Professional Education

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1.Which is a teaching approach for kindergarten that
makes real world experiences of the child the focal
point of educational stimulation?
a.Montessori approach
b.traditional approach
c.Eclectic approach
d.Situational approach
2.The use of mnemonics helps a pupils
___________ information.
3.Which program was adopted to provide
universal access to basic education to
eradicate illiteracy?
a.“Paaralan sa Bawat Barangay”
b.Education for All
c.Values Education Framework
d.Science and Education Development Plan
4.What is the mean of this score
distribution: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10?
5. Which statement correctly applies to
student who got a score of 72 in the test?
a.He surpassed the scores of 72 students
b.He correctly answered 72% of the items in
the test
c.He obtained a raw score of 72
d.He answered only items in the test
6.Which measure (s) of central tendency can
be determined by mere inspection?
d.Mode & Median
7.Teacher C adds the number of
cases and 1 over 2 to obtain
c.median and mode
8.It is not wise to laugh at a two year old child
he utters bad words because in his stage he is
learning to:
a.Consider other’s views
b.Distinguish right and wrong
d.Distinguish sex differences
9.Mothers who demand their 3 to 5 children to
spend their time in serious academic study forget
that early childhood is the
a.questioning age
b.pre school age
c.initiative age
d.toy age
10.Which refers to a single word or phrase
that tells the computer to do something with
a program or file?
a.Computer program
d.Computer language
11.To determine student’s entry knowledge
and skills that test should be given?
12.What is the mode in the following score
distribution: 96, 97, 98, 97, 93, 90, 89, 97, 81,
and 80?
13. Miss Rita is an excellent Physical Education teacher.
She started teaching volleyball to her Grade 2 class.
Despite all her efforts, her class does not seem to learn
how to play the game. What law of learning was
a. Law of Disuse
b. Law of Effect
c. Law of Exercise
d. Law of Readiness
14. A test item has a difficulty index of .81
and discrimination index of .13. What should
the test constructor do?
a.Retain the item
b.Make it a bonus item
c.Revise the item
d.Reject the item
15. For mastery of learning in a certain
subject, which type of testing is appropriate?
a.Formative testing
b. Criterion reference testing
c.Aptitude testing
d.Norm reference testing
16. The first thing to do in constructing a
periodic test is for a teacher to.
a.decide on the type of test to conduct
b.go back to her instructional objective
c.decide on the number of items for the test the content
17. A son put a time bomb in the luggage of his mother who took it abroad at
a Philippine airline. The bomb exploded while the airplane was in flight killing
the mother and forty other passengers. Although the motive of the criminal
act was never revealed by the son, he aroused suspicion, when he named
himself beneficiary to an insurance policy he had previously taken out on his
mother’s life. Was the son accountable for the death of his mother and the
other passengers?
a.Yes. He may have been directly interested only in the insurance money but
directly as foreseen consequence, he willed the death for all passengers.
b.No. He did not directly the death of his mother and the other passengers.
c.No, if he refused to get the insurance money after the incident.
d.Yes, if he got the insurance money after the death.
18.What does a conservative Filipino student
experience when she migrates to the United
States and witness for herself public display of
b.Culture shock
c.Colonial mentality
19. In what way can teachers uphold the highest
possible standards of quality education?
a.By working out undeserved promotions.
b.By putting down other professions to lift the status of
c.Wearing expensive clothes to change people’s poor
perception of teachers
d.By continually improving themselves personally and
20.Which learning activity is most
appropriate if teacher’s focus is attitudinal
a.bit Field trip
b.Role play
21.The mode of a score distribution is 25. This
means that
a.twenty five is the average of the score
b.twenty five is the score that occurs least.
c. twenty five (25) is the score that occurs most
d. there is no score of 25.
22.Jose reads WAS for SAW or D for P or B.
from his reading behavior, one can say that
Jose suffers from ___________.
• dyslexia - reading skills difficulty
• dysgraphia - learning disability that affects written
expression. difficulties of spelling, poor handwriting and
trouble putting thoughts on paper
• Aphasia - impairment of language, affecting the
production of comprehension of speech and the ability to
read and right.
Broca's Aphasia - patient can understand the speech of
others, but can't produce any speech
Wernicke's Aphasia - may able to produce speech, but
cannot understand the speech of others.
