Organic Agriculture Enhanced Training

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(232 HOURS)

Upi Agricultural School

Training and Assessment Center
Upi, Maguindanao
Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Select healthy 1. Breed/strains breeds are identified as per PNS-Organic Agriculture-
stocks and Livestock and GAHP Guidelines
suitable housing 2. Healthy chicks are selected based on industry acceptable indicator for
healthy chicks.
3. Suitable site for chicken house are determined based on PNS
4. Chicken house design is prepared based PNS recommendations.
5. House equipment installation design is prepared in line with PNS
recommendation and actual scenario.
2. Set-up cage 1. House equipment are installed in line with housing equipment installation
equipment design
2. Bedding materials are secured based on availability in the locality
3. Bedding is prepared in accordance with housing equipment housing
4. Brooding facility is set-up in accordance with the housing equipment
installation design.
Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
3. Feed 1. Suitable feed materials are selected based on availability in the
chicken locality and nutrient requirements of chicken
  2. Feed materials are prepared following enterprise prescribed
3. Animals are fed based on feeding management program
4. Feeding is monitored following enterprise procedure
4. Grow and 1. Growth rate is monitored based on enterprise procedures
harvest 2. Health care program are implemented based on enterprise
chicken procedures
3. Sanitation and cleanliness program are implemented based on
enterprise procedure
4. Organic waste for fertilizer formulation are collected.
5. Suitable chicken for harvest are selected based on market
6. Production record is accomplished according to enterprise

At least 70 days old from brooding to harvest as per PNS on OA (Brooding 21 days)

At Least 49 days old to harvest (7 days)

-Temperature At least 42 days to harvest (42 )
-Feeds/Nutrition HARDENING
-Facilities in the Poultry -Temperature Tolerance
-Health Management -Housing Requirement
-Housing Requirements
-Biosecurity -Feeding
-Personal Protective -Health Management
Equipment (PPE) -PPE
-Health Management

Ranged Chicken

Eggs Newly Hatched

Factors for successful brooding
• Food and water should be accessible all the time to
ensure their proper growth and secure them from
starvation and dehydration that will cause mortality on
new batch.
• Proper Ventilation should be provided for the growth and
oxygen of the chick.
• Light or Heat should always be present in the house for it
will help them build their feathers and keeping them dry
all the time.
• Stocking Density from day-old chick it should be 15-20
max stocking density per square meter to enhance their
growth and spacing.
Feed Types and Forms
• Feed types are roughage and concentrates
• Feed forms are mashes, crumbles and pellets
• Feed materials
 Protein Sources (e.g. madre de agua; ipil-ipil)
other leguminous plants
 Carbohydrate sources – rootcrops
 Mineral sources – e.g. Calcium-eggshells, sea
shells; potassium –tubers (banana)
What is Culling?
• The of removal of unprofitable or
undesirable birds while selection is
the picking of the best birds from
the flock.
• The process of removing the
undesirable traits in the flocks
such as poor egg production,
obesity, poor vitality, lays fewer
eggs per clutch and the chicks
hatched are weak or have
developed physical deformities
should also be culled even at their
younger age.
Selecting Good Stock
FroFrom brooding and
hardening stage, we select
good chicks to be group as
our Grow-out or Breeder
good chicks to be group as
our Grow-out or Breeder
Identifying Unwanted Stocks
Chicken with symptoms and existing sickness

Deformation (leg)
Deformation (beak)

Colds & internal problems


Runny nose
Avian Pox
Identifying Good Stocks
Chicken with good characteristics as stocks

Chicken without symptoms or

signs of sickness.
Characteristic of good quality chicks
 Clean, dry navel and
clear, feathers
around the vent
 Thick shanks with
spaced and straight
 Big clear eyes
 Lively behavior
Characteristic of good layer
Should appear
healthy and lively
normal for the
A red comb
Eyes clear and
Characteristic of good layer
Legs less coloured
in lay
The breast bone
should not be too
Pelvic outlet should
be 3-4 cm wide
Characteristic of good layer
Clean, dry beaks and
Clean feathers
around the vent
Straight legs and
toes, with no signs of
scaly legs
Characteristic of good layer

