Strength and Conditioning For Netball A

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Strength and

Conditioning for Netball:

A Needs Analysis and
Christopher Thomas, MSc, CSCS, Paul Comfort, PhD, CSCS*D, Paul A. Jones, PhD, CSCS,
and Thomas Dos’Santos, MSc, CSCS
Directorate of Sport, Exercise and Physiotherapy, University of Salford, Salford, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION although the performance within net-

ball is primarily associated with a play-
etball is a team sport that has

er’s aerobic endurance (because of the
AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH one of the largest participation
duration of the game, 60 minutes), the
INTO THE DEMANDS AND THE rates within the British common-
performance, crucial moments, and
SPECIFIC AREAS OF DEVELOPMENT wealth, played on a 30.5 3 15.25 m court
the outcome of a netball match is
REQUIRED TO OPTIMIZE PERFOR- divided into thirds each measuring
dependent on the performance of deci-
MANCE AND REDUCE THE RISK OF 10.17 m. Netball consists of four 15-
sive anaerobic activities (35,37). Net-
COMMON INJURIES IN FEMALE minute quarters separated by 5 minutes
ball matches show players change
of rest at half-time and 3 minutes
NETBALL ATHLETES. NETBALL IS the intensity of the activity every ;6
between other quarters. Each team con-
PREDOMINANTLY ANAEROBIC, seconds during the 60 minutes (26),
sists of 7 players on the court at one
CHARACTERIZED BY FREQUENT with anaerobic variables such as the
time, with each area of the court acces-
HIGH-INTENSITY MOVEMENTS THAT amount of running and sprinting bouts
sible to each player determined by posi-
REQUIRE HIGH LEVELS OF to be 25–202 and 5–81 times (26,35),
tion. The 7 different positions comprise
STRENGTH, POWER, AND LOWER respectively. This has shown to equate
center court (center [C], wing attack
LIMB CONTROL. HOWEVER, THERE to running distances totaling between
[WA], wing defense [WD]), shooters
IS LIMITED RESEARCH IN THE 143–1,758 and 69–555 m as sprinting
(goal attack [GA], goal shooter [GS]),
PREPARATION OF FEMALE NETBALL (26). These decisive anaerobic
and defenders (goal keeper [GK], goal
PLAYERS FOR TRAINING AND components associated with netball
defense [GD]). Thus, players are con-
COMPETITION. IN THIS REVIEW, WE (sprinting, turning, jumping, changing
stantly involved in offensive and defen-
PRESENT THE PHYSIOLOGICAL pace, cutting, and accelerating and
sive maneuvers, affecting the technical,
DEMANDS OF TRAINING AND decelerating the body) are forceful and
tactical, and physical demands of each
explosive and require near-maximum
COMPETITION, COMMON CAUSES position. To perform at high levels, play-
levels of muscular strength and power
OF INJURY, AND STRENGTH AND ers must be able to cope with the phys-
production (18,67). Thus, it can be
CONDITIONING TRAINING RECOM- ical demands of the game.
determined that physical qualities play
MENDATIONS TO ENHANCE During netball matches, published an important role in the requisite
PERFORMANCE AND REDUCE THE data demonstrate that a high level of performance of netball techniques.
LIKELIHOOD OF INJURY IN FEMALE aerobic conditioning is required for
NETBALL PLAYERS. the sport with average heart rates KEY WORDS:
(HRs) reported to be between 75 and athletic qualities; netball; power;
Address correspondence to Christopher 85% of the maximum HR (MHR) strength; testing; training
Thomas, [email protected]. during match play (17,85). However,

