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SECA1701- Microwave Optical communication

Microwave Networks and components

Sathyabama Institute of science and


SECA1701-Microwave and Optical communication

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
Introduction to Microwaves
• Microwaves refer to the electromagnetic
waves with frequencies between 1GHz and
300GHz in the electromagnetic spectrum.
• The word microwave here implies that that
wavelength of the signal in the microwave
band are much smaller compared to HF/VHF
signals and does not mean it is in

SEC1405-RF And microwave Engineering

 Microwave is a form of electromagnetic radiation with
wavelengths ranging from about one meter to one
 Frequencies between 300 MHz (1 m) and 300 GHz (1
 Different sources define different frequency ranges
as microwaves
 Which includes both UHF and EHF (millimeter wave)

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

The Electromagnetic Spectrum

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

SEC1405-RF And microwave Engineering
SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
Microwave Band Classification
Letter Frequency
Wavelength Range
Designation Range
L band 1 to 2 GHz 15 cm to 30 cm
super high
S band 2 to 4 GHz 7.5 cm to 15 cm frequency
C band 4 to 8 GHz 3.75 cm to 7.5 cm (SHF)
(3-30 GHz)
X band 8 to 12 GHz 25 mm to 37.5 cm Microwaves
Ku band 12 to 18 GHz 16.7 mm to 25 mm (1-30GHz)

K band 18 to 26.5 GHz 11.3 mm to 16.7 mm

Ka band 26.5 to 40 GHz 5.0 mm to 11.3 mm
Q band 33 to 50 GHz 6.0 mm to 9.0 mm
extremely high
U band 40 to 60 GHz 5.0 mm to 7.5 mm frequency
V band 50 to 75 GHz 4.0 mm to 6.0 mm (EHF) (30-300
W band 75 to 110 GHz 2.7 mm to 4.0 mm mmWaves
F band 90 to 110 GHz 2.1 mm to 3.3 mm (30GHz-
SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
D band 110 to 170 GHz 1.8 mm to 2.7 mm
Microwave Properties
 Microwaves are the waves that radiate electromagnetic
energy with shorter wavelength.
 Microwaves are not reflected by Ionosphere.
 Microwaves travel in a straight line and are reflected by the
conducting surfaces.
 Microwaves are easily attenuated within shorter distances.
 Microwave currents can flow through a thin layer of a cable

SEC1405-RF And microwave Engineering

Disadvantages of Microwaves

 Cost of equipment or installation cost is

 They are hefty and occupy more space.
 Electromagnetic interference may occur.
 Variations in dielectric properties with
temperatures may occur.
 Inefficiency of electric power

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

Applications of Microwaves
• The application areas are many can be categories
in different ways.
• Telecom
• Point-to-point communication, Satellite, Cellular
access technologies
• Deep Space Communication
• Sensing/Spectroscopy, Radio astronomy
• Diagnostics, imaging, and treatment applications.
• Defense
• Radar, Satellite Communication
SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
Direct Broadcast Satellite DBS

Applications of Microwaves
• There are a wide variety of applications for Microwaves, which are not possible for other radiations.
 Wireless Communications
 For long distance telephone calls
 Bluetooth, WIMAX operations
 Outdoor broadcasting transmissions
 Remote pickup unit
 Studio/transmitter link
 Direct Broadcast Satellite
 Personal Communication Systems
 Cellular Video
 Electronics
 Phase shifters
 HF generation
 Tuning elements
 Spread spectrum systems

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

Microwaves in Communications

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

Applications of Microwaves(cond..)
 Commercial Uses
• Burglar alarms
• Police speed detectors
• Identification by non-contact methods
• Cell phones, pagers, wireless LANs
• Satellite television, XM radio
• Motion detectors
• Remote sensing
 Navigation
 Global navigation satellite systems
 Global Positioning System
 Military and Radar
 Radars to detect the range and speed of the target.
 SONAR applications, Weather forecasting, Navigation of ships, Speed limit enforcement , Air traffic
 Military uses microwave frequencies for communications and for the above mentioned applications.

