Alf Sani

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 Hazrat Mujadid Alf Sani, whose real name was Sheikh Ahmad
title name was baddrudin a descendant of the second pious
Caliph Hazrat Umar Ibn Al Khatab for which he was also
referred as Farooqi.
 He was born in June 26,1564 at Sirhind, the Capital of Eastern
Punjab during Mughal rule.
 He was a prominent disciple of Khawaja Baqi Billah, an
eminent Saint of the Naqshbandia spiritual order.
 Sheikh Ahmad was drawn into mysticism by his father. Sheikh

 He Received Khilafat from his father in the Chishtiya

and Suhurwardiya spiritual orders. He is Popularly
known as Mujadid-Alf-Sani( Receiver of Islam during
the second Millennium).
Early life and Education

He received education under the most prominent and

learned teachers at Sialkot and Sirhind.
He memorized the Holy Quran and then switched over
to the study of Hadith,tafsir and Ma’qual(Philosophy).
During his wandering to quench his thirst for the
mystical knowledge he came into contact with the
leading lights of Akbar’s Court Abu-al-Fazal and Faizi.
When Abu-al-Fazal and Faizi learnt of his brilliance
and extraordinary mystical insight, they tried to draw
him into the court of Akbar.
Role of Mujadid-Alf-Sani in
spread of Islam

 When Sheikh Ahmad began his reform Movement Akbar

was ruling the Sub-continent and his anti-Islamic
outlook had aggravated the social environs.
 Akbar had no leanings towards Islamic Principles and
 He Promoted Hinduism by marrying Hindu Ladies and
by allowing free access to Rajputs and Hindus in His
 He also appointed Hindu Rajputs on Higher civil and
military Positions.
Opposition of Din-e-Ilahi

• The introduction of Din-e-Ilahi by Akbar was a grave

attempt to distort Islam.
• He assumed the title of Mujadid-i-Azam and Imam-i-
Adil and issued orders pertaining to religious matters
which were to be considered as authentic and final.
• The impact of din-e-Ilahi greatly affected the Muslim
beliefs and trends.
• It split the Muslim Society into several factions and
promoted heretic attitudes and practices.
Social Reforms.

At that time Muslim society was ridden with un-Islamic

Practices and trends.
Under the Hindu influence, a firm and widespread belief in
Karamat(miracles of the saints) had developed in the
society which greatly misguided the innocent people. In
Sufism many means of developing magical and
supernatural powers, alien to Islam, had been developed.
Sheikh Ahmad took strong stands against these trends and
Reforms in Tasawaf(Spirituality)

 The mystics and Sufis of those days openly denied the

authenticity of Sharia by declaring Sharia as superficial and
 They even proudly manifested their indifference towards the
Sunnah or examples of the Prophet.
 The ulema and theologians ceases to refer to the Quran and
hadith in their Commentaries and considered jurisprudence as
the only religious Knowledge.
 By these trends the Religious Sprit excessively diminished
and gave rise to then juristic view of Islam.
Purgation Of Muslim society

 Sheikh Ahmad undertook the job of purifying the Muslim

Society of Un-Islamic tendencies by sending a number of his
disciples in all directions to preach the true Islam.
 He asked them to emphasis on (Ittibat-i-Sunnah) following the
examples of the holy Prophet, and the commandments of sharia
in their sermons and preaching’s.
 Sheikh Ahmad also began a correspondence with the
prominent scholars of all Muslim countries. In his letters he
explained the religious doctrines and put stress on the ittibat-i-
Struggle against Atheism

 Sheikh Ahmad was greatly opposed to the atheism and

openly denounced un-Islamic society.
 He worked very hard to restore the original teachings of
Islam and emphasizes on the concept of Tauheed.
 He exposed the fallacy of Din-e-Ilahi and came out with
full vigor to curb the influence of his satanic creed.
 He urged the Muslims to order their lives according to
the Principles of Islam.
Reformation of nobles.

 Sheikh Ahmad stressed on the Muslims to revert the

purer Islam by giving up heretical customs and practices.
 He initiated the leading nobles near the emperor into his
discipleship and through them exerted an influence to
bring about a change in the life of the Court.
 He began addressing letters written in a language, which
would move mountains, to leading nobles of the stare,
bemoaning the sad state in which Islam had fallen in
India, and reminding them of their duty.
 His letters are known as Muktubat-e-Imam Rabbani.
Emphasis on Islamic Values.

 Sheikh Ahmad persuaded the Muslims to adopt simple

habits in life and to strictly adhere to Namaz.
 He also explained the utility of fasting and declared that
fasting protects the mankind from many sins
 His efforts contributed a great deal towards the
popularity of Islam in the sub-continent.
Two Nation theory.

 Sheikh Ahmad was a Staunch advocate of the

separateness of the Muslims and desired to maintain
distinctive image of the Muslims Nationalism.
 He laid great emphasis on the separate identity of the
Muslims and adopted a very stern attitude against the
 He believed in Two-Nation Theory.
 He was in favor of maintaining the differences between
Hindus and Muslims.
Wahdat-ul-wajud and Wahdat-

 The Philosophy of wahdat-ul wajud was presented by some Sufis

of Akbar’s time. They Believed that the entire universe is the
symbol of Almighty God and a source of revelation of God’s
 They believed that every particle of the universe represented the
presence of God and, therefore, the worship of God’s creature
amounted to the worship of God.
 Sheikh Ahmad openly neglected this Philosophy of wahdat-ul
Wajud and presented the philosophy of Wahdat-ul-Shahud which
meant that the creator and creatures were two different and
separate entitles.
The influence of sheikh Ahmad’s

 The efforts of Sheikh Ahmad to purify the religious and practical

life of the Muslims left an indelible impact on the history of
Muslim India.
 Allama Iqbal poet and philosopher of the east has paid rich tributes
to Sheikh Ahmad in one of his poems for refusing to perform the
act of prostration before the emperor.
 His movement for the cause of Islam gave a new life to the
Muslims and is regarded as the call back of Muhammad, which left
far-Reaching impact in religious and practical fields.
 He passed away on December 10,1024 A.D and was buried in

 Sheikh Ahmad, till the last breath of his life continued with
the propagation of Islam.
 He drew a distinction between Islam and atheism.
 He was the most powerful religious personality in the history
of Indian Sub-Continent. He was widely read Scholar and
magnetic Orator. He is considered as the pioneer of Muslim
Self-assertion by denouncing un-Islamic practices.
 In short, Hazrat Mujadid-Alf-Sani checked the pressure of
non-Islamic customs, and provided Pure Islamic teachings.
 We can say that He was the first person who understood the
Hindu amalgamation in Islam and purified it.

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