Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

An Introduction to RF

SEET 4543 RF/Microwave Circuit Design

Introduction (1)
1. RF & Microwave circuits form the basis of wireless communication systems and are critical in a variety of applications.

2. Examples of the applications.

a) Wireless communication, such as cell phones, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, and 5G, enhancing connectivity and data
b) Radar systems for object detection.

c) Weather monitoring.

d) MRI and medical imaging.

e) Satellite communication and tracking.

3. RF & Microwave circuits operate in the frequency range typically ranging from 3 kHz to 300 GHz.
Introduction (2)
4. The RF spectrum is divided into various sub-bands, each with its own characteristics and applications.
Table 1 Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Frequency Spectrum.
Electromagnetic Wave Spectrum Frequency Band Wavelength
Radio Waves Very High Frequency (VHF) ( 30 – 300 MHz ) 10 m – 1 m

Ultrahigh Frequency (UHF) ( 300 – 3000 MHz ) ( 100 cm – 10 cm )

P Band ( 230 MHz – 1 GHz ) 130 cm – 30 cm
L Band ( 1 GHz – 2 GHz ) 30 cm – 15 cm
S Band ( 2 GHz – 4 GHz ) 15 cm – 7.5 cm

Superhigh Frequency (SHF) ( 3 – 30 GHz ) ( 10 cm – 1 cm )

S Band ( 2 GHz – 4 GHz ) 15 cm – 7.5 cm

C Band ( 4 GHz – 8 GHz) 7.5 cm – 3.75 cm
X Band ( 8 GHz – 12.5 GHz) 3.75 cm – 2.4 cm
Ku Band ( 12.5 GHz – 18 GHz) 2.4 cm – 1.67 cm
K Band ( 18 GHz – 26.5 GHz) 1.67 cm – 1.13 cm
Ka Band ( 26.5 GHz – 40 GHz) 1.13 cm – 0.75 cm

Extreme High Frequency (EHF) ( 30 – 300 GHz ) ( 10 mm – 1 mm )

Millimeter Waves
Ka Band ( 26.5 GHz – 40 GHz ) 1.13 cm – 0.75 cm
v Band ( 40 GHz – 75 GHz ) 7.5 mm – 4 mm
W Band ( 75 GHz – 110 GHz ) 4 mm – 2.73 mm
Millimeter Band ( 110 GHz – 300 GHz ) 2.73 mm – 1 mm
Introduction (3)
Typical communication applications which depend on the operating frequency range
Frequency Band Typical Service
3 kHz – 30 kHz
Very Low Frequency (VLF) Maritime navigation
30 kHz – 300 kHz
Low Frequency (LF) Radio beacons, Navigational aids.
300 kHz – 3000 kHz
Medium Frequency (MF) AM broadcast, Maritime radio, Coastguard communication, Direction finding.
3 MHz – 30 MHz Telephone, Telegraph, Facsimile, Shortwave radio, Amateur radio, Ship-to-coast and
High Frequency (HF) Ship-to-aircraft communication.
30 MHz – 300 MHz
Very High Frequency (VHF) Television, FM broadcast, Air traffic control, Navigational aids.
300 MHz – 3 GHz Television, Satellite communication, Radiosonde, Surveillance RADAR, Navigational
Ultra High Frequency (UHF) aids, Mobile phone, Global Positioning System (GPS) and Walkie Talkie.
3 GHz – 30 GHz
Super High Frequency (SHF) Airborne RADAR, Microwave links, Satellite communication.
30 GHz – 300 GHz
Extremely High Frequency RADAR landing system, Radio astronomy.
UWB Systems Frequency Band, f
1. Image systems

Ground Penetrating Radars (GPRs)

To detect the images of buried objects. < 960 MHz or 3.1–10.6 GHz

To detect the location of objects contained within a wall, such as a concrete structure, < 960 MHz or 3.1–10.6 GHz
the side of a bridge, or the wall of a mine.

To detect the location or movement of persons or objects which are located on the 1.99–10.6 GHz
other side of a wall.

Surveillance 1.99–10.6 GHz

To detect the intrusion of persons
3.1–10.6 GHz
Medical imaging devices
To detect a location or movement of objects within a human body or animal body.

2. Vehicular radar systems

To detect the location and movement of objects near a vehicle, enabling features such 22–29 GHz
as near collision avoidance, improved airbag activation, and suspension systems that
better respond to road conditions.

3. Communications and measurement systems

Wide variety of other UWB devices, such as high-speed home and business 3.1 – 10.6 GHz
networking devices as well as storage tank measurement devices.
Introduction (4)

4. Microwave applications for heating and crushing normally use high microwave power which is up to megawatts.

5. Low microwave power (less than milliwatts) is widely used for domestic wireless communication or high-
frequency electronic devices.

6. Microwave applications can be categorized into two groups:

a) Communication applications

b) Non-communication applications

7. Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) applications are normally classified as non-communication group.
Table 2 Microwave applications for communication and non-communication technologies.
Communication Non-communication
1 Communication network systems, such as high-speed 1 Sensors for industrial, agricultural/food and medical
home and business networking devices (modem and processing, such as moisture measurement,
router), Device to Device communication (M2M) ripeness/storage period determination, fruit sweetness
system, massive MIMO technology, Cloud Technologies, detection, control of milk of lime, monitoring of
and small cell access points. nitrogen/phosphorus content in fertilizer, medical
diagnostic, moisture soil testing, metal crack detector,
and storage tank measurement devices.

2 Communication devices test instruments, such as 2 Heating/drying or freeze-drying process (sterilization

spectrum analyzer, RF power meter, frequency counter, /pasteurization) in food industry to control pathogenic
signal generator, and vector network analyzer. and spoilage microorganisms in packaged foods.