• Combs and wattles should be full, large,

waxy, bright red and warm.
• Flexible pubic bones, wide apart to allow three
fingers to fit between.
• Eyes of a good layer should be large, bright,
prominent and sparkling
• Clean-cut, strong, refined head
Characteristic of good layer
• Good layer has an abdomen that is deep and soft, easily
pliable without body fat accumulation by probing fingers
while a poor layer has a hard and shallow abdomen
• Behavior, a good layer is normally alert to her
surroundings and is not lazy
• Molting in good layers starts late and is quite rapid.
• The feathers of an active laying hen should be dirty and
ragged looking
• Good layers would have a laying percentage of over 80
per cent
Characteristic of bad layer
• A poor layer has small, scaly, pale, and shriveled
comb and wattles. This is also a sign of possible
• Pubic bones of poor layer are tight, quite rigid and
narrow, not allowing the fingers
• The poor laying bird will have the vent dry,
small/tight, round and cold
• A poor layer often has small, sleepy/dull and
sunken eyes
Characteristic of bad layer

• Poor layers have coarse, meaty/thin, blocky, weak

looking head.
• Poor layer has a hard and shallow abdomen
• Poor layers have dark-pigmented or dull skins,
earlobes and shanks
• Poor layers, on the other hand, look dull and are
most of the times droopy
Lighting management necessary in layers
• In addition to a good diet, chickens need at least 14
hours of daylight to lay eggs.

Motto of Lighting System

“ Never increase the light during growing season

and never decrease the light during the laying
In case of disease outbreak in organic chicken

• act quickly at the first signs of disease, Treat the chicken

and manage them.
• Isolate the sick birds form the healthy ones
• Consult veterinarian to find correct solution
• Practice sanitation and biosecurity
In case of cannibalism outbreak, what would you do
• Debeak the birds usually 9 days of age
• Give right rations according to their needs
• Provide recommended space, flooring/feeding/drinking
• Maintain right temperature and proper ventilation
• Separate injured birds and treat the wound with pine tar or
any anti peck preparation.
Safety equipment and clothing should you use and wear while
cleaning and disinfecting poultry diseases

• eye protection such as goggles

• footwear
• Long rubber gloves
• Water proof hat
• Long pants over boots
• Rubber boots
• hearing protection
• respiratory protective equipment (RPE)such as respirator
• safety helmets
• wet weather clothing
Procedures or steps to follow in waste management and dead chickens

• Collect the manures and dry them, apply the dry

manures to the plant or process it into vermi
• Collect the dead chickens, bury or burn it to avoid
possible contamination from healthy ones.
What records do you need to accomplish? How and why?

• Broiler record
• Rearing flock record
• Laying flock record

If sudden drop of egg production occur, what action would you take?

• Cull the unproductive birds

• Observed the feeding management
Is there a specific procedure in putting up a poultry farm?

• Land availability and cost

• Topography
• Acceptability of the poultry business
• Availability of feed
• Availability of water
• Transportation facilities
• Market facilities
What is the standard classification of eggs?

• It must be fresh
• It must be clean and free from visible cracks;
• It must be practically normal in shape; and
• It must be free from foreign odors.
• Classes based on weight
• Jumbo = 70 and up
• Extra large = 65-70
• Large = 60-65
• Medium = 55-60
• Small = 50-55
• Pullets = 45-50
• Pewee = 40 below
What are the management practices for the production of
high quality eggs?

• Egg Sanitation and Hatchery Hygiene

• Clean Nest Material
• Frequent Egg Gathering
• Egg Transport Management
• Maintain High Fertility Level
• Egg Holding Duration
• Egg Positioning During Storage and Setting
Give examples of disinfectants used for poultry operation.

• Sunlight
• Organic herbal nutrients
• Acetic acid (Vinegar)
Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Establish 1. Seeds are selected in accordance with the PNS, and NSQCS/BPI.
nursery 2. Seedbeds are prepared in accordance with planting requirements
based on Vegetable Production manual (VPM).
3. Care and maintenance of seedlings are done in accordance with
enterprise practice.
4. Potting media are prepared in accordance with enterprise procedure.
2. Plant 1. Land preparation is carried out in accordance with enterprise
seedlings practice
2. Beneficial micro-organisms are introduced prior to planting in
accordance with enterprise procedure
3. Seedlings are transplanted/planted based on VPM
4. Seedlings are watered based on VPM recommendations
Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
3. Perform 1. Water management is implemented according to plan.
plant care and
2. Effective control measures are determined on specific pest and diseases as
described under the “pest, disease and weed management” of the PNS
3. All missing hills are replanted to maintain the desired plant population of the area
4. Plant rejuvenation/rationing are maintained according to PNS.
5. Organic fertilizers are applied in accordance with fertilization policy of the PNS