23. Which teaching method is intended
primarily for skill and concept mastery by
way of practice?
b.Supervised study
24.Inter-agency efforts (DepEd, CHED, PRC and
CSC) can be the best attained for the training and
development of teachers when there is ______. 
b.Agency integration
d.Cost – reduction
25. How can a teacher provide the
learners the benefit of the doubt? 
a.Reward rather than punish
b.See punishments as always beneficial
c.Get the side of students
d.Doubt the facts of the incidents
26. To manage behavior, the teacher needs to be able
to identify the mistaken goals of students. In particular,
learners who choose not to cooperate or participate in
classroom activities have the hidden goal to ______. 
a.To seek power
b.To get revenge
c.To get attention
d.To isolate self
27.Among the different categories of teacher’s
behavior, how will classify the behavior of a
teacher who goes from one lesson to another
having no direction or proper sequencing?
28.What is the most appropriate strategy should
Teacher Toni use if his goal is to generate ideas in
planning a sports competition activity. 
29.How will you classify the method employed by a
teacher whose objective is to provide the learners an
experience that will enable them to learn the
democratic process in election through the selection of
classroom officers? 
d.Role playing
30. Concerned with the optimum
development of the Filipino child
A. Seamless
B. Relevant and responsive
C. Enriched
D. Learner-centered
31. Understanding mastery and removed
unnecessarily repeated competencies
A. Seamless
B. Relevant and responsive
C. Learner-centered
D. Decongested
32. Transition between grade levels and
continuum competencies through spiral
A. Seamless
B. Relevant and responsive
C. Enriched
D. Learner-centered
33. Caters on Filipino learners and needs
of the community
A. Seamless
B. Relevant and responsive
C. Enriched
D. Learner-centered
34. Integrative, Inquiry-based, and
constructive approach
A. Seamless
B. Relevant and responsive
C. Enriched
D. Learner-centered
35. One teacher for 2 to 4 different grade levels in a
single class
A. Multigrade Instruction
B. Modified In School Off School Approach (MISOSA)
C. Instructional Management by Parents, Community,
and Teachers (IMPACT)
D. Effective and Affordable Secondary Education (EASE)
36. Given to high school students who incur long term
absences or who are permanently unable to attend
school due to time, distance, or physical impairment.
A. Multigrade Instruction
B. Modified In School Off School Approach (MISOSA)
C. Effective and Affordable Secondary Education (EASE)
D. Open High School Program (OHSP)
• OHSP is intended for students who would otherwise be
unable to pursue formal secondary education due the rigid
requirement of regular class schedules. It is an alternative to
attending regular classes but is not designed to be beneficial
to all students. Most students may still learn best by
attending the regular formal secondary education.
• OHSP is available anytime. It is not dependent on the
calendar of the regular school year. Student may start at
their own time and at their own pacing, provided they
complete their entire high education within a maximum
period of six (6) years.
37. This cater advanced students whose learning needs
are not met by conventional learning system.
A. Multigrade Instruction
B. Modified In School Off School Approach (MISOSA)
C. Instructional Management by Parents, Community,
and Teachers (IMPACT)
D. Effective and Affordable Secondary Education
38. This was developed by SEAMEO INNOTECH where
parents, community and teachers collaborate to
address the large number of dropouts.
A. Multigrade Instruction
B. Modified In School Off School Approach (MISOSA)
C. Instructional Management by Parents, Community,
and Teachers (IMPACT)
D. Effective and Affordable Secondary Education (EASE)
39. This refers to the customized course approved
by CHED and PRC to deliver to Higher Education
Institutions (HEIs).
A. Revised Teacher Education Program
B. Accelerated Teacher Education Program
C. Higher Education Training Program
D. Tertiary Teacher Education Program
40. The Learner Reference Number (LRN)
is composed of how many digits?
A. 6
B. 8
C. 10
D. 12
• In order to facilitate the tracking of pupils, students or
learners and their performance, a Unique Learner
Reference Number (LRN) will be issued to all public
school pupils and students and Alternative Learning
System (ALS)
41. How about the School ID?
A. 6
B. 8
C. 10
D. 12
42. This refers to the permanent record
showing historical academic and co-
curricular record of students.
A. Form 137
B. Form 138
C. School Form 1
D. School Form 2
43. This refers to the report card given
every school year.