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

Radio Astronomy

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

Applications of Microwaves(cond..)
 Research Applications
 Atomic resonances
 Nuclear resonances
 Radio Astronomy
 Mark cosmic microwave background radiation
 Detection of powerful waves in the universe
 Detection of many radiations in the universe and earth’s atmosphere
 Food Industry
 Microwave ovens used for reheating and cooking
 Food processing applications
 Pre-cooking
 Roasting food grains/beans
 Drying potato chips
 Moisture levelling
 Absorbing water molecules

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

Radio Astronomy

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

Ground Penetrating Radar(GPR)

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

GPR data processing

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

Applications of Microwaves(cond..)
 Industrial Uses
 Vulcanizing rubber, Analytical chemistry applications. Drying and reaction processes
 Processing ceramics, Polymer matrix, Surface modification
 Powder processing
 Sterilizing pharmaceuticals
 Medical Applications
 Monitoring heartbeat
 Lung water detection
 Tumor detection
 Hyperthermia treatment
 Microwave tomography
 Microwave Acoustic imaging
 For any wave to propagate, there is the need of a medium. Free space transmission and transmission lines,
which are of different types, are used for the propagation of Microwaves.

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

Microwave in medical diagnostics

SEC1405-RF And microwave Engineering

Microwave Oven

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

Advantages of Microwaves

 Supports larger bandwidth and hence more information is

transmitted. Hence this reason, microwaves are used for point-to-
point communications.
 More antenna gain is possible.
 Higher data rates are transmitted as the bandwidth is more.
 Antenna size gets reduced, as the frequencies are higher.
 Low power consumption as the signals are of higher frequencies.
 Effect of fading gets reduced by using line of sight propagation.
 Provides effective reflection area in the radar systems.
 Satellite and terrestrial communications with high capacities are
 Low-cost miniature microwave components can be developed.
 Effective spectrum usage with wide variety of applications in all
frequency ranges of operation.

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

Advantages of Microwaves

• Large Bandwidth: The Bandwidth of Microwaves is larger than the common low
frequency radio waves. Thus more information can be transmitted using
Microwaves. It is very good advantage, because of this, Microwaves are used for
Point to Point Communications.
• Better Directivity: At Microwave Frequencies, there are better directive
properties. This is due to the relation that As Frequency Increases, Wavelength
decreases and as Wavelength decreases Directivity Increases and Beam
width decreases. So it is easier to design and fabricate high gain antenna in
• Small Size Antenna: The antenna size can be smaller as the size of antenna is
inversely proportional to the transmitted frequency. Thus in Microwaves, we have
waves of much higher frequencies and hence the higher the frequency, the
smaller the size of antenna.
• Low Power Consumption: The power required to transmit a high frequency signal
is lesser than the power required in transmission of low frequency signals. As
Microwaves have high frequency thus requires very less power.
• Effect Of Fading: The effect of fading is minimized by using Line Of Sight
propagation technique at Microwave Frequencies. While at low frequency signals,
SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
the layers around the earth causes fading of the signal.
Health Hazards of Microwaves

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
Microwave Components

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

Single port, Two port and Multiport networks

 Basic current and voltage definitions for single, two port and
Multiport network are shown in the figure.

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

Low frequency network parameters
• At low frequencies, two port networks or circuits can
be characterized by the following parameters:
• Impedance (z) Parameter
• Admittance (Y) Parameter
• Hybrid (h) Parameter
• Inverse Hybrid (g) Parameter
• ABCD Parameter
• Inverse ABCD Parameter

Note: Calculation of all these parameters involves the

measurement of currents and voltages in the networks.
SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
The impedance or Z parameter of a two port network is defined by

Z11 and Z22 give the relationship between

voltages and currents at port 1–1′ and 2–2′.
They are called driving point impedances.

Z12 and Z21 give the relationship between

voltages and currents at different ports. They
are called transfer impedance.

Z parameters are called as open circuit

impedance parameters SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
The impedance or Z parameter of a two port network is defined by

•Y11 and Y22 are driving point input and

output admittances.
•Y21 and Y12 are forward and reverse
transfer admittances.
•Y parameters are called as short-circuited
admittance parameters.