3 Navigation systems such as maritime navigation, Global 3 Industrial heating applications, such as casting waxes,
Positioning System (GPS), air traffic control, airborne sintering ceramics/metal powders, melting of
radars, and satellite communication. glass/rubber, metal coating, brazing, and paper/wood

4 Wireless remote control for security and health care 4 Medical applications, such as hyperthermia treatments, bio-
systems such as automatic gate/door, automatic impedance instrumentation, medical diagnostic imaging (To
barrier systems, burglar alarms, industrial automation detect a location or movement of objects within a human
systems (Industry 4.0). body or animal body).

5 Vehicular radar systems to detect the location and 5 Material characterization fixtures (Materials including:
movement of objects near a vehicle, enabling features graphene, metamaterials, carbon nanotube, conductive
such as near collision avoidance, improved airbag polymer, high-temperature superconductor, aerogel, ceramics,
activation, and suspension systems that better respond semiconductor, polymer insulation, fibers, gases, and
to road conditions. chemical liquids).

6 Entertainment and information communication 6 Image scan systems to detect the images of buried objects,
devices/systems such as television broadcast, FM location of objects contained within a wall, location or
broadcast, radio beacons, maritime radio, Walkie movement of persons or objects which are located on the
Talkie, coastguard communication, satellite other side of a wall, as well as the intrusion of persons.
communication, weather radars.

7 Domestic communication devices, such as 4G/5G 7 Civil engineering applications (rock crushing, tar road
smart phone, computer, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi devices, comminuting).
wireless webcam, wireless microphones. 8 Radiation for agricultural pest control.
Course Summary
Course Summary

RF & Microwave Circuits Design

Design & Analysis

Circuits Structures Passive Component Circuits Active Component Circuits

Impedance Matching Techniques Various Circuits Structures Directional Couplers Amplifiers

Smith Chart (Impedance Matching Analytical Analysis Branch-Line Couplers Oscillators
Tool) Design Parameters to Real Power Dividers/Combiners Mixers
Circuit Network Analysis Circuits Conversation Phase Shifters
Even-Odd Mode Decomposition Passive Filters
Rat Race Couplers
Example: Various RF & Microwave Passive Circuits

RF & Microwave PCB ruler

Example: Several RF & Microwave Circuits

RFkit-Model A experimental module

Example: RF Demo Kit
Example: Smith Chart
RF & Microwave Circuits
Design & Analysis Techniques
Impedance Matching Techniques (1)
1. Impedance matching is essential for optimizing RF/Microwave circuit performance, ensuring maximum power transfer
and minimal signal reflection.

Maximum power transfer


Minimal signal reflection

Impedance Matching Techniques (2)

2. Mismatched impedances can result in signal loss, reduced efficiency, and signal distortion.

3. There are several common Impedance-Matching Techniques:

a) L-section Matching

b) T-section Matching

c) Quarter-Wave Transformers

d) Stub Matching

e) Smith Chart
L-section Matching Techniques
L-section Matching Techniques (1)
1. L-section matching is the simplest impedance matching techniques using two reactive components, namely series
and parallel inductors and capacitors.

2. However, this technique only effective for narrowband matching.

3. The matching circuit is an L-shape consists of two reactive elements (reactance, X and susceptance, B)

Input Output/Load

For Rin > RL

For Rin < 1/GL

L-section Matching Techniques (2)
4. The values of the reactance, X and susceptance, B can be determined as:

Input Output/Load
 Rin RL   1

X   RL  Rin RL   1  X L

B  GL 1  R in GL   1  BL

X   Rin 1 G R   1
L in
L-section Matching Techniques (3)
A load with an impedance, ZL of 10 - j100  is to be matched with a 50  transmission line at 0.5 GHz. Design a
matching network.
Since Rin > RL (Rin = 50 Ω and RL = 10 Ω), thus

 Rin RL   1 X   RL  Rin RL   1  X L
 20  100
 0.04

There are two sets of solutions: (B, X) = (0.04 S, 120 Ω) and (B, X) = (-0.04 S, 80 Ω)
L-section Matching Techniques (4)
Solution 2
B 0.04
C   12.73pF
2 f 2  0.5 10 

X 120
L   38.2nH
2 f 2  0.5 10 

Solution 1
1 1 1 1
C   3.98 pF L   2.55 nH
2 fX 2  0.5 10  80 
 2 f 
C  2  0.5 10   3.98 pF 

1 1
L   7.96 nH
2 fB 2  0.5 10   0.04 
A load with an impedance, ZL of 200 - j100  is to be matched with a 100  transmission line at 0.5 GHz. Design a
matching network.

Since Rin < RL (Rin = 100 Ω and RL = 200 Ω), thus
YL  GL  jBL 

200  j100
 0.004  j 0.002

B  GL 1  Rin GL    1  BL
X   Rin 1 G R   1
L in

1 1
 0.004  1  0.002  100 1
100  0.004   

 0.0029 or  0.0069  122.47 or  122.4745

Solution 2
B 0.0029
C   0.923pF
2 f 
2 0.5 10 9

X 122.47
L   38.98nH
2 f 2  0.5 10 

Solution 1

1 1
C   2.6 pF
2 fX 2  0.5 10   122.4745 

1 1
L   46.13 nH
2 fB 2  0.5 10   0.069 

Solution 2 seems to be better matched at higher frequency

π-section and T-section Matching Techniques
Three-Element Matching Techniques (1)
1. A three-element matching network provides the designer with the flexibility to select a practical circuit Q value higher
than what's possible with a two-element match.

2. There are two possible three-element matching network architectures.

(a) π-section matching network.

(b) T-section matching network.

π-section Matching Techniques (1)
1. π-section matching consists of three reactive components which connected in pi-shape.

2. The three reactive components can be a combination of 2 inductors and 1 capacitor, or a combination of 2 capacitors
1 inductor.