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Netball Needs Analysis

This article aims to analyze the physi- demands placed on these players restrictions. Fish and Greig (32) also
ological and injury considerations of would be fairly matched. This notion found that GSs were exposed to the
netball and provide practical recom- is supported by findings by Chandler lowest load per minute, which was sig-
mendations for testing and developing et al. (17) who found WA and WD nificantly lower than all other positions,
strength and conditioning programs. players to exhibit similar player load except GKs. Similarly, Chandler et al.
(load per minute), likely because of (17) found that GKs and GSs exhibited
TIME-MOTION ANALYSIS similar court restrictions irrespective lower load per minute than all other
A high level of conditioning is impor- of their attacking and defensive duties, positions. These findings suggest that
tant in netball given its intermittent respectively. Fox et al. (35) revealed the physical demands of netball are
nature, where players perform frequent that GD and WD perform the highest position specific because of court re-
high-intensity bouts of activity, inter- average duration for shuffling, possibly strictions; however, it is essential that
spersed by periods of low-intensity because of defensive responsibilities as these athletes have highly developed
recovery. In game play, 6 specific move- sprinting, passing, and catching are aerobic energy systems to cope with
ments have been identified, including associated with attacking play. GD the total distance covered, recover from
stationary, walking, jogging, shuffling, and WA are shown to be the second high-intensity bouts, and the duration of
running, and sprinting (35), with 35– most active positions on court, after C the game.
52% of active game time spent walking players (32). These findings are likely
across all positions (35). because of the short high-intensity TRAINING AND COMPETITION
nature of the roles rather than the con-
Because of netball rules, players are To date, there is scarce information
stant “running” nature of the C.
required to distribute within 3 seconds relating to the physical demands on
of receiving the ball. Thus, short Although video footage of player netball match play and training-related
duration, high frequency of activity movement in these roles has been es- activities (17,85). Steele (85) summa-
highlights the intermittent nature of tablished, further research is required rized the physiological responses to net-
netball. Fox et al. (35) found the average to directly investigate the physiological ball training and match play, revealing
duration of work to be ,6 seconds demands of these positions. 50% of match play was performed at an
across all positions, with nearly all In support of time-motion analyses, average of 75–85% of MHR, whereas
undertaken within 1–2 seconds. In net- research indicates that higher standard 43% of training time was spent ,75%
ball, players are allowed one additional players accumulate greater load of MHR. This reveals that typical net-
step before either stopping or passing per minute (AU) in each position in ball training activities do not meet the
a ball to a teammate; so, players may all periods of the match (9.96 6 2.50 physical demands of competition. How-
already preempt their next movement versus 6.88 6 1.88 AU) than lower stan- ever, no comparisons of training modal-
or play before landing or transitioning dard players (22). Moreover, lower stan- ity were made, making it difficult to
to another high-intensity activity. Cen- dard C players have demonstrated identify the most and least demanding
ter court players are shown to perform lower (27.7 6 10.8%) load per minute training activities.
more frequent multidirectional move- in the second half compared with the Research by Chandler et al. (17) inves-
ments than GK and GS, changing activ- first half, whereas the difference tigated the physical demands during
ity every 2.8 seconds with a work:rest between first and second halves’ load match play and training sessions classi-
ratio of 1:2 (26). These findings are per minute was unclear in higher stan- fied as skills, game based, traditional
expected because of the positional dard players. These findings suggest conditioning, or repeated high-
demands placed on GKs and GSs as that netball players progressing from intensity effort training in collegiate net-
they are restricted to the shooting circle lower to higher standard of competition ball players. Findings revealed that load
only (35). need to develop the physical qualities per minute was significantly lower in
Analysis of English Superleague match required to enable them to perform at match play (6.1 AU) and skills training
play reveals that C players cover up to the required intensity. This substantiates (6.0 AU) than all other modes of training
8 km, whereas GK and GS cover on previous research (95) that physical (9.0–18.5 AU). Additionally, mean HR
average 4.2 km (26). Additionally, GSs characteristics develop across age cate- of skills training was significantly lower
players cover more distance sprinting gories in academy netball players. Fur- (144 beats per minute) than match play
than GKs (370 6 233 versus 69 6 54 thermore, accelerometer data have (174 beats per minute) and all other
m), whereas GKs accumulate more dis- shown centers to exhibit significantly modes of training (170–179 beats
tance shuffling than GSs (2,037 6 233 greater load per minute than all other per minute), whereas peak HR for skills
versus 1,430 6 272 m). However, no positions in collegiate netball match training (186 beats per minute) and tra-
analysis of WA, WD, GD, or GA posi- play (17,32). Specifically, C players had ditional conditioning (185 beats
tional demands was made. Given GD higher forward, vertical, and sideward per minute) was like match play (193
marks GA and GK marks GS, one load per minute than all other positions, beats per minute). These results indicate
could speculate that the physiological likely because of the least positional that traditional conditioning may best

