Unit 1 Careers

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Tina MBA/Health Care BBA/Marketing & Finance and Translation How about you ?

Unit 1: Careers

Starting career

job hunting


What made you choose this company?

What do you know about this company? Why do you consider yourself qualified for the job?

What's your career objective?


Interview role play


career ladder series of levels that lead to better and better jobs career move something you do in order to progress in your job career break period of time away from your job to

for example look after your children


Ambitious Enthusiastic Cosmopolitan

multinationals bonus

key words and expressions:

queue for tube job: line up for underground (subway) train job compensation: pay be bound by: be tied up by classic: traditional be keen to: be eager to break bad news to sb more sympathetically: tell the unpleasant news to sb more gently


Language review

Asking about ability:

Can you use this software package? Can you speak any other languages?

Making a request

Could you tell us more about your present job?

Would you let us know your decision as soon as possible?

Can you help me?

Making an offer

Could I confirm your contact details? Can I help you? Would you like a drink?

Skills: telephoning

Useful language:
Introducing yourself This is Ken from... Ken speaking Asking who is on the telephone Excuse me, who is this? Can I ask who is calling, please?

Asking for Someone Can I have extension 321? Could I speak to...? Is Jack in/in the office? Connecting Someone I'll put you through (put through - phrasal verb meaning 'connect') Can you hold the line? Can you hold on a moment?

How to reply when someone is not available I'm afraid ... is not available at the moment The line is busy... (when the extension requested is being used) Mr. Jackson isn't in... Mr Jackson is out at the moment... Taking a Message Could (Can, May) I take a message? Could (Can, May) I tell him who is calling? Would you like to leave a message?

Role Play
One is student A and the other is student B. Student A You receive a call for your colleague, Laurie Thompson. Laurie is not in the office at the moment. Take the callers details and say that Laurie will call them back. You are Laurie Thompson. Telephone the person who called about the job advertisement. Offer to send an application form. The closing date for applications is in two weeks time. Student B You want to apply for the job in the advertisement. Call Lochin PLC and ask for Laurie Thompson. Some time after you call Lochlin Plc, Laurie Thompson calls you back. Ask about how you can apply for the job. You also want to know when the closing date for applications is.

Case Study
Background Information: Company: Activity: Based in: Recent sales performance and reasons for this: Nature of new sales position: Number of candidates:

Qualities required:

Company Activity Based in Recent sales performance and reasons for this

Fast-Track Inc. Training videos and management training courses Boston, US, with a subsidiary in Warsaw, Poland Poor (30% below target) because Sales reps not motivated High staff turnover Previous manager no clear strategy Only a few contracts with senior managers at client companies

Nature of new sales position

Number of candidates Qualities required

Developing sales and increasing numbers of customers Managing sales team more motivated, dynamic, effective
3 Natural leader Energetic, enthusiastic and determined Confident, outgoing Strong sales ability Organizational and interpersonal skills Good academic background and experience Numeracy and admin skills Languages Must like traveling on business

Work in groups. Each group will analyze the written information.

Listen to the recordings.

Take notes of the key points for each candidate. Discuss the relative merits of each candidate for the job in groups. Decide the candidate your group will choose Debate who should be chosen for the job in whole class Write up the decision of the meeting

One minute presentation

1. Recruitment: how to ensure that the best candidate for a post is selected 2. Personnel Management: the importance of providing employees with clear job descriptions 3. Human Resources: how to ensure that staff at all levels receive appropriate feedback on individual performance samples

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