(a) Low-pass π-shaped (b) High-pass π-shaped

π-section Matching Techniques (2)
Step 1:

The π-shaped matching network needs to be broken into two back-to-back L-shaped networks.
π-section Matching Techniques (3)
Step 2:

Connecting two L networks creates an additional virtual component, so-called virtual resistance, R that is located at
the junction of the two L networks.

The virtual resistance, R can be calculated as:

1  Q2

where Q = fo/BW is the load-Q factor of the matching network determined by the center operating frequency fo and
bandwidth BW. Rhigh is the largest terminating impedance of the source, Rs or impedance of the load, Racc.

Typical Q values are usually in the 5 to 20 range.

π-section Matching Techniques (4)
Step 3:

For the left L-shaped matching network, the Q-factor can be calculated as:

QLeft  1

Then, the values of CS1 and Lp1 can be determined via:

1 QLeft X L1 QLeft  Rv
CS 1   L p1  
2 f o X C1 2 f o RS 2 f o 2 f o

Step 4:

For the right L-shaped matching network, the Q-factor can be calculated as:

QRight  1
π-section Matching Techniques (5)

Then, the values of CS2 and Lp2 can be determined via:

1 QRight X L 2 QRight  Rv
CS 2   Lp 2  
2 f o X C 2 2 f o RL 2 f o 2 f o
π-section Matching Techniques (6)
To match a 1000 Ω source to a 100 Ω load at frequency, f of 50 MHz. The desires bandwidth, BW is 6 MHz.

Step 1:

f 50 106 Rhigh 1000

Q   8.33 Rv  2    14.2 
BW 6 10 6 Q  1 8.33  1 70.4
π-section Matching Techniques (7)
Step 2:

For the left L-shaped matching network, the Q-factor can be calculated as:

Rg 1000
QLeft  1   1  69.42  8.33
Rv 14.2

The inductance L1 value is calculated as:

XL QLeft  Rv 118.3
L1     376.7 nH
2 f o 2 f o 2 50 10 

The capacitance C1 value is calculated as:

1 QLeft 8.33 1
C1      26.54 pF
2 f o X C 2 f o Rg 2 50 10  1000  2 50 10  120 
6 6
π-section Matching Techniques (8)
Step 3:

For the right L-shaped matching network, the Q-factor can be calculated as:

RL 100
QRight  1   1  6  2.46
Rv 14.2

The inductance L2,

X L 2 QRight  Rv 35
L2     111.25 nH
2 f o 2 f o 2 50 10 

The capacitance C2,

1 QRight 2.46 1
C2      78.34 pF
2 f o X C 2 2 f o RL 2 50 10  100  2 50 10   40.65 
6 6
π-section Matching Techniques (9)
Step 4:

The sum of the two inductances (L1 and L2) are in series is given as:

L1 + L2 = 376.7 nH + 111.25 nH = 487.97 nH

T-section Matching Techniques (1)
1. T-section matching consists of three reactive components which connected in T-shape.

2. The three reactive components can be a combination of 2 inductors and 1 capacitor, or a combination of 2 capacitors
1 inductor.
3. T-section matching provides impedance matching over a broader bandwidth compared to L-section matching.

(a) Low-pass T-shaped (b) High-pass T-shaped

T-section Matching Techniques (2)
Step 1:

The T-shaped matching network needs to be broken into two back-to-back L-shaped networks. Normally, the source
impedance, Rs = 50 Ω.

Rv > Rs Rv > Racc

Two-cascaded L-shaped networks

T-section Matching Techniques (3)
Step 2:
The impedance matching between Rs and Racc is transformed to match the Rs and Racc to a "virtual" resistance Rv
located at the junction between the two L-shaped networks.

The resistance, Rv can be calculated as:

Rv  1  Q 2  Rsmall

where Q = fo/BW is the load-Q factor of the matching network determined by the center operating frequency fo and
bandwidth BW. Rsmall is the smallest terminating impedance of Rs or Racc.

After the Rv has been obtained, the impedance matching process can be achieved via two consecutive L-shaped
network-impedance matching processes.

Note: The virtual resistance, Rv is not a physical component present in the T-network rather it is a virtual component only used and calculated to determine
the values of the components of both individual L networks.
T-section Matching Techniques (4)
Step 3:

For the left L-shaped matching network, the Q-factor can be calculated as:

QLeft  1

Then, the values of CS1 and Lp1 can be determined via:

1 Rv
CS 1  L p1 
2 f o RS QLeft 2 f o QLeft

Step 4:

For the right L-shaped matching network, the Q-factor can be calculated as:

QRight  1
T-section Matching Techniques (5)

Then, the values of CS2 and Lp2 can be determined via:

1 Rv
CS 2  Lp 2 
2 f o Racc QRight 2 f o QRight
Quarter-Wave Transformers
Quarter-Wave Transformers (1)
1. A quarter-wave transformer is used to match a real impedance ZL to Zo.

l = λ/4

Z o  50  Z1  Zo Z L ZL

Z in

l = λ/4

Z1  Zo Z L ZL

Z in
Quarter-Wave Transformers (2)
2. At l =λ/4, the input impedance, Zin.

Z in  (1)

At l ≠ λ/4, the input impedance, Zin.

