02 - Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Scientific Investigation

Research Methods © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

for Business www.wiley.com/college/sekaran
Characteristics of scientific research:
1. Purposiveness: research must have a clear, specific and
important purpose.

2. Rigor: research must be free of errors.

3. Testability: research must not address issues that can not

be measured or proven false.

4. Precision: How close results are to reality.

5. Confidence: The probability that our findings are correct.

Research Methods
© 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. www.wiley.c
for Business om/college/sekaran
Characteristics of scientific research:
6. Replicability: the research procedures are explained
in detail so that others may replicate the study.

7. Objectivity: conclusions of the research come from

actual data.

8. Generalizability: the results should be applicable to

the population.

9. Parsimony: research should only focus on the

important factors.
Research Methods
© 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. www.wiley.c
for Business om/college/sekaran
Deduction ‫ أستنتاج‬and Induction ‫أستقراء‬
• Deductive reasoning: application of a general
theory to a specific case.
– Hypothesis testing

• Inductive reasoning: a process where we

observe specific phenomena and on this basis
arrive at general conclusions.
• Both inductive and deductive processes are
often used in research.

Research Methods
© 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. www.wiley.c
for Business om/college/sekaran
• A hypothesis is a statement about the testable
relationship between different variables.

• A hypothesis is not an assumption ‫ افتراض‬.

Research Methods
© 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. www.wiley.c
for Business om/college/sekaran
Hypothetico-Deductive Research
• The CIO notices that the newly implemented 5 million EGP
ERP system is not being used. She begins to ask why.
• The CIO talks with some of the employees about why they are
not using the system. She also reads some studies on
resistance to new ERP systems in companies.
• The CIO, based on lit review, hypothesizes that employees will
use the system more if they receive training on its use.
• The CIO tests her hypothesis by collecting data.
• The results show that employees that did receive the training
used the system more than those that did not receive the
• The CIO deduces that training can improve system usage
Research Methods
© 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. www.wiley.c
for Business om/college/sekaran
Hypothetico-Deductive Research
• The thinking process in the Hypothetico-
Deductive Method
– Define the problem statement
– Develop hypotheses
– Determine measures
– Data collection
– Data analysis
– Interpretation of data and deduction

Research Methods
© 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. www.wiley.c
for Business om/college/sekaran
Alternative approaches to what makes
good research
• Positivism
• Constructionnism

• The middle ground: Pragmatism

Research Methods
© 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. www.wiley.c
for Business om/college/sekaran
• Scientific research is the way to get to the

• Rigour and replicability, reliability, and


• Key approach: experiment

Research Methods
© 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. www.wiley.c
for Business om/college/sekaran
• The world as we know it is fundamentally

• Aim to understand the rules people use to

make sense of the world

• Research methods are often qualitative in

Research Methods
© 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. www.wiley.c
for Business om/college/sekaran
• Do not take a particular position on what makes
good research

• Research on both objective and subjective

phenomena can produce useful knowledge

• Relationship between theory and practice

• Purpose of theory is to inform practice

Research Methods
© 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. www.wiley.c
for Business om/college/sekaran

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