Site Planning and Landscape Architecture

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- Historic Building Name: Bicol University

Institute of Architecture
- Current Building Name: Bicol University
Institute of Design and Architecture
- Building Address: Barangay 1. Em’s Barrio,
Legazpi City
- Architects’ Name: Emelita Sibuyo- Aycardo, Ar.
Meneng Abang & Rick Naebug, Ar. Nestor Santiago
& Ramon Dealca
- Date Constructed: 1996


Site and Surrounding:
- Near East Campus Main Entrance
- Barangay 1. Em’s Barrio, Legazpi City
- Beside Research Center Building and adjacent to
Food Technology Building
Neighborhood Context:
South-West - Adjacent to covered walkway from the East
Monsoon a th
Sun P
Campus Main Gate
- No available lighting to the roads along Arki
- Surrounding buildings are made of concrete.
- No available parking area
- There are two big old tress that are providing
shade to Arki during harsh heat.
• Primary External Wall Material(s) (enter no more than
• Roof Configuration (enter no more than one):
• Primary External Roof Material (enter no more than
one): GI Roof
• Special Features (enter all that apply): Basketball Court,
Study Area, ARKI Signage, Fence
• Architectural Style/ building Type: Gabaldon Building
• Landscaping or Special Setting Features:
a. Natural Features:
- The site was previously grassland.
- Trees in front of Arki Building.
- Protected Area in front of Arki Building.
- Vegetation Adjacent to the Covered Walkway.
- Sandy soil Type

b. Man-made Features

- The Existing Building: Old Building 1 and the Annex Building

- Unfunctional Drainage System
- Cottage/ Study Area
- The Natural Grade Line of the Old building is close to the Ground Floor Line
- Basketball Court in front of the Annex Building
c. Circulation
- Walkway/foot traffic usually came from the covered walkway and continuously to the ARKI
Building hallway.
- There is available ramp for Persons with Special Needs but the orientation of the ramp is?
- Pedestrian movement could be improved.
- Tricycle is the nearest available public transportation to the site.
- The Court serve as the parking area.
- The sandy in front of the building is the means of access to the parking.
- The road adjacent to the covered walkway serve as the access for cars/ vehicles.
d. Utilities
- Washington substation is located on the east portion of the ARKI building
- The location of the power post/poles are located inside the site.
e. Sensory
- Students that accessing the ARKI Building hallway is the source of human noise that disrupts
- The other source of noise pollution comes from the RROW located at the south corner of the
- There is a need on repairs and repainting.
f. Human Cultural
- The Research Center Building is too close to Arki Building
- The side of Research Center Building reflects the sunlight to the adjacent Arki classrooms on
the second floor on the afternoon making the rooms to absorb and rise in temperature as well
as results to excessive reflected sunlight.
g. Climate and Orientation
- The building is oriented to avoid direct sunlight glaring to the chalkboards.
- Since the Arki Building is facing towards the west, the building could be too hot during
Historical Background:
The BS Architecture Program was established at Bicol University in 1977, and over three
decades later, it has produced over three hundred (300) architects who are well-placed in jobs
both locally and internationally. Bicol University has since grown to become the region's leading
provider of baccalaureate architecture programs.
The Architecture Department began as a "squatter" in various University buildings such as
the MP Building, Gabaldon Building, and the current College of Science building. Fortunately,
the Present Architecture Building was built in 1997 during the incumbency of Dr. Lylia
Corporal-Sena as university president and since then the department had its home.
The existence of BU Arki from 1975 to 2015 laid the groundwork for its transformation to
the BU Institute of Architecture, which is now an independent college of Bicol University.
The BU Board of Regents, by virtue of BOR Res. 40, 2015, under the supervision of Dr.
Fay Patria M. Lauraya, SUC President IV, finally separated from the College of Engineering on
November 24, 2014. The Bicol University Institute of Architecture is one of the offspring shaped
by the institution's growth (BUIA). BUIA, which was previously part of Bicol University
College of Engineering (BUCENG), gained administrative and supervisory autonomy on
November 26, 2014, in order to keep up with the fast-changing trends in architectural education.
It became fully independent with Ar after 40 years as a Department. The Institute's very first director
was Reynaldo O. Nacional Jr. It has grown from a respectable 200 students prior to the separation from
BUCENG to 600 students now, with 8 Blocks for Freshmen. Similarly, the institute is now catering
Master in Architecture Program with nearly 50 enrollees last SY 2020, in order to continue its progressive
role in the practice of architecture in the region. As a result, Bicol University Institute of Architecture is
one of the region's leading institutions in terms of architectural education relevance and excellence.
Despite this achievement, Ar. Reynaldo O. Nacional Jr. was diagnosed with cancer, which led to his
untimely death on January 8, 2020. Ar.  Reynaldo Oringo Nacional Jr. will always be remembered for his
hard work and dedication to the Bicol University Institute of Architecture.  He imagined and realized the
distinct separation of the BU College of Engineering's Architecture Program. As a result, the term
"Institute" will go down in history as a tribute to the late director.
In the midst of the Pandemic, BU President Dr. Arnulfo M. Mascariñas appointed a new Director of
the Institute in the person of Ar. Leo A. Del Rosario is a BS Architecture graduate of BU and a Master of
Architecture graduate of UST Manila. He has been an Associate Professor at the university for nearly 25
years. He was the Head of Planning and Design Section at the BU PDMO Physical Development Office
for 15 years. During his tenure, he was able to design at least 25 BU structures, including the iconic BU
Torch on main campus. Despite his hectic schedule as University Architect, he remains a member of the
BU Architecture Department as Professor has few subjects to teach Architecture students.
During his first few months on the job, he proposed that the Institute envision itself expanding its
horizons into other professions related to architecture or the built environment and design. He proposed that
BUIA be renamed BUIDeA. The name change will serve as the foundation for the Institute's transformation
into a world-class institution, upon which it will be reorganized by adding new academic programs in Design
in addition to the existing BS Architecture and MS Architecture (Planning) academic offerings.
After several meetings with faculty, students, and stakeholders, he presented it to the BU Academic
Council, which then forwarded it to the BU Board of Regents, where it was eventually approved on March
16, 2021. It has been renamed Bicol University Institute of Design and Architecture (BUIDeA) and aspires
to compete with international universities.
The newly revitalized Institute (BUIDeA) will house three (3) Academic Programs, including
Architecture, Planning, and Design. Since 1975, the Architecture Program has focused primarily on Heritage
Conservation and architectural design addressing climate change issues, while the MS Architecture Graduate
Program, which began in 2008, has focused on Physical Planning. These three programs are interconnected
and will all help every architecture graduate advance in their careers. 
At the time of writing, Ar. Leo A. Del Rosario continues to work toward his goal of having the Institute
rank among the top architecture schools in the country. Recently, he was able to connect with BU Alumni to
help realized this dream. The Security Bank Foundations Inc. with ELA Builders donated a Six Classroom
Two Story Steel Building worth P13M which will commence anytime this school year 2021.

-Poor drainage system  Improve the drainage system

 Rainwater Harvesting System
-Lack of parking spaces
 Utilize the space for the new Arki building on
-Poor PWD ramp access the South Site
-Excessive direct sunlight  Design a more PWD friendly access
 Create sun shading system like Louvre
-Poor pedestrian access  Incorporate Green Architecture
-Lack of road lighting  Increase the number of Solar Panels

ALARCIO, John Kaisser

ARIATE, Ron Mark
BALEÑA, Virgie
BONAOBRA, Erika Faith
JUAN, Karen Kae
LLANERA, Joyce Ann
VICTORIO, Kristine

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