Basics of Parliamentary Procedure

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Basics of Parliamentary

Origins of Parli-Pro
 In the 16th century disputes between the King of
England and parliament developed
 This led to the development of parliamentary law
 First formal publication was written between 1562
and 1566 by Sir Thomas Smyth.
 Today we have Robert’s Rules of Order
Basic Rules
 One subject at a time
 Each side must be given the opportunity to
voice their opinion
 Rights of the minority
 Voting must include both a positive and a
 Must have a quorum of members to conduct
Other Important Info
 Quorum- What is it?
 Minimum number of members that must be
present at a meeting for legal business to be
 1/2 of members in a club plus 1
 Majority- What makes a majority?
 1/2 of members present at any meeting plus 1
 Presiding Officer referred to as:
 Mr./Madam President
 Mr./Madam Chairperson
1. Justice and courtesy to all.
2. Address only one issue at a time.
3. The majority rules.
4. Respect the rights of the minority.
5. Each proposition is entitled to full and free
6. The purpose is to facilitate action, not to
obstruct it.
The underlying principles of parliamentary
procedure include the following:
1. The organization is paramount.
2. All members are equal.
3. An established minimum number of voting
members are present
at the meeting.
4. Only one member has the floor at any one time.
5. Discussion is not in order unless there is a
pending question.
6. It is the issue under discussion, not the person;
personal remarks are not in order.
7. A question once decided may not be brought up
again at the same meeting.
8. A majority vote decides.
9. A 2/3 vote is necessary if a member’s
fundamental rights are being reduced or taken
10. Silence is regarded as consent.
Use of the Gavel
 One Tap – To sit down and follows the
announcement of a vote
 Two Taps - Calls meeting to order
 Three taps – means to stand
 Series to taps – used to restore order
Methods of Voting
 Voice Vote - Yea or Ney
 Rising Vote
 Raise of Hands
 Standing to be counted
 Secret Ballot
 Roll Call
 Agendas are an established order of
business that should be followed at every
chapter meeting.
 The chapter secretary is responsible for
preparing an agenda for meetings.
Order of Business
 Call to Order
 Opening Exercises (optional)
 Quorum Established (number necessary to transact business legally)
 Minutes (motion to accept is not in order)
 Treasurer’s Report (motion to accept is not in order)
 Reports of Officers
 Reports of Standing Committees
 Reports of Special Committees
 Special Orders (matters that have been previously assigned priority)
 Unfinished Business (never old business)
 New Business
 Program (acceptable to “close” business meeting here but not to adjourn)
 Announcements
 Adjournment

 Two most frequently used committees are:

 1. Standing committees – committees found
in the Program of Activities
 2. Special Committees – those appointed by
the President or contained in a motion
presented by a member.
 Nominations may be made by:
 committee
 From the floor by a member
 Nominations may be closed by :
 A two-thirds vote-requires a second and not
 General consent
Five steps in making Nominations
 Member rises, receives  Secretary keeps list of
recognition from President nominees
and says, “Mr. President, I
nominate….” No second  When nominations are
required complete, President
 President announces name calls for a vote
of member nominated and
asks for other nominations
 Results of election

 Candidates are voted on in the order they

were nominated
 It is not enough to receive the most votes, an
individual must receive a majority of all votes
 If three candidates are running for an office and not one
receive a majority of the votes, the one that received the
least amount of votes would be dropped and a runoff would
exist between the remaining two.
Role of the President or Chairman
 To Preside over the meeting.
 Avoids expressing opinion of pending question
 A President/chairman does not vote unless to:
 Break a tie (tie votes automatically fail unless the
President wants to break the tie by voting.
 Create a tie, making a motion fail
 Can vote during a secret ballot
Qualities of a Good Chair
 Have self confidence  Be able to think quickly
 Have knowledge of  Have a good memory
 Be skillful in leading
 Always be democratic
 Have neat appearance
 Gave a well developed
What if a President wishes to voice an opinion
during a meeting?

