Public Speaking Skills

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By: Ethan Carriedo
Being able to effectively communicate your ideas and
Why is public thoughts to a group of people can help you:
• Persuade others to take action
speaking • Inspire and motivate people
important? • Educate and inform an audience
• Enhance your professional reputation
Tips for
preparing a

• Choose a topic you are passionate

• Research your topic and gather
supporting materials
• Organize your material in a logical
and clear manner
• Practice your presentation
Body Language
Body language is a crucial aspect of public speaking as it can help deliver your
message correctly and engage with your audience. Here are some ways for using it

• Stand or sit up straight to project confidence

• Use open gestures, such as uncrossed arms and open palms, to show
openness and honesty
• Use gestures and facial expressions to emphasize points and add emphasis to
your words
• Use movement around the stage or speaking area to add energy and interest
• Be aware of your posture and avoid fidgeting, which can distract the audience
Now that you've prepared your speech, it's time
to deliver it. Some techniques to do it correctly
Techniques • Use vocal variety to keep the audience
for effective engaged
• Use gestures and body language to emphasize
delivery points
• Make eye contact with your audience
• Use visual aids to help illustrate your points

It's natural and

Take deep breaths Use positive self-talk
normal to feel
and try to relax to boost your
nervous before giving
a speech

Visualize a successful Practice your speech

outcome beforehand to feel
more prepared
Tools you can use
to improve your
Public Speaking

• Use note cards to help stay on track and remember key

• Find a strong, confident posture to help you feel more at
• Arrive early to the speaking location to get a feel for the
room and set up any necessary equipment
• Use humor or personal anecdotes to engage the audience

Public speaking is a valuable skill to

have in many different scenarios.
By preparing and delivering your
speech effectively, you can
persuade, inspire, educate, and
enhance the impact you’re trying
to make.

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