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Republic of the Philippines

Region 2 (Cagayan Valley)
Schools Division of Isabela
Magsaysay, Naguilian, Isabela

The ICT Facilities, Skills, Usage, and the

Problems Faced by the Senior High School
Students of Naguilian National High
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a
blanket term encompassing all the technologies and services
involved in computing, data management, telecommunications
provision, and the internet. These technologies all deal with the
transmission and reception of information of some kind. ICT
permeates all aspects of life, providing newer, better, and quicker
ways for people to interact, network, seek help, gain access to
information, and learn. The technology sector accounts for a
significant portion of economic activity around the globe, as
economies, employment, and personal lives become more digital,
more connected, and more automated (Brown, 2020).
Technology is so advanced, so much that it now drives
business growth. In line with this, school is a good training
ground for future professionals. It can help these kids by
integrating technology into their system through their materials,
facilities, rooms, and even modules. On the other hand, kids
nowadays are digital natives. Using tech for their daily studies
can help them more than it can drag them down (ChildHope
Philippines, 2021).
According to Law Insider, ICT facility means any facility,
apparatus or other thing that is used or is capable of being used
principally for, or in connection with, the provision of ICT
services, and includes a transmission facility as well as any or all
of the following facilities, fixed links and cables; computer
facilities; pay-phone/communication facilities; radio
communication transmitters, receivers and links; satellite earth
stations, towers, and poles; and ducts and pits used in conjunction
with other facilities as may be prescribed by the rules; unless
otherwise stated, an ICT facility relates to a public ICT facility.
The use of Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
is a valuable tool to enhance the learning experience and
accessing resources. The computer lab aims to provide basic
functional computer services for users who may not have access
to such technology at home or elsewhere. The computer lab
provides an environment for users to get support and assistance
with computer related issues (Pedagoo, 2020).
Hence, a computer is a vital tool for accessing and processing
information and data, as it is the first window to access the
Internet. It is an important tool for students, who generally rely
on it in preparing their educational reports and projects. It is a
major tool in distance education, this type of education cannot be
completed without the presence of a laptop or computer. The
importance of the computer also appears in filling leisure time
with games and watching valuable videos, and its role in
entertainment also emerges (The Scientific World, 2021).
Even with the rapid adoption of digital technologies, printers are an
important part of the education process. In fact, printers in the classroom
can even help schools ease into the digital transition while keeping
student learning high. And reading from print can speed up the learning
process as print readers can read up to 30% faster than readers who are
viewing digital text. If color is used in printed text, it can improve a
student’s learning comprehension, especially for students who struggle
with focus. However, you view it, having a printer in the classroom is a
cost-effective way to increase student engagement, boost learning, and
help your school transition to a more digital environment (PerryProTech,
The past thirty years have seen tremendous growth in the capabilities and
reach of information and communication technologies (ICTs). The
Internet, especially, has become a critical enabler of social and economic
change, transforming how government, business, and citizens interact and
offering new ways of addressing development challenges. It has also
transformed education by creating a new culture of learning and
accessing information. The Internet provides great opportunities to
improve the quality of education. New ways of teaching and learning,
better access to a much wider range of information and resources, new
skills for the digital age: all these can transform lives, helping to achieve
education for all and other Sustainable Development Goals
According to the study of Akuegwu, tukidem, tukidem & Jaja (2011)
the availability of ICT facilities for quality instructional service delivery in
universities in Akwa Ibom and Cross River States is significantly low
except internet-connected desktop computers and institutional cybercafé.
With this finding, the null hypothesis was rejected in 15 of the ICT
facilities and accepted in 2 of the ICT facilities’ availability for quality
instructional service delivery.
The reason for this low availability of ICT facilities for quality
instructional service delivery in universities in Akwa Ibom and Cross
River States stems from inadequate provision of these facilities
occasioned by poor funding of education by federal and state
governments. The poor funding resulting from inadequate budgeting
allocations to education which for years running are far below the 26
percent education funding benchmark espoused by UNESCO has
contributed to low level of provision of these ICT facilities in schools
(Onuma, 2007; Akubuilo, 2007).
On the other hand, according to the study of Siddiquah and
Salim (2017) the students of higher education in public sector
universities of Lahore, Pakistan can use the facility of printer and
scanner at the university rather than at home. Majority of the
students possess laptops as provincial government of the Punjab
and the Federal Government of Pakistan distributed free laptops
to the talented students during last few years.
Students are expert at simple skills like educational and recreational
ICT related skills and programs like MS Word, MS Power Point,
Searching and Browsing at Internet, Email, File attachment, social
networking, and Computer games. Results showed that students have
moderate level of skill at using MS Excel, Windows & file
management, and using digital library and are poor at using programs
like Photoshop, discussion forums and Blogs, and SPSS(Siddiquah and
In opposition, based on the study conducted by Nisar, Munir, and Shad
(2012) the students are uncertain about the usage of latest technology and
the usage of multimedia device during lectures. They are also uncertain
about the usage of internet for doing assignments/projects and as well as
the usage of wireless communication in their institutions. Based on their
conclusion, student can perform well throughout the usage of ICT. The
major finding of their study is that availability and usage of ICT is very
essential to improve the educational efficiency of students. This indicates
that availability of ICT in Education is supportive for the students to
improve their learning skills as well as latest technologies of ICT are
helpful for the students to better prepare their assignments and projects.
The majority of the students are claiming that they used ICT to
perform different tasks, such as preparing assignments, classroom
activities and plan their lessons more efficiently. The use of ICT
improves students’ competencies, computer-based skills that might
be very supportive in improving their organizational behaviors in
practical fields. Furthermore, the effective ICT use integrated with
teaching and learning practice add interest, encouragement and
motivation among the students that helped the students to process
information in a better way and increases their understanding and
expands their memory. The results of the undergoing research