Z in 
Z L  jZ1 tan  kl 
 Z1
Z1  jZ L tan  kl 

3. From (1) and (2), input reflection coefficient, Γin

Z in  Z o
 in 
Z in  Z o
Z L  Zo

Z1  Z o  j 2 Z o Z L tan  kl 
Quarter-Wave Transformers (3)

4. From (3), magnitude of the input reflection coefficient, |Γin|

Z L  Zo
 in  12 (4)
 Z1  Z o 2  4Z o Z L tan 2  kl 
 

5. At l ≈ λ/4, magnitude of the input reflection coefficient, |Γin|

Z L  Zo
 in  cos  kl  (5)
2 Zo Z L
Quarter-Wave Transformers (4)


 max imum Acceptance level

0 qm  p-qm p
0 f m f o 2 fo  fm

6. From (5),
 max imum 2 Z LZo
cos  m 
1   max imum
2 Z L  Zo
Quarter-Wave Transformers (5)
7. The fractional bandwdith, ∆f / fo is given by

f 2  f o  f m 

fo fo
  2 Z L Z 0 
 2  cos 1  max imum

  1  2 Z L  Z0 
 max imum 

Exercise :

Design a single section quarter-wave matching transformer to match a 10 Ω load to a 50 Ω line at fo = 3

GHz. Determine the percentage bandwidth, ∆f / fo for which the SWR < 1.5
Quarter-Wave Transformers (6)
Solution :

Reflection coefficient level, Γmaximum for maximum SWR=1.5

SWR  1 1.5  1
 max imum    0.2
SWR  1 1.5  1

Hence, fractional bandwidth, ∆f / fo

f 4   2 ZL Z2 
 2  cos 
1 max imum

fo   1   2max imum Z 2  Z L 
 0.2 2 50  10 
4 1
 2  cos  
  1  0.2 50  10 

 0.29 or 29%
Quarter-Wave Transformers (7)
Multi-Section Transformer

1. The multisection transformer is used to improve the bandwidth of the impedance matching. .
Quarter-Wave Transformers (8)
2. The multisection transformer consists of N equal-length sections of transmission lines.

3. The total reflection coefficient, Γ

   o  1 e 2 j   2 e 4 j  ...   N e 2 jN (6)

Z1  Z o Z n 1  Z n ZL  ZN
o  n  N 
Z1  Z o Z n 1  Z n ZL  ZN
Quarter-Wave Transformers (9)
4. From (6), the reflection coefficients, Γ can be grouped in pairs.

 
  e  jN  0 e jN  e  jN   1 e j ( N 2)  e  j ( N 2)   ...

The Γ can be represented as a Fourier series.

 1 
  2e  jN  0 cos N  1 cos( N  2)  ...   i cos( N  2i)  ...   N / 2  for N even
 2 


  2e  jN  0 cos N  1 cos( N  2)  ...   i cos( N  2i)  ...   ( N 1) / 2 cos   for N odd

5. Find the unknown coefficient, Γi using Binomial or Chebvchev calculations.

Quarter-Wave Transformers (10)
Binomial transformer

6. For binomial expansion, the total reflection coefficient, Γ can be written as:

  A(1  e  j 2 k  ) N
 A CnN e  j 2 nk  (7)
n 0

 A C0N  C1N e  j 2 k   C2N e  j 4 k     C NN e  j 2 Nk  

where Cn is the binomial coefficients:

CnN  (8)
 N  n !n !

From (8):

CnN  C NN n C0N  1 C1N  C NN1  N

Quarter-Wave Transformers (11)
6. By comparing (6) and (7), we found that the n  AC n :

   o  1 e 2 jk    2 e 4 jk   ...   N e 2 jNk 

  A 1  C1N e  j 2 k   C2N e  j 4 k     CNN e  j 2 Nk  

7. The multiple reflection coefficient, Γn can be expressed as:

Z n 1  Z n
n 
Z n 1  Z n x 1
ln x  2
1 Z n 1 x 1
 ln
2 Zn
Quarter-Wave Transformers (12)
8. At   0o or kl  0 , the total reflection coefficient, Γ:

  0   A(1  e  j 0 ) N
 A(1  1) N (9)

 2N A

Z L  Z0
 0   (10)
Z L  Zo

By using (9) and (10), the value of constant A can be determined:

Z L  Z0
A  2 N
Z L  Zo
Quarter-Wave Transformers (13)
9. Now, we obtained information:

1 Z Z L  Z0
 n  ln n 1 n  AC nN A  2 N
2 Zn Z L  Zo


Z n 1  N  Z L  Z0 
ln  2 2   C
 n

Zn Z
 L  Z o 

 2 ( N 1) CnN ln


2 ( N 1) N Z L
n  Cn ln
2 Zo
Quarter-Wave Transformers (13)
10. The reflection coefficient magnitude

 max imum  2 N A cos N  m

and phase shift is given as:

  
1/ N

1 1
 m  cos   max imum  
2  A  
 

Thus, the fractional bandwidth

f 2  fo  f m 

fo fo

4 m 4   
1/ N

1 1
 2  2  cos   m  
  2  A  
 
Design a three section binomial transformer to match 50 Ω load to a 100 Ω line.
Determine the characteristic impedance, Zn for each section.

N=3, ZL = 50 Ω , Zo =100 Ω

Z L  Z0 1 Z
A  2 N  N 1 ln L  0.0433 Determine A
Z L  Zo 2 Zo

3! 3! 3!
C03  1 C13  3 C23  3 Determine CnN
3!0! 2!1! 1!2!

Known that
ln  2 AC03  2( 0.0433)1 Z1 = 91.7 W
1 Z n 1 Z2
ln  ACnN ln  2 AC13  2( 0.0433)3 Z2 = 70.7 W
2 Zn Z1
ln  2 AC23  2( 0.0433)3 Z3 = 54.5 W
Design a four section binomial transformer to match ZL = 150 Ω load to a Zo = 50 Ω line.
Determine the normalized characteristic impedance, Zn / Zo for each section.

Solution: N=4, ZL = 150 Ω , Zo =50 Ω

1 ZL
A N 1
ln  0.0343 Determine A
2 Zo

4! 4! 4! 4!
C04  1 C14  4 C24  6 C34  4 Determine CnN
4!0! 3!1! 2!2! 1!3!

