Group C - MiniOSCE

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GROUP C 28/12/2021

Collected by : Ethar Zayadneh, Lujain Alqudah, Dana Aldwairi

Station 1:

■ 1. Name the device A and B ?

■ 2. What is the active ingredient of C ?
■ 3. Mention two complications of A?

■ Answers :
■ 1. A copper releasing IUCD , B COCPs
■ 2.progesterone (etonogestrel).
■ 3. Menorrhagia , PID ……
Station 2: CTG , sorry I cant find the same picture but it was very easy and clear.

■ 1. Comment of baseline FHR ? Normal (120bpm).

■ 2. Type of deceleration in A and B? A. Early deceleration ,B. Late deceleration.
■ 3. What is the cause of deceleration in B? Uteroplacental insufficiency .
Station3: 16 years old female came with
primary amenorrhea and short stature …
■ 1. What is the diagnosis?
■ 2. How to confirm your diagnosis?
■ 3. Mention 2 investigations that help you in diagnosis?
■ 4.what is the type of gonads she have?

■ Answers:
■ 1.Turner syndrome .
■ 2.karyotyping.
■ 3.pelvic ultrasound , hormonal profile of FSH , estrogen and testosterone.
■ 4.streak gonads.
Station4: patient known case of fibroid

■ 1.what is the type of fibroid B ?

■ 2.two indications of surgery ?
■ 3.mention 2 fatal complications during pregnancy?

■ Answers:
■ 1.subserosal.
Not the same picture.
■ 2. Rapidly enlarging fibroid , symptomatic fibroid ,
affecting the future fertility …
■ 3.IUGR, miscarriage.
Station 5:history of patient 38 weeks GA came
to ER with vaginal bleeding and pain …

■ 1.your diagnosis?
■ 2. 2 investigation you would to order in this case?
■ 3.mention 2 complications ?

■ Answers:
■ 1. Placenta abruption . Yes, it was the same photo.
■ 2. CBC , blood group , coagulation profile… !
■ 3. DIC , hypovolemic shock , primary PPH …
Station 6 : patient done with ovulation induction
presented with abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding at 6
weeks amenorrhea …
■ 1. What is your diagnosis ?
■ 2.what is the cause of her presentation ?
■ 3.mention 2 investigations that you would order in ER?
■ 4.what is the best treatment for this case ?
The same picture in exam

■ Answers:
■ 1. Ectopic pregnancy .
■ 2.ovulation induction .
■ 3.bHCG, Ultrasound .
■ 4.methotrexate , salpingectomy (the question has no info about her,
if she is stable or not or the level of bHCG so…)
Station 7 : 42 years old female presented
with 2 years of early menopause …
■ 1. Mention two complications of early menopause?
■ 2.mention one risk factor for early menopause?
■ 3. Two modalities of treatment ?

■ Answers:
■ 1. Osteoporosis, CVD ….
■ 2.exposure to chemotherapy,radiotherapy, smoking …
■ 3.HRT , VitD and calcium to prevent osteoporosis …
Station 8: 44 years G6p5 & GA 30 weeks, multiple
pregnancy 1st one is breech and 2nd is cephalic came with
preterm labor pain ..
■ 1.mention two causes of preterm labor in this case ?
■ 2. How you will confirm the diagnosis of preterm labor ?
■ 3 . How would you deliver her if all her previous delivers were vaginally?
■ 4.

■ Answers :
■ 1. Multiparity , multiple pregnancy , advanced maternal age .
■ 2. By assessment of uterine contractions , PV to assess cervical dilation, fFN ..
■ 3. C/S.
Statin 9: patient 34 weeks GA presented complaining of
reduced fetal movement for 2 days …

■ 1.give 2 DDx?
■ 2.How to assess fetal wellbeing (2points)?
■ 3. If the mother with –ve Rh group and father with +be Rh group , what is the test you will
order ?

■ Answers:
■ 1. IUGR , oligohydramnios , ….
■ 2. CTG , Ultrasound .
■ 3.indirect Coombs test .
Station 10 : 24 years old female married from 6 months
presented with PCB and polyploid lesion on the cervix ?
■ 1. What is your diagnosis?
■ 2. What is the test you order to confirm you Dx?
■ 3. What is the cause ?
■ 4.What is the source of this cause ?
■ 5.what would you tell the patient about the future of her
disease ?

■ 1. Cervical warts .
■ 2.pap smear . ■ The same picture in exam .

■ 3.HPV .
■ 4. Sexually transmitted ( by unprotected sexual
practice ).
■ 5. It’s benign disease& treatable …. ! .

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