2 VOLUME 0 | NUMBER 0 | MONTH 2017

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replicate the HRs observed during knee valgus angles and moments, unilaterally. Similarly, Fox et al. (34)
match play, but skills training may best decreased knee flexion, and higher found unilateral landings to occur fre-
replicate the movement demands of GRFs during landing and cutting may quently in elite netball, concluding that
match play, in addition to incorporating in part explain this increase in ACL emphasis should be placed on perform-
technical aspects of play. Furthermore, injury risk (33,48,78). However, appro- ing unilateral landings correctly, in
greater accelerations were found in all priate lower limb control and strength a wide range of landing scenarios to
planes of movement in game-based con- training have been shown to reduce ensure game specificity is met.
ditioning. These findings are likely knee valgus angles and moments Research has shown attacking players
because of this mode of training using (44,69) and GRFs and increase ham- to frequently (66% of the time) perform
reduced player numbers, larger playing string strength while also improving jumps with turns while in flight, in
area, and rule changes. Similar physio- performance (46,47). For example, Her- addition to performing a subsequent
logical responses have been observed rington (44) found that performing 3 3 jump upon landing 32% of the time
during small-sided games (SSGs) in 15-minute sessions per week of jump (62). Therefore, it is likely that different
team sport practices (51). Another training for 4 weeks reduced knee val- landings from different jumps per-
important finding was no difference in gus angle by 9.88–12.38 in female bas- formed are specific to the positional
rating of perceived exertion between ketball players while increasing demands and the in-game scenario.
match play and training modes, indicat- crossover hop distance jumped by Several studies have revealed that play-
ing a mismatch in the physical and per- 73.6%. Jump training focused on ers produced landing forces of 2.4–5.7
ceptual demands of netball training and appropriate landing strategies while times body weight (BW) for vertical
competition. Therefore, more research progressing from bilateral to unilateral GRF and 2.0–4.6 times BW for hori-
is warranted into the perceived exertion exercises in multiple planes. Correct zontal GRF when landing or coming
of netball match play and common landing mechanics and strategies should to an abrupt stop during laboratory ex-
training sessions to effectively quantify be emphasized in closed-skill practices periments (67,83,84) with the majority
training and competition loads. Taken before progression to open-skill jump being unilateral landings and GRFs
together, these findings indicate that training activities to increase transfer- occurring within the first 30% of the
an integration of training modalities ence to netball (45). Stuelcken et al. landing phase, indicating the rate of
may be necessary to prepare netball (88) investigated 16 ACL injuries sus- loading to be an important factor in
players for the high-intensity demands tained by elite-level netball players, the risk of ACL injury.
of competition. identifying 2 common scenarios for
ACL injury to occur: (a) players
received a perturbation in the air when STRENGTH, POWER, SPEED, AND
Landing is a fundamental skill of many jumping to receive or intercept a pass, AGILITY
movements performed during netball. leading to an unbalanced landing, and
Given that running with ball in hand Sprinting and change of direction
(b) rotation and lateral flexion of the (COD) require high levels of relative
is a rule violation, players often perform trunk relative to foot alignment, before
leaps and bounds to evade opposition strength to overcome inertia and control
jump landing was completed. Addition- BW through acceleration and decelera-
to receive and distribute a pass. There-
ally, 13/16 cases landed with a split- or tion, respectively (81,82). Research has
fore, the choice of landing is dependent
single-leg technique, apparent knee val- found GRFs of 1.65–4.22 times body
on the situation and needs of the player.
gus collapse was identified in 8/12 mass (BM) during COD in volleyball
These explosive jumps combined with
cases, and the positions in which most athletes (6). Therefore, greater levels of
abrupt landing decelerations impose
injuries occurred were C and WA (13/ maximum strength may improve an ath-
hazardously high ground reaction
16 cases). These findings support those lete’s ability to hold static and dynamic
forces (GRFs) on the lower body (83).
by Fox et al. (36) in that C, WA, and positions, such as sprinting and COD
These GRFs coupled with incorrect
WD players perform more jump land- (64,81,82), thus providing a greater accel-
landing technique have been suggested
ings from leaping and hopping and are eration, acceptance of higher eccentric
as a primary cause of lower-body inju-
involved in multidirectional movements forces, and greater frequency of repeated
ries among female netball players
during play. Therefore, when training C, high-intensity exercise (24,25).
(83,85,87,88). Previous research has
WA, and WD players, a wide range of
found the ankle to be the site most com- The normative research data for net-
monly injured in netball (84%), with bilateral and unilateral landing scenarios ball players range from 0.34 to 0.41 m
67% determined as lateral ligament should be employed to ensure game and 0.35 to 0.46 m for squat jump (SJ)
sprains (52). Furthermore, research specificity is met. and countermovement jump (CMJ)
demonstrates that anterior cruciate lig- Previous research (50,59) has shown height, respectively (93,95). These
ament (ACL) rupture is the most com- that netball players perform jump land- scores are greater than female basket-
mon knee injury in netball. The fact that ing in forward, vertical, and lateral di- ball data (0.25–0.48 m) (41,61), illus-
females tend to demonstrate greater rections, with the majority performed trating superior strength and power