Z1 Z1 Z o  1.071
Known that ln  2 AC04  2(0.0343)1
1 Z n 1 Z Z 2 Z o  1.3157 1.071
ln  ACnN ln 2  2 AC14  2(0.0343)4
2 Zn Z1  1.4091

Z3 Z 3 Z o  1.5092  1.4091
ln  2 AC24  2(0.0343)6
Z2  2.1266
Z4 Z 4 Z o  1.3157  2.1266
ln  2 AC24  2(0.0343)4
Z3  2.7980
Binomial Multi-Section Matching Transformer
Reflection coefficient magnitude, |Γ| versus frequency, f/fo for multi-section binomial matching
transformers of ZL = 50 Ω and Z0 = 100 Ω.
Example: Application

50 Ω
75 Ω

50 Ω to 75 Ω Convertor
Quarter-Wave Transformers (14)
Chebyshev Transformer

Chebyshev polinomial, Tn (x)

Tn ( x)  cos(n cos 1 x) for x 1

Tn ( x)  cosh(n cosh 1 x) for x 1

Useful forms of Chebyshev polinomial are

T1 (sec  m cos  )  sec  m cos 

T2 (sec  m cos  )  sec 2  m 1  cos 2   1

T3 (sec  m cos  )  sec 3  m cos 3  3 cos    3 sec  m cos 

T4 (sec  m cos  )  sec 4  m  cos 4  4 cos 2  3   4sec 2  m cos 2  1  1

Quarter-Wave Transformers (15)
For N section, Chebyshev expansion the total reflection coefficient, Γ can be written as:

  2e  jN  o cos N  1 cos( N  2)  ....   n cos( N  2n)  (11)

 Ae  jN TN sec  m cos  

At      0 , the value of constant A can be determined:

  ATN sec  m 
Z L  Zo

Z L  Zo

Z L  Zo 1
Z L  Z o TN sec  m 
Quarter-Wave Transformers (16)
For maximum magnitude of reflection coefficient, Γmaximum = A, therefore

Z L  Zo 1
TN sec  m  
Z L  Z o  max imum
1 ZL
 ln
2 max imum Zo


1  1 Z L 
sec  m  cosh  cosh 
ln   Tn ( x)  cosh(n cosh 1 x)
 N 2
 max imum Z o  
Design a three section Chebyshev transformer to match a 100 Ω load to a 50 Ω line.
Consider Γmaximum = 0.05.

Determine the value of sec θm

1  1 Z L 
sec  m  cosh  cosh 
ln  
 N  2 max imum Z o  
1 1  1 100  
 cosh  cosh  ln 
 3  2  0.05 50 
 1.408
Determine the values of reflection coefficients, Γn

From equation (11):

  Ae  jN T3 sec  m cos  
 2e  jN
o cos 3  1 cos 

Know that:

Ae  jN sec3  m  cos 3  3cos    3sec  m cos    2e  jN  o cos 3  1 cos  

T3 (sec  m cos  )  sec 3  m cos 3  3 cos    3 sec  m cos 

At     0

A sec3  m   2 o

A 3sec3  m  3sec  m   21

A 3 3A
o 
sec  m  1 
 sec3  m  sec  m 
0.05 3 3  0.05
 sec 1.408   sec3 1.408   sec(1.408) 
2 2
 0.0698  0.1037

For symmetrical  3   o  0.0698 and  2  1  0.1037

Determine the values of impedance, Zn

1  Z n1 
But n  ln   Then ln Z n1  2n  ln Z n
2  Zn 

n=0 ln Z1  2o  ln Z o  20.0698  ln 50  4.051 Z1  57.5 

n=1 ln Z 2  21  ln Z1  20.1037   ln 57.5  4.259 Z 2  70.7 

n=2 ln Z 3  22  ln Z 2  20.1037   ln 70.7  4.466 Z 3  87.0 

Stepped Impedance Microstrip Line

l1= λ/4
l2= λ/4
l3= λ/4

Z o  50  Z1  57.5  Z 2  70.7  Z 3  87.0  Z L  100 

Reflection coefficient magnitude , |Γ| versus normalized frequency, f/fo for the multi-section Chebyshev
matching transformers.
Stub Matching
Stub Matching (1)
Single-Stub Matching Techniques

1. Single-stub matching technique uses a single open-circuited or short-circuited length of transmission line (a stub)
connected either in parallel or in series with the transmission line at a certain distance from load.

YL  G  jB

 jB

Z L  R  jX

 jX
Stub Matching (2)
2. The susceptance, B for the stub can be calculated as:

RL2t   Z o  X Lt  X L  Z ot 
Z o  RL2   X L  Z ot  
 


X  RL  Z o  RL   X L2  Z o
 
t  RL  Z o 
RL  Z o
Stub Matching (3)
3. The length of d can be calculated using:

 1 1
tan t for t  0
d  2
 1
 2
  tan 1 t  for t  0

4. The length of l can be found as:

For open-circuited stub: For short-circuited stub:

l 1 l 1  1 
 tan 1  B  Z o   tan 1  
 2  2  B  Z o 
Stub Matching (4)
A load with an impedance of 10-j100  is to be matched with a 50  transmission line at 1 GHz. Design two distributed
matching networks and compare them in terms of the bandwidth performance.


a) A short circuit with a stub length l2 = 0.0325λ;

b) An open circuit with a stub length l2 = 0.2825λ.

Both have achieved a perfect matching at 1GHz but of different bandwidth

Stub Matching (5)
Smith Chart
(Impedance Matching Tool)
Smith Chart (Impedance Matching Tool) (1)
1. Apart from calculating using formulas, impedance matching can also be done using a classical graphical tool,
namely Smith Chart.