A. Form 137
B. Form 138
C. School Form 1
D. School Form 2
44. This refers to a group of teachers and
other personnel engaged in collaborative
learning session to solve shared challenges.
a. Learning Action Cell
b. Teacher’s Quality Circle
c. Mentoring
d. Peer sessions
45. This refers to a set of knowledge, skills, and
attitudes (KSA) required to carry out successfully
assigned roles, functions, and responsibilities in
an organization.
a. Learning and Development System
b. School Based Management
c. Competency Standards
d. Human Resource Development
46. This refers to the range of activities that cover
Continuing Professional Development aimed at
improving individual and organizational
a. Learning and Development System
b. School Based Management
c. Competency Standards
d. Human Resource Development
47. This refers to professional development
activities shall be developed, managed,
quality assured, monitored and evaluated.
a. Learning and Development System
b. School Based Management
c. Competency Standards
d. Human Resource Development
48. These are output-driven undertakings
with specific calendar schedule and resource
a. Learning Outcomes
b. Activities
c. Learning Resources
d. School Projects
49. This refers to the inculcation of advanced
KSV in post-licensure specialization for
professional practice.
a. Post-Graduate Studies
b. Professional Oath
c. Teacher Education Development Program
d. Continuing Professional Development
50. Considers K to 12 Program as a
flagship reform strategy
C. DepEd
• On Philippine Education: The Basic Education School Reform Agenda


policy reforms that as a whole seeks to systematically improve critical
regulatory, institutional, structural, financial, cultural, physical and
informational conditions affecting basic education provision, access
and delivery on the ground. It aims to create a basic education sector
that is capable of attaining the country’s Education for All Objectives
by the year 2015.
51. This assess grade 1 learners who may exhibit
developmental advancement or delays.
A. Multi-factored Assessment Tool
B. School Readiness Test
C. Early Language, Literacy, and Numeracy
D. Developmentally Appropriate Practice
52. The grading system used before the
implementation of DepEd Order no. 8 series of 2015.
A. Knowledge, Process, Understanding, and
Product/Performance (KPUP)
B. Written Work, Performance Task, and Quarterly
C. Understanding by Design
53. This tool measures the readiness of
kindergarten pupils upon entering Grade 1.
A. Kindergarten Catch-Up Education Program
B. Early Language, Literacy, and Numeracy
C. School Readiness Assessment Examination
D. School Readiness Test
• Pursuant to DepED Order No. 15, s. 2005, which calls for the
administration of School Readiness Assessment for All Grade One
Entrants, all incoming Grade 1 for school year 2006-2007 shall
undergo a school readiness assessment using the revised tool. The
School Readiness Assessment (SRA) will be administered by the Grade
1 teachers to be assisted by the Grades II, III and master teachers of
their respective schools. This assessment shall be administered twice.
The first assessment shall be given on the 2nd week of May 2006. The
second shall be administered after the children have undergone the 8-
week curriculum, focusing on the competencies not manifested by
the child during the first assessment.
54. What school form is used by teachers to
register the pupils/students in the Learner
Information System (LIS)?
A. SF 1
B. SF 2
C. SF 3
D. SF 4
55. The following schools are the area of study of
SEAMEO INNOTECH in the process of reviewing the
Philippine curriculum before the implementation of the
K to 12 Program EXCEPT
A. Manila Science High School
B. Don Bosco Technical College
C. San Pedro Relocation Center National High School
D. Polytechnic University of the Philippines
56. BESRA is composed of how many Key
Reform Thrusts (KRTs)?
A. 3
B. 5
C. 7
D. 9
• KRT 1: Get all schools to continuously improve
• KRT 2: Enable teachers to further enhance their contribution
to learning outcomes
• KRT 3: Increase social support to attainment of desired
learning outcomes
• KRT 4: Improve impact on outcomes from complementary
early childhood education, alternative learning systems and
private sector participation
• KRT 5: Change institutional culture of DepED to better
support these key reform thrusts
57. This refers to the complete assessment in
basic education to measure attainment in K to 12
A. National Basic Education Competency
Assessment (NBECA)
B. End of Grade 12 Assessment
C. College Readiness Test
D. Exit Assessment
58. This is the official list of teacher
applicants who obtained a score of 70 and
A. Learning Action Cell (LAC)
B. Registry of Qualified Applicants (RQA)
C. Key Result Areas (KRA)
D. Key Reform Thrust (KRT)
59. This refers to the unconditional means by
which students learn in formal education.
