Basics of Industry 4.0

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Industry 4.

Akshaya K Pati
School of Electronics
Campus 12, Sensing and Computing Lab( 3rd Floor, New Building)
Mail ID: [email protected]
Contact No: 8260946353
Industrial Revolution
• Revolution: fundamentally changing the way we live, work, and relate to one another,
i.e. transformation of humankind. It impacts multiple dimension of the society
• Technology possesses the potential to transform the lives of living beings and society as
• The United Nations has identified key sustainable development goals (SDGs) to
transform our world that should be part of the Digital Revolution
(1) the use of new basic materials, iron and steel.
(2) the use of new energy sources, including both
fuels and motive power, such as coal, the steam
engine, electricity, petroleum and the internal
combustion engine.
(3) the invention of new machines, such as the
spinning jenny and the power loom that permitted
increased production with a smaller expenditure of
human energy.
(4) a new organization of work known as the
factory system, which entailed increased division
of labour and specialization of function.
(5) important developments in transportation and
communication, including the steam locomotive,
steamship, automobile, airplane, telegram and
(6) the increasing application of science to industry.
Industrial Revolution
• A revolution is, in an industrial sense, an extraordinary growth and change in
technology, or a leap in science.
• It is closely linked with scientific growth, both in terms of theory and application.
History of Industrial Revolution 1
Industrial Revolution – a change from making things by hand to making them in factories

• Started in Great Britain

• Machine and tools replaced animals and human
• Driven by steam and internal combustion engine
• Widespread use of iron and steel for machinery
• Mechanisation of sinning wheels resulted 8 times
increase in output
• Adaptation of coal powered factory system AN ORIGINAL STEAM ENGINE
• Development of canals and roads for
transportationRY 1.0: 1st Industry Revolution (1760-1830)
canals and roads for transportation.

spinning jenny
History of Industrial Revolution 2
• With the invention of the spinning jenny and the power loom, the textile industry took off.
Clothes could now be made far faster than ever before.
INDUSTRY 2.0: 2nd Industry Revolution (1830-1947)

 Introduction of assembly line and mass production in

 Introduction to electricity and petroleum as sources of
 Invention of automobile, telegraph, telephone, radio
 Shipping made easy by railways and telegraph lines Water power used in power looms to
 New materials like stainless steel, rare earth metals and weave cloths
plastics are used
 Improved standard of living with focus on public health
Henry Ford (1863–1947) got the concept for mass manufacturing from a slaughterhouse in
Chicago, where pigs were suspended from conveyor belts and each butcher was only
responsible for a portion of the slaughtering process. Henry Ford applied these concepts
to the automobile industry, transforming it significantly in the process

• INDUSTRY 3.0: 3rd Industry Revolution (1970-2011)


 Also known as digital revolution

 Shift from mechanical and analogue technology to digital
 Electronics and Robotics integrated into manufacturing
 Rise in telecommunication and computers
 New energy sources such as nuclear and renewable are
 Invention of Internet and World-Wide-Web
 Widespread factory automation using robots and PLCs
 Computers, semi conductors, main frame computing, personal
devices, internet

• INDUSTRY 4.0: 4th Industry Revolution (2015 - )

• Convergence of Digital-Biological-&-Physical innovations

• Connectivity, data, and computational power: cloud technology, the
Internet, blockchain, sensors
• Analytics and intelligence: advanced analytics, machine learning,
artificial intelligence
• Human–machine interaction: virtual reality (VR) and augmented
reality (AR), robotics and automation, autonomous guided vehicles
• Advanced engineering: additive manufacturing ( 3-D printing),
renewable energy, nanoparticles

 real time analysis and

Summary of Industrial Revolution
• The First Industrial Revolution introduced steam power to mechanize
• The Second Industrial Revolution introduced electric power to create
mass production.
• The Third Industrial Revolution introduced electronics and Information
Technology to automate production.
• The Fourth Industrial Revolution introduced the internet and smart
machines to connect the entire value chain of manufacturing.
Industry 4.0

• Industry 4.0, also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution

• The term “Industry 4.0” was coined in 2011 at Hannover Messe, a German
international platform and a hotspot for industrial transformation.
• It is a transformational concept that integrates advanced technologies into
manufacturing and industrial processes.
• Fourth industrial revolution creates a world in which virtual and physical
systems of manufacturing globally cooperate with each other in a flexible way.
• It connects physical with digital, and allows for better collaboration and access
across departments, partners, vendors, product, and people.
• Industry 4.0 is a collective term for technologies and concepts of value chain
• Industry 4.0, people, machines and products are directly connected with each
Objective of Industry 4.0
• Industry 4.0 aims:
Enhance automation
Flexibility in manufacturing
Enabling real-time data analysis
Predictive maintenance
Improved supply chain management.
Major goal of Industry 4.0 is to transform current machines into AI-
based self-adaptive machines in order to improve predictive
maintenance and identify any mechanical defect before it occurs.
A cyber-physical system (CPS) is a system
of collaborating computational elements
controlling physical entities. CPS are
physical and engineered systems whose
operations are monitored, coordinated,
controlled and integrated by a computing
and communication core. They allow us to
add capabilities to physical systems by
merging computing and communication
with physical processes.
Requirements of Industry 4.0
• The Fourth Industrial Revolution is all
about data, communication, and
• The goal of Industry 4.0 is to automate
manufacturing through cyber-physical
systems that collect, analyze, and
communicate data between
interconnected networks.
Four requirements for achieving the automated data
1. Smart Communication
2. Data Quality
3. Smart Devices
4. Digital Transformation
• Instead of humans
communicating and
analyzing data with some
help from machines, smart
devices are now
communicating with some
assistance from humans.
• Machines communicating
with other devices leading
to factory automation.
• Data is the cornerstone of
Industry 4.0.
• Factory automation is
dependent on the collection
and communication of data.
• If one portion of data is
incomplete, the whole
system can fail.
• The quality of data is more
important than the quantity
of data
• Industrial smart devices use
sensors to collect data to
make autonomous decisions
while simultaneously
communicating with a more
extensive system.

• Automated communication
enables independent
synchronization across an
entire smart factory

Digital Transformation: Digital transformation is a strategic initiative to move an

organization from analog to digital methods or from digital processes to an automated
systems strategy.
Big Data and AI analytics: Capturing data from assets, equipment, and IoT-
enabled devices.
Horizontal and vertical integration: Data flow in a supply chain( From supplier to
customer, from management to shop floor)
Cloud computing: Management of huge volume of data in open system and
real-time communication
Augmented reality (AR): To visualize real-time IoT data, digitalized parts, repair
or assembly instructions, training content, and more
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT): Network of machines and products,
multidirectional communication between the product
• Additive manufacturing/3D printing: 3-D printing, creation of three-
dimensional object
• Autonomous robots:Programmed to perform tasks with minimal human
• Simulation/digital twins: A digital twin is a virtual simulation of a real-
world machine, product, process, or system based on IoT sensor data.
• Cybersecurity: By implementing technologies like machine learning
and blockchain, companies can automate threat detection, prevention,
and response – and