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Netball Needs Analysis

in female netball players. It has been Data from Australian netball scholar- AEROBIC CAPACITY
reported that a strength discrepancy ship players reveals similar lower limb Previous research suggests that aerobic
of $10–15% between limbs is consid- maximum strength data, in terms of and anaerobic performances are of
ered a significant muscle strength both absolute and relative strength per- high importance in team sport ath-
asymmetry (MSA) (57), but it is formances (absolute: 71.4 6 12.6 ver- letes, with higher level players achiev-
inconclusive whether such imbalances sus 71.5 6 7.8 kg; relative: 1.0 6 ing greater distances in the Yo-Yo
affect athletic performance or a greater 0.2 versus 1.1 6 0.1 kg) in a 3 repetition intermittent recovery test level 2 com-
risk of injury. Isometric asymmetrical maximum (RM) back squat (93). pared with lower level players (4).
differences have been observed between These findings suggest that maximal Research using the Yo-Yo intermittent
dominant and nondominant limbs for strength and speed development recovery test level 1 (Yo-Yo IR1) found
peak force and time-specific force val- should be emphasized as part of that national team players from Aus-
ues (1–3,73), with researchers reporting a periodized training program, ensur- tralia achieve greater distances than
larger MSA in weaker female athletes ing appropriate development of each under 17 and under 19 players (1,492
compared with stronger athletes component dependent on the athletes’ versus 1,013 and 1,320 m, respectively)
(3,73). Moreover, larger MSAs have specific needs. (93). The Yo-Yo IR1 determines a play-
been associated with lower jump Professional netball players have been er’s ability to recover from and repeat-
heights and lower peak power in loaded reported to execute a change in activ- edly perform high-intensity exercise
and unloaded jumps (1). Therefore, ity pattern on average every 6 seconds (60). Research shows that peak speed
strength training recommendations to (26,35). However, positional and court reached during the Yo-Yo IR1 is related
reduce MSA are found to be equally restrictions prevent players from (r 5 0.75–0.83) to VO2max-related var-
proficient at improving jumping, land- achieving a maximal velocity. There- iables in soccer players (16). However,
ing, and COD on both limbs, thus high- fore, the ability to change velocity or the Yo-Yo IR1 test has limitations in
lighting the importance of maximum direction to evade a defender or when testing and prescribing training in
strength in netball players because of reacting to an attacker plays an intermittent team sport athletes.
the high-intensity COD, jump landing, important role in netball performance Although the Yo-Yo IR is a popular test
and injury risks associated with the (35,37). Accordingly, agility and COD to administer, final velocity achieved
sport. MSA has typically been assessed tests are commonly included in netball during the Yo-Yo IR tests does not
via isokinetic dynamometry, isometric physical performance testing batteries allow for individualized high-intensity
midthigh pull, vertical jumping, and to evaluate the physical attributes training (HIT) (10,30). In contrast, final
horizontal hop tasks (28,49,55,63,70), which underpin these performance velocity (VIFT) achieved during the 30-
with the magnitude of MSA likely task qualities. The 505 is a commonly used 15 Intermittent Fitness Test (30-15IFT)
dependent. Furthermore, Hewit et al. test to assess COD in team sport ath- has been shown to be more accurate
(49,50) reported that using jump tests letes (5,72,81,82). Previous studies (coefficient of variation 5 3%) for indi-
only performed in one direction may have reported 505 time to range from vidualizing HIT in team sport athletes
not represent an accurate player profile, 2.43 to 2.59 seconds in netball players than when using continuously deter-
as jump performance in one direction (5,95). These values are similar to mined running speeds (10). Recent evi-
may not necessarily predict jump per- those reported in female collegiate dence suggests that the 30-15IFT
formance in another. Therefore, the basketball players (2.43–3.03 seconds) demonstrates high validity and reliabil-
inclusion of a unilateral measure of hor- (81,82), highlighting similar COD abil- ity in athletes competing in handball,
izontal hop performance, such as a sin- ities between the 2 sports. In contrast, basketball, soccer, ice hockey, and
gle hop for distance, is recommended. Farrow et al. (31) found that netball rugby league (9,42,75). Thus, the 30-
When compared with Australian players were able to demonstrate faster 15IFT is highly specific, not to netball
under 17 netball players (93,95), United time to completion during a reactive but, to the HIT sessions commonly
Kingdom regional academy under 17 agility test than previously reported in performed in intermittent team sports
players had faster 5-m (1.25 6 0.09 female basketball players (3.57–3.83 (11). Regional academy netball players
versus 1.15 6 0.07 seconds) and 10-m versus 4.47–5.34 seconds) (81). Farrow demonstrate VIFT values ranging from
sprint times (2.07 6 0.10 versus 1.98 6 et al. (31) also found that moderately 16.40 to 18.14 km/h during the 30-
0.08 seconds). These findings are sim- and highly skilled netball players were 15IFT (95). The majority of these scores
ilar to those found between under 19 able to perform agility testing signifi- are similar to those reported in male
age groups in the same athlete cohorts cantly faster than less skilled players. and female handball, male soccer, and
(5 m: 1.24 6 0.08 versus 1.10 6 0.07 This finding is consistent with findings rugby league (11,75), illustrating that
seconds; 10 m: 2.06 6 0.09 versus 1.94 of past studies (38,77,99), revealing high levels of cardiorespiratory fitness
6 0.08 seconds) (93,95). However, agility testing can distinguish between are required for netball competition,
these differences do not appear to be higher and lower level players but despite the positional restrictions
the product of superior strength levels. COD testing cannot. placed upon players. In general, it is