A. Alternative Learning System
B. Alternative Delivery Mode
C. Multigrade Instruction
D. Modified In School Off School Approach
60. Early Language, Literacy, and Numeracy
Assessment is administered in what grade
A. Grade 1
B. Grade 3
C. Grade 6, 10, and 12
D. Grade 9
61. This program in public schools aim to provide
additional subject to Arabic Language and Values
A. Madrasah Education
B. Arabic Emergent Reading
C. Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education
D. Language Enhancement and Pedagogy
62. In what grade are exploratory
subjects taken in the subject TLE?
A. Grade 7 and 8
B. Grade 8 and 9
C. Grade 9 and 10
D. Grade 11 and 12
63. K to 12 curriculum is to holistic
development as BEC and SEC is to
a. Functional literacy
b. Discipline-based
c. Core curriculum
d. Concept development
64. The MTB-MLE is composed of how
many languages?
A. 10
B. 11
C. 12
D. 13
• Currently, there are twelve (12) major languages or lingua franca that shall be
language of instruction. The major languages are
• a) Tagalog
• b) Kapampangan
• c) Pangasinense
• d) Iloko
• e) Bikol
• f) Cebuano
• g) Hiligaynon
• h) Waray
• i) Tausug
• j) Maguindanaoan
• k) Maranao;
• l) Chabacano.
65. Who was tasked to review the Philippine
curriculum before the implementation of the
K to 12 program?
A. DepEd
Southeast Asian Ministers of Education
Organization (SEAMEO) - Innovation and
Technology (INNOTECH)
• The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization
(SEAMEO) is an international organization established in
1965 among governments of Southeast Asian countries to
promote regional cooperation in education, science and
culture in Southeast Asia. SEAMEO has 20 specialist
institutions that undertake training and research programs in
various fields of education, science, and culture. Each
Regional Centre has a Governing Board composed of senior
education officials from each SEAMEO Member Country.
INNOTECH is the SEAMEO the Regional Center for
Educational Innovation and Technology.
66. The following are curricular themes for
Kindergarten in the K to 12 curriculum
a. Myself
b. My family
c. My friends
d. My community
67. The math curriculum is composed of
how many content areas?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
68. Assessment for Kindergarten
a. Numerical Grades
b. Letters
c. Checklist and Anecdotal record
d. Anecdotal record
69. How many percent is given to written
work in Language, AP, and ESP for Grade 1-
a. 30%
b. 40%
c. 20%
d. 50%
70. How many percent is given to written
work in Math and Science for Grade 1-10?
a. 30%
b. 40%
c. 20%
d. 50%
71. How many percent is given to written
work in MAPEH, EPP, and TLE for Grade 1-
a. 30%
b. 40%
c. 20%
d. 50%
72. How many percent is given to
performance task in MAPEH, EPP, and TLE for
Grade 1-10?
a. 40%
b. 50%
c. 60%
d. 30%
73. How many percent is given to
performance task in Math and Science for
Grade 1-10?
a. 40%
b. 50%
c. 60%
d. 30%
74. How many percent is given to
performance task in Language, AP, and ESP
for Grade 1-10?
a. 40%
b. 50%
c. 60%
d. 30%
75. How many percent is given to quarterly
assessment in all the subjects for Grade 1-
a. 10%
b. 20%
c. 30%
d. 40%
76. How many percent is given to written
work in all core subjects for Senior High
a. 10%
b. 25%
c. 15%
d. 50%
77. How many percent is given to
performance task in all core subjects for
Senior High School?
a. 10%
b. 25%
c. 15%
d. 50%
78. How many percent is given to quarterly
assessment in all core subjects for Senior
High School?
a. 10%
b. 25%
c. 15%
d. 50%
79. In what year was K to 12 offered to
incoming grade 1 and grade 7?
a. 2011-2012
b. 2012-2013
c. 2013-2014
d. 2016-2017
80. In what year did the government put
infrastructure to provide Senior High School?
