Microelectronic Capsule

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Our Body is a sensitive system. Many times even doctors arent able to interpret the disease.

Thus it become too late to cure it. To remove this problem scientists discovered electronic capsule in 1972. Use of discrete & relatively large components, poor reliability, short lifetimes & low sensitivity makes it outdated. To overcome all these problems Professor Jon Cooper and Dr Erik Johanessen from Glasgow University, U.K has led to the development of a modern microelectronic pill. When Microelectronic pill is swallowed, then it will travel through the Gastro Intestinal Tract & simultaneously perform multi parameter in situ physiological analysis

After completing its mission it will come out of the body by normal bowel movement
The pill is 16mm in diameter & 55mm long weighing around 5 gram It records parameters like temperature, pH, Conductivity, & Dissolved Oxygen in real time.

Capsule endoscopy is a way to record images of the digestive tract for use in medicine.

The capsule is the size and shape of a pill and contains a tiny camera. After a patient swallows the capsule, it takes pictures of the inside of the gastrointestinal tract.










It measures the body core temperature. Also compensates with the temperature induced signal changes in other sensors. It also identifies local changes associated with TISSUE INFLAMMATION & ULCERS.

The ISFET measures pH.

It can reveal pathological conditions associated with abnormal pH levels These abnormalities include : Pancreatic disease

Inflammatory bowel disease The activity of fermenting bacteria The level of acid excretion Reflux of oesophagus Effect of GI specific drugs on target organs.

The pair of direct contact Gold electrodes measures conductivity, by measuring the contents of water & salt absorption, bile secretion & the breakdown of organic components into charged colloids etc. in the GI tract. Since the gold has best conductivity among all the elements, Therefore it gives true value of conductivity as measured.

The three electrode electrochemical cell detects the level of dissolved oxygen in solution. It measures the oxygen gradient from the proximal to the distal GI Tract

It investigates :
Growth of aerobic or bacterial infection Formation of radicals causing cellular injury & pathophysiological conditions like inflammation & Gastric ulceration.

It develops 1st generation enzymes linked with amperometric biosensors.


CHIP - 1

CHIP - 2


A printed circuit board, or PCB, is used to mechanically support and electrically connect electronic components using conductive pathways, tracks or traces etched from copper sheets laminated on to an onconductive substrate. PCBs are inexpensive, and can be highly reliable. However,the space required for this solution is too big.



How it all got started...

Microelectronics is related to the study and manufacture or micro fabrication of electronic components which are very small. These devices are made from semiconductors. 1947 The Point contact transistor Bell Labs

1958 The First IC Texas Instruments

1961 The First Planar IC Fairchild

And Finally .

2007 Penryn Intel

The ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) is the control unit that connects together other components of the micro system. It contains an analogue signal conditioning module operating the sensors, 10-bit analogue to digital (ADC) & digital to analogue (DAC) converters, & digital data processing module The temperature circuitry bias the diode at constant current so that change in temperature reflects a corresponding change in diode voltage.

The pH ISFET sensor is biased as a simple source at constant current with the source voltage changing with threshold voltage & pH.
The conductivity circuit operates at D.C. It measures the resistance across the electrode pair as an inverse function of solution conductivity. An incorporated potentiostat circuit operates the O2 sensor with a 10 bit DAC controlling the working electrode potential w.r.t the reference Analogue signals are sequenced through a multiplexer before being digitized by ADC. ASIC & sensors consume 5.3 mW power corresponding to 1.7 mA of current.

Size of transmitter = 853 mm Modulation Scheme = Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) Data Transfer Rate = 1 kbps Frequency = 40.01 MHz at 20C Bandwidth of the signal generated 10 KHz

It consumes 6.8 mW power at 2.2 mA of current.

2 SR44 Ag2O batteries are used. Operating Time > 40 hours. Power Consumption = 12.1 mW Corresponding current consumption = 3.9mA Supply Voltage = 3.1 V


Temperature from 0 to 70C

pH from 1 to 13 Dissolved Oxygen up to 8.2 mg per liter Conductivity above 0.05 mScm-1 Full scale dynamic Range analogue signal = 2.8 V ACCURACY : pH channel is around 0.2 unit above the real value

Oxygen Sensor is 0.4 mgL.

Temperature & Conductivity is within 1%.

It is being beneficially used for disease detection & abnormalities in human body. There fore it is also called as MAGIC PILL FOR HEALTH CARE Adaptable for use in corrosive & quiescent environment It can be used in industries in evaluation of water quality, Pollution Detection, fermentation process control & inspection of pipelines. Micro Electronic Pill utilizes a PROGRAMMABLE STANDBY MODE, So Power consumption is very less. It has very small size, hence it is very easy for practical usage High sensitivity, Good reliability & Life times. Very long life of the cells(40 hours), Less Power, Current & Voltage requirement (12.1 mW, 3.9 mA, 3.1 V) Less transmission length & hence has zero noise interference.

It cannot perform ultrasound & impedance tomography. Cannot detect radiation abnormalities Cannot perform radiation treatment associated with cancer & chronic inflammation. Micro Electronic Pills are expensive & are not available in many countries. Still its size is not digestible to small babies

Further research are being carried out to remove its draw backs.


uPinside 8kB program memory, 2kB data memory

I2C bus implemented Additional sensing/actuating capabilities Vision Sensor Control WR/RD camera registers via I2C bus Illumination control Control of groups of 4 LEDS Programmable intensity Interface with RF communications Reception with specific RX channel I2C bus for sending messages Time stamp generation Only2 external capacitors Powering at 3.3V and 1.8V 10MHz external clock Power consumption< 30mW@10MHz

WEB REFERENCE:1. http://ubimon.doc.ic.ac.uk/bsn/public/Jon_Cooper.pdf

2. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu
3. http://www.forumsains.com

BOOK REFERENCE:1. S. Mackay and B. Jacobson, "Endoradiosonde," Nature, vol. 179, pp. 1239-1240, 1957.

2. H. S. Wolff, "The radio pill," New Scientist, vol 12, pp. 419-421, 1961.

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