2. Smith chart was originally conceived back in the 1930s by a Bell Laboratories engineer named Phillip Smith,
who wanted an easier method of solving the tedious repetitive equations that often appear in RF theory.
Smith Chart (Impedance Matching Tool) (2)
Smith Chart construction: Normalized impedance ZL 
 j

R Zo jX Z o
Smith Chart (Impedance Matching Tool) (3)
Re(Z) = 0

Re(Z) = 1

Im (Z) = 0

Z  0  j0 Z    j0

Short circuit Z  1  j0 Open circuit

Impedance matched
Smith Chart (Impedance Matching Tool) (3)

Combine ZY smith chart

Smith Chart (Impedance Matching Tool) (4)
Locations of the impedances:

Z A  (1.0  j 0.0) match

Z B  (1.0  j1.0)
Z C  (  j 0.0) open YE ZB
Z D  (0.0  j 0.0) short
Z E  (1.0  j1.0) ZD ZA

Locations of the admittance: ZE
YA  (1.0  j 0.0) match
YB  (0.5  j 0.5)
YC  (0.0  j 0.0) open
YD  (  j 0.0) short
YE  (0.5  j 0.5)
Smith Chart (Impedance Matching Tool) (5)

ZL 1 L
Normalized impedance, Z L  
Zo 1 L
Smith Chart (Impedance Matching Tool) (6)
Find the normalized admittance, Y from a given normalized impedance, Z = 1.0+ j 1.0
Using formulas Using Smith Chart
Z 1
Z 1
Constant |Γ| circle
1.0  j1.0   1
(1.0  j1.0)  1 Z  1.0  j1.0
 0.2  j 0.4

1 
Y 
1 
1   0.2  j 0.4 

1   0.2  j 0.4 
Y  0.5  j 0.5
 0.5  j 0.5
Or   0.4472
1 1
Y    0.5  j 0.5   63.43o
Z 1.0  j1.0
Smith Chart (Impedance Matching Tool) (7)
Find the input impedance, Zin of a transmission line terminated by a load impedance ZL.
Using Smith Chart
Z in
Z0 , k ZL

Le n
gt h
z = -l z=0 Constant |Γ| circle

l in
t erm
Given Z L  1.0  j1.0 and l  0.148 Z L  1.0  j1.0

s of
Using formulas

Z L  1 1  in   2kl
L  Zin  
Z L  1 1  in
1  j1  1 1   L e  j 2 kl
  Zin  1.4  j1.2
1  j1  1 1   L e  j 2 kl
 0.2  j 0.4 j  0.148  
1   0.2  j 0.4  e 
 4
j  0.148  
1   0.2  j 0.4  e 

 1.462  j1.117
Smith Chart (Impedance Matching Tool) (8)
Using Smith Chart
Find the SWR, voltage maxima and minima.

Le n
Z0 , k ZL

gt h
Constant |Γ| circle

in t
z=-l z=0 Z L  1.0  j1.0

e rm
Z L  1.0  j1.0 l  0.148

s of
  2 l


 SWR  2.8
Using formulas Z in  2.8

Z L  1 1 L
L  Voltage Min.
Z L  1 VSWR 
1 L Current Max. Voltage Max.
Current Min.
1  j1  1 1  0.447
 
1  j1  1 1  0.447
 0.2  j 0.4  2.617
Smith Chart (Impedance Matching Tool) (9)
Example: A l =5.2 cm long, lossless 100 Ω line is
terminated in a load impedance ZL = 30 + j50 Ω. 0.13o

a) Calculate |ΓL| and VSWR: 93.6o

30  j 50 1  0.62
Z L   0.3  j 0.5 VSWR   4.2
100 1  0.62 Z L  0.3  j 0.5

Z 1  
L  L  0.62123.50
ZL 1

b) Determine the impedance, Zin at the input for the VSWR=4.2

frequency of 750 MHz and l:

c 3.0 108 m/s Constant |Γ| circle

0    40 cm
f 750 10 Hz

 2 
2kl  2   l  93.6

 0 
Smith Chart (Impedance Matching Tool) (10)
Example: A 50 Ω coaxial cable, filled with a dielectric material of εr = 2.25, is connected to a generator with 50 Ω
internal impedance and 200 MHz signal frequency. The transmission line is terminated in an unknown impedance, ZL
at a distance of 10 cm from the generator.

a) Knowing that the input impedance, Zin at the source terminal was measured and noted as 25+j5 Ω, what is the
load impedance?

b) Find the VSWR;

c) What should the length of the line be in order to have a real input impedance at the source terminal?

c 3.0  1010
0    100cm
Z in  25  j5 r f  
2.25 200  10 6

10 2
Z 0  50 ZL  ? l  10 cm    0.1  2kl  2 l  720
100 

z= -10cm z=0 25  j 5
Z in   0 . 5  j 0. 1
Smith Chart (Impedance Matching Tool) (11)

1. Locate Zin on the Smith Chart.

2. Draw the constant |Γ| circle.

3. Starting from Zin move toward load by 0.1λ on constant |Γ| circle. Constant |Γ| circle

Z L  0.6  j 0.4 Z in  0.5  j 0.1
Z L  Z L  50  (30  j 20) SWR  2.0

Z in  0.5  j 0.1
Z L  0.6  j 0.4

Z 0  50 ZL  ?

z= -0.1l z=0
Smith Chart (Impedance Matching Tool) (12)
Example: A length of TL with 50 Ω characteristic impedance is connected to a generator with 50 Ω internal
impedance and to an unknown load impedance ZL. The VSWR and the locations of the maximum and
minimum of standing wave are measured and the following information is obtained:

i) First voltage minimum occurs at a distance of l/5 from the load terminals.

ii) VSWR=Vmax/Vmin = 2.0

Find the load impedance by using the above information.

Standing wave
Vmax  /5


Z 0  50 ZL  ?

z= -l z=0
Smith Chart (Impedance Matching Tool) (13)
Draw the SWR=2.0 circle
1. Find the SWR=2.0 point on the Smith Chart. circle

2. Draw a circle that is centered at VSWR =1.0 and

passes through VSWR=2.0 point

VSWR =2.0
Smith Chart (Impedance Matching Tool) (14)
On the SWR=2.0 circle, start from Vmin point and go 0.2 λ toward load.

