Follow Your Syaikh

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Follow Your Shaykh
Shaykh Mohammad Effendi sohbat of the 20th of July, 2012

May Ramadan be mubarak insha Allah. May Allah grant us spend many Ramadans with
Mawlana. Ramadan is a holy month, is the most beautiful month, sultan of the 11 months. And
our Sultan also, is the most beautiful person of this time.

Where is his beauty coming from? Where is the beauty of Ramadan coming? Allah (awj) made it
holy. The beauty comes from this. And on our Shaykh Effendi also, this beauty is coming from
Allah. Because he is the inheritor of Muhammad (sas) for this century, the beauty & barakah of
the Prophet (sas) is coming on him. That beauty is coming on him for the reason that he is going
on the beautiful path. Because he has never followed his ego like people follow, that beauty has
come on him.

Our Shaykh is, we say this openly that everyone may know & follow him accordingly, Ahlus
Sunnah wal Jamaah. What it means with Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah is to follow one of the four
Madhabs: Hanafi, Shafi'i, Maliki, Hanbali. You can follow any one of them but as for the
mashayekhs, Mawlana is Hanafi. S. Abdullah Daghestani Hz was Shafi'i. The mashayekhs
before him were also Shafi'i. Meaning there is Hanafi, Shafi'i, from all madhabs. There is none
without madhab. When one has no madhab, there is danger, he is going out of Ahlus Sunnah.
Allah bless him, Shaykh Effendi made tens of thousands of people convert to Islam; meaning non
Muslims- he made non Muslims convert to Islam. And he made who was not Ahlus Sunnah,
convert to Ahlus Sunnah.

What kind of people were the Ahlus Sunnah? According to the Prophet's(sas) description they
were very very soft ones. They are sheep-like, lamb-like people, no harm comes to anyone from
them. They are always on adab/good manners, always obedient to Allah. The ones without a
madhab..There are those who are without a madhab&also some who are outside of these 4
madhabs. And they are also putting forth decisions or ideas as they like.

That is not important but what is important..They don't interest us. What interests us is that,
who wants to follow Mawlana should be Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah & the first condition for
Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah is to love & respect all the Sahaba. Mawlana has never made any
comment on the things that happened between Sahabas If you are following Mawlana, you must
be like this. It is way over your limit to say anything or to comment about Sahaba. There are
hundreds of Traditions of the Prophet (sas) where he praises his Sahaba. And you, who runs after
his desires/shahawat, can say anything about them? It can't be. Therefore you should be careful
about this.  1        

Ramadan has started, if you love Shaykh Effendi & want to reach that beauty you should be like
this. We are saying these words with the barakah of this Ramadan insha Allah, because people
who has come up to a point... New converts, they can directly accept everything but who come
from outside of this, they cannot accept yet, can't defeat their egos. You are already following
Mawlana but when he says this, they say "this is different, that is different". It can't be like this. If
you are following this path, you should put your heart to it & & your ego under your feet. If you
do like this you receive the heavenly support/himmat. If not, as we said, once you say "la ilaha
illa Allah, Muhammad Rasul Allah (sas)" everyone will enter paradise for sure. But in paradise
they will regret saying "how did we say these words" because the Prophet (sas) won't look at their
faces, awliyas won't look. There, they will be thrown aside like this in paradise & will definitely
feel a great deal of regret. Therefore you have come this far, leave all you knew or all you didn't
know in the past &follow Shaykh Effendi. Your dunya & akhirah will be happy.

And another attribute of Shaykh Effendi is..The other mashayekhs, people were not able to
approach them too much because of the tajallis/manifestations. They couldn't dare. But
Mawlana.. Other people say too "how Mawlana treating this one or that one.." Mawlana is
looking from the Door of Mercy. As we said, once one says "la ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad
Rasulullah" all of them are Muslim, whether they follow us or not. Their reckoning is with Allah.
Most people bring letters "this one said like this, that one like that..."

Shaykh Effendi's way is all straight, no other person interests him. "This one did like this, that
one like that "It definitely does not interest him Shaykh Effendi's way is Ahlus Sunnah wal
Jamaat- he is on the way of the Prophet (sas), of awliyas & Sahabas. Not like..As the Prophet (sas)
said.. He drew a line & said: there are many ways but the most straight one is sirat-al mustaqim,
leading to the right path, Mawlana is on it. There are many others because there are so many
different people around him. There are people around him who are familiar, not familiar..It
doesn't interest him at all. Don't look to them. You look to how Mawlana is, to his state, see what
is teaching.