4 VOLUME 0 | NUMBER 0 | MONTH 2017

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Table 1
Battery of field- and gym-based tests suitable for netball players
Skinfold assessment
Identifies body fat percentage. This assessment is to enable the regulation of nonfunctional mass, which would impede
performance by reducing propulsion and exercise economy by the muscular system having to continuously overcome the
body’s inertia.
Measure of lower-body explosive performance. Allows the calculation of SSC performance using different equations including
RSI, EUR, PSA. If coaches have access to a force platform, then the DSI can be calculated by the formula: SJ peak force/
isometric midthigh pull peak force.
Countermovement jump
Measure of lower-body explosive performance
Drop jump (0.3 m)
Measure of an athlete’s SSC ability from dividing jump height by ground contact time to determine RSI. Additionally, if
equipment is not available to measure ground contact time, researchers and practitioners can simply monitor jump height as
the performance measure.
Single hop
Measure of MSA. Using jump tests only performed in one direction may not represent an accurate player profile, as jump
performance in one direction may not necessarily predict jump performance in another (49,50). Additionally, horizontal hop
tests are commonly used to assess both performance and injury risk (63,68).
5- and 10-m sprint
Evaluation of acceleration and short-sprint performance. Sprint distances are indicative of mean sprint durations during match
play (26,34), given netball players rarely sprint distances to achieve a maximum velocity.
Modified 505 CODS
Assesses an athlete’s ability to change direction. The modified 505 is recommended because of the inclusion of a single change
in direction. Furthermore, as 505 time is highly influenced by linear sprint speed, a more isolated measure of CODS can be
calculated via the COD deficit formula: mean modified 505 time 2 mean 10-m sprint time (71).
Isometric midthigh pull
Measure of isometric lower-body strength, which is strongly correlated with jumping (59), sprinting (94), and changing
direction (81). Performance of this test requires the use of a force platform to determine an athlete’s isometric force-time
1RM back squat
Measure of maximum muscular strength, which as described is significantly related to jumping, sprinting, and changing
direction. This should only be included once an athletes’ technique is of sufficient standard.
Measure of aerobic and anaerobic capacity, intereffort recovery ability, anaerobic speed reserve, and COD ability. The 30-15IFT
allows prescription of individual HIT based on VIFT achieved during the test to achieve the desired physiological responses
and adaptations. The velocity attained during the last completed stage is noted as the player’s VIFT
30-15IFT 5 30-15 intermittent fitness test; CODS 5 change of direction speed; EUR 5 eccentric utilization ratio; HIT 5 high-intensity training;
MSA 5 muscle strength asymmetry; PSA 5 prestretch augmentation; RM 5 repetition maximum; RSI 5 reactive strength index; SSC 5 stretch-
shorten cycle; VIFT 5 maximal intermittent running velocity.

suggested that the aerobic fitness levels Research in rugby union has shown (92). Furthermore, players who show
of female netball players should be aerobic performance to strongly relate greater levels of lower-body strength
developed to the highest levels because (r 5 0.75) to distance covered during and high-intensity running ability
of the intermittent nature of the sport. match play in elite rugby union players (Yo-Yo IR1) demonstrate lesser change

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Netball Needs Analysis

Table 2
Example strength endurance program

Session 1 Session 2

Exercise Sets Reps Intensity (% 1RM) Exercise Sets Reps Intensity (% 1RM)