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

• H-parameter is the combination of Z and Y parameter defined by

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

The impedance or Z parameter of a two port network is defined by

A = VS / VR open circuit reverse voltage ratio

B = V S / IR short circuit reverse transfer
C = IS / VR open circuit reverse transfer
admittance (mho)
D = I S / IR short circuit reverse current
SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
transfer ratio communication
Drawbacks of Low frequency parameters
Z,H,Y and ABCD parameters cannot be measured at microwave
frequencies due to the following reasons.

Equipment is not readily available to measure total voltage and total current
at the port of the network.

Short circuit and open circuit are difficult to achieve over a wide range of

Presence of active devices such as power transistors and tunnel diodes,

makes the circuit unusable for short (or) open circuit.

Based on these observations, the Z,Y,H and ABCD-parameters cannot

be accurately measured at Microwave frequencies.

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

Scattering or S-Parameters
A linear network can be characterized by a set of simultaneous
equations describing the exiting waves from each port in terms
of incident waves and are called as S-parameters.

S11 = b1 / a1 - Reflection coefficient at port1

S21 = b2 / a1 - Forward Transmission coefficient
S12 = b1 / a2 - Reverse Transmission coefficient
S22 = b2 / a2 - Reflection coefficient at port2
• S21 describes the forward transmission coefficient
SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
(responding port 1 !) communication
Measurement of S-Parameters
S-parameters are measured by sending a single frequency signal
into the network or “black box” and detecting what waves exit
from each port.

Power, voltage and current

can be considered to be in
the form of waves travelling
in both directions.

For a wave incident on Port 1, a2

some part of this signal
reflects back out of that port
and some portion of the signal b1
exits other ports.
SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
Measuring S11 and S21
S11 refers to the signal reflected at Port1 for the signal incident at Port 1.

S21 refers to the signal exiting at Port 2 for the signal incident at
Port1. Scattering parameter (S21) is the ratio of the two
waves b2/a1.

Note: S-parameter convention always refers to the

SECA1701-Microwave andresponding
Optical port first!
Measuring S22 and S12

S-parameters are complex (i.e. they have magnitude and angle)

because both the magnitude and phase of the input signal are
changed by the network.
SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
S-Parameters Definition

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

S-Parameter Matrix of 1 port, 2 port and 4 port network

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Properties of S-Matrix
• [S] is always a square matrix of order (nxn)
• [S] is a symmetric matrix i.e., Sij=Sji
• [S] is a unitary matrix i.e., [S][S∗] =I
• The sum of the products of each term of any row or
column multiplied by the complex conjugate of the
corresponding terms of any other row or column is zero.

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

• An isolator is a two-
port device that
transmits microwave or
radio frequency power
in one direction only.
• Due to internal
behavior, the
propagation in one
direction is allowed
while the other direction
is blocked
SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
• An isolator is a non-reciprocal device, with a non-
symmetric scattering matrix.
• An ideal isolator transmits all the power entering port 1 to
port 2, while absorbing all the power entering port 2, so that
to within a phase-factor its S-matrix is:

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

 circulator is a passive,
non-reciprocal three- or
four-port device, in
which a microwave or
radio-frequency signal
entering any port is
transmitted to the next
port in rotation (only).

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical


The most common application of a circulator is as a duplexer. A duplexer allows the

transmitter and receiver in a radio or radar unit to share a common antenna

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

E-Plane Tee

 A waveguide tee is a 3 port device

that is similar to a power divider.
 When the axis of the side arm is
parallel to the Electric Field (E) of
the collinear, then the tee is called
a E-Plane Tee Junction
 An E-Plane Tee junction
is formed by attaching a simple
waveguide to the broader dimension
of a rectangular waveguide, which
already has two ports.
 As the axis of the side arm is parallel
to the electric field, this junction is
called E-Plane Tee junction.
 This is also called as Voltage or
SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
Series junction.
S- Matrix of E-Plane Tee/Series Tee
• The arms of rectangular
waveguides create two
ports called collinear ports
i.e., Port1 and Port2, while
the new one, Port3 is called
as Side arm or E-arm.
• The ports 1 and 2 are 180°
out of phase with each
• The properties of E-Plane
Tee can be defined by its
[S]3x3 matrix.