Normalized load impedance is

1.55 – j0.65

Vmin , Imax Vmax , Imin

Load impedance, ZL is
77.5 – j32.5 Ω

Z L  1.55  j 0.65

Smith Chart (Impedance Matching Tool) (15)
Example: A transmission line with a characteristic line impedance Zo = 50 Ω line is terminated into the following load

(a) ZL= 0 Ω. (b) ZL= ∞ Ω. (c) ZL= 50 Ω. (d) ZL=16.67 - j16.67 Ω. (e) ZL=50+j150 Ω.

Find the individual reflection coefficients, Γ


(a) Γ = -1 (b) Γ = 1 (c) Γ = 0 (d) Γ = 0.54 ̸̸̸̲ 221ͦ (e) Γ = 0.83 ̸̸̸̲ 34 ͦ
Smith Chart (Impedance Matching Tool) (16)

Polar Plot 90
120 60

150 30


a c b
180 0

210 330

240 300

Smith Chart (Impedance Matching Tool) (17)
Exercise :

For an open-ended 50 Ω transmission line operated at 3 GHz and with a phase velocity of 77 % of the speed of
light. Find the lengths, d to create a 2 pF capacitor and a 5.3 nH inductor using the Smith Chart.

Compare the determined value d with calculation using equation:

Z in   jZ o cot  kd 
Smith Chart (Impedance Matching Tool) (18)
Solution :
Smith Chart (Impedance Matching Tool) (19)
Exercise :

For a shorted 50 Ω transmission line operated at 3 GHz and with a phase velocity of 77 % of the speed of light.
Find the lengths, d to create a 2 pF capacitor and a 5.3 nH inductor using the Smith Chart.

Compare the determined value d with calculation using equation:

Z in  jZ o tan  kd 
Smith Chart (Impedance Matching Tool) (20)
Solution :
A load impedance of ZL = 150 + j60 Ω must be matched to a Zo = 100 Ω
transmission line using shorted transmission-line stub in parallel with the
transmission line.

The stub acts as a reactance to cancel out the opposite reactance of the load.

Hence, find the length of the stub, l and the distance from the load, d.

Step 1:
Normalize the load impedance 150/100 + j60/100 = 1.5 + j0.6. Plot that on the
Smith chart at point A.

Step 2:
Draw the SWR circle. Then draw a line down from the center of the chart to the SWR
scale. It indicates an SWR of 2 to 1.

Step 3:
Draw a line from the center point through point A to the perimeter of the chart and
read the wavelength on the TOWARD GENERATOR scale. It is 0.052.
Step 4:
Move from point B clockwise around the SWR circle until it
reaches the R = 1 circle at point C. This value is the normalized
susceptance, B = 1 + j0.62. Draw a line from the center point
through C to the perimeter. It should read 0.15 λ.

Step 5:

Find the wavelength distance between the lines intersecting B

and C. It is 0.15 + 0.052 = 0.202 λ. This is the distance, d from
the load to the point where the shorted line will be placed.

Step 6:
The shorted stub should have the opposite susceptance of the load
or −j0.62. Connecting susceptances in parallel causes them to add
directly and cancel one another.

To cancel 1 + j0.62, we need a stub that will produce 0 – j0.62.

Extend the line from the 1 + j0.62 point through the center point to
the R = 0 circle. Read this value on the R = 0 circle that’s the outer
perimeter of the chart. Note the wavelength reading of 0.42 λ.
Step 7:
Now, move from that value one quarter wavelength, 0.25λ. The one
quarter wavelength point gives the stub length, l = 0.42 – 0.25 =
0.17 λ.
Smith Chart (Impedance Matching Tool) (21)

Parallel Capacitance Serial Capacitance

Serial Inductance
Parallel Inductance
Smith Chart (Impedance Matching Tool) (22)


Serial C1 C2
C1 L1

Matching using lumped


L2 C1

50  L! 10 
Smith Chart (Impedance Matching Tool) (23)
Design an L-section matching network to match a series RC load with an impedance ZL=200-j100 Ω, to a 100 Ω line, at a
frequency of 500 MHz.

Normalized ZL = 2 - j1
Parallel L
Serial C

Zo= 1
ZL= 2-j1 Parallel C
Serial L (+j0.3)

Solution 1
Solution 2
Smith Chart (Impedance Matching Tool) (24)
Solution 2

C  0.92pF
2 f Z o

X Zo
L  38.8nH
2 f

Solution 1

C  2.61pF
2 fXZ o
L  46.1 nH
2 fB

Solution 2 seems to be better matched at higher frequency

Alternative Solution

2 ̶ j1
Microstript Line
(Analytical Analysis)
Analytical Analysis of Microstrip Line
Normally, it must have five inputs and two outputs as:
Five inputs: Example: Online Microstrip Line Calculator App
1. Dielectric constant substance:𝜀𝑟

2. Thickness substance: h

3. Operating frequency: f

4. Microstrip line impedance: Zo

5. Microstrip line electrical length: θ

Two outputs:
1. Microstrip line width: W

2. Microstrip line length: L

Difference Between of Microstrip
MATLAB LineAnd ‘guide’
The values of W and L of the microstrip line are calculated using
explicit Equations (1) and (2) (Hammerstad, 1975; Pozar, 2012).
 8h exp  A 
 W
exp  2 A   2 for 2
 h
W 
 2h 
  r 1  0.61   W (1)
   B  1  ln  2 B  1   ln  B  1  0.39   for
  2 r   r  

Z r 1  r 1  0.11  377
A o  and B
 0.23   2Z o  r
60 2 r 1  r 

Once the values of W are obtained from Equation (1), the length, L of the microstrip transmission line can be calculated as:

c   eff  0.3 W h  0.262  

L  0.412h   (2)
f o  eff   eff  0.258  W h  0.813 

The c = 299792458 ms-1 and the effective relative permittivity, εeff of the microstrip line is given as (Pozar, 2012):
 1  1  1  W 
 r
 r
  0.04 1    for 1
 2 2  1  12 h W  h   h
 eff  
  r 1  r 1  1  W
    for 1
2 2  1  12 h W  h
  