As you see here, Shukur Allah everybody has the Ahlus Sunnah clothing, they are according to
Sunnah. But also others.. And he doesn't make anyone do this by force. Because once he brings
you to a certain point, after that he continues on his own. Mawlana's method is like this. You
can't collect people from streets & force them to dress like this. Therefore pay attention, and
others who are watching now also should pay attention, don't you ever commit sui-dhan/ have ill
thoughts about Mawlana. Whoever does this, harms himself. He is in danger. He is in very big
danger- not in danger by people but by Allah. He is the awliya of Allah, if there is a bad word
about him, if one thinks badly of him, for sure a harm reaches him from Allah's side. Not from
cannons & riffles but from the side of Allah. So beware. "Why he do like this to him, why he do
like that to that.." None of this interests Mawlana at all. Don't have bad thoughts about him.  2        

As we said, he is on Ahlus sunnah wal Jamaat. If you are doing 100% he is doing 1000 %. He
performs all there is available from mustahabb, fardh, sunnah, without leaving any of them
incomplete. Therefore pay attention. And we can neither read a letter for a second time, nor can
we read any other thing. It only interests yourself. If we were to answer everybody, we can't even
pray at that time. So as we said, if you have questions in your heart, take off the questions from
your heart, so that your heart may be in satisfaction. Shukur Allah this matter is like this.

May Allah grant Mawlana health until he reaches Mahdi (as). May we be with him, staying away
from bad thoughts and being on adab, may his himmat be upon us.

Today we speak about Ramadan; holy month, beautiful month. Alhamdulillah we reached
Ramadan with our beloved Shaykh, most beautiful Shaykh. And from where coming this beauty;
for Ramadan & for Shaykh? It is coming from Allah because Allah make this month holy month.
So many months, but not one of them like Ramadan. Ramadan is the most beautiful, most
happy month. And Mawlana Shaykh is also the most beautiful in this world. How this? He is old
man but Allah giving in this age, beauty you cannot find in any man from this world. It is coming
from Allah. Because he is inheritor of Prophet (sas) in this century, in this time. When he is
inheritor, he must be..

How he is inheritor? Because he is following all Prophet's (sas) sunnah, acting. And this is act,
complete, this act calling Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah. Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah meaning, now
following one of four madhabs: Hanafi, Shafi'i, Maliki, Hanbali. And following itiqad/imam also.
For Shafi'i, Imam Ash'ari. For Hanafi, Imam al-Maturidi. And this is calling Ahlus Sunnah wal
Jamaah. Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah means following the right path of Prophet (sas). And Ahlus
Sunnah wal Jamaah, they are the most obedient and most silent people. Prophet (sas) sometimes
say to make example, "like sheep".

And, he is new convert to Islam- thousand, ten thousand maybe hundred thousand people
coming from non Muslim to Islam, following him. And this is also big karamah. And there is
even from Muslim, but who is not in Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah they follow him. Many of them
also follow him, Mawlana Shaykh. Alhamdulillah most Non Muslim, they are coming & making
exactly what. Most of them following Mawlana. Because they are not knowing anything from
Islam, just looking & following him. But from who is not, they don't have madhab or outside of
this four madhabs, they are also many coming, many of them also following Alhamdulillah. But
some of them not following Mawlana, only loving him. But when you find this big pleasure, the
right way, you must follow him 100%.

Don't leave anything from old dirtiness in your heart. And this is the most of important thing, to
accept all Sahaba. Who not accept all Sahaba, of course he can go to jannah also. Because who is
saying "la ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasulullah" all going jannah insha Allah. But Prophet not
happy with you. Because many Hadith from Prophet (sas), saying about "my companion Sahaba,  3        

they are like star". Many Hadith, they don't swallow to, on Sahaba.. And never we hear from
Mawlana Shaykh, saying anything about one Sahaba. Or for all this what happened after,
between Sahaba also, not saying any word from this. This is not our business. They are..

