Sports Perfor-
mance Training
Research and
Consultation Capabilities As-
Physical Ther-
EXOS Philosophy
Push Pull
Stability acceleration
Multi focus to hu-
Dimensional man move-
Liner Multi-Directional training ment
Basic Consulting: Goal Setting and Motivation
Example: Pillar Prep & Movement prep
Example1: Movement session of Weight room session
Movement Session
Postural Holds (2-Legs, 1-Leg) x20-30s
Mini-Band Base Position: External Rotation 8 ea
Quick Downs x5-6 Ea
Mini-Band: Base Position: Forward & Backward X10yds Pillar prep
2-Leg Load & Lift x5-6 Ea
Mine-Band Split Stance: Forward & Backward x10yds ea
1-Leg Load & Lift x5-6 Ea
Single Exchange x5-6 Ea
Jog 2x30yds
+Week 2: add following
Double Exchange x5-6 Ea Movement
Over Head Squat X5 skill
Triple Exchange x5-6 Ea
Knee Hug 10 yds
Reverse Lunge w/ Overhead Reach 10 yds March 3x15yds
Linear March (there and back) 15 yds Linear Skip: Acceleration 3x15yds
Linear Sprint: Acceleration 3x15yds
Leg Cradle 10 yds
Elbow-to-Instep w/ Rotation & Hamstring 10 yds 2 point start 4x10yds
Linear Skip: Knee Up Emphasis (there and back) 15 yds
+week 2
2 point start
Morning: 6x10yds
Movement Session(10wk)
Heel To Butt (Quad Stretch) 10 yds
Sumo Squat x5 Frequency: 4 times a week (2day= regeneration, 1day= rest)
Inverted Hamstring Stretch w/ Arm Reach x5 Active rest
Hand Walks w/ Push Up & Downward Dog x5 Intensity: medium-high intensity cardio ( 구체적인 내용은 확인 필요 )
Linear Skip: Acceleration
Drop Squat (2 to 2, 2o 1)(there and back) 15 yds
3x ea
Drop Squat to 2 Inch Run 5 sec Time: 1hr 30min ~ 2hr ( 구체적인 내용은 확인 필요 )
Drop Squat to 2 Inch Run to Forward 5 sec
Drop Squat to 2 Inch Run to Forward to Sprint 5 sec Type: Agility, Power, Endurance
72kg x 10 78kg x 8 88kg x 3~10 90kg x 3~10 90kg x 3~10 90kg x 5 90kg x 5 90kg x 5
61kg x 5
74kg x 10 81kg x 8 90kg x 3~10 92kg x 3~10 92kg x 3~10 90kg x 5 90kg x 5
x 5set
61kg x 5 61kg x 5
78kg x 10 87kg x 8 92kg x 1 94kg x 1 94kg x 1
x 5set x 5set
Preventive + Rehabilitation
AB= Abdominal
*Regeneration Day Summary: 가벼운 Circuit Training + ESD 훈련 후 → 안정화 훈련 , 마사지 / 스트레치로 마무리
* 위 링크에 들어가면 EXOS Training system 및 방법에 대한 자세한 정보를 확인할 수 있음 .
Thank you
Future Directions
1. 목표 : 태권도 , 아이스하키 체력 강화 및 상해 예방 매뉴얼 개발
1) Data collection
(1) epidemiology study
(2) Kinetic, Kinematic study
(3) Training study
-part 1: 근력 / 파워
1) 기본 원리원칙 : DAPRE, Oxford.. etc
2) 주기화 + FITT
-part 2: 심폐 / 무브먼트
2) 상해 예방
1) Epi study 통해 손상 메커니즘 및 훈련으로 예방 가능한 부분 확인
10 주 프로그램
일주일 주기 . 주 4 회 . ( 상하체 같이 )
Primary Upper Push (Hor') Lower Push Regen Lower Pull Upper Pull (Hor') Regen Off
Secondary Lower Pull Upper Pull (Ver') Upper Push (Ver') Lower Push
일주일 주기 . 주 4 회 . ( 상하체 분리 1)
Primary Upper Push Lower Push Regen Upper Pull Lower Pull Regen Off
일주일 주기 . 주 4 회 . ( 상하체 분리 2)
Pull Bent over Row Pull Down Regen RDL 1 leg Slide Curl Regen Off
L to H L to H H to L H to L
밀기 하체
Hang Snatch-DB
당기기 상체
전신운동 2 Arm
밀기 하체
Squat to Throw - MB
당기기 상체
2 Leg DB RDL
골반 (Hip Dominent)
1 Leg Single Leg DB RDL
2 Leg Sliding Leg Curl
무릎 (Knee Dominent)
1 Leg SL Sliding Leg Curl
안정성 (Stability) Low to High 1/2 Kneeling Cable Bar Stability Lift