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What is cancer?
• All cancers derive from single cells that
have acquired the characteristics of
continually dividing in an unrestrained
manner and invading surrounding
• Cancer cells behave in this abnormal
manner because of changes in the DNA
sequence of key genes, which are
known as cancer genes. Therefore all
cancers are genetic diseases. Human melanoma cell undergoing cell division
Credit: Paul Smith & Rachel Errington, Wellcome Images
Cancer is a disease that spreads throughout the
body due to uncontrolled cell division. Changes in
DNA are the cause of cancer. The majority of
cancer-causing DNA changes take place in parts
of DNA known as genes. These modifications are
also known as genetic modifications.
A carcinogen is a material that has the potential to
cause cancer in people. Natural carcinogens, such
as aflatoxin, which is formed by a fungus and
sometimes found on stored grains, or man-made
carcinogens, such as asbestos or cigarette smoke,
can cause cancer. Carcinogens cause genetic
mutations by interfering with a cell's DNA.
Cancer information
• One in three people in the Western world develop cancer and one in
five die of the disease

• There are approximately 200 types of cancer, each with different

causes, symptoms and treatments

• In 2007, 297,991 people were newly diagnosed with cancer in the UK

• An individual's risk of developing cancer depends on many factors,
including age, lifestyle and genetic make-up
Cancer Research UK

1. Carcinoma Epithelial cells, which cover the inside and outside

surfaces of the body, are responsible for their formation.
a. Adenocarcinoma is a type of cancer that develops in epithelial
cells that contain mucus or fluids. Glandular tissues are
epithelial tissues with this form of epithelial cell.
Adenocarcinomas are the most common cancers of the
breast, colon, and prostate.
b. Basal cell carcinoma is a type of cancer that starts in the lower
(basal) layer of the skin.

1. Carcinoma Epithelial cells, which cover the inside and outside

surfaces of the body, are responsible for their formation.
c. Squamous cell carcinoma is a form of skin cancer that develops
in squamous cells, which are epithelial cells found just beneath
the skin's surface. Many other tissues, such as the stomach,
intestines, lungs, bladder, and kidneys, are lined with squamous

1. Carcinoma Epithelial cells, which cover the inside and outside

surfaces of the body, are responsible for their formation.
d. Transitional cell carcinoma is a cancer that develops in the
transitional epithelium, or urothelium, a type of epithelial tissue.
The linings of the bladder, ureters, and part of the kidneys (renal
pelvis), as well as a few other organs, are made up of several
layers of epithelial cells that can get bigger or smaller. Some
bladder, ureters, and kidney cancers are transient.
2. Sarcoma - develops in the body's soft tissues, such as muscle,
tendons, fat, blood vessels, lymph vessels, nerves, and joint tissue.
3. Leukemia
These are cancers that start in the bone marrow's blood-forming tissue.
Strong tumors are not formed by these cancers. In the blood and bone
marrow, large numbers of rare white blood cells (leukemia cells and
leukemic blast cells) build up, crowding out normal blood cells. The
body's ability to get oxygen to its tissues and maintain control can be
hampered by a low level of normal blood cells.
4. Lymphoma It is a type of cancer that starts in the lymphocytes
(T cells or B cells). These are white blood cells that battle disease
and are part of the immune system. Abnormal lymphocytes
accumulate in lymph nodes and lymph vessels, as well as other
5. Multiple Myeloma It is a cancer that starts in plasma cells,
which are an immune cell type. Myeloma cells, which are
irregular plasma cells, build up in the bone marrow and cause
tumors in bones all over the body
6. Melanoma
Melanoma is a cancer that starts in cells that develop into
melanocytes, specialized cells that produce melanin (the pigment
that gives skin its color). Melanomas most often develop on the
skin, but they may also develop in other pigmented tissues, such
as the eye
7. Brain and Spinal Cord Tumors

These tumors are named for the type of cell that gave rise to
them and the location in the central nervous system where they
first appeared. An astrocytic tumor, for example, starts in
astrocytes, which are star-shaped brain cells that help keep nerve
cells healthy.
Other Types of Tumors
1. Germ cell tumors are cancers that start in the cells that
produce sperm or eggs. These tumors can be benign or
malignant and can appear almost anywhere on the body.
2. Carcinoid tumors are slow-growing tumors that most often
occur in the gastrointestinal tract (most often in the rectum and
small intestine). Carcinoid tumors may spread to the liver or
other parts of the body, secreting chemicals like serotonin and
prostaglandins, resulting in carcinoid syndrome.
The 20 most common causes of
death from cancer, UK, 2008

Cancer Research UK. Accessed July 2010 /
Cancer cells have altered
Karyotype illustrating structural abnormalities in cancer

Credit : Mira Grigorova and Paul Edwards, Department of Pathology, University of Cambridge, unpublished
What is a mutation?

