CH 15

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IT Security and Penetration Testing

Chapter 15
Web Application Vulnerabilities
• Recognize Web server vulnerabilities
• Discuss ways to protect Web servers against
• Pinpoint Web browser vulnerabilities
• Understand session ID exploits
• List several protective measures for Web browsers

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Web Application Vulnerabilities
• Internet is a collection of interconnected networks
• Users can access many different kinds of servers
• Most users are not aware of the sort of applications
they are contacting
• The only time the average user is aware of a Web
server is when she sees error messages
– See Table 15-1

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Web Application Vulnerabilities

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Web Application Vulnerabilities
• Attacks to services include
– Information that has been recorded on Web sites is
vulnerable to duplication
– FTP user and password can be guessed or hacked
– Attackers can use the complexity of the site
programming to their benefit
– Sites can be hacked to insert destinations for phishing
– Intranets can be attacked to glean customer
– Files can be altered and removed
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Why the Web Is Vulnerable

• Internet protocols are essentially insecure

• Speed and transparency are the watchwords of
today’s Internet
– At the expense of better security
• Most Web users place a great deal of trust in the
infrastructure of the Internet
• The general public seem to believe they have
nothing to steal, so they have nothing to lose either

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Why the Web Is Vulnerable
• Weak Passwords
– Users must supply authentication to get on the
Internet at all
– Choose a set of strong passwords
• Insecure Software Configuration
– Microsoft server operating systems are shipped using
an easy-to-implement, but unsecured, configuration
– Majority of network traffic on the Web is not encrypted
– Applications used on Web servers require very
specialized knowledge to configure properly
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Why the Web Is Vulnerable
• Ease of Information Distribution
– Internet is primarily an avenue for distributing
– Novel exploits and newly discovered vulnerabilities
are widely known upon disclosure
• Increasingly Sophisticated Hacking Tools Available
– Network security professionals and hackers alike
develop and discover new tools
• And innovative methods of attacks that apply to new
features of security systems and software

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Why the Web Is Vulnerable
• Increasingly Sophisticated Hacking Tools Available
– Tools used to exploit Web vulnerability include:
• Network scanners
• Password-cracking tools
• Packet sniffers
• Trojan horse programs
• Tools for modifying system log files
• Tools for automatically modifying system configuration

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Why the Web Is Vulnerable
• Access Increasing
– An ever-increasing number of people are accessing
the Internet every year
– Fast access through cable or DSL is also increasing
– Brings an increased number of people with access to
and interest in the Internet for criminal endeavors

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Web Server Vulnerabilities

• Some of the most important Web server vulnerabilities

– Insecure network
– Unsecured hardware
– Threats from insiders
– Weaknesses in site administration tools
– Weaknesses in application or protocol design
– Weaknesses in operating system software

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Insecure Network

• When the network of an organization is not secure

– No data transmission over the Internet or local area
network (LAN) is secure
• Users who have access to the network
– Can intercept messages over the network with the
use of packet sniffers

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Unsecured Hardware

• If the Web server hardware is not securely protected

from unauthorized physical access
– No amount of software security can protect that
server’s data

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Threats from Insiders

• Most effective computer crime originates within the

organizations targeted
• Motives include boredom, idle curiosity, the
challenge, revenge, or financial reward

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Weaknesses in Site Administration
• Web sites are designed to be dynamic
• A server upon which Web sites are hosted is
regularly monitored
• If you administer your server locally, it is simple to
keep your administration tools secure
• The easier you make it for authorized users to
access their sites
– The easier it becomes for unauthorized users to
access pieces of the Web server

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Weaknesses in Application or Protocol
• At the time that software is designed, security is
often not of the highest priority
• This strategy typically produces software that
presents unexpected vulnerabilities
• If a protocol has a fundamental design flaw, then it
is vulnerable to various exploits, essentially forever

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Weaknesses in System Software

• All operating system software has vulnerabilities

• System software is very complicated
– And intended to supply the base for all subsequent
application layer and presentation layer software
• System software is the foundation upon which the
software is laid
• The same issues of security as an afterthought
apply to system software
– As they do to application software

