Advantages Disadvantages

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Advantages &

1. In some countries, young people are encouraged to work or travel
for a year between finishing high school and starting university
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who
decide to do this.

• Introduction (1 par)
• Body (2 pars)
Body 1: Advantages (~ 2 ideas)
Body 2: Disadvantages (~ 2 ideas)
• Conclusion (1 par)
1. Introduction
Thesis statement: This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks
of this trend./ This trend would create certain benefits, but there will
also be some drawbacks.
2. Body
• Body 1: On the one hand, there are several reasons why … is
beneficial. Firstly, …. Secondly,…
• Body 2: On the other hand, there are a number of disadvantages
of ……that people should take into consideration. The first
drawback is that… In addition,…
3. Conclusion
In conclusion, … could bring about certain benefits, but its negative
consequences should not be overlooked.
2. People now have the freedom to work and live anywhere in the
world due to the development of communication technology and
Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

• Introduction (1 par)
• Body (2 pars)
Body 1: Ít ưu thế hơn (1-2 ideas)  shorter
Body 2: Nhiều ưu thế hơn (3 ideas)  longer
• Conclusion (1 par)
1. Introduction
Advantages > Disadvantages: In my opinion, the benefits of ….outweigh its
Advantages < Disadvantages: I believe that this has more drawbacks than
2. Body
Advantages > Disadvantages:  viết đoạn Disavantages trước, đoạn
Advantages dài hơn
2. Body
Advantages < Disadvantages: --> viết đoạn Advantages trước, đoạn
Disadvantages dài hơn

3. Conclusion
Advantages > Disadvantages: In conclusion, it seems to me that the
advantages of … are more considerable than its disadvantages.
Advantages < Disadvantages: In conclusion, while … may have some positive
aspects, I believe they are outweighed by the more significant downsides.
People now have the freedom to work and live anywhere in the
world due to the development of communication technology
and transportation.
Do the advantages of this development outweigh the

These days, many people choose to live or work in other

countries, which has been made possible thanks to the
convenience of air travel and modern communication. I believe
that this has more benefits than drawbacks.
The disadvantage of this development is the distance
that is put between family members. If people move
to another country, it is likely that they will only be
able to return home one or two times a year during
holidays. In addition, speaking on skype or via email
is one of the ways to keep in touch, but it is not the
same as face-to-face interaction. Consequently, they
might feel homesick or lonely.
Despite this, there are significant advantages it can bring to
people’s lives. Firstly, travelling to foreign countries means
that people have the opportunity to see other parts of the
world and the way people live. For example, people from
the West often go to work in Asia or the Middle East and
vice versa. Travelling like this enriches many people’s lives
as they get to learn about other languages, new traditions
and cultures and even different ways of working.
In addition to this, it may also benefit other countries. If
someone moves abroad for work, it is usually because
their skill is required there. For instance, nurses and
doctors often travel to other countries to work in
hospitals because of the shortage of physicians in those
countries, so this is extremely advantageous to the place
they relocate.
In conclusion, although there are disadvantages of the
current trend to live and work abroad, they are
outweighed by the advantages. It can enrich people’s
lives and lives of the people in the nations that they
move to.
More and more students are choosing to study at colleges and
universities in a foreign country. Do the benefits of studying
abroad outweigh the drawbacks?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples
from your own knowledge or experience.

You should write at least 250 words.

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