• Germline mutation
– A change in the DNA sequence that can be
inherited from either parent
• Somatic mutation
– A change in the DNA sequence in cells other
than sperm or egg
– The mutation is present in the cancer cell
and its offspring, but not in the patient’s
healthy cells
Mutations & cancer
• Cancer genes are causally implicated in
• Mutations in cancer genes can occur somatically
or can be inherited.
• Mutations in some cancer genes can be inherited
from parents, in which case they are present in
every cell of the body. Such people are at a
higher risk of developing cancer.
• Somatic mutations can occur in any of the cells of
the body except the germ cells (sperm and egg)
and therefore are not passed on to children.
Importance of somatic DNA
changes in human cancer


Only 5 –10% of cancer cases have a clear hereditary component,

e.g. BRCA1 and BRCA2 in breast cancer

Even in those cases where susceptibility is clearly inherited, somatic

changes are required for cancer to develop
Cancer genes
• There are two types of cancer genes:
– Tumour suppressor genes
– Oncogenes
• To date, we know of approximately 400 somatic
“cancer genes” * but there are almost certainly
more to be found
• COSMIC is a catalogue of somatic mutations
found in cancer genes in human tumours and is
available at:
*(COSMIC v47release. July 2010)
Tumour suppressor
These genes normally function to PREVENT
cell growth/division


Genes which normally function to PROMOTE cell
growth/division in a controlled manner


Examples of mutations
Sequence 1 Sequence 2 Type




Cancer progression
Mutations in multiple cancer genes are required for the
development and progression of a single cancer

Benign Tumour

In situ cancer

Invasive cancer

External causes of cancer:
ultraviolet radiation

www. lastexit

External causes of cancer:
tobacco smoke
Lifestyle factor: diet
Biological factor: virus
• HPV is a cause of
cervical cancer
• Proteins from the
virus activate and
deactivate cancer
• The role of HPV in
cervical cancer has HPV in cervical epithelium
Credit: MRC NIMR, Wellcome Images

led to the
development of
• The KRAS gene codes for a signalling molecule

• Mutations in KRAS are present in many cancers,

including pancreatic cancer

• You have to look for the mutations by comparing

healthy DNA sequence with tumour DNA sequence

• Not all of you will find a mutation

Your Worksheets
If you find a
How to use the codon wheel

Start from the centre

and move outwards
Mark up your sequence
Heterozygous mutations

Normal DNA

A double peak
A indicates a mutation
on one chromosome
DNA change and not the other i.e.
in cancer a heterozygous
T→ A

BRAF gene mutation Nature 417, 906-7 (June 2002)

Amino Acid Healthy DNA Tumour DNA Healthy Amino Tumour Amino
Number Sequence
Sequence Sequence
Sequence Acid
Acid Acid
12 GGT GTT G (glycine) V (valine)

13 GGC GAC G (glycine) D (aspartic acid)

30 GAC GAT D (aspartic acid) D (aspartic

(Aspartic acid)

61 CAA CGA Q (glutamine) R (arginine)

146 GCA CCA A (alanine) P (proline)

173 GAT GAC D (aspartic

(Aspartic acid)
acid) D (aspartic
Significant mutations
Amino Acid Healthy DNA Tumour DNA Healthy Amino Tumour Amino
Number Sequence Sequence Acid Acid

12 GGT GTT G (glycine) V (valine)

13 GGC GAC G (glycine) D (asparatic


61 CAA CGA Q (glutamine) R (arginine)

146 GCA CCA A (alanine) P (proline)

How common?

AA 12

AA 13
AA 61 AA 146
212 33

Source: COSMIC July

RB1: tumour suppressor gene

Source: COSMIC July

How does this affect the
KRAS protein?
Amino acid 12
Amino acid 13
Amino acid 61
Amino acid 146
Amino acid 146
What’s the impact?
• KRAS helps to transmit external growth signals to the cell
nucleus, driving normal cell growth. It is:
– Activated when it binds GTP
– Inactivated or “switched off” when GTP is hydrolysed to

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