Trig CH 2

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Analytic Trigonometry

Barnett Ziegler Bylean

Trigonometric functions

• In ch 1 we first defined angles – our way of
measuring them was based on a circle
• We then narrowed our focus to angles of a
triangle and explored similarity of triangles
• We finally zeroed in on right triangles and defined
and named 6 ratios- forming relations between
angles and these ratios that are functions
• These functions however, have a very limited
domain -
Degrees and radians

• For various reasons the degree measurement used with
triangle trigonometry is cumbersome and restrictive
• Therefore a new unit of measure was devised
• Definition:
• 1 radian = the angle which subtends an arc
that is 1 radius long
• Since a full circle is an arc of 360⁰ with an arc
length(circumference) of 2π
• 360⁰= 2π radians
Conversion factor
• 360⁰= 2π radians yields conversion factors

• Examples: convert the following angle

• 20⁰ 32⁰ 120⁰ 480⁰
• rad 1 rad 2.46 rad 7.9 rad
Arc length/sector area revisited
• since 1 radian subtends an arc with length of 1 radius
ө radian subtend an arc with length of ө radii
• in other words s = өr hence
• And which becomes
• Example: find the angle that subtends a 6cm arc on a circle with a
4 cm radius
• Example: find the arc length of an arc subtended by an angle of
radian 7 with a 9in radius
• Example : given a 22⁰ angle centered in a circle with 10 inch
radius, find the length of the arc it subtends
• Example: find the area of a sector enclosed by an angle of 1.7 rad
with a 4 in radius
The unit circle

Unit circle viewpoint of trig
• Sometimes looking at something from a different
viewpoint gives us useful information/tools with
which to answer various questions/problems
• Defining the trig functions by a triangle restricts
their use to angles 0 ⁰< ө⁰< 90⁰
• By using circles we have determined that angles
larger than this and smaller than this exist.
• We will now take a second look at our triangle
• The equation for a circle is :
• (x – h)2 + (y – k)2 = r2
• where (h,k) is the point at the center of the
circle and r is the radius of the circle
Triangles and circles
For any point (x,y) on circle you
can draw an angle in standard
position where the terminal side
is part of a right triangle with
sides that are x any y long and a
hypotenuse that is r long.

This triangle is referred to as a

reference triangle. Its angle at
the origin is called a reference

Through this triangle you can

associate the six trig ratios with
any point on the circle thus
expanding our domain to all
Using reference angles to find trig ratios
• Given a point (x1,y1) you can draw a circle centered at the origin
that crosses through the point and has a radius (r)
• The equation for the circle is x2 + y2 = r2
• You can then draw an angle in standard position whose terminal
side goes through (x1,y1) and construct a reference triangle with
angle ө at the origin. Although length is usually thought of a
positive number we could attach a sign to the length in order
to further describe the reference triangle
• The side opposite ө has length = y
• The side adjacent to ө has length = x
• And the hypotenuse of the triangle = r = x2 + y2
Using a point on a circle and a reference
• Let ө be the angle whose terminal side goes
through the given point and өr be the central
angle of the reference triangle
• A. (3,4) B. (-4, 7) c. (-2, - 6)
• D.
• There is a direct relation between the x
coordinate and cos(ө) and the y coordinate
and sin(ө).
Defining the trig ratios by the unit circle
• given x2 + y2 = 1 (called the unit circle) then for any point
(x,y) on the circle :
cos(ө)= x sin(ө) = y
sec(ө) = 1/x = 1/cos(ө)
csc(ө) = 1/y = 1/ sin(ө)
tan(ө) = y/x = sin(ө)/cos(ө)
cot(ө)= x/y = cos(ө)/ sin(ө)
• Note: this definition has done two things
1) it has expanded the domain of the functions
2) it has included negative values for the range of the
• We could have defined the trig ratios from a
generalized circle that has a radius of r.
• If we had then the definitions would read
cos(ө)=x/r sin(ө) = y/r
sec(ө) = r/x csc(ө) = r/y
But tan(ө) and cot(ө) remain the same as
when defined by a unit circle -
• Therefore the above relations are true for
points not on the unit circle
Using the definitions to evaluate trig
• Given sin(ө) = and that the angle terminates
in the 3rd quadrant :
find exact values for cos (ө) and tan(ө)
• given tan(ө) = and cos(ө) <0
find exact values for sin(ө) and sec(ө)

More on Evaluating trig functions- given ө

• With a calculator – The calculator will deal

with the negative values of both ө and f(ө)
• Be certain that you are set in the correct
input mode (degrees/radians)
• Examples: find sin(ө) cos(ө) tan(ө)
ө = {135⁰, , 280⁰, ± }
However, it estimates the irrational values
Special angles and basic identities

Trig identities
• An identity is a variable equation that is known to be always true
• In algebra the property statements are identities ex. Commutative
x +y = y + x
• We have already alluded to several trig identities. Knowing them
sometimes saves time and energy and sometimes is crucial to
working the problem
• I find that understanding each set helps me to remember them – you
will need to learn them
• The textbook lists all pertinent trig identities on its front cover and on
a tear out pamphlet. Flash cards might aid you in learning them.
• Use of the pamphlet/cards/ or book will be highly limited on tests-
probably mostly prohibited
Pythagorean identities
• Since x2 + y2 = 1 for our unit circle
• cos2(ө) + sin2(ө)= 1 for all values of ө

• Thus sin2(ө) = 1 – cos2(ө)

• cos2(ө) = 1 – sin2(ө)
Fundamental trig. identities

• Thus once we determine cos() and sin() the

other six values are quickly determined
More on identities
• We also noted earlier using triangles that complementary angles are related
cos(ө)= sin(90⁰- ө) and
sin(ө) = cos(90⁰- ө)

• Written in radian notation cos(ө) = sin() and

sin(ө) = cos()
• Ex: cos( 32⁰) = sin(58⁰)

• It is also well to note that full rotations ie ө and ө+ 360⁰(n)

or in radians ө+2πn
are co-terminal angles thus have the same trig ratios
• example: if sin(x) = .2981 then sin(x +14π) = .2981

And negative angle identities
• sin(-x) = - sin(x)
• cos(-x) = cos(x) ө

Special angles
• Using some basic geometry there are some
angles whose trig values can easily be found
exactly even though they are irrational
• angles that are co-terminal with or reference
to: (ө) cos(ө) sin(ө) tan(ө) sec(ө) csc(ө) cot(ө)
0⁰ | 0
30⁰ |
45⁰ |
60⁰ |
90⁰ |
Determine sign
• You can memorize the table
Ө values Cos sin tan sec csc cot
0 + 2πm < ө < π/2 + 2πm pos pos pos pos pos Pos
π/2 + 2πm < ө < π +2πm neg pos neg neg Pos Neg
π + 2πm < ө < 3π/2 + 2πm neg neg pos neg neg Pos
3π/2 + 2πm < ө < 2π +2πm pos neg neg pos neg neg
Ө = 0 + 2πm 1 0 0 1 undef undef
Ө= π/2+ 2πm 0 1 undef undef 1 0
Ө=π+ 2πm -1 0 0 -1 undef undef
Ө= 3π/2+ 2πm 0 -1 undef undef -1 0

• Or utilize reasoning using quadrants and a unit circle sketch

Finding exact values for special angles
• Any angle that is a multiple of the special
angles listed in the previous table is either
co-terminal to or referenced by one of these
• Find exact values for: cos( sin
cos(135⁰) sec(- 120⁰)
• Find the smallest positive angle such that
sin(ө)= -0.5

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