4. Perform 1. Products are checked using maturity indices according to PNS, PNS-organic
harvest and agriculture and enterprise practice.
activities 2. Marketable products are harvested according to PNS, PNS-organic agriculture and
enterprise practice.
3. Harvested vegetables are classified according to PNS, PNS-organic agriculture
and enterprise practice.
4. Appropriate harvesting tools and materials are used according to PNS.
5. Post harvest practices are applied according to PNS and GAP recommendations
6. Production record is accomplished according to enterprise procedures.

-Source from -Prepare Nursery -Prepare Garden -Fertilize Soil/ -Use Proper
certified organic Site Plant Harvesting Tools

-Non-GMO -Prepare Organic -Condition Soil -Water Plants -Collect

Potting Materials Harvested

-No Chemical -Equip Basic -Perform Plant -Packaging

Treatment Facilities Health Medium

-Use PPE Use PPE


Fully Grown Plant Fruits


How do you prepare a good seedbed?

• Clear the area and prepare growth media

• Sterilize plots through sun drying or hot water treatment
• Introduce beneficial microorganisms
• Provide access to clean and unchlorinated water
• Prepare the seedbeds using indigenous materials
• Seedling trays maybe used or “arorong”
• Strictly record the activities
How do you select good seeds according to the Philippine
National Standards (PNS)?

• No to GMO seeds
• Source of seeds and planting materials shall be from certified organic
producers, when available
• Use untreated and planting materials which are available, in case, chemically
untreated conventional materials maybe used provided that they have not
been treated with pesticides
What are the ideal characteristics of an organic nursery?

• Clean, free from contaminants and establish buffer

zone, if necessary
• Put up shade or transparent plastic to protect heavy
rains and avoid entry point for insect pest
• Availability of clean and unchlorinated water
• Availability of concoctions
• Secured area from stray animals
• Provide clean garden tools
• Strictly maintain proper record keeping
How do you apply basal and foliar fertilizers in the vegetables?

• Basal fertilizer is applied in the soil by digging holes or mixing

basal fertilizer into the soil of preferred bed before planting the
• Foliar fertilizer is applied by spraying into the plant leaves and
body during ambient temperature while the stomata is open.
What are the proper procedures in planting and transplanting
various vegetables?

• Staking
• Establishing distance
• Holing
• Sterilizing
• Basal application
• Spraying concoctions
• Planting
How do you perform plant care activities?

General procedures in plant care

Visit the plants everyday and observe presence of pests and diseases
Water the plants every other day preferably in the morning
Weed the plants when needed by hand weeding
Spray concoction to make the soil healthy (feed the soil, not the plant)
For faster growth, spray IMO & FPJ
Spray FFJ to make fruits healthy and good taste
Spray OHN and LABS when there are insect pests and diseases
Plant insect repellants around the garden
Practice crop rotation
How do you identify the different maturity indices of common
vegetables in the Philippines?

Maturity indices
Solanaceous (eggplant, pepper, tomatoes)
-color of fruit, shiny, perfect size
Cucurbits (pipino, squash, upo)
-size, age from transplanting, convex appearance,
Leafy (pechay, lettuce, mustard)
-at least 8 leaves from the base
What are the organic methods of preventing and controlling
pest and diseases for vegetables?

Organic Control Methods

 Introduction of beneficial microorganisms
 Increase population of natural enemies by
planting alternative host plant for natural
 Use parasitoid
 Maintain sanitation in the field
 Plant sacrificial plant
How do you observe the harvesting protocol of organic

Observing harvesting protocol

 Must have clearly defined collection area
 Harvester must be identified and familiar with
the harvesting area
 The harvest area shall be at an appropriate
distance from conventional farms and other
sources of pollution and contamination
How do you perform improve fertility of the soil?

Improving soil fertility

Use of organic fertilizer

Loosen the soil and spray IMO to increase the growth of
beneficial microorganism
Practice intercropping
Application of green manure
Practice crop rotation
Prevent soil erosion through cover cropping
Practice fallow period
How do you harvest and handle vegetables properly using
indigenous materials?