Now he is the Prophet with Allah (awj). Allah, He is judge. You are not judge. You are following
your ego, you are following your desire. And after becoming to say "this is good, this is not good"
And this is not your business. It happened 1400.. 1400 year ago happened something. Even your
nation was not Muslim at that time. Why are you, very important for you to make this between
Muslim, to divide Muslim? Only this is what meaning this. Because no benefit at all for you from

For this, the inheritor of Prophet (sas) is for this century Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Al
Haqqani. And he is, Allah bless him, putting on him exactly like Prophet (sas) acting- in moving,
coming, going, speaking... exact. And he is very merciful, because this people, they not
interesting too much. You not saying anything for people "do this, do that". But we must say this,
because now Ramadan. From barakah of Ramadan this people also, they must be behave better.
If they have good intention in their self. But if they don't have good intention, this is not good for
them. Especially who not have good intention, making sui dhan, bad intention for Mawlana.
Because Mawlana, you cannot understand him. And people when speaking, this is some of
people make bad intention in themselves. This is bring for you very bad things. Very bad things,
and this is thing we are not threatening you. But because it will not come by and hit you by stick,
or by gun, or by bomb, no! Allah give something, you will be happy if you take this bomb on
you. It is more, worse than this. Because if you take it in, here in dunya in akhirah also, you will
be miserable. You cannot see Prophet & you cannot see Sahaba & anybody from awliya, even
when you come to jannah.

So for this, for Ramadan we hope we speak good, and they must take their ego under feet. And
they will be happy, here & in akhirah, hereafter. This is big ni'mah to find Mawlana Shaykh, and
pity to not follow him 100%. Especially for this big thing. Maybe you cannot follow him 100%
for other thing, but this is very important.

Wa min Allah at-tawfiq, Al Fatiha. Subhanım Allah Sultanim Allah Nabim Muhammad
Alayhi Salam. To wake you up. Wake up O people! Wake up.

Salamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahu Ta'ala wa Barakatuhu. Salam Alaikum Shaykh AbdulMajid!

You make qasida for us today. We are not sad people, we are happy people. I thought all of you,
you are fasting. But MashaAllah, nobody fast. Very powerful Masha Allah, Alhamdulillah! I sit in
this chair, because I don't have any maqam. So Mawlana S. Muhammad, he has maqam. That is
why he is shy to sit in this chair. But I like this chair, so that is why I sit here. I insist for him, "sit
here!" He says "no, no way, never!"  4        

So that is why I say, with his permission I wanted to say for everyone Ramadam Kareem. And
Alhamdulillah that Allah Almighty he brought us back with Mawlana Shaykh. Alhamdulillah, &
we been celebrating with Mawlana Shaykh. Alhamdulillah! Outside with full power of Mawlana
Shaykh. Masha'Allah today, it is historical day, Alhamdulillah.It is very historical day. And it is
very important day that Allah Almighty, He grant us Mawlana Shaykh to be with us in Juma
prayer. And to make Shaykh Mehmet Effendi to lead us in Khutbah & in hadrah & in to make
sohbat and also to, also...

He is totally right, Alhamdulillah. We have to understand Mawlana Shaykh. We have to

understand why we are following Mawlana Shaykh. Yes,actually we are small kids but it is ok.
But some things we have to learn. So it is important from us to know with who we are talking.
This is the important part, with our behaviour. We are, we have to be with good manner, we
have to be with good adab for our Shaykh. Our Shaykh, he is so Merciful person in the planet.
In the planet, he is the most Merciful. You cannot find anybody Mercy as him. Why you think he
go downstairs? Just to show us, how Mercy he is with us. How he is treating us and how we are
treating him! This is Mawlana.

Shaykh Muhammad, he was trying to explain about Mawlana Shaykh. We have to know how we
behave about Mawlana Shaykh. How to measure our level in front of his level. Because we don't
have any level. Sorry to say, we don't have any level, no level. Because of his mercy, he is keeping
us with him. This is we have to know, it is very clear. And we ask from Allah Almighty the
forgiveness ,we ask from Allah Almighty.. How Allah Almighty to look in our face because of
him. We asking Allah Almighty because we are nothing, we are nothing, totally nothing. But
Alhamdulillah, he made us something. He made us something, from where to where he take us.
From where to which maqam he brought us.

Alhamdulillah this is, I think S. Mehmet Effendi he said more than enough. I just wanted to say
Ramadan Kareem, it is like happy Christmas. It is Ramadan Kareem, for all of you, for all of us.
And insha Allah this will be the year of Mahdi (as), the year that Mahdi (as) will approach and
make our heart to feel very happy. And Alhamdulillah, we are happy more than enough with
Mawlana Shaykh. But with Mahdi (As) it will be totally complete, the happiness circle insha

Wa min Allah at-tawfiq, bi Hurmatil Fatiha.

Video Link:

20_tr_FollowYourShaykh.mp4  5        

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