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Sports Perfor-
mance Training

Research and

Consultation Capabilities As-

Fitness and Tactical Perfor-

Wellness mance Training

Physical Ther-
EXOS Philosophy

Agonist Antagonist Antagonistic


Push Pull

Stability acceleration
Multi focus to hu-
Dimensional man move-
Liner Multi-Directional training ment

Upper body Lower body

Assessment System

 Basic Consulting: Goal Setting and Motivation

 Nutrition: Inspection of body composition and

nutrition habits
 Movement: Movement and Orthopedic As-

 Strength and Power: 1RM test ..etc.

 Speed and Agility: Functional testing of linear

and multi-directional

 Energy system: Aerobic and anaerobic system

Training System
Movement Session
Training Component Pillar prep
Warm up
Movement prep
Pillar prep
Warm up Main
Movement prep Movement skill exercise


Movement skill Weight room Session

exercise Strength and Power Pillar prep Warm up
Movement prep
Energy System Development
Strength and Power
Regeneration Energy System Development exercise

Example: Pillar Prep & Movement prep

Example1: Movement session of Weight room session


Korean Ice Hockey Team

Off-Ice Training

Movement Session
Postural Holds (2-Legs, 1-Leg) x20-30s
Mini-Band Base Position: External Rotation 8 ea
Quick Downs x5-6 Ea
Mini-Band: Base Position: Forward & Backward X10yds Pillar prep
2-Leg Load & Lift x5-6 Ea
Mine-Band Split Stance: Forward & Backward x10yds ea
1-Leg Load & Lift x5-6 Ea
Single Exchange x5-6 Ea
Jog 2x30yds
+Week 2: add following
Double Exchange x5-6 Ea Movement
Over Head Squat X5 skill
Triple Exchange x5-6 Ea
Knee Hug 10 yds
Reverse Lunge w/ Overhead Reach 10 yds March 3x15yds
Linear March (there and back) 15 yds Linear Skip: Acceleration 3x15yds
Linear Sprint: Acceleration 3x15yds
Leg Cradle 10 yds
Elbow-to-Instep w/ Rotation & Hamstring 10 yds 2 point start 4x10yds
Linear Skip: Knee Up Emphasis (there and back) 15 yds
+week 2
2 point start
Morning: 6x10yds
Movement Session(10wk)
Heel To Butt (Quad Stretch) 10 yds
Sumo Squat x5  Frequency: 4 times a week (2day= regeneration, 1day= rest)
Inverted Hamstring Stretch w/ Arm Reach x5 Active rest
Hand Walks w/ Push Up & Downward Dog x5  Intensity: medium-high intensity cardio ( 구체적인 내용은 확인 필요 )
Linear Skip: Acceleration
Drop Squat (2 to 2, 2o 1)(there and back) 15 yds
3x ea
Drop Squat to 2 Inch Run 5 sec  Time: 1hr 30min ~ 2hr ( 구체적인 내용은 확인 필요 )
Drop Squat to 2 Inch Run to Forward 5 sec
Drop Squat to 2 Inch Run to Forward to Sprint 5 sec  Type: Agility, Power, Endurance

Long Ladder: 2-In's (High Knee)(L & R initiation) x1 ea

Long Ladder: disassociation (L&R) (F) x1 ea
Squat Jump Stabilize NCM/CM x5 ea
Long Ladder: bulldog (2 in 2 out)(F&B) x1 ea
Stability Hop- NCM/CM x5 ea
Long Ladder: Icky Shuffle (Quick Feet) (F&B) x1 ea
45 Degree Bound 20 yds

Weight room Session

Day 1 - Upper Push / Pull
Date - Wk1 Date - Wk2 Date - Wk3
Reps Wt. Pk Power Reps Wt. Pk Power Reps Wt. Po
90/90 Stretch w/ Arm Sweep x 5 ea Pillar prep
Pillar w/ Hip Flex Alt Slide x 10 EA
& move-
5 EA 5 EA
5 EA 5 EA
ment Prep Afternoon: Weight room Session(10wk)
PUSH UP ISO (Bottom, Mid, Top) 10 sec ea
PUSH UP 1x15 rep  Frequency: 4 times a week (2day= regeneration, 1day= rest)
Active rest
100 x10 or more  Intensity: 1RM Skeletal Muscle Strength in 70 to 90
RepOut RepOut
wk1 85 75
wk2 90 80
RepOut RepOut  Time: 1hr 30min ~ 2hr ( 구체적인 내용은 확인 필요 )
100 x9 or less
wk 1 75 65
RepOut RepOut  Type: Strength, Endurance
wk 2 80 70
Stagger T w/ Band 4x6 EA
* 7 min rest between set
RDL - 1 ARM 1 LEG RDL (CONT) (211)
8 EA 36.3 6 EA 41.25
8 EA 37.95 6 EA 42.9
8 EA 39.6 6 EA 44.55
and Power
8 EA 41.25