Back squat 2–3 10–12 70–80 Front squat 2–3 10–12 70–80
Split squat 2–3 10–12 70–80 RFESS 2–3 10–12 70–80
RDL 2–3 10–12 70–80 Deadlift 2–3 10–12 70–80
Press-ups 2–3 10–12 BW Chin-ups 2–3 10–12 BW
Drop landings 2–3 4–6 0.30 m box Nordic curls 3 3 BW
BW 5 body weight; RDL 5 Romanian deadlift; Reps 5 repetitions; RFESS 5 rear foot elevated split squat; RM 5 repetition maximum.

in creatine kinase levels after match specific physical qualities required for relative strength ($2.1 kg/kg) in the
play, despite performing more repeated successful netball performance. back squat had significantly faster sprint
high-intensity efforts than players of times (10 and 40 yd) compared with
lower fitness and strength levels on PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS: players with a lower relative strength
Yo-Yo IR1 performance (56). There- STRENGTH TRAINING (,1.9 kg/kg). These results are likely
fore, a higher level of aerobic condi- RECOMMENDATIONS attributed to the fact that high levels
tioning is likely to enable the Several studies have documented the of strength and acceleration are
netballer to practice and compete lon- importance of relative maximum required to overcome the inertia of
ger at higher intensities. strength within athletic performance the BM. Similarly, Hori et al. (53) found
(91). This may be explained by the fact that athletes with a greater 1RM hang
that peak GRFs and impulse are strong power clean performance (top 50%)
FITNESS TESTING BATTERY determinants of netball-specific ac- demonstrated significantly superior 20-
Based on the needs analysis conducted tions, such as jumping, sprinting, and m sprint and CMJ performances than
above, a suggested battery of tests have COD (27,54,80,81,96–98). Greater those in the bottom 50%.
been identified to assist researchers lower limb relative strength is required The strong relationships between rela-
and practitioners in determining a net- to overcome the inertia of BM and im- tive maximum strength and netball-
ball player’s level of development for proves an individual’s ability to accel- specific performance measures might
each of these physical qualities erate and decelerate during actions, be explained by the fact that athletes
(Table 1). This information plays an such as jumping, sprinting, and COD, who exhibit greater strength levels are
important role in the evaluation of thereby reducing injury risk and perfor- able to produce higher propulsive GRFs
training effects and can provide a ratio- mance decrement (24,25,86). and impulse during actions, such as
nale with which to individualize McBride et al. (64) demonstrated that jumping, sprinting, and changing direc-
strength training programs to improve collegiate football players with a high tion (27,54,80,81,96–98). Also, training-

Table 3
Example strength program
Session 1 Session 2

Exercise Sets Reps Intensity (% 1RM) Exercise Sets Reps Intensity (% 1RM)
Back squat 3–5 4–6 80–85 Deadlift 3–5 4–6 80–85
Lunge 3–5 4–6 80–85 Midthigh clean pull 3–5 4–6 120–140
RDL 3–5 4–6 80–85 Leg press 3–5 4–6 80–85
Military press 3–5 4–6 BW Chin-ups 3–5 4–6 BW
Drop landings 2–3 4–6 0.30 m box Nordic curls 3 3 BW
BW 5 body weight; RDL 5 Romanian deadlift; Reps 5 repetitions; RM 5 repetition maximum.

6 VOLUME 0 | NUMBER 0 | MONTH 2017

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Table 4
Example power training program

Session 1 Session 2

Exercise Sets Reps Intensity (% 1RM) Exercise Sets Reps Intensity (% 1RM)
Jump shrug 3–5 4–6 30–45 Midthigh clean pull 3–5 4–6 40–60a
Deadlift 3–5 4–6 80–85 Back squat 3–5 4–6 80–85
Push press 3–5 4–6 50–70a CMJ 3–5 4–6 BW
Depth jumps 3–5 4–6 BW Nordics 3 3 BW
Repetitions, sets, and loads are all recommendations from National Strength and Conditioning Association (2015) with exceptions of jump shrug
(percent 1RM hang power clean) (84), push press (20), and midthigh clean pull (21).

