Professional Education - Drill 7 - Part 2

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    Through the enactment of republic Act 7836, the regulation and licensing of teachers
is now with the:
a.      Professional regulation commission
b.      Commission on Higher education
c.       Department of education, Culture and Sport
d.      Civil Service Commission

2.    Which characterizes the perfections type of student?

a.         Often anxious, fearful, or frustrated about quality of work
b.         Does not volunteer or initiate
c.         Gives up easily   
d.         rarely completes tasks

3.    Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE with respect to physical force or
a.         Scold a hungry student for his lack of attention
b.         Believe  in their students
c.         Critisize the misbehavior not the student who misbehaves
d.         Structure the classroom environment to make it supportive

4.    Which of the following group activities provides an open environment in which group
members can discuss their opinions without being judged as wrong?
a.         Panel                          c. Buzz session  
b.         Forum                         d. Philips 66

5.    Results in NEAT and NSAT for the past years show that achievement has highest in:
a.         Science          
b.         Heograpiya, Kasaysayan at Sibika  
c.         English
d.         Filipino

6.    Which is the least authentic mode of assessment?

a.         experiments in science to assess skill in the use of scientific method
b.         oral performance  to assess student’s spoken communication skills
c.         paper-and-pencil test in vocabulary
d.         artistic production for music or art subject

7.    The Philosophers that maintain that “ Truth exists in an objective order that is
independent of the knower are the:
a.         pragmatists   c. existentialists  
b.         idealists          d. realists

8.    The following are four levels of computer use. You are able to use the computer as a
tool for particular purposes. In what level are you?
a.         computer hacker      
b.         computer expertise
c.         Computer literacy    
d.         computer competency

9.    A teacher who equates authority with power usually does the following, Except:
a.         shames  
b.         retaliates      
c.         develops self respect in every pupil
d.         intimidates

10.  Which type of test is least useful in educational diagnosis?

a.         Multiple choice item c. Matching item
b.         True-false item          d. Short answer item

11.  In a microcomputer system the actual machine itself is called the:

a.         CPU                            c. hardware  
b.         software                     d. peripheral

12.  Which interactive teaching should be AVOIDED?

a.         using multiple-response strategy
b.         using “ put-down” strategy
c.         asking more divergent questions
d.         asking more evaluative questions

13.  Teacher C wants to develop in his pupils the skill to organizes  ideas. Which activity
will fit?
a.         simulation                  c. Brainstroming
b.         Game                         d. concept mapping

14.  The process whereby a culture is transmitted from members of one society to another
is called:
a.         integration                 c. acculturation
b.         assimilation                d. enculturation

15.  One aim of La Liga Filipina, i.e., to encourage popular education is in line with the
present Phil. Government in education to promote
a.         lifelong and quality   
b.         effectiveness & efficiency
c.         relevance and quality
d.         access and equity

16.  Teacher T wants group members to give their full attention to what one individual
wants to express. This is done by the whole group seated in a circle while 2 chairs are
placed in the center of the circle for two members to converse while the others listen.
What is this technique called?
a.    Round table      c. Forum
b.    Symposium       d. Fish bowl technique

17.  Confucius asserted that in teaching there should be no distinction of classes.

Confucius’ teaching is in support of
a.      Moral recovery program
b.      Back-to –the-basics       
c.       Education for all (EFA)
d.      Values Education

18.  The first American teachers in the Philippines were

a.         Elementary graduates             
b.         Graduates of the normal school 
c.         Missionaries
d.         Soldiers

19.  Which instructional aid requires pupils to perform?

a.      mock up                        c. pantomime
b.      film                               d. comic books

20.  Which among the following objectives in the psychomotor domain is highest in level?
a.      To contract a muscle
b.      To run a100 meter dash
c.       To distinguish distant and close sounds
d.      To dance the basic steps of the waltz

21.  The project method is considered valuable for the following reasons EXCEPT one:
a. Pupils develop alertness, open-mindedness and tolerance
b. Pupils are trained to be responsible
c.  Motive for learning is developed
d. Movement among pupils is not free and free discussion is almost nil

22.  The use of drills in the classroom is rooted on Thorndike’s law of

a.         Belongingness                        c. Exercise 
b.         Readiness                               d. Effect

23.  For wholistic learning, it is urgent to utilize both sides of the brain; the effective as well
as the cognitive, the logical along with the
a.         Behavioral                  c. Musical 
b.         Intuitive                      d. Rational

24.  Which instructional aid requires pupils to verbalize?

a.         Diorama                     c. Sociodrama
b.         Brainstorming            d. Graph
25.  Education during the revolutionary period in the Philippines then was focused on the
a.         Mastery of the Spanish language
b.         Strengthening of the moral fiber of  the people
c.         Mastery of the basic skills
d.         Establishment of nationhood

26.  Gagne delineates 9 external events in sequential instructional planning. Which are the
first and the last in the sequence?
a.      Informing students of the lesson objectives-enhancing the retention and transfer of
b.      Informing students of the lesson objectives-assessing student performance
c.       Gaining attention- enhancing the retention and transfer of learning
d.      Stimulating recall of previous learning- assessing student performance

27.  Students non-verbal behavior affects student-teacher interaction. An example is a

student’s choice of seat at the beginning of the year influences the teacher’s impression
of how responsive the student is. Under which category of non-verbal communication
does the example fall?
a.         Attentiveness                                   c. Timing
b.         Location/proximity                         d. Disruptive behavior