a. 2011-2012
b. 2012-2013
c. 2013-2014
d. 2016-2017
81. If a student failed to pass 3 subjects,
he/she will
a. retain in the same grade level
b. take remedial classes
c. move to the next grade level
d. transfer to other school
82. If a student failed to pass 2 subjects,
he/she will
a. retain in the same grade level
b. take remedial classes
c. move to the next grade level
d. transfer to other school
83. If a student passed all the subjects,
he/she will
a. retain in the same grade level
b. take remedial classes
c. move to the next grade level
d. transfer to other school
84. What assessment is given to Grade 9
students to determine aptitude and
occupational interest?
a. Career Assessment
b. Specialization Assessment
c. Exit Assessment
d. College Readiness Assessment
85. What assessment is given to Grade 6, 10,
and 12 students before they can be
promoted to the next grade level?
a. Career Assessment
b. Specialization Assessment
c. Exit Assessment
d. College Readiness Assessment
86. This refers to the subsidy given by the
State to Grade 10 completers.
a. Educational Service Contracting Grant
b. Voucher Program
c. Performance Based Incentive
d. SHS Scholarship
87. The contents of various learning areas in
the Senior High School are based on what
a. Moving-Up Standards
b. College Readiness Standards
c. Employment Readiness Standards
d. Higher Education Standards
88. What agency formulated the standards
of the various learning areas in the Senior
High School?
a. PRC
c. DepEd
89. What is the term given to the one who
leads the discussion for attaining desired
aims in a problem-based learning group? 
C.Leader members
90. Of the following human needs, which is
considered as the most basic needs for human
growth and maturation based on Maslow’s
hierarchy of needs? 
a. Health and safety
b.recognition and prestige
c.Peace and comfort
d. Self fulfillment
91. Teacher Van, a SPED teacher wants her special
students to group and work together based on their
personality and work style. Which type of seating
arrangement is MOST EFFECTIVE based on her
a. Full circle  
b. Cooperative Cluster
c. classic rows
d. Horseshoe or U- shape
92. Student Jenny judges that Shakespeare’s Hamlet
had an emotional complex that triggered him to wish
take his own life. What reading is exemplified by
student jenny in this situation? 
a.Evaluative reading
b.Objective Reading
c.Applied Reading
d.Literal reading
93. Some people believe that God really created
the universe in six days just as what is written in
the Bible. Their level of reading belongs
a.Applied Reading
b.Critical Reading 
c.Library reading
d.Literal Reading
94.In the context of curriculum planning what
potential danger does over-emphasis on
integrating technology in instruction pose on
a.Gaps in learning
b.Lack of critical thinking
c.Content learning gaps 
d.Virtual instead of real-life learning
95. Which of the following is two-
dimensional and is typically hung on the
c.Flash cards
96. Educated in religious school, Martha goes to
confession every day to be free from sins. How
can you characterize her moral certitude? 
97. What type of education can best prepare
the global teacher towards limitless and
boundless world? 
a.Academic curriculum
b.alternative education
c.Campus cleanliness
d.Multi-cultural education
98.Which among the following is the most
essential in maintaining peace and order in
the school? 
a.Academic curriculum
b.Community Participation 
c.Campus cleanliness
d.Rules of discipline
99.What kind of management that promotes the
involvement of students, parents, teachers and
the community in managing schools?
a.Liberal management
b.Authorization Management
c. Top-down management
d.Bottom-up management
100. What feature of the lesson content which
gives emphasis on the applicability of the lesson
to real-life situations? 
101.What is the term given to the questioning
technique wherein the teacher pushes the
learners to respond along directions that lead to
the correct answer? 
a.Idea review
d.Multiple Response
102. What teaching method is most effective to
be used in introducing concepts textually and
visually before a whole class or a big crowd? 
c.Power point presentation
103.How will you describe the assessment tool utilized
by Science Teacher Jenny in preparing a list of
behaviors for rating of performance in the use of
a.Written response
c.Performance test
d. product rating scale
104. Ruben is motivated to improve his
metacognitive skills. Which of the following skills
does NOT advance metacognition? 
a.Accepting a new knowledge
b.Learning how to study
c.Assessing one’s own thinking
d.Learning to organize thoughts
105. In creating a conducive-to-learning classroom for children
with disabilitiesm teachers must carefully select, use, and
design facilities and equipment appropriate for special
learners. When it comes to the lightning of the SPED
classroom, what rule must be followed? 
a.Dark classroom 
b.Standard yet adequate 
c.Very well lighted classroom room
d.Light coming from the right side of students
106.Erikson has emphasized the importance of developing the
child’s autonomy, or else, the child might develop shame and
doubt of oneself. Which of the following situation indicates
autonomy in the learning environment? 