Microstrip Line Calculator MATLAB Code
Formulas and MATLAB Code (1)

 8h exp  A 
 W
exp  2 A   2 for 2
 h
W 
 2h  B  1  ln 2 B  1   r  1 ln B  1  0.39  0.61   W
        for
  2  r   r  

Zo r 1  r 1  0.11  377
A   0.23   B
60 2 r 1  r  2Z o  r

Problem: Condition value of W is also the output value!

if >

W=(2.*h./pi).*(B-1-log(2.*B-1)+((er-1)./2.*er).*(log(B-1)+0.39-(0.61./er))); PREVIOUS NEXT

Formulas and MATLAB Code (2)
1. As know that:
 60  8h W   1  1  1  W 
 ln     r
 r
 0.04 1    for 1
 eff 1  W 4h  for
1 
  2 2  1  12 h W  h   h
 h
Z o1   120  eff 1  
 W   r 1  r 1  1  W
for 1
  eff 1  W  1.393  2 ln  W  1.444   h   
 1  12 h W 
for 1
 h  2 2 h
 3 h    

select select
For W/h > 2 case
2. For W/h = 2:
 r 1  r 1  1  120
 eff 1   Z o1 
2  7  and  
2  eff 1 3.393  ln 3.444 
 3 

3. Let value of input impedance represents by Zo, if condition:

Z o1  Z o  0 (Zo less than Zo1)

This implicitly means that W/h > 2

Formulas and MATLAB Code (3)

4. Hence the MATLAB code is modified as:


if Zo1-Zo >= 0



Noted: er, Zo, and h are the input values.

The MATLAB code of W calculation using (1) can be modified as:


if Zo1-Zo >= 0


Once the value of W is obtained, the MATLAB code of L calculation using (2) is written as:
if W =< h

Parallel Coupled Microstript Line
(Analytical Analysis)
Parallel coupled microstrip line structures in Figure, are commonly used in phase shifter, filter, and directional
coupler designs.

Parallel coupled microstrip line

The even and odd mode impedances, Zoe and Zoo of the coupled microstrip line are calculated using:

C C
Z oo Z o 1  10 20
Z oe Z o 1  10 20
Z oso   C
(1) Z ose   C
2 2 2 2
1  10 20
1  10 20

where Zo (≈ 50 Ω) is the characteristic impedance of the equivalent single microstrip line and C is the desired coupling
factor value (in unit dB).
Based on (1) and (2), the perfect matching of the coupled microstrip line is accomplished when the characteristic
impedance, Z o  Z oe Z oo

The spacing gap, S between two coupled transmission lines can be determined as:

  W     W   
 
 cosh      cosh      2 
  2  h  so   2  h  se  
2h 1   
S cosh  
    W      W   
 cosh     cosh 2 h   
  2  h      se  
 so

where W  W  W 
   0.78    0.1   ,
h  so  h  so  h se

 Z   7   4  r  1  1  r   Z   7   4  r  1  1  r 
8 exp  ose  r  1   1  8  exp  oso  r  1   1 
W    42.4   11 0.81 W    42.4   11 0.81
     
 h  se Z
exp  ose  r  1   1  h  so exp  oso  r  1   1
 42.4   42.4 
The width, W of each transmission line can be predicted as:

h S
W cosh 1    (3)
 2

where ξ in (3) is given as:

  W       S      S 
cosh     cosh      1  cosh      1
 2  h  se    2  h    2  h 

The physical length, L (quarter wavelength) of the coupled microstrip line can be calculated as:

 c
L 
4 4 f c  eff _ c
The relative effective permittivity, εeff_c of the coupled line can be found as:

  eff _ e   eff _ o 
 eff _ c  
 2 
 

where εeff_e and εeff_o are the relative effective permittivity of the coupled line for odd and even modes, respectively.

The εeff_e and εeff_o can be predicted in term of even-mode and odd-mode capacitances (Ce and Co) as:

Ce Co
  cCe Z oe    cCo Zoo 
 eff _ o 
 eff _ e  and
Ce _ Air Co _ Air

The Ce and Co are given as:

Ce  C p  C f  C f and Co  C p  C f  C ga  C gd

where Cp and Cf are the parallel plate capacitance and fringing capacitance, respectively.
The odd and even modes capacitances (Ce and Co) of the coupled microstrip line circuit is shown in Figure.

 o rW  eff Cp Cf  r 
Cp  , Cf   , C f   
h 2cZ o 2 h  10h    W     eff 
1    tanh   exp  0.1exp  2.33  1.5  
   S    h 

While, Cga and Cgd are the capacitance term in odd mode for the fringing field across the gap in the air region and in the
dielectric region, respectively.

K k      S   0.02h  r  1 
C ga   o , C gd  o r ln  coth     0.65C f   1  2  
K k     4h    S   r  

 1  1 k 
 ln  2  , for 0  k 2  0.5
   1  k  
K k  
K k  

 , for 0.5  k 2  1
  1 k 
 ln 2 
  1 k 


 
k  h , k  1 k 2
 S   2W 
  
h  h 
close all; h1=cosh((pi./2).*Wh_se);
clear all; h2=cosh((pi./2).*(sh));
fo=10e9; Wh=(1./pi).*acosh(B)-(sh./2)

Zoe=66.67; s=sh.*h
Zoo=40.29; W=Wh.*h









if k2 <=0.5

if Wh <= 1





End Coupled Microstript Line
(Analytical Analysis)
Zo  B    u  0.1  r  2   r s 
 2.4   ln  coth   
h  u 1  r 1    r  2 h 

  
  
s  r  2  1   Zo  B   
 coth  exp
h  r 
   u  0.1   r  2 
  2.4  h  
    
   u  1  r 1 
W 299792458
where u  and 
h fo

E. Hammerstad
close all;
clear all;




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