established that ICT had a significant and positive impact on
students’ academic performance. (Ishaq & Ali, 2020)
To the contrary, the initial findings showed that ICT can take away
valuable learning time, it can be overused, also it can turn educational
experiences into games for students and thus, enhances low academic
performances, exposes students to porn sites and can distract them
during class hours. The work also tried recommending possible
solutions to this effect. (Mobia, Onyenanub & Ikwuetoc, 2015)
In addition, important problem faced by the participants at home was
the non-availability of the require software. Other problems participants
faced at home were virus threat, signal problem in Internet, slow speed of
computers, lack of access of Internet, lack of technical support, and poor
working condition of computers. Students face more problems regarding
the use of ICT at university than at home. At the university, slow speed of
computers, signal problem in Internet, virus threat, poor working condition
of computers, and load shedding were the problems that were faced by
more than two third of the students whereas the lack of access of Internet,
non-availability of the require software, and lack of technical support were
the problems that were faced by nearly half or more students. Window
corrupt and occasional held of computer were the two problems that were
reported by the students in open ended question. (Siddiquah & Salim 2017)
Hence, the researchers conduct this study to find out the
ICT facilities, skills, usage, and the problems faced by the
senior high school students of Naguilian National High
The learning technologies associated with Constructivism are often called learning
environments or microworlds, and they are usually computer-based software that is
open-ended to enable and require active user input. These learning environments try
to represent the natural complexity of the real world, emphasize knowledge
construction instead of knowledge reproduction, emphasize authentic tasks in a
meaningful context, avoid predetermined sequences of instruction, and support
collaborative construction of knowledge through non-competitive social
negotiation. Computers are an efficient medium for applying Constructivist
principles to educational practice because computer software can support various
strategies and approaches more efficiently and effectively than other media.
Technological implementations of this theory have succeeded and include
educational programming language Logo, Apple Hyper-Card software, and York
University’s computer-supported intentional learning environment (CSILE).
In line with this study, a range of ICT based learning activities are underpinned
by constructivist learning theory. Seymour Papert has argued that by learning
computer programming, students learn how to think and learn for themselves.
Papert created the computer programming language LOGO in which a small
turtle is moved around the screen in response to programmed commands.
Hypertext and the Internet have provided learners with vast quantities of
information to explore and mine. The information learner’s find on the Internet
becomes knowledge when it is interpreted and processed by the human brain.
This can be facilitated through a constructivist approach where the teacher
provides scaffolding and guidance.
Demographic profile of
the respondents in terms
1. Survey
of; Determination of:
• Name  ICT Facilities
• Age  ICT Skills
• Strand 2. Analysis of the  ICT Usage
• Grade responses to the  ICT Problems
Aims of the study in terms Intervention
• ICT Facilities
• ICT Skills
• ICT Usage
• ICT Problems
This study aims to find out the ICT facilities, skills, usage, and
the problems faced by the SHS students of Naguilian National
High School.
Specifically, it sought to answer the following:
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of
the following:
a. Name
b. Age
c. Strand
d. Grade
2. What is the extent of availability of ICT facilities at home and
3. What is the extent of expertise of the students in terms of ICT
4. What is the extent of usage of ICT facilities?
5. What are the problems faced by the senior high school students
in using ICT resources?
This study focuses on finding out the ICT facilities, skills,
usage, and the problems faced by the SHS students of Naguilian
National High School. It involves 260 respondents, both male
and female. This study will be conducted at Naguilian National
High School Magsaysay, Naguilian, Isabela from S.Y 2022-2023.
Community. This study will help the community to know what are included in the ICT
facilities, what ICT skills does the community have, what is the usage of ICT facilities
and for them to know the problem faced by the SHS students.
Administrators. The result of this study will help the educators understand what ICT
facilities, what are the ICT skills of the students, how do they use it, do they properly use
it and what are the problem the students face in using ICT.
Teachers. This study will help them to guide the learners in using ICT facilities, skills,
usage, and problems. And this will enable them to teach the proper usage of ICT
Learners. The result of this study will make them recognize the ICT facilities, skills, usage, and
Researchers. This study will help the researchers value the result of their finding on the study
they conducted.
Future Researchers. The study will provide future researchers a better knowledge of the
problem, giving them a competitive advantage in the future. It seeks to offer them with sufficient
information since it will act as a useful reference to future researchers who plan to investigate
any linked inquiry. In addition, the data and findings can help to increase the credibility of the
facts and the status of their study.
ICT. ICT, or information and communications technology (or technologies), is the infrastructure
and components that enable modern computing. Although there is no single, universal definition of
ICT, the term is generally accepted to mean all devices, networking components, applications
and system that combined allow people and organizations (i.e., businesses, nonprofit agencies,
governments and criminal enterprises) to interact in the digital world.
ICT Facilities. means any facility, apparatus or other thing that is used or is capable of being used
principally for, or in connection with, the provision of ICT services, and includes a transmission
facility as well as any or all of the following facilities, fixed links and cables; computer facilities;
pay-phone/communication facilities; radio communication transmitters, receivers and links;
satellite earth stations, towers, and poles; and ducts and pits used in conjunction with other
facilities as may be prescribed by the rules; unless otherwise stated, an ICT facility relates to a
public ICT facility.
ICT Usage. Information and communication technology (ICT) usage determines the potential of
ICTs, and skills of ICT users their effectiveness for the economy and society.
ICT Skills. It is the ability to use tools of information and communication
technology to define one’s information problem clearly, access information
efficiently, evaluate the reliability, authority and bias of the sources, organize and
synthesize one’s information with the best ICT tools available in order to use it
effectively and responsibly and communicate one’s new ideas effectively and
ethically with the appropriate ICT tools available.
ICT Problems. Slow speed of computers, signal problem in Internet, virus threat,
poor working condition of computers, load shedding, and lack of access of Internet
are the problems faced by the majority of the students.
Learners. a person who is trying to gain knowledge or skill in something by
studying, practicing, or being taught.