Harvest vegetables early in the morning or late in the

afternoon using pruning knife
Segregate the different sizes of vegetable and remove those
that have defects
Place it in bamboo baskets lined with banana leaves or
used newspapers to prevent rashes and other damages
Transport vegetables at cool temperature or early in the
What are the types of pest and diseases of vegetables?


Ants – mint
Aphids – garlic, coriander/anise
Beetle – tomato, radish, marigold
Borers – onion, garlic
Mites – onion, garlic, chives
Nematode – marigold, dahlia, calendula, asparagus
Whitefly – marigold
What is the appropriate PPE in the garden?

Rubber boots
Pants and longs leave
Eye protector
How do you keep records in the farm?

Keeping records is essential in every farm operation to

well manage the farm in terms of its production and
management system. It is also important to keep track the
different activities or operation needed in farming.
How do you maintain cleanliness and orderliness in your

To maintain cleanliness and orderliness in the farm,

always practiced and observed 5’s meaning, sorting,
sustain, shine, standardized, self-discipline.
How do you implement the Philippines National Standards?

To implement the Philippine National Standard in

organic vegetable production, you must consider the
choice of crop varieties, crop rotation and soil
management practices, fertilizer practices and growth
regulators, pest disease and weed management,
commercial production of organic fertilizer, pollution
control and contamination management, soil and water
conservation and diversity in crop production.
How do you communicate with superiors and co-workers to
ensure that planned activities in production are carried out

Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range Statement
1. Prepare 1. Site is selected based on compost fertilizer production
requirements and
composting 2. Site lay-out is prepared based on location.
3. Bed is prepared in accordance with production
area and raw requirements
materials 4. Materials are gather based on production requirements
and PNS for organic fertilizer
5. Prepare raw materials following enterprise procedure
and PNS for organic fertilizer

Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range Statement
2. Compost and 1. Appropriate composting methods are applied based
on production requirements
harvest fertilizer 2. Compost is monitored based PNS indicators of fully
decomposed fertilizer
3. Quality of harvest is checked based on PNS indicators
of fully decomposed fertilizer
4. Processing of compost fertilizer are carried- out
based on production requirement.
5. Record keeping is performed according to enterprise
BASAL -Ratio and -Time/Duration -Matured -Use
Proportion -Maintenance -Fully Appropriate
-Raw -Temperature Decomposed Packaging
Materials -Moisture OF -Label
-C/N Ratio -(Aerobic/ -Procedures -Storage
-Use PPE Anerobic -Use PPE
-Use PPE
FOLIAR -Ratio and -Time Duration -Procedure -Use
Proportion -Temperature -Use PPE Appropriate
-Raw -Physical Container
Materials Appearance -Label
-Aeration -Odor -Storage
-Use PPE -Use PPE
Gathering of materials

Preparation of materials and wormbed

Anaerobic Decomposition (10-15 days)

Aerobic Decomposition (30-45 days)

Earthworm Biomass
Earthworm Biomass

Market On farm use Vermi-meal Recycle

How do you prepare the composting area?
 Select good site for composting
 Gather all materials needed in
 Make sure that area for
composting is well shaded for
easier decomposition
 Prepare beds/composting bin
 Provide water facilities
 Use C/N ration in mixing of raw
Characteristics of a good composting site

•Good drainage system

•Availability of water supply
•Proximity to the source of raw
•Area of minimum
•Types of soil
•Area with minimal sunlight
Preparation of raw materials
In preparing the raw materials
(substrate), it is helpful to
consider the source and quality,
the carbon to nitrogen (C:N)
ratio and the size of the


•Crop residue
•Animal manure
•Leguminous plants
The method of housing the worms is site

HOUSING TYPE specific and person specific. Conditions

obtaining in one place may not be present in
another. As such, the vermiculturist should
decide what is best suited for him and his



Housing Structures
The C:N Ratio

All biodegradable materials contain carbon (C)

and nitrogen (N); higher carbon content will
mean slower decomposition, hence, addition of
materials rich or high in nitrogen is required to
the process.
How do you produce vermicasts and vermicompost?

• Vermicast or vermicomposting is the process of using

earthworms to breakdown kitchen and garden waste,
to create a faster than normal composting; to be
précised the product is called vermicompost (or worm

• Vermicasts and vermicomposting is produce with the

aid of African night crawler/vermi in which raw
materials are eaten/digested and the waste product
are formed.
Anaerobic Decomposition- composting without
air. This will last for one (1) week. The substrate
is ready for use when the temperature has
dropped to ambient levels and you can see the
appearance of white mushrooms.

