Basic Public Speaking

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Basic Public Speaking

Welcome to Basic Public Speaking! Improving your public speaking skills is a

valuable investment in your personal and professional life. Let's get started.

Why Public Speaking Matters
1 Connect with 2 Influence and 3 Career
People 🤝 Persuade 🗣 Advancement 🙌

Effective public speaking Strong public speaking skills Being a skilled public
helps build relationships, help you persuade and speaker can lead to new
whether in your personal life influence others, whether to opportunities and career
or at work. buy a product or support a advancement.
cause you believe in.
Preparing for a Speech

Topic Selection Research and Organization Practice Makes Perfect

Select a topic you're passionate Practice in front of a mirror or with

about and your audience will be Organize your thoughts into main trusted friends. Preparation builds
engaged. Research beforehand to points and supporting evidence. Use confidence and helps you to deliver
find fresh and interesting ideas. index cards to help remember a flawless speech.
important details.
Delivering a Speech
Captivating Opening 🌟

Start with a powerful quote, story, or question to grab your audience's attention and set the tone for your speech.

Engaging Body 🗣

Make sure each point is clear and concise. Use examples and anecdotes to support your claims and engage your

Memorable Conclusion 🎉

End your speech with a strong and memorable closing statement, perhaps a call to action or a question to ponder.
Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety
Preparing Mentally 🙏 Breathing and Relaxation Techniques

Visualize yourself giving a successful speech. Focus on

positive thoughts and take deep breaths before your Use breathing techniques to help calm your nerves, such
speech. as slow deep breaths or 4-7-8 breathing.
Final Thoughts
Authenticity 🎭 Engage Your Practice and Persistence
Audience 🤝 🎖
Be your authentic self when
giving a speech. People are Get to know your audience Like any skill, becoming an
drawn to authenticity and are before giving your speech. Use effective public speaker takes
more likely to engage with you stories that your audience will practice and persistence. Keep
if they feel you are genuine. relate to and ask for feedback working on your skills and
to keep them engaged. techniques, and you'll see
improvement over time.
Thank you for joining us today! We hope this presentation has provided helpful insights on basic public speaking. If you
have any questions, we're happy to help!

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