A.Students achieve high grades. 
B.Students having high responsibility for own learning. 
C.Students have high bonding or relatedness in school. 
D. Students contribute to warm and friendly school
107.Which statements can be determined by a
criterion reference test?
a.Performance higher than the group 
b.Performance of the students on a large group
c.Performance of the students on a small group
d.Preferred level of performance of the students
in a group
108.Teacher X discovered that his students are
weak in writing skills. Which test should teacher X
administer to further determine in which other
skill(s) his students are weak? 
a.Formative Assessment
b.Diagnostic Assessment
c.Placement Assessment
d.Summative Assessment
109.Which of the following is LEAST
authentic mode of assessing student’s
a.Artistic production in the field of Art. 
b.Paper and pencil test in vocabulary test. 
c.Oral performance in communication skills. 
d.Dissecting a frog in the class. 
110. Under the psychomotor domain of learning, what
is the learning outcome being assessed in dramatic
reading using expressive movements through the
posture, gestures, facial expressions or creative
a.Non-discursive communication
b.Discursive skills
c.Psycho-motor skills
d.portrayal skills
111.Which of the thinking skills below has the
LEAST significance in achieving purposive and
effective learning? 
c.Rote Memory
d.Problem solving
112.A self-directed classroom management can
be best demonstrated in a class wherein_______. 
a.Teacher focuses on outputs and achievements
b.Teacher directs and controls discipline strictly
c.Teacher gives students responsibility in a class
d.Teacher consults parents and peers
113.What is the term given to a child’s ability
to know without being frustrated by
ambiguous ideas? 

5. Complex cognitive (complexity-simplicity)

• The ability to integrate complex information into categories
through its attributes (physical characteristics, principles or
6. Sharpening (sharpening-leveling)
• The ability to maintain distinctions between cognitive structures
(including old and new information) and to avoid confusion or
7. Tolerance (tolerant- intolerant)
• The ability to monitor and modify thinking, the ability to deal with
ambiguous or unclear information without getting frustrated.
114. Mark decided to remove the life sustaining
machines from his comatose father after the Doctors
believed that his father can no longer be medically
saved. What moral principle can be applied to this? 
a.Principle of Material Cooperation
b.Principle of Lesser Evil 
c.Principle of Formal Cooperation
d.Principle of Double Effect
115.Geno decided to jump over a 20 storey
building rather than die by being burned to death.
How will you describe the moral decision of
a.Principle of Material Cooperation
b.Principle of Double Effect
c.Principle of Formal Cooperation
d.Principle of Lesser Evil
116. Which of the following shows that the
Government supports the schools? 
a.Allowing the school to take part in all national
b.Delivering safety of the students in the school
c.Allocating yearly budget to support the school
d.Donating for the completion of schools projects
117.Jhera took the LET last September 2015. However, she
failed in the examination. Is she qualified for the position of
a.No, she needs to take the examination again. 
b.Yes, if her rating is not lower than 15 percentage points from
the passing general average rating. 
c.Yes, if her rating is not lower than 10 percentage points from
the passing general average rating.
d.Yes, if her rating is not lower than 5 percentage points from
the passing general average rating.
118.A teacher shall base the evaluation of the learner’s
work only in____. 
a.Attendance, character, merit and quality of academic
b.Attendance, beauty, merit and quality of academic
c.Attendance, merit and quality of academic
d.Merit and quality of academic performance
119. Which is true of LET passers? 
a.Every LET passer shall be required to take the Professional
Oath before practicing as a Professional Teacher. 
b.Taking the Professional Oath before practicing as a
Professional Teachers is optional for LET passer. 
c.The Professional Oath can be taken before any Professional
d.The taking of oath must be within one month from passing
the LET. 
120.What is at the heart of the Teacher Education
Development Program (TEDP)? 