BW 5 body weight; CMJ 5 countermovement jump; Reps 5 repetitions; RM 5 repetition maximum.

induced increases in measures of maxi- Throughout a 20-week competitive Comfort et al. (19) found increases in
mum strength have been shown to result season in female softball players (72), relative strength were accompanied by
in improved jump, sprint, and COD per- sprint performances were significantly improvements in sprint performance
formances (58,72,76,89,91) while reduc- faster (21.7%, effect size [ES] 5 over 8 weeks of training in professional
ing MSA in weaker athletes (7). It is 20.20) from pre- to mid-training and rugby league players.
therefore likely that being equally profi- 2.8% (ES 5 20.53) from pre- to post- High-power movements such as weight-
cient in producing and accepting GRFs training. In addition, absolute and rel- lifting exercises and similar movements
on both limbs for jumping, sprinting, and ative back squat 1RM significantly such as depth jumps, jump squats, etc.
COD will improve netball performance increased with small-to-moderate are beneficial to improve netball-specific
because of the number of high-intensity effect from pre- to posttraining performance measures like jumping,
bouts, unilateral jump landings, and un- (10.3%, ES 5 0.73; 12.2%, ES 5 0.48, sprinting, and COD because of the
predicted COD. respectively) and from pre- to mid- kinetic and kinematic similarities
Previous research has shown that im- training values (10.7%, ES 5 0.65; between the tasks (53,81,82). Although
provements in relative strength 10.7%, ES 5 0.39, respectively). Similar beneficial, many inconsistencies exist
improve sprint performances (76,91). to findings in youth soccer players (18), across research regarding the load to

Table 5
Example neuromuscular training program
Training phase Training focus Example exercise

Strength endurance Technique and landing mechanics— Bilateral exercises: drop landings, SJs in place, box jumps, broad
mesocycle single plane jumps, forward jumps over hurdles
Unilateral exercises: hop and holds, drop landings, split squats,
walking lunges, reverse lunges, single-leg balance drills
Strength mesocycle Eccentric and concentric strength— Bilateral exercises: drop landings, continuous jumps and stick, box
multiple plane jumps, broad jumps, lateral jumps over hurdles, zigzag jumps,
908 jumps
Unilateral exercises: hop and holds, drop landings, walking lunges,
reverse lunges, single-leg balance drills, 908 hops
Power mesocycle Reactive strength—multiple plane Bilateral exercises: depth jumps, depth jump to broad jump,
continuous tuck jumps, continuous forward jumps over
hurdles, box jumps, 1808 jumps
Unilateral exercises: continuous hop and stick, crossover hop,
continuous lateral hops, split SJs, 1808 hops
SJ 5 squat jump.

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Netball Needs Analysis

Table 6
Example HIT program

Training phase Mode of HIT Example session

Strength endurance mesocycle Long and short intervals LIT: 5 3 3-min intermittent running (90% MAS/77% VIFT )
interspersed with 90 s of passive recovery
SIT: 2 sets of 12–15 3 15-s intermittent running (120% MAS/102%
VIFT ) interspersed with 15 s of passive recovery
Strength mesocycle Short intervals 2 sets of 12–15 3 15-s intermittent running (130% MAS/110%
VIFT ) interspersed with 20 s of passive recovery
Power mesocycle SSG 2 sets of 3–4 min games played 4 versus 4, interspersed with 2 min
of passive recovery
HIT 5 high-intensity training; LIT 5 HIT with long intervals; MAS 5 maximal aerobic speed; SIT 5 HIT with short intervals; SSG 5 small-sided
games; VIFT 5 peak speed reached at the 30-15IFT.