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

It is a 3×3 matrix as there are 3 possible inputs and 3 possible outputs.

Scattering coefficients S13 and S23 are out of phase by 180° with an input
at port 3. Port3 is perfectly matched so S33=0

From the symmetric property,

Considering equations 3 &SECA1701-Microwave

4, the [S] matrixand Optical can be written as,
So we have four unknowns, considering the symmetry property. From
the unitary property

Multiplying we get, (Noting R as row and C as column)

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

Equating the equations 6 & 7, we get

From Equation 8,

From Equation 9,


Using the equations 10, 11, and 12 in the equation 6,we get,

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

Substituting the values from the above equations in [S][S] matrix,
We get,

We know that [b]= [S][a]

a & b are
respective matrix
of incident and
reflected wave

This is the scattering matrix for E-Plane Tee, which explains its
scattering properties. Because of mismatch at any 2 ports the VSWR at the
mismatch port of either E or H tee jn is very high
VSWR=1+ /1- =3.0
SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
H-plane Tee
 An H-Plane Tee junction is
formed by attaching a
simple waveguide to a
rectangular waveguide
which already has two
ports. ...
 This H-plane Tee is also
called as Shunt Tee. As the
axis of the side arm is
parallel to the magnetic
field, this junction is
called H-Plane
SECA1701-Microwave junction.
and Optical
S- Matrix of H-Plane Tee/Shunt Tee
• The arms of rectangular
waveguides make two
ports called collinear
ports i.e., Port1 and
Port2, while the new one,
Port3 is called as Side
arm or H-arm
• The properties of H-Plane
Tee can be defined by its
• It is a 3×3 matrix as there
are 3 possible inputs and
3 possible outputs.
SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
It is a 3×3 matrix as there are 3 possible inputs and 3 possible

Scattering coefficients S13 and S23 are equal here as the junction is
symmetrical in plane. From the symmetric property,
Because of plane
of symmetry of the
junction scattering
co-efficient s13
The port S33is perfectly matched : &S23 must be
equal, expressed
Now, the [S] matrix can be written as, as

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

We can say that we have four unknowns, considering the symmetry
property. From the Unitary property

Multiplying we get, (Noting R as row and C as column)

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

From the Equation 6,


Using these in equation 3, Since,

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

Substituting for S13, S11, S12 and S22 from equation 7 and 10, 11 and 12
in equation 2,We get,

We know that [b] = [s][a]

This is the scattering matrix for H-Plane Tee, which explains its
scattering properties.
SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
Magic Tee
 A Magic Tee or Hybrid Tee is a 4 port waveguide tee that is a
combination of an E-Plane and H-Plane Waveguide Tee.
• A magic tee has four ports:
• Port 1 - Co-linear
• Port 2 - Co-linear
• Port 3 - Difference Port
• Port 4 - Sum Port
• Operation of a Magic Tee:
• Case 1: When two signals of equal magnitude are fed from
port 1 and 2, we get a zero at port 3 and the sum of the two
signals at port 4.
• Case 2: When a signal is fed through port 4, it gets divided
equally between port 1 & 2 and both the outputs are in
phase. No output comes from port 3.
• Case 3: When a signal is fed through port 3, we get an
output of equal magnitude but opposite phase at port 1 & 2
(the signals are 180 degrees out of phase). Output at port 4
is zero.
• A magic tee is ideally lossless. But the biggest disadvantage
of magic tee is that reflections arise within it due to
impedance mismatches, which causes some level of power
SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
loss. These reflections can be minimized by optimizing
S-Parameters of Magic TEE
• A Magic Tee or Hybrid Tee is a 4 port waveguide tee that is a
combination of an E-Plane and H-Plane Waveguide Tee.
• A magic tee has four ports:
Port 1 and Port 2 - Co-linear
Port 3 - Difference Port; Port 4 - Sum Port

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

Operation of a Magic Tee
• Case 1: When two signals of equal magnitude are fed
from port 1 and 2, we get a zero at port 3 and the
sum of the two signals at port 4.