28.  In instructional planning, which among these three; unit plan, course plan, lesson plan
is (are) most specific? _______ plans.
a.      Course      b.      Unit           c. Lesson             d. Course and lesson

29.  If a student thinks about thinking, he is involved in the process called:

a.      creative thinking                    c. higher-order  thinking
b.      metacognition                       d. critical thinking

30.  The following are some drill techniques EXCEPT:

a.      Assigning exercises from a workbook
b.      Challenging students to be above the level of the class
c.       Giving short quiz and having students grade papers
d.      Asking papers to repeat answers

31.  For instructions to be effective it must be interactive. Which then should be avoided by

a.      Teacher episode                                  c. Non-verbal cues
b.      Teacher asking questions                  d. Teacher monologue

32.  Which is NOT a basic component of a lesson plan?

a.      Evaluation                   b. Assignment         c. Resources                 d. Content

33.  To improve students’ attentive behavior, which should be vigilant about?

a.      Raising a hand to volunteer a response
b.      Turning around to listen to a student who is speaking
c.       Maintaining eye contact with the teacher
d.      Doodling with a pencil

34.  One criterion for content to be developed in a lesson is LEARNABILITY. What does

the capitalized letter word mean?
a.      The content should be worthwhile
b.      The content should be within the capacity of the students to learn
c.       Resources and materials for the development of the content are available
d.      The content should be useful or practical in some situation

35.  Learning is enhanced when

a.      the learner competes with his classmates
b.      the teacher expresses his enlargement with low scores
c.       the expectation of success is high
d.      the expectations is under stress and is challenged

36.  Teacher V teaches the pupils to find the main idea, sequence events, find the details
and read creatively and critically. What skills does Teacher V teach?
a.      Utilization skills                    c. Comprehension skills
b.      Study skills                            d. Word recognition skill

37.  Vygotsky claimed that social interaction is important for learning. What does this
a.      Children are independent problem solvers
b.      Children learn from adults and other children
c.       Since they are not capable of interaction, children in the crib has no learning yet
d.      Children learn well by passive presentation of information

38.  Teacher Z has a variety of instructional materials at her disposal for a lesson on

marine life. Which one should she consider first and foremost?
a.      Pupil’s ability                        c. Pupil’s interest
b.      lesson objective                  d. Topic

39.  Which were features of Educational Decree of 1863?

I.     The church’s active involvement in the public educational system
II.   Segregation of boys and girls in the school
III. Few benefits and privileges for teachers
IV. Absence of a system of teacher promotion
a.         II,III     b. I,II                c. I,IV   d. I,III

40.  Which one explains curriculum alignment correctly?

a.      Teachers emphasize different learning experiences based upon their skills and
b.      Teachers plan activities considering learner’s multiple intelligences and varied learning
c.       Objectives match with assessment
d.      Objectives match instruction and assessments

41.  Positive interdependence as an element of collaborative learning means that the

students must
a.         help one another in the individual test for everyone to pass
b.         depend on the diligent student
c.         be grouped heterogeneously
d.         learn to depend on each other to achieve a goal

42.  Teacher E wants to encourage collaborative learning in her class. Which one should
do to heighten positive interdependence
a.      Emphasize the idea that the success of the group depends on the diligent student
b.      Works for homogeneous grouping
c.       Provide each student with one set of resources

43.  Which one can help the student develop the habit of critical thinking?
a.    asking low level questions
b.    a willingness to suspend judgment until sufficient evidence id presented
c.    Asking convergent questions
d.    Blind obedience to authority

44.  Which materials consists of instructional units that cater to the different needs and the
varying mental levels pupils?
a.      Minimum learning competencies  
b.      Multi-level materials   
c.       Plantilia
d.      Multi-grade materials

45.  Which is a teaching approach for kindergartens that makes the real world experiences
of the child the focal point of educational stimulation?
a.    Montessori approach  
b.    Traditional approach  
c.    Eclectic approach
d.    Situation approach

46.  Gray defines reading a four-step process. In which order do the fur steps come?
I.           Integration                 II. reaction
II.         Perception                 IV. Comprehension
      a. I-II-III-I      b. II-III-IV-I c. III-IV-I-II  d. II-IV-III-I

47.  Teacher M wants to develop in her pupils comprehension skills. What order of skills
will she develop?
I.                    literal comprehension  
II.                  interpretation   
III.                critical evaluation
IV.                integration

      a.II-III-IV-I                    b. IV-III-II-I                c. III-IV-I-II                    d. I-II-III-IV

48.  An integrative, conceptual approach introduced by Roldan has as its highest level is
the development  of _______ thinking skills
a.    Interpretative                                    c. Creative 
b.    Literal                                                 d. Critical

49.  The use of mnemonics helps a pupil _______ information

a.      Analyze                                            c. Apply  
b.      Understand                                    d. Remember

50.  which schools are subjects to supervision, regulation and control by the state?
a.      public, private sectarian and non-sectarian schools
b.      public schools
c.       private schools
d.      sectarian and non-sectarian schools

Answer key:

1.   A
2.   A
3.   A
4.   C
5.   D
6.   C
7.   B
8.   C
9.   C

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