 He can announce,”Will the Vice-President

assume the duties of the chair?”
 When business is concluded that the
President wanted to conduct, the V-P at first
opportunity should say, “Will the President
please resume the duties of the chair.”
Qualities of Good members
 Knowledge of your  Know parli pro
organization  Attend meetings
 Display orderly conduct  Leave out personalities
 Participation in the to conduct business
meetings  Be able to accept group
 Ability to think quickly
 Cooperate as a team
Handling Main Motions
 Member addresses the Chair (Mr/Madam
 Member is recognized
 Member presents a motion“I move that…”
 Motion must be seconded by another member (**
Motion dies without a second)
 The chairman makes the motion pending by
restating the question
 Motion is debatable
 Chairman takes vote on the motion
 Chairman announces results of vote
Withdrawing a Motion
 A motion can be withdrawn if the member
who seconded the motion consents to the
withdrawal of the motion.
 The motion is cleared from the minutes as if it never
 A motion can not be withdrawn after voting
has started.
General Consent
 The transaction of business is sometimes
expedited by the President requesting
approval by “general consent”.
 Only works if there are not objections
 Avoids formality of motions, voting on routine
business and questions of little importance.
 End of a meeting
 “I move to adjourn”
 Call an intermission
 “I move we recess until….”
Lay on the Table
 Suspend further consideration of an issue
 “I move we table the motion….”
Previous Question
 Motion used to bring the assembly to an
immediate vote on one or more pending
 Requires a second
 Not Debatable or Amendable
 2/3 Vote
 Terminates
Calling for Question
 This is a method that allows members to
know you are finished with discussion without
going through the formality of a motion.

 Procedure: You can simply say, “question”,

without being recognized and without
stopping discussion.

 It informs the group of your position.

Limit Debate
 Gives a time limit or topic limit of debate
 “I move the debate be limited to….”
Refer to Committee
 Used to send a pending motion to a small
group for further study
 Requires a second
 Amendable
 Debatable
 Majority Vote

 5 Ways:
 By striking out
 By inserting
 By adding to
 By striking out and inserting
 By dividing motion into two or more
motions, so as to get a separate
vote on any part

The purpose of an amendment is to

change the intent or purpose of the
original motion
Amendments (continued)

Members may do the following with the

motion and amendment:
1) Accept both the amendment and original
2) Reject the amendment and accept
original motion
3) Reject both amendment and original
Postpone Indefinitely
 Kills the main motion
 “I move to postpone indefinitely”
Rise to a Point of Order
 Seeks to avoid the breaking of any parliamentary rule
and to insist on enforcement of rules
 Member does not have to be recognized.
 The President listens to member and decides if point
is sustained or not sustained.
 If decision is unacceptable, member can appeal from
the decision of the chair.
Parliamentary Inquiry
 Obtain advise on parliamentary procedure
 “I raise a parliamentary inquiry”
Point of Information
 Requests information from the maker of a
 Must be in the form of a question
 “Point of information…”
Division of the House
 A member may call for a division of the house
when he/she disagrees with the vote as
announced by the President
 Does not require a second
 Must be called for immediately after the voice
 A rising vote is then required.
Suspend the Rules
 Temporarily stop a specific rule
 “I move to suspend the rules so that….”
Motion to Reconsider
 Purpose: to secure another vote by allowing
further consideration of a question(item of
 2nd required
 Debatable
 Majority vote
If You Want To... Then You Say:
Introduce business “I move that…”
Adjourn the meeting “I move that we adjourn.”
Recess the meeting “I move that we recess for/until …”
Complaint about noise, temperature, “Point of Privilege.”
Defer action/put off discussion “I move we table the motion.”
End debate “I move the previous question.”
Postpone consideration of something “I move we postpone the matter
until …”
Have something studied further “I move we refer to the committee
Amend a motion “I move to amend the motion to …”
Object to procedure “Point of Order.”
If You Want To... Then You Say:
Request information “Point of Information.”
Request verification of voice vote “I call for a division of the house.”
Take up a matter previously tabled “I move we take from the table …”
To reconsider (from prevailing side “I move we reconsider …”
Consider something out of scheduled “I move we suspend the rules to …”
Challenge the ruling of the chair “I appeal the ruling of the chair.”
Rescind “I move we rescind.”

Have something studied further “I move we refer to the committee

Amend a motion “I move to amend the motion to …”
Object to procedure “Point of Order.”

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