees-
minutes-seconds (DMS), decimal degrees
(DD), or redians (rad).
 1 degree = 60 minutes
 1 minutes= 60 seconds
 Conversion between DMS and DD
45ᵒ 52′ 30″ would be equal to 45.875ᵒ
 Radians used in computer programming
 One radian= 57.2958ᵒ
 One degree = 0.01745 rad 6
Approximation of the Earth
 First step to map spatial features on the
earth’s surface is to select a model that
approximates the shape and size of the earth
 Earth is not a perfect sphere
 Better approximation to the shape of earth is
a spheroid, also called ellipsoid
 Closer approximation of the earth, Geoid

Difference between Ellipsoid,Geoid &
Topographic Map

 It is a mathematical model of the earth which
serves as the reference or base for calculating
the geographic coordinates of a location.
 Many countries have developed their own
datums for local survey
 European Datum, the Australian Geodetic
Datum, the Tokyo Datum, and the Indian
 Clarke 1866
 NAD27
 NAD83
 GRS80
 WGS84
Note: Digital layers based on the same projection but different datums will not register
correctly. Geographic transformation is the option available in software which assign
the different layers (different datums) to one /same datum.

Map Projections
 The process of projection transforms the
spherical earth’s surface to a plane
 Systematic arrangement of parallels and
meridians on a plane surface representing the
geographic coordinate system
 Data sets based on Geographic coordiantes
can be used directly in GIS but map projection
provides a couple of distinctive advantages
Map Projection
 Features on spherical surfaces are not easy
to measure
 Features on planes are easy to measure and
 distance
 angle
 area
Concept of Projection
 Project light from a source through the
earth's surface onto a two-dimensional
surface, find the shapes of the surface
features in two-dimensions
 This two-dimensional surface would be the
basis of a map

 The term 'projection' comes from the notion of placing a
light source inside a transparent globe and projecting
shadows of the meridians,  parallels  and geographic
features onto a sheet of paper placed tangent to the globe

 Such projections are called perspective projections

 Different perspective
projections can be produced
by changing the position
of the light source

Advantages of Map Projection
 Map projection allows us to use two dimensional
maps either paper or digital, instead of a globe
 Map projection allows us to work with plane or
projected coordinates rather than longitude or
latitude values
 Computations with geographic coordinates are
more complex and yield less accurate distance

Problem with Map Projection
 Transformation from the Earth’s surface to a
flat surface always involves distortion
 No map projection is perfect
 Hundreds of map projections have been
developed in map making
 Every map projection preserves certain
spatial properties while sacrificing other
Types of Map Projections
 Cartographers group map projections by
the preserved property into four classes
Conformal (local shape & angel)
Equivalent (area)
Equidistant (consistency of scale)
Azimuthal (Directions)

Types of Map Projections
 Map projection can have more than one
preserved property
 Conformal and equivalent- global properties
(Apply to the entire map projection)
 Equidistant & Azimuthal-local properties
(may be true only from or to the center of
the map projection)

Type of Map Projection
 Cartographers often use a geometric object
and a globe (i.e., a sphere) to describe how to
construct a map projection.
 Map projections on the basis of their
projection surfaces:
Cylindrical projection
Conic projection
Azimuthal projection
Simple case , Secant Case 20
Map Projection Parameters
 Standard Line: Line of tangency between
the projection surface and the reference
globe: Standard parallel
Standard meridian
 Principal scale(ratio of globe radius to the
earth’s radius)
 Scale Factor (ratio of local scale to the
principal scale
 Central lines (Centre of Map Projection)
 False Easting & Northing
Commonly Used Map
 Transverse Mercator (best projection for
mapping the world, Conformal)
 Lambert Conformal Conic (mid latitude areas
having greater east west extent than north south)
 Albers Equal-Area Conic
 Equidistant Conic (simple conic projection), it
preserves the distance property along all
meridians and one or two standard parallels

Projected Coordinate Systems
 Projected coordinate system or plane
coordinate system is built on a map
 Projected coordinate system and map
projections are often used interchangeably
 Projected coordinate system is defined not
only by the parameters of the map
projection it is based on but also the
parameters (e.g. datum) of the geographic
coordinate system that a map projection is
derived from.
 Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
Grid System (60 ZONES)
 The Universal Polar Stereographic (UPS)
grid system
 The State Plane Coordinate System
 The Public Land Survey System

Salient feature of Arc Map

On the fly projection

 On-the-fly projection is designed for displaying data sets
that are based on different coordinate systems.
 The software package uses the projection files available
and automatically converts the data sets to a common
coordinate system on a temporary basis.
 On-the-fly projection does not actually change the
coordinate system of a data set.


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