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Weaknesses in System Software
• Coding Vulnerabilities
– API abuse
– Access control vulnerability
– Authentication vulnerability
– Code permission vulnerability
– Code quality vulnerability
– Cryptographic vulnerability
– Environmental vulnerability
– Error-handling vulnerability
– General logic error vulnerability
– Input validation vulnerability

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Weaknesses in System Software
• Implementation Vulnerabilities
– Improper Web server access configuration
– Administrative privileges
– Default user accounts
– Misconfigured file permissions

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Protection against Web Application
• This section describes protection methods for
– The physical server
– The network architecture
– The operating system on that server
– The Web server application

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Securing the Operating System and
the Web Server
• Place your Web server in a demilitarized zone
• Demilitarized zone (DMZ)
– A neutral zone between the private LAN and the
public network of an organization
– Designed to prevent external users from gaining
direct access to any internal servers
– Protects LAN from the possibility that your Web
server will be hacked by some insider or some

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Securing the Operating System and
the Web Server (continued)
• Security measures
– Check for all default configurations in the operating
system and in the Web server
– Dump any default user profiles
– Shutdown or even uninstall any services that the
server does not need to be running
– Modify user groups to guarantee that authorized
users have only as much access as they require
– Shut down Telnet and anonymous FTP

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Securing the Operating System and
the Web Server (continued)
• Security measures (continued)
– Use encrypted services like secure shell (SSH) and
authenticated FTP
– Set your network firewall to ignore HTTP connections
to all ports except HTTP and HTTPS ports
– Automate OS patch updates so that patches are
installed as soon as they are available

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Monitoring the Server for Suspicious
• Measures
– Learn what suspicious traffic looks like and monitor
system logs for it
– Install Snort on your server to search for signature
– Install some scripts to watch for attacks on the server
– Use tools such as Tripwire, that can run unattended
• Maintain integrity of password files and registry entries
– Set tools to send an e-mail to the server administrator
or a page to her cell phone

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Controlling Access to Confidential
• Measures
– Limit the number of users having administrative or
root-level access
– Allow only secure shell encrypted remote
• Or authenticated user access through the GUI control
– Always maintain Web page on a server on the intranet
• And make all changes to your Web pages from there

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Controlling Access to Confidential
Documents (continued)
• Setting Up Remote Authoring and Administration
– Allows you to monitor all user activity on your private
development machine
– And keep a record of Web server logs on a protected
• Frequently remove unnecessary files from the
scripts directory
– And remove default documents

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Protecting the Web Server on a LAN

• Prior to connecting the Web server to the Internet

– Make certain it has been hardened
– And cannot be used as a staging area to attack other
computers on the network
• If the organization has several Web servers and
they are maintained by different departments
– Remove trust relationships that might exist between

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Checking for Security Issues

• Periodically, scan Web server with tools such as

Nmap or Nessus
– To check for possible new vulnerabilities
• Add a software firewall such as Zone Alarm Pro to
your Windows machine
– Monitor unexpected activities

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Web Browser Vulnerabilities

• Client side issues are similar to the server side

• Physical tampering and operating system
vulnerabilities do exist
– For most users, the main focus is the Web browser
• The most common source of Web-browser exploits
is physical tampering

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Cache File

• When a Web site is accessed

– The browser receives files from the Web server that
the browser interprets
• And presents the data to the best of its ability
• Everything accessed on the Internet is copied to a
cache file
• If the file is available in the cache
– The browser displays it in preference to displaying the
file available on the server

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Cache File (continued)

• The information saved in the cache files, history file,

or bookmarks on a browser
– Might pose a threat if accessed by someone intending
to gather information about the user
• If your browser supports HTML 3.0 extensions and
Java, and you are not properly configured
– Your history file, cache, and other files can be copied
from your hard drive
• And directly uploaded to an attacker’s server by using
Java, JavaScript, or ActiveX

