Title Matrix

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Current Issue/Problem Testing Procedure/ Data

Proposed Title Research Questions Novelty of the Research Procedure

Addressed gathering Procedure
Title #1:Exploring the To address these issues,
tailoring the curriculum to
motivations of ABM This will be achieved byTITLE MATRIX
RESEARCH research methods such as
align with their interests,
Students in Choosing a using psychological profiling surveys, interviews, and
Team #:__________________ providing better career
Business a Program of tools to understand data analysis can be
guidance, promoting the
Grade 12 Students in How it is important was the personality traits, employed to gather and
program effectively,
Dolores National High reputation and ranking of interviewing alumni for analyze data on students'
enhancing student retention,
School the business program in retrospective insights, motivations. This information
promoting educational
your decision making analyzing institutional can guide educational
equity, contributing to a
process? support, and examining the institutions in optimizing
skilled future workforce, and
influence of parents and their business programs to
continually improving the
peers on students' program meet the needs and
program based on student
choices. aspirations of ABM students
Title #2: Investigating the relationship
The Relationship Between between CSR education and
Corporate Social the ABM curriculum holds
Responsibility and Firm the potential to enhance
Performance from the curriculum relevance, research methods like
Lerspective of Grade 12 ABM promote ethical business surveys, focus groups, and
students in Dolores National Do they believe that CSR practices, reflect the values interviews with Grade 12
High School initiatives positively influence of the future business ABM students can be
firm performance? workforce, inform strategic employed to gather their
decisions for businesses, insights and opinions on CSR
influence investment and firm performance
choices, and contribute to
global sustainability efforts
by encouraging responsible
business practices.
Title #3: Exploring youth
Entrepreneurial Intentions entrepreneurship intentions
and Perceived Barriers and motivations has the
among Grade 12 ABM potential to promote
Students in Dolores National entrepreneurial careers
Evaluating the impact of a
High School among students, boost research methods such as
mentorship program,
economic development surveys, interviews, and
examining the role of
through innovation and job focus groups can be
technology, and exploring
creation, broaden students' employed to collect data on
cultural influences on
career perspectives, inform students' entrepreneurial
Practical research 1 students' entrepreneurial
strategies to reduce barriers intentions and the barriers
to entry, enhance the ABM they perceive
curriculum, and prepare the
future workforce with

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