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By: Ruth & Gaurav

• What Are Articles?
• Articles are words that define a noun as specific or
unspecific. Consider the following examples:
• Example : After the long day, the cup of tea tasted
particularly good.
• By using the article the, we’ve shown that it was one
specific day that was long and one specific cup of tea that
tasted good.
• Example : After a long day, a cup of tea tastes particularly
• By using the article a, we’ve created a general statement,
implying that any cup of tea would taste good after any long
The Definite Article

• The Definite Article

• The definite article is the word the. It limits the meaning of
a noun to one particular thing. For example, your friend
might ask, “Are you going to the party this weekend?” The
definite article tells you that your friend is referring to a
specific party that both of you know about. The definite
article can be used with singular, plural, or uncountable
• Below are some examples of the definite article the used
in context:
• Please give me the hammer.
• Please give me the red hammer; the blue one is too small.
• Please give me the nail.
• Please give me the large nail; it’s the only one strong
enough to hold this painting.
• Please give me the hammer and the nail.
The Indefinite Article
• The indefinite article takes two forms. It’s the word a when it
precedes a word that begins with a consonant. It’s the
word an when it precedes a word that begins with a vowel.
The indefinite article indicates that a noun refers to a general idea
rather than a particular thing. For example, you might ask your
friend, “Should I bring a gift to the party?” Your friend will
understand that you are not asking about a specific type of gift or
a specific item. “I am going to bring an apple pie,” your friend tells
you. Again, the indefinite article indicates that she is not talking
about a specific apple pie. Your friend probably doesn’t even have
any pie yet. The indefinite article only appears with singular nouns.
• Consider the following examples of indefinite articles used in
• Please hand me a book; any book will do.
• Please hand me an autobiography; any autobiography will do.
• Dalam tata bahasa inggris,artikel memiliki fungsi penting
dalam menandai dan menjelaskan kata-kata benda.
Article terdiri dari 2 yaitu; definite article dan indefinite
• Definite Article : artikel yang umumnya digunakan
sebelum kata-kata benda yang dianggap unik
• Contohnya kata “wind” (awan) dan “earth” (bumi).
Tentu saja,jika seseorang menyebutkan kata wind dan
earth, rujukannya sudah pasti jelas pada awan dan bumi
• Maka kata wind dan earth akan didahului oleh artikel “
• Contoh dalam kalimat
• Look at the wind! It’s verry beautiful
• The earth is a circle
Syarat Definite article
• Selain menandai kata-kata benda yang unik, artikel the
juga digunakan untuk menjelaskan kembali kata-kata
benda yang disebutkan sebelumnya dalam suatu teks
• Contoh dalam kalimat:
• He bought a very expensive car, the car was made from
• I like to bring eye glasses wherever I go, but the eye
glasses was broken
Syarat Definite article
• Artikel “the” tidak pergunakan sebelum nama-nama
orang, nama-nama jenis makanan, kata-kata sifat
kepunyaan (possesive adjective)
• Contoh dalam kalimat : My heart is sick, Pedro id a
verry handsome man
Indifinite article
• Indifinite articles : kelompok artikel yang digunakan sebelum
kata-kata benda tunggal (singular). Definite articles terdiri atas
“a” dan “an”.
• Ada dua bentuk dalam indefinite article, yaitu “a” dan “an”.
Dimana, article “a” digunakan untuk kata benda yang dimulai
dengan huruf konsonan (selain a,i, u,e,o) seperti a car, a pen,
a bed. Contohnya : I want a chocolate cake (saya ingin kue
• Does she a singer? (apakah dia seorang penyanyi?)
• Sedangkan article “an” digunakan untuk kata benda yang
dimulai dengan huruf vocal (a,i,u,e,o), atau bisa juga untuk
huruf konsonan yang bersuara vocal. Contohnya pada
pembacaan huruf h tak bersuara. Kata-kata tersebut seperti an
hour, an elephant, an umbrella.
Indifinite artivle
• Indefinite article digunakan untuk merujuk ke sesuatu
untuk pertama kalinya atau ke anggota kelompok atau
kelas tertentu. Berikut adalah beberapa kasus dan
• Gunakan a untuk merujuk ke sesuatu untuk pertama
• Contoh
• Would you like a drink?
• I've finally got a good job.
• An elephant and a mouse fell in love.

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