121. Ana isa licensed teacher but has quit teaching for the
past years. After five years, she decided to serve as a teacher
again. Can Ana go back to teaching immediately? 
a.Yes, she is a licensed teacher. 
b.No, she has abandoned the teaching profession. 
c.Yes, especially if there is no other teacher who can fill in the
vacant position. 
d.No, she gas to take first a 12-unit refresher course before
she can go back to teaching. 
122.This law makes some amendments of certain
sections of Republic Act 7836 such as the qualification
requirements of Teachers Applicants, Registration and
a.Republic Act 7610
b.Republic Act 105333
c.Republic Act 10157
d.Republic Act 9293
123. When should teacher support on
a.At all times for whatever cause
b.When they dialogue with administration
c.When there is rift among teachers
d.When the best interest of the learners is at
stake in a controversy
124.What Republic Act that punishes any person
who practice the teaching profession in the
Philippines without having first a license as a
professional teacher? 
a.Republic Act 1006
b.Republic Act 7836
c.Republic Act 7796
d.Republic Act 7722
125.The following are the steps that a teacher follows in using
instructional material in the classroom. In what order must the steps
be accomplished?
I.Follow up
II.Prepare the materials
III.Prepare yourself
IV.Prepare the students
a.IV, II, III and I
b.IV, I, II and III
c.III, IV, II, I
d.III, II, I and IV
126. Which of the following instructional
materials is the least concrete? 
a.School newsletter 
b.Simulated flight software 
c.Tutorial video
d.Illustrated textbooks
Levels of Cone of Experience
Enactive- direct experiences
o Direct, purposeful
o Contrived
o Dramatized
Iconic- pictorial experiences
o Demonstrations
o Study trips
o Exhibits
o Educational television
o Motion pictures
o Recordings, radio, still pictures
Symbolic- highly abstract experiences
o Visual symbols
o Verbal symbols
127.Which of these is not an intended
role of technology in the classroom? 
a.Educate in lieu of the teacher
b.Concretize peculiar concepts
c.Arouse student interest
d.Make learning more interactive
128.Honesty remains a value even if nobody in an
organization values it. This pronouncement comes
from the mouth of a (an) ____________.
129.I cannot forget my friend’s birthday for it
comes one day after my birthday. Which principle
of association as applied to memory explains this?
•Contiguity - the state of being
contiguous; contact or proximity.
130. Which piagetian term refers to one’s
inability to distinguish between one’s own
perspective and someone else’s?
131.Two identical balls of clay are shown to the child. The
child agrees that they are equal. Teacher changes the
shape of one of the balls and asks the child whether they
still contain equal amounts of clay. The child answer, “ No
the longer one has more”. What skill does the child lack?
132. Which theory is demonstrated by this? A young
boy might observe his father aggressive outbursts and
hostile interchanges with people; when observe with
his peers, the young boy’s style of interaction is highly
a.Social cognitive theory
b.Cognitive developmental theory
c.Operant conditioning
d.Classical conditioning
133.Two identical beakers A & B are presented to the child.
Teacher pours the liquid from B into C., which is taller, and
thinner than A & B has equal capacity with B. teacher asks if
the beakers A: C have the same amount of liquid. The child
says “ No” and points to C as the beaker that has more liquid.
In what cognitive developmental stage is the child?
a.Formal operational stage
c.Concrete operational stage
134.To make sense of our world we organize our
experiences. We also change our thinking to include
new ideas and additional information. The process of
changing our thinking as a result of new ideas is termed
by Piaget as________.
135. A pre-school child says: “ That tree pushed the leaf
off, and it fell down”. This show that the pre-school
child believes that inanimate objects have lifelike
qualities and are capable of action. This belief is
136.Which statement correctly explains the
constructivist theory of learning?
a.Children are empty receptacles
b.Children actively create knowledge and
c.Children are passive learners
d.Children’s minds are blank slates
137.Miss Solano, a preschool teacher sees to it that the
children are given opportunity to explore and work on
different materials so that they will develop initiative
and not guilt. She is guided by the theory of______.
138. Which one is a developmental task of the
intermediate pupil according to Havighurst’s list
of development tasks?
a.Learning sex differences
b.Beginning to develop a conscience
c.Achieving emotional independence from
d.Learning to get along with age mates
139. Sometimes the non-verbal aspect of
communication can carry more weight than the verbal.