• Case 2: When a signal is fed through port 4, it gets

divided equally between port 1 & 2 and both the
outputs are in phase. No output comes from port 3.

• Case 3: When a signal is fed through port 3, we get

an output of equal magnitude but opposite phase at
port 1 & 2 (the signals are 180 degrees out of phase).
Output at port 4 is zero.
SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
S-Matrix Calculation For Magic Tee
 The S matrix of magic tee would be 4x4 matrix as shown in eq.1


• Because of H-plane Tee section, s23=s13 -----(2)

• Because of E-plane Tee section, s24=-s14 ----(3)
• Because of geometry of the junction on inputs at port 3 can’t come out of port 4
since they are isolated ports and vice-versa s34=s43=0 -------(4)
•From symmetric property sij = sji:
s12=s21; s13=s31;
s23=s32; s34=s43;
s24=s42; s41=s14; --------(5)
•In magic tee, If ports 3 and 4 are perfectly matched to the junction:
SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
s33=s44=0 ---(6) communication
• Substitute properties in eq. 2 to eq.6 in equation (1)
we get:


 From unity matrix property, [s].[s]*=[I]

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

From equation 10 and 11,
S13= 1/√2 — (12)
S14= 1/√2 — (13)
Subtracting equation (9) from (8), we get,
s11=s22 ------(14)
SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
• Using these values from equation (12) and (13) and
substituting in equation (8), we get:

lS13l= = lS14l

This means port 1 and port 2 are also perfectly matched to the junction.
The scattering matrix
for an ideal hybrid Tee
may be stated in the
following form

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

We know that, [b]=[s] . [a], therefore the b matrix of magic tee is given as below:

b1= 1/√2(a3+a4)
b2= 1/√2(a3-a4) -----(18) Hence in any 4 ports junction if any
b3= 1/√2(a1+a2) ports are perfectly matched to the
b4= 1/√2(a1-a2) junction then the remaining two ports
are automatically matched to the
A hybrid junction is a 4 port junction. such a junction where in all
network in which a signal 4 ports are perfectly matched to the
incident in any one of the junction is called magic tee.
ports divides between 2 Applications:
output ports with the 1.Measurement of impedance
remaining port being isolated 2.As duplexer
3.As mixer
4.As an isolator

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

Directional Coupler
• A Directional coupler is a device that
samples a small amount
of Microwave power for measurement
purposes. The power measurements
include incident power, reflected
power, VSWR values, etc. ...
• Directional coupler is used to couple
the Microwave power which may be
unidirectional or bi-directional.

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

Directional Coupler

Pi = Incident power at Port 1

Pr = Received power at Port 2
Pf = Forward coupled power at Port 4
Pb = Back power at Port 3

Properties of Directional Coupler

• All the terminations are matched to the ports.
• When the power travels from Port 1 to Port 2, some portion of it gets coupled to
Port 4 but not to Port 3.
• As it is also a bi-directional coupler, when the power travels from Port 2 to Port 1,
some portion of it gets coupled to Port 3 but not to Port 4.
• If the power is incident through Port 3, a portion of it is coupled to Port 2, but not
to Port 1.
• If the power is incident through Port 4, a portion of it is coupled to Port 1, but not
to Port 2.
SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
• Port 1 and 3 are decoupled as are Port 2 and Port 4.
1. Directional coupler is 4-Port network. Hence [S] is a 4*4 matrix.

2. In a Directional coupler(DC) all four ports are perfectly matched

to the junction Hence the diagonal elements are zero.