which produces optimum peak power in English county cricketers. Rønnestad capacity and endurance performance
output. Additionally, the optimal load et al. (74) found that professional soccer (12,43). Billat (8) defined HIT as
may be specific to the exercise and joint, players who performed one strength “repeated short (10 seconds to 1 minute)
system, or bar power output (66). For maintenance training session per week to long (2–4 minutes) bouts of rather
example, during the clean pull from the were better able to maintain strength, high-intensity exercise interspersed
floor, no difference in peak power has sprint, and jump performances com- with recovery periods.” Numerous
been observed between 90 and 120% pared with players who performed HIT modalities, including short inter-
1RM power clean (40). In contrast, the one strength maintenance training ses- vals, repeated sprint training, sprint
greatest peak power output during the sion every second week. Similarly, Sil- interval training, and SSGs, have been
jump shrug occurs at 30–45% 1RM hang vestre et al. (79) found that collegiate used to successfully develop aerobic
power clean (90), whereas the greatest soccer players who performed strength endurance in team sport athletes
peak power and velocity occur at 40% and plyometric sessions maintained (12,43). Research has found that 2 times
1RM power clean during the midthigh maximum strength, sprint, and jump per week 6–12 minutes of intermittent
clean pull (21). Peak power appears to performances across a 16-week compet- running for 15 seconds (95% VIFT)
occur at approximately 0–30% 1RM in itive season. Taken collectively, these interspersed with 15 seconds of passive
jumping exercises (SJs, jump squats, data indicate performing in-season recovery, for 10 consecutive weeks,
loaded jumps, etc.) (23,65). Possible strength and power training results in improved VIFT and mean repeated
reasons for the inconsistencies in these maintenance of maximum strength, sprint time in young handball players
findings are because of different mea- sprint, and jump performances (Tables (13). In the same study, the authors
surement methods, knee angles, strength 2–5). found handball-specific SSGs to be an
levels, and the varied training histories of equally effective training mode for train-
subjects tested. Taken together, these PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS: ing adolescent handball players.
findings indicate that to increase power, CONDITIONING TRAINING Handball-specific SSGs were organized
a variety of loading schemes for all ex- RECOMMENDATIONS in 4-a-side teams, consisting of 2–4 3
ercises should be used and may be im- Anaerobic performance is of high 2 minutes 30 seconds to 4-minute
plemented (39). Furthermore, strength importance in netball players in order games, for 10 consecutive weeks, with
and power should be developed in to be first to the ball before an oppo- additional coach encouragement and
a mixed manner to allow for a more nent, perform frequent accelerations, rule modifications to avoid game inter-
complete adaptation across the entire sprints, and jumps and to tolerate the ruption and promote a high intensity of
force-velocity curve (39). Additionally, pace of the game. Similarly, high levels exercises during play. Dupont et al. (29)
strength and power training should con- of aerobic performance are needed to found that 2 series of 12–15 intermittent
tinue to be developed during the in- play the duration of the match, main- runs at 120% maximal aerobic speed
season, with recent work by Carr et al. tain the level of intensity throughout (MAS) interspersed with 15 seconds
(15) demonstrating the demands of the the match, and recover quickly of passive recovery, performed 1 time
competitive cricket season and that cur- between high-intensity bouts. A num- per week for 10 consecutive weeks, sig-
rent in-season training practices do not ber of studies have found that HIT nificantly improved 40-m sprint time
provide a sufficient stimulus to maintain has shown to induce substantial im- and MAS in professional soccer players.
strength, jump, and sprint performances provements in maximal aerobic Dupont et al. (29) also found that

8 VOLUME 0 | NUMBER 0 | MONTH 2017

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performing 12–15, 40-m repeated Presented at: 10th European Congress of
Christopher Thomas is a PhD student Sport Science; July 13–16, 2005;
sprints interspersed with 30 seconds of
in Biomechanics and Strength and Con- Belgrade, Serbia.
passive recovery, 1 time per week, also
ditioning at the University of Salford. 10. Buchheit M. The 30-15 intermittent fitness
contributed to improved sprint and
MAS performances. Furthermore, the test: Accuracy for individualizing interval
Paul Comfort is a Senior Lecturer and training of young intermittent sport players.
soccer team won 77.8% of its games
program leader of the MSc Strength and J Strength Cond Res 22: 365–374, 2008.
during the 10-week intervention
Conditioning at the University of 11. Buchheit M. The 30–15 intermittent fitness
period compared with 33.3% during
Salford. test: 10 year review. Myorobie J 1: 1–9,
the control period (normal technical 2010.
and tactical skills, games, and
matches). Buchheit et al. (14) found Paul A. Jones is a Lecturer in Biome- 12. Buchheit M and Laursen P. High-
chanics and Strength and Conditioning intensity interval training, solutions to the
that performing sprint interval training programming puzzle: Part II: Anaerobic
for 4 consecutive weeks consisting of at the University of Salford, UK.
energy, neuromuscular load and
3–6 repetitions of 30-second all-out practical applications. Sports Med 43:
shuttle sprints over 40 m, interspersed Thomas Dos’Santos is a PhD student 927–955, 2013.
with 2 minutes of passive recovery, in Biomechanics and Strength and Con- 13. Buchheit M, Laursen P, Kuhnle J, Ruch D,
demonstrated improvements in VIFT ditioning at the University of Salford. Renaud C, and Ahmaidi S. Game-based
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and repeated sprint measures, in well- Sports Med 30: 251–258, 2009.
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ing modality specific (10). Therefore, 2013.
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choosing the “right” HIT modality, 2. Bailey CA, Sato K, Burnett A, and Stone 2010.
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15. Carr C, McMahon J, and Comfort P.
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players develop high levels of relative
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bilateral and unilateral strength and 17. Chandler PT, Pinder SJ, Curran JD, and
power because it is likely to transfer 5. Barber OR, Thomas C, Jones PA, Gabbett TJ. Physical demands of training
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while improving lower limb control players. Int J Sports Physiol Perform 11: 2737, 2014.
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and no source of funding. training of intermittent sport players. kinematics. J Trainology 5: 1–5, 2016.

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