Mycoplasma Haemocanis by HVK1628

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Veterinary Laboratory Diagnostics

TOPIC : Mycoplasma hemocanis in Canines

Submitted to: Dept. of VLD Submitted by:Mohan Babu D A

Case study:

 Case No : 19880
 Species :Canine
 Breed :Pomeranian
 Age :4 years
 Sex :Male
 Body weight :12kg
 Present complaint :anorectic , vomition since 3 days
Detailed physical examination
 Temp :103.7F
 HR :80beats/min
 RR :24breaths/min
 Pulse :112/min
 CMM :pale pinkish
• Animal was anorectic
• Dull
• Owner observed animal is vomiting since 3 days

Tentative diagnosis: Haemoprotozoan disease


 Sample collected for diagnosis: Blood in a EDTA vial

collected from cephalic vein of dog.

Giemsa staining
Principle: Giemsa stain contains mixture of
azure,methylene blue and eosin dye. Azure and eosin
dye are acidic dye which stains basic components of
cell such as cytoplasma and granules etc . where as
methylene blue act as basic dye which stains acidic
components of cell especially the nucleus.
Materials Required: Blood sample, glass slide, coplin jar, distilled
water, methanol,giemsa stain,cidar wood oil, and microscope.

• Take a blood and make a thin smear on glass slide.

• Dry the smear and add methanol to fix the smear on
slide for about 20 to 30 seconds.
• Gently wash the slide with tap or distilled water care
should be taken so that smear should not get disturbed .
• Add 2ml of giemsa stain(2:8) on the slide and leave for
15 to 25 minutes .
• After 25 minutes dry the slide and put a drop of cidar
wood oil.
• Observe the slide under 100X microscope.
Steps of giemsa staining

Place a drop of blood on glass slide

Make a thin smear by placing a

another slide at angle 45˚

Place the slide in methanol coplin

jar for about 1-2 minutes
Prepare 1:9 giemsa stain

Immerse the slide in coplin jar

containing giemsa stain about
15-20 minutes

Gently wash the slide using distilled

Dry the slide and put a drop of
cedar wood oil and observe
under 100X microscope

Mycoplasma haemocanis observerd

under oil immerssion (100X)
 The given sample is positive for Mycoplasma hemocanis
Mycoplasma hemocanis

Mycoplasma hemocanis (Hemobartonella canis)

organisms are hemotrophic Mycoplasma of dogs
found on the RBC and generally appears as blue
black,filamentous chains of small rods or dots .
 It is blood pathogen that may cause acute disease in
immunosuppressed or splenectomized dogs .
 These organisms cause Haemolytic anemia.
 Organisms transmitted by transfer of
infected blood or via arthopod vectors
such as lice ,flies,ticks,and mosquitoes.
 For acute infection tetracyclines (doxycycline,
oxytetracycline) commonly used.
 Glucocorticoids useful to decrease the

erythrophagocytosis in case of severe haemolysis.

 Animals require blood transfusion in case of decrease

in PCV in blood.
 Avoid iatrogenic transmission by using properly
sterilized needles and equipments.
 Control of arthropod vectors.

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