3. From symmetric property Sij = Sji

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

• Substituting the values from 2 and 3 in eq.1, we get:

From unity matrix property: [s].[s]*=[I]

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

 Multiplying rows and columns, we get:

R1c1:- |s12|2+|s14|2=1 –-------------(7)

R2c2:- |s12|2 +|s23|2=1 —-----------(8)
R3c3:- |s23|2 +|s34|2=1 --------------(9)
R1c3:- s12. s*23+ S14 s*34=0 --------(10)

 Comparing or subtracting equation 7 and 8

S14=s23 -------(11)
 Comparing or subtracting equation 8 and 9
S12=S34 -------(12)

• Let us assume that S12 is real and positive = 'P'

Therefore s12=s34=P=S*34 .........(13)
SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
• Put equation 11 value in equation 10 i.e s14=s23

• From equation 10 & 13


• Since P0, s23+s*23=0; s23=jy ; s*23=-jy

i.e. s23 must be imaginary

• Let s23=jq=s14 .........(14)

Therefore, s12=s34=P and s23=s14=jq; also p2+q2=1;

• Substituting these values, we get:

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

Striplines, Micro-striplines and coplanar waveguides

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

• These are the planar transmission lines, used at frequencies from 100MHz to
• A Strip line consists of a central thin conducting strip of width ω which is
greater than its thickness t.
• It is placed inside the low loss dielectric (ε r) substrate of thickness b/2
between two wide ground plates.
• The width of the ground plates is five times greater than the spacing between
the plates.
• The thickness of metallic central conductor and the thickness of metallic
ground planes are the same.
• The fundamental and dominant mode in Strip lines is TEM mode. For b<λ/2,
there will be no propagation in the transverse direction.
• The impedance of a strip line is inversely proportional to the ratio of the
width ω of the inner conductor to the distance b between the ground planes.

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

Micro Strip Lines

• The strip line has a disadvantage that it is not accessible for

adjustment and tuning. This is avoided in micro strip lines, which
allows mounting of active or passive devices, and also allows
making minor adjustments after the circuit has been fabricated.

• A micro strip line is an unsymmetrical parallel plate transmission

line, having di-electric substrate which has a metallized ground on
the bottom and a thin conducting strip on top with thickness 't' and
width 'ω'.

• The characteristic impedance of a micro strip is a function of the

strip line width (ω), thickness (t) and the distance between the line
SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
and the ground plane (h) communication
Coplanar strip line

• Coplanar strip line is formed by two

conducting strips with one strip grounded,
both being placed on the same substrate
surface, for convenient connections.

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

Coplanar waveguide

• A coplanar waveguide consists of a strip of thin

metallic film which is deposited on the surface
of a dielectric slab.
• This slab has two electrodes running adjacent
and parallel to the strip on to the same surface.
SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
Losses in Microwave circuits
 The transmission line, if not terminated with a
matched load, occurs in losses.
 These losses are many types such as
attenuation loss, reflection loss,
transmission loss, return loss, insertion loss,

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
Waveguide Corners, Bends, twist
• The waveguide corner, bend and twist are shown in figure.

• These waveguide components are normally used to change

the direction of the guide through an arbitrary angle
SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
Waveguide Corners, Bends, twist

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical

In order to minimize reflections from the discontinues,it is
desirable to have the mean length L between continuities
equal to an odd number of quarter wavelengths that is
Where n=0,1,2,3….and 𝞴g is the wavelength in the wave
If the mean length L is an odd number of quarter
wavelengths, the reflected waves from both ends of the
waveguide section are completely cancelled. For the
waveguide bend, the minimum radius of curvature for a small
reflection is given by
R=1.5b for an E bend
R=1.5 a for a H-band
where a and b are the dimensions of the waveguide
bend as illustrated SECA1701-Microwave and Optical
• David M. Pozar “Microwave Engineering”, John Wiley & Sons - 3rd Edition,
• 2. Samuel Y Liao, “Microwave Devices & Circuits”, Prentice Hall of India,
3rd Edition, 2008.
• 3. Kulkarni M, "Microwave and Radar Engineering", Umesh Publication,
4th ed,2010..
• 4. Annapurna Das and Sisir K Das, “Microwave Engineering”, Tata Mc Graw
Hill Inc., 2004.
• 5. M.M.Radmanesh , “RF & Microwave Electronics Illustrated”, Pearson
Education, 2007
• 6. Robert E.Colin, 2ed “Foundations for Microwave Engineering”, McGraw
Hill, 2001
• 7. Reinhold.Ludwig and Pavel Bretshko “RF Circuit Design”, Pearson
Education, Inc., 2006

SECA1701-Microwave and Optical


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