The review of local and foreign
literature/studies will assist the researchers in
gathering more information and facts related to this
As stated, advertisements have a significant impact on
the consumers buying behavior. In relation to the
different criteria of advertisements such as entertainment,
familiarity, advertisement spending, and social imaging.
Entertainment is the most common criteria that
entrepreneurs have used in their advertisement in order to
attract customers to purchase their products.
The researchers reviewed all of the local and foreign
literature/studies to ensure that they were similar to this
study and could provide them with additional information
and ideas for the benefit of the study.
This study is a quantitative study, aiming to find out the ICT
facilities, skills, usage, and the problems faced by the SHS students
of Naguilian National High School by employing descriptive
research design. This study will be accomplished by analyzing data
collected and supported through a survey sample questionnaire,
completed by senior high school learners under TVL strand, ICT
track. The respondents were given freedom to choose the best option
about the study in their own context and ensured adequate discourse
between the researcher and respondents to generate a meaningful
collaborative effect.
The researcher utilized the Stratified Random Sampling Technique and
applied proportion allocation to attain the number of samples in every strand.
Stratified random sampling is a method for sampling from a population whereby
the population is divided into subgroups and units are randomly selected from
the subgroups. Stratification of target populations is extremely common in
survey sampling (DeYoreo, 2018). All strands of the Grade 11 and 12 during the
A.Y. 2022-2023 served as the stratum for this study.
To determine the sample size of the indicated population size, the researchers
used a Raosoft calculator, a software that primarily calculates or generates the
sample size of a research or survey as per the literature. It is also used to
determine the margin error, level of confidence, and population proportion of the
sample size.
This study was conducted at the Naguilian National High
School, Magsaysay, Naguilian Isabela.
The instruments used in gathering data is a survey
1. The researchers wrote a letter of approval to the Senior High School
Coordinator and School Principal to enable the researchers to
conduct the study using consent forms.
2. The researchers tracked the study’s population to obtain the
requisite number of respondents per strand.
3. They consensually asked the students to answer our survey
4. They distributed the questionnaire to the respondents using Google
form and printed survey questionnaire.
5. The researchers organized, totaled, and statistically evaluated the
data that were to be received.
The researchers used an authorization
letter in order to conduct a face-to-face survey.

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