Bent Leg Hamstring Stretch 4x6 EA


10 EA 12 EA
10 EA 12 EA
10 EA
15 15
15 15
Energy Sys-
12 15 tem Devel-
12 15 opment
Example: Bench press

Wk1~2 Wk3~4 Wk5~7 Wk8~10

(Foundation) (Hypertrophy) (Strength) (Explosive)
wk1 wk2 wk3 wk4 wk5 wk6 wk7 wk8 wk9 wk10

72kg x 10 78kg x 8 88kg x 3~10 90kg x 3~10 90kg x 3~10 90kg x 5 90kg x 5 90kg x 5

61kg x 5
74kg x 10 81kg x 8 90kg x 3~10 92kg x 3~10 92kg x 3~10 90kg x 5 90kg x 5
x 5set

75~85kg 80~90kg 61kg x 5 61kg x 5 51kg x 5

76kg x 10 84kg x 8 90kg x 1 92kg x 1 92kg x 1
x 10 or less x 10 or less x 5set x 5set x 5set

61kg x 5 61kg x 5
78kg x 10 87kg x 8 92kg x 1 94kg x 1 94kg x 1
x 5set x 5set

90kg x 8 94kg x 1 96kg x 1 96kg x 1

Regeneration Day

Energy System Development

Preventive + Rehabilitation

AB= Abdominal

*Regeneration Day Summary: 가벼운 Circuit Training + ESD 훈련 후 → 안정화 훈련 , 마사지 / 스트레치로 마무리
* 위 링크에 들어가면 EXOS Training system 및 방법에 대한 자세한 정보를 확인할 수 있음 .
Thank you
Future Directions
1. 목표 : 태권도 , 아이스하키 체력 강화 및 상해 예방 매뉴얼 개발
1) Data collection
(1) epidemiology study
(2) Kinetic, Kinematic study
(3) Training study

-part 1: 근력 / 파워
1) 기본 원리원칙 : DAPRE, Oxford.. etc
2) 주기화 + FITT
-part 2: 심폐 / 무브먼트
2) 상해 예방
1) Epi study 통해 손상 메커니즘 및 훈련으로 예방 가능한 부분 확인
10 주 프로그램

General Hypertrophy Strength vacation Explosive

1-2 wk 3-4 wk 5-6 wk 7 wk 8-10 wk

일주일 주기 . 주 4 회 . ( 상하체 같이 )

Ex) Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

Primary Upper Push (Hor') Lower Push Regen Lower Pull Upper Pull (Hor') Regen Off

Secondary Lower Pull Upper Pull (Ver') Upper Push (Ver') Lower Push

일주일 주기 . 주 4 회 . ( 상하체 분리 1)

Ex) Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

Primary Upper Push Lower Push Regen Upper Pull Lower Pull Regen Off

Secondary Upper Pull Lower Pull Lower Push Upper Push

일주일 주기 . 주 4 회 . ( 상하체 분리 2)

Ex) Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

Upper Body Lower Body

Push Bench Press RDL Squat Split Squat

Pull Bent over Row Pull Down Regen RDL 1 leg Slide Curl Regen Off

Stability Rotational Stability Rotational

L to H L to H H to L H to L

H to L Horizontal L to H / Hor' Horizontal

움직임의 종류 구분 1 구분 2 구분 3 운동 예시

밀기 하체
Hang Snatch-DB
당기기 상체
전신운동 2 Arm
밀기 하체
Squat to Throw - MB
당기기 상체

2 Arm BB Bench Press

수평 1 Arm 1 Arm DB Bench Press

Alternating Alternating DB Bench Press

2 Arm BB Military Press

수직 1 Arm 1 Arm DB Shoulder Press

Alternating Alternating DB Shoulder Press

2 Arm BB Bent over Row

수평 1 Arm 1 Arm DB Bent over Row

Alternating Rope Rowing

2 Arm Lat Pull Down

수직 1 Arm Plank 1 Arm Band Row

Alternating Alternating Plank 1 Arm Cable Row

2 Leg BB Front Squat

1 Leg Emphasis DB Front Lunge

2 Leg DB RDL
골반 (Hip Dominent)
1 Leg Single Leg DB RDL
2 Leg Sliding Leg Curl
무릎 (Knee Dominent)
1 Leg SL Sliding Leg Curl

High to Low 1/2 Kneeling Cable Bar Stability Chop

안정성 (Stability) Low to High 1/2 Kneeling Cable Bar Stability Lift

Horizontal Pallof Press

High to Low SB Seated Cable Rotational Chop

추진력 (Propulsive) Low to High SB Seated Cable Rotational Lift

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