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History File

• Allows you to view the pages you have visited in the

last user-defined number of days
• Information regarding the forms you submit on a
Web page is also included in the history file
• History file may include credit card details, user
name, or password

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• Store information about Web pages you have visited

– Bookmarks do not expire like history files
• If you bookmark a Web site that requires entering a
– You can save the username and password
• An attacker who can access your machine may be
able to access your controlled-access sites

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• Cookie
– Small text file stored on a computer by Web servers
– Contains information about the last session when you
visited the site
• Cookies store followed link information and may
store username and password information
• Cookies are stored on well known directories

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Cookies (continued)

• Two flavors of cookies

– Session cookies
• Temporary cookies that are erased when you close
your browser at the end of your session
– Persistent cookies
• Remain on hard drive until erased or expired

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Location of Web Files Cache

• Cache information is located in various directories

– Depending on the operating system, the browser, and
the version of the browser
• Cache information is typically stored in a
subdirectory of the Web browser’s working directory
• Can change how often browser updates the cache

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Browser Information

• Whenever you log onto a Web site

– Browser automatically sends information
• Logon credentials that are sent to a Web server may
compromise the privacy of a computer
• One of the sites that can be used to acquire
information from the Web browser is BrowserSpy

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Browser Information (continued)
• Every time a Web site is visited, the browser
automatically sends the following data:
– Host address
– Web browser’s version
– Web browser’s language
– Files the Web browser accepts
– Characters your Web browser accepts
– Browser encoding
– Username
– HTTP port of the computer

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Browser Information (continued)

• The following information about a computer’s settings

may be acquired if JavaScript is enabled:
– JVM or Java plug-ins
– FTP password
– Current resolution
– Maximum resolution
– Version
– Color depth
– Platform
– Anti-aliasing fonts
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Session ID Exploits

• Once establishing a connection with a server

– A user provides authentication information
• Session ID is generated and then sent to the client
– Shows that the user can communicate with the server
until that session expires
• Based on the session ID, the client computer is
given access to a variety of services on that server

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Session ID Exploits (continued)

• Sometimes, when sessions expire

– Servers permit the same session ID to be used for the
next session
• An attacker can use the same server behavior to
access account details
– By borrowing the session key and connecting to the

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Web Browser Protection

• Precautions include
– Disable the cache, or set its size to zero
– Set browser to clear cache every time you close the
• Look into the file system to see if it is actually doing that
– Set the History preference to save for 0 days or, even
better, delete the file at the end of the session
– Do not set vulnerable pages in your bookmarks
– Do not save passwords or set the master password

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Web Browser Protection (continued)

• Precautions include (continued)

– Clear cookies file to remove cookies, and make the
cookie.txt file read only
– Disable JavaScript support and cookies on your
– Use Firefox browser
– Set browser to accept only cookies from trusted sites
and the originating Web site
– Set Internet security to High, requiring all scripts to
ask for permission to run

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• Protocols upon which the Internet rest are insecure
• Absence of a fundamentally secure infrastructure,
coupled with constantly evolving user expectations,
results in quick, easy, and inexpensive Web attacks
• Factors that lead to vulnerability of data and
applications on the Web include weak passwords,
and insecure software configuration
• Hundreds or thousands of Web server programs

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Summary (continued)
• Web server vulnerabilities include an insecure
network, insecure hardware, threats from insiders,
and weaknesses in site administration tools
• System software vulnerabilities can be divided into
two categories: coding and implementation
• Several layers require protection in relation to Web
• Actions to take for protecting Web servers include
securing the operating system and Web server and
monitoring the server for suspicious activity

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Summary (continued)
• Primary Web browser vulnerabilities include physical
tampering, operating system vulnerabilities, and
vulnerabilities inherent in the browser itself
• Hackers can learn a lot about individuals and
organizations due to browser vulnerabilities
• A session ID serves as a key between a client computer
and a server
• Actions to protect against various browser
vulnerabilities include password-protect your
screensaver, lock the screen when you are away from
your computer, and disable the cache

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