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permanent tissues
Complex permanent tissues :- are
made up of more than one type
of cells. There are two types of
complex tissues. They are Xylem
and Phloem. They are called
vascular or conducting tissues.
C. Nageli introduced the term xylem in 1858. The
word "xylem" is extracted from the Greek word
"Xylos", meaning "wood". Xylem is a complex
permanent, conducting tissue that conducts water
and mineral nutrients in only an upward direction
from root to leaves (unidirectional). It is
responsible for
the transport of water and minerals from roots to
other parts of the plant, and it also
provides mechanical support to the plant. The
cells of the xylem has thick lignified walls, and
many of them are dead.
• They are further
divided into four
• a) Xylem Tracheids
b) Xylem fibres
c) Xylem parenchyma
d) Xylem vessels 
Tracheids are elongated, tube-like dead cells
with oblique end walls. The walls are lignified
and cavities are empty (dead cell).
Vessels form long tubes fitting together end to
end with perforated or no end walls. Vessels
are absent in ferns.
Xylem parenchyma cells store food and help
move water or sap sideways. Out of all the
cell types mentioned, xylem parenchyma is
the only one made up of living cells and
contains food.
Xylem fibres are supportive in function. 

It serves for the

upward movement of
water and mineral salts Xylem gives strength to
from root to different the plant body.
aerial parts of the
• The term phloem was introduced by C.
• The word "phloem" is extracted from
the Greek, meaning "bark".
• Phloem is the other complex tissue system in
the plants.
• It is the food conducting tissues of the
vascular plant. The materials (food), i.e.
(towards the root and stem), can move
in both directions (Bidirectional) because
phloem transports food and water from
leaves to all plant parts.
• All phloem cells are living except phloem

 Phloem consists of four types of cells.

• Sieve tubes
• Companion cells
• Phloem Parenchyma
• Phloem Fibres.
Sieve tubes are tubular structures with perforated
walls (called sieve plates). The sieve elements (cells)
have thin lining of cytoplasm with no nucleus.
Companion cells are living cells associated with the
sieve tubes. They have dense cytoplasm and
elongated nucleus. Ferns and pines do not have
companion cells.
Phloem Parenchyma store food and help to conduct it.
Phloem fibres are dead sclerenchymatous cells
associated with phloem. Except phloem fibres, other
phloem cells are living cells.

(i) It is the chief tissue that conducts

photosynthetically prepared food
materials from the leaves to the storage
organs and later from storage organs to
the growing regions of the plant body.
(ii) Phloem fibres or bast fibres of some
plants such as jute, hemp, and flax have
commercial or economic value.
What is complex permanent
What is complex permanent tissue?

Complex permanent tissues are composed of the different types of cells.

The cells are structurally dissimilar.
The cells work together to perform functions
Their function is mainly conducting water, minerals and food.
The complex permanent tissues are Xylem and Phloem.
Difference between Xylem
and Phloem 
Xylem and
What is the role
of xylem fibers
in complex
permanent plant
What is the role of xylem fibers
in complex permanent plant

ylem fibers are an integral part of

complex permanent plant tissue and
have a supportive function. They provide
structural strength and rigidity to the
plant, helping it withstand mechanical
stresses and maintain its overall form.
Why Are Xylem And
Phloem Called
Complex Tissues?
Why Are Xylem And Phloem Called Complex

Xylem and Phloem are composed of the different types of cells

The cells are structurally dissimilar
The cells work together to perform functions, mainly conducting water,
minerals and food.
These are characteristics of Complex permanent tissues

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