Nonverbal message can be sent by the following,
a.Teacher’s comment: “ the answer is not written on
the floor”
b.Tone of voice
c.Facial expression
d.Body language
140. A reading teacher sees positive effects in the
use of various sections of a newspaper. In what
way does the use of the newspaper affect the
a.Provides for meeting pupil different interest
b. Strengthens learning skills
c. Contributes to pupils understanding
d. Reinforces learning experiences
Instructional Aids can Affect Students in
many Ways:
• Motivating students - model cars, trucks, trains, etc
- can be used to introduced a unit on transportation.
• Contributing to understanding - graphs can be used to clarify
fluctuations of the stock market.
• Providing varried Learning Experience - workbookor paperback
novel can supplement the assigned textbooks
• Reinforcing Learning - ex. when the students hear the music of the
composer, they can better understand a discussion of his/her style.
• Allowing for different interest - ex. various section of the newspaper
can be assigned, depending on the type of a persor a learner.
• Encouraging Participation - ex. role playing increases
individual involvement
• Providing Experiences that might otherwise be had -
simulations allow students yo feel and sense
experience in classroom.
• Changing attitudes and feelings - a photograph can be
used to illustrate and increase the emotional impact of
abstract concept such as pollution, war poverty.
141. The audio-visual experience is an opportunity for
the teacher to guide students for more fruitful learning.
It is more effective if students
a. Participate actively through discussion
b. Are told to remember and memorize facts.
c. Listen attentively and jot down notes
d. Are given quizzes immediately after the presentation
142. This is the stage when the learner becomes
confused and starts to experience identity crisis.
Which of these stages is it?
a. early childhood
b. early adulthood
c. late childhood
d. Adolescent
143. Parenting style influences children’s development. Read the
following parent’s remarks for their children then, answer the question.
Parent C – Tells her child: “You should do it my way or else. There is no
Parent D – Tells her husband: “It is 10:00 PM, do you know where your
child is?”
Parent E – Tells her child: “You know, you should have not done that.
Let’s talk about it so you can handle the situation better next time.”
Parent F – Tells her child: “You may do what you want. We will always
be here for you, no matter what you do.”
Which Parenting style is Authoritarian?
144.A P.E. Teacher wrote this objective in her lesson plan, "to
execute the four fundamental steps." When observed by the
school principal, she was showing her class how to execute
basic dance step correctly. Why did the teacher use a
demonstration method to implement her objective?
a. It is a chance to show teacher's expertise
b. No students know how to execute the steps
c. Class time is limited to ask students to execute
d. It is easier to imitate a teacher who shows the steps
145. Which Republic Act provides government
assistance to students and teachers in private
a. RA 7784
b. RA 6728
c. RA 7836
d. RA 6675
146. Which is NOT a characteristics of democratic
a. Child has opportunity to express his/her
b. Child given punishment is related to the
c. Child understands the meaning of rules 
d. Child obeys blindly
147. How many tracks do we have in the
K to 12 curriculum?
a. Four
b. Two
c. Three
d. Five
148. You are required to formulate your own
philosophy of education in the course teaching
profession, based on Bloom’s revised taxonomy, in
which level of cognitive structure or processing are
A. Applying
B. Creating
C. Analyzing
D. Evaluating
149. Pick out the situation that illustrates the duty of a new teacher to
the state:
a. Take a long vacation which she firmly believes she deserves
after four years of diligent study before taking the examination for
b. Apply for teaching job where eligibility is not required to gain
teaching experience before taking the teachers board examination 
c. Prepare for the wedding she and her boyfriend have long
planned to able to raise a family with children which they plan to rear
as good citizen of our country 
d. Take the licensure examination for teacher and an oath to do
her best to help carry out the policies of the state
150. Teachers and students can participate in levels of computer use.
Give the order of computer use from simplest to complex?
a. Computer competency, computer literacy, competency
b. Computer literacy, computer expertise, computer
c. Computer competency, computer expertise, computer literacy 
d. Computer literacy, computer competency, computer
Levels of Computer Knowledge
• Computer Literacy - general knowledge
• Computer Competency - ability to use the computer
as a tool for a particular purpose
• Computer Expertise - knowledge of how computers
work and how to program them
• Computer hacker - more than an expert
- addictive to the computer ferment
(Computer Literacy as “fourth R”)

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