Aerobic Decomposition. Composting with air.

May last to four to five weeks after stocking
the worms. It has been observed that 100 kilos
of substrate can be consumed within 30 days
by 1 kilo of worms.
What are the raw materials for foliar fertilizer??

• Molasses/ muscovado sugar/brown sugar

• Rippen fruits(banana, papaya, etc.)
• Plant parts(Bamboo shoot, banana shoot,
• Vermi tea
How do you process foliar fertilizer?

Foliar fertilizer is done trough fermentation

process. Mixture of rippen fruits, mollases or
muscovado sugar is one of the basic concept of
fermentation process.

How do you apply foliar fertilizer?

• Foliar fertilizer is applied by spraying into the
plant leaves and body during ambient
temperature while the stomata is open.
What are the commonalities and differences between basal
and foliar fertilizer?
• Basal fertilizer is usually solid in nature and is applied in
the soil by digging holes or mixing basal fertilizer into the
soil of preferred bed before planting the seedling.

• Foliar fertilizer is usually liquid in nature and is applied by

spraying into the plant leaves and body during ambient
temperature while the stomata is open.
• They are both essential in plant growth activities
How do you understand the carbon and nitrogen (C/N) ratio
and what it means?
• All biodegradable materials contain carbon (C) and
nitrogen (N); higher carbon content will mean slower
decomposition, hence, addition of materials rich or high
in nitrogen is required to the process.
Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range Statement
1. Prepare for 1. Work and storage areas are cleaned, sanitized and secured.
the production 2. Raw materials used are cleaned and freed from synthetic chemicals
of various 3. Tools, materials and equipment used are cleaned, freed from
contaminations and must be of “food grade” quality
concoctions 4. Personal hygiene are observed according to OHS procedures.
2. Process 1. Raw materials are prepared in accordance with enterprise practice.
concoctions 2. Fermentation period is set based on enterprise practice.
3. Various concoctions are fermented following to organic practices.
4. Concoctions are harvested based on fermentation period of the
3. Package 1. Concoctions are contained in sanitized bottles and containers.
concoctions 2. Packaged concoctions are labeled and tagged in accordance with
enterprise practice.
3. Packaged concoctions are stored in appropriate place and temperature
following organic practices.
4. Production of concoctions are recorded using enterprise procedures.
The kinds of concoctions that are used as fertilizers are:

 Indigenous Micro-Organism (IMO),

 Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum (LABS); and
 Fermented Amino Acid (FAA)
The kinds of concoction used for livestock are:

 Natural Health Enhancer (3 Cs)

 Natural Calphos Micro Nutrients (CALPHOS)
 Natural Lactic Acid Bacterium Syrup (LABS) Enzymes
 Beneficial Indigenous Micro-Organism (IMO)
 Natural Immune Booster (OHM – Oriental Herbs
 Natural Taste Enhancer (Fermented Fruit Juice – FFJ)
 Natural Growth Enhancer (Fermented Plant Juice – FFJ)
To protect the concoctions from any form of contaminations, the
following must be observed:

 Use of indigenous materials like bamboo

 Use of protective materials such as screen, covers, stray
 Wash materials during preparation
 Use of PPE properly
 Clean/sterilize utensils to be used
 Spray OHN, LABS, IMO
 Clean and sanitize the area
 Avoid direct exposure to sunlight
 Maintain required temperature
How do you apply the procedures in organic sanitation and commercial
sterilization and how they differ from each other?

The procedure in the application of organic sanitation is system-wide

using organically produced disinfectants thru concoctions and
sprayed all over the place where the possible sources of destructive
bacteria/germs are. The sanitation procedure shall include strict
clean area (well ventilated, free from any contamination, well
organized, well protected facilities) with periodic inspection using
the principles of 5 Japanese S. Concoction products are not harmful
to the environment and to human as well as to the animals. The
commercial sterilization is cleaning the area thru the use of
chemicals commercially produced, which is very expensive and
hazardous to the environment and the people.
The basic tools/facilities/equipment used in the preparation of
concoctions are:

 Knives
 Container
 Chopping board
 Manila paper
 Masking tape
 Pentel pen
 Rubber bond
 Apron
How do you package concoctions safely after harvesting?

Concoctions are packaged due to the

following reasons:
 For the identification and indicate time
of harvest as for recordkeeping
 It can be a basis for subsequent practice
What is the importance of labeling the containers with concoctions under

• The importance of labelling the

containers with concoctions under process
is to properly indicate the date of
formulation and harvest.
How and where do you store concoctions?

In storing concoctions, the following must

be observed:
• Store in clean, cool, dark place and free
from disturbance
• Label the concoction products properly,
indicating dates of formulation and
How do you use concoctions as food supplement for livestock?

The following are the ways in using concoctions as food supplement for
• Fermented Fruit Juice – a natural taste enhancer. Mix two (2)
tablespoons of Juice to one (1) liter of clean drinking water at a dosage of
two (2) times week. In severe cases double the dosage. This can be mixed
also with the feeds at the same frequency.
• Fermented Plant Juice – a natural growth enhancer. Mix two (2)
tablespoons of juice to one (1) liter of clean drinking water at a dosage of two
(2) times week. In severe cases double the dosage. This can be mixed also
with the feeds at the same frequency.
• Fermented Amino Acid – a natural amino acid. Two (2) table spoon of
FAA mix with one (1) liter of clean drinking water at a dosage of two (2)
times a week. In severe cases double the dosage. This can be mixed also
with the feeds at the same frequency
How do you use concoctions as food supplement for livestock?

• Oriental Herbs Nutrients – a natural immune booster. Mix two (2)

tablespoon of OHN in one (1) liter of clean drinking water at the dosage of 2
– 4 times a week. In severe cases, triple the dosage. This can also mixed
with the feeds at the same frequency.
• Indigenous Micro-Organism – a beneficial micro-organism. Two (2) table
spoon of IMO mix with one (1) liter of clean drinking water at a dosage of
two (2) times a week. In severe cases, double the dosage. This can be mixed
with the feeds of the same frequency.
• Lactic Acid Bacteria Serums – a natural enzymes. Two (2) tablespoon of
LABS mix with one (1) liter of clean drinking water at a dosage of two (2)
times a week. In severe cases, triple the dosage. This can be mixed with the
feeds of the same frequency.
How do you use concoctions as food supplement for livestock?

• Natural Calphos Micro-Nutrients – two (2) tablespoon of CALPHOS mix

with one (1) liter of clean drinking water at a dosage of two (2) to four (4)
times a week. In severe cases, double the dosage. This can be mixed with
the feeds of the same frequency.
• 3Cs (Celery, Carrots, Cucumber)- a natural health enhancer. Mix five (5)
tablespoon of 3Cs with one half (1/2) liter of clean drinking water and
administer it orally to the animal (good for fever, poor appetite).
How do you consider concoction as a fertilizer?

As fertilizer, the following concoctions could be considered as:

• Indigenous Micro-Organism (IMO) – beneficial indigenous micro-
organism. Add two (2) tablespoon of IMO with one (1) liter of water
and apply to Organic Fertilizer (OF) mixture.
• Lactic Acid Bacteria Serums (LABS) – a natural enzyme. Add two
(2) tablespoons of Labs with one (1) liter of water and apply to
Organic Fertilizer (OF) mixture. Or spray to the plant base one (1) to
two (2) times a week.
• Fermented Amino Acid (FAA) - is a natural amino acid that
enhances the fertility of the soil. In a mixture of two (2) tablespoons
of FAA with one (1) liter of clean water spray to the plant base and
nearby soil one (1) to two (2) times a week.
How do you harvest and handle concoctions properly?

To properly harvest and handle concoctions:

• To be able to harvest concoctions in a right time, maintain a
record that serves as guide on the date of harvesting it.
• Keep concoctions in a clean container, new harvest must not be
sealed right away but keep the cover not so tighten in a given period,
and provide ventilation.
• Handle the concoctions properly by storing it in cool, clean place
free from any disturbances and not exposed directly to the heat of
the sun, fire or any heat produced by machines.
How do you maintain cleanliness and orderliness in your concoction
room and what are the benefits that will bring to the products?
To maintain cleanliness and orderliness in the concoction room, the
following must be observed:
•Labelled storage area classified according to concoction processes;
•Labelled production lines;
•The labeled tool cabinets and equipment (brooms, clean cloth for wiping
wet object/area, etc.)
•The room shall be well ventilated, free from disturbances and free from any
direct heat coming from the sun, machine and electricity.
•Prepare periodic schedules for cleaning and a checklist indicator that
orderliness had been done.
•Maintain a record book indicating the life span and utilization of each of
the concoction extracts.
•Maintain clean sanitation foot rugs at the entrance of the concoction room.
•Put rule signs at the room readable at eye level such as: No Smoking,
maintain silence, wipe your foot at the entrance sanitation rugs, wear PPE,
How do you keep records in every concoctions and what is the
importance of doing so?
To keep records in every concoctions:
•The record book must contain data such as description of the
concoction; date of formulation; time of harvest; storage and expiry
date; rate of application per animal, plant, and area: consumption
date; responsible person; inventory of concoction; refill and
replacement of concoctions.
•The record of each concoction will describe the date and time, and
the consumption history of the concoctions for the organic farmer to
determine the amount consumed per plant, animal, and for
•The record book shall describe also the rate of formulating
concoctions per application.
•The record book shall determine the dosage in each application per
animal and plant.
How and when do you wear appropriate PPE in the concoction’s
production line?
PPE must be worn in the concoction’s production line:
•Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) needs
demonstration on its proper utilization by trained
personnel. PPE are worn in the concoction production
line to protect concoction products from contamination
and preserve its purity.
•The use of masks, books, hair net, gloves and clean
utensils are to protect concoction products from the
falling hair, saliva and sweat from the organic
Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
Select healthy breeders
and suitable cages • Bucks and rams are identified according to breed
• Healthy bucks/rams are selected based on industry
acceptable indicator for healthy small ruminants.
• Suitable site for small ruminants are determined based
on PNS recommendations.
• Small ruminants cage design is prepared based on
Good Animal Husbandry Practices (GAHP), DENR and
zoning ordinances PNS recommendations.
• Cage equipment installation design is prepared in line
with PNS recommendation and actual farm conditions.
• Cage equipment are set-up in line with housing
equipment installation design.
• Rice straws are placed as bedding materials based on
PNS procedures.
Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
Feed small ruminants
• Suitable feed materials are selected based on
availability in the locality, nutrient requirements
and PNS standards.
• Feed materials are prepared following PNS
• Maintenance of forage area are administered in
accordance with PNS procedures.
• Animals are fed based on feeding management
program of PNS.
• Feeding is monitored following PNS procedures.
What would you do if your breeding objectives are not met?

Things to do if the breeding objectives are not met

Evaluate the performance and physical characteristics of
breeders and the management practices (breeding, feeding
and health of breeders)
What if your numbers of breeder animals are inadequate?

Things to do if breeder animals are inadequate

Selection of replacement stocks either within the
general herd or buy from reputable sources through
judging based from characteristics of a good breeder.
What would you do if the existing organic health program is not
Identify precautions when handling breeder rams and bucks?

Precautions when handling breeder rams

or buck
Apply TLC
Apply the correct ratio and proportion of
male and female
What would you do to prevent viral diseases in your flock?
How would you prevent inbreeding?

Prevention of Inbreeding
Practice recordkeeping strictly including
proper identification of animals.
What precaution must you take in handling sick animals??
What records are most important to determine the efficiency of
How would you improve breeding efficiency in your herd?

Improving breeding efficiency

Proper care and management of breeders (selection of
breeders, providing appropriate nutrients for breeders,
providing correct housing requirements and
implementation of effective herd health program).
What alternative breeding system would you adopt if breeder animals are

Alternative breeding system

If the breeder animals are limited, the alternative
breeding system a farmer could adopt is the use of
artificial insemination upgrading to produce offspring with
superior quality and traits.
How would treat bloating?

Treating Bloat
Let the animal walk. Administer orally mineral oil,
massage the rumen and do not let the animal lie down.
What would you do if feed resources are scarce?

Scarce Feed Resources

When the feed resources are scarce, silage could be
made or processed by treating rice straw with concoctions
and use of agricultural by-products.
How would you do manage unproductive animals?

Unproductive animals should be culled. Culling is done

to prevent losses in terms of feeds, labor, time and
production cost.
What would you do if you want to transport animal?

Transporting Animals
A permit from the Municipal Veterinarian or
Agricultural Officer must be secured in transporting
animals from municipality to another.
How would ensure safe handling of vaccines and other biological?

Handling vaccines and other biological should be done

with appropriately. All left vaccine should be buried
according to prescribed depth of soil, all biologics left
should be put in a refrigerator to keep its viability.

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