Science 5: Q2 - Week 7

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SCIENCE 5 Q2_Week 7

How do plants
reproduce asexually?
Interactions in
Estuaries and
Intertidal Zones
Life on earth is a product of
different interactions in a region
or geographic area where both
biotic factor such as plants,
animals and other organisms and
abiotic factor like weather
(temperature and humidity) and
landscape (rocks, soil, etc.) work
This area is called
ecosystem. Living things
cannot sustain life
without non-living
things. For instance, a
mangrove tree needs
water and muddy soil to
survive together with
other life forms.
This lesson will discuss
the interactions of
organisms to their
physical environment.
Specifically, this part of
the module will give you
different activities that
will describe such
interactions in estuaries
and intertidal zones.
Estuaries are areas where salt
water and fresh water meets
(brackish water). Normally,
running water in rivers goes
into the sea. Water in
estuaries is less salty. The
measure of salt in water is
called salinity. Thus, the
estuaries have low salinity.
The level of salt content of
water affects the ability of the
organism to survive.
Intertidal zones are area
where the presence of water
depends on the tides. During
high tide, these are covered
with water. During low tide,
the water diminishes and
expose the part of sea bed
area. This part of the sea can
be sandy, rocky or muddy
depending on the presence
of different materials.
Learning Task 1: Organisms require energy to perform life activities. In this case, they need to
eat food. Analyze the figure (left side). Observe the pattern how organisms interact and get
energy (eating). Fill in the blanks below based on the figure.
1. Plankton may be eaten by ________________
2. Heron eats ________________
3. Salmon eats _______________
4. Shrimp may be eaten by
5. Fresh water mollusk (e.g. snail) may be eaten by
The living things in an ecosystem
consists of the
producers,consumers, and
decomposers.Energy and nutrients
are transferred from the producers
to decomposers through their
feeding relationship.
Are green plants, algae, or
microorganism that are
capable of making their own
food. They make their own
food by converting the energy
from the sun into chemical
energy. Producers provide
energy and nutrients to other
Get their energy by feeding on plants
and other organisms. Therefore, all
animals are consumers. Organisms that
eat only plants are called herbivores.
They are known as the primary
consumers. Living things that eat other
animals are called carnivores.
Carnivores that eat herbivores are known
as secondary consumers. Carnivores that
feed on other carnivores are tertiary
consumers. Some animals, like humans,
eat both plants and animals. They are
called omnivores.
They are
organisms that
eat food
scraps and
Get energy by breaking down dead
organisms and their wastes. When
they break down these dead
organisms and wastes, nutrients
from them are returned to the
environment. Theses nutrients are
needed by plants for their growth
and development. Examples of
decomposers are fungi and bacteria .
The feeding relationships among
organisms can be shown by a food chain.
A food chain is a series of organisms in
which each organism feeds on another
organisms and so on. A food chain always
begin with a producer.
When food chains are
interlinked, they form a food
web. A food web consists of
two or more food chains.
What do you think will happen if one
component of the estuaries system
disappears? For example, if
mangroves disappear from an estuary,
what will happen to the other
organisms living in it?
What are the feeding
relationships in an
Learning Task 2: Just like in estuaries, organisms in intertidal zones
need energy to live through eating food. Analyze the figure (right
side). Observe the different organisms and imagine how they interact
and get energy (eating). Fill in the blanks below based on the figure.
Note: answer may not be in the illustrate on.
1. Hermit crab eats
2. Limpet may be eaten by
3. Algae may be eaten by
4. Sea urchin eats
5. Chitons and limpets may be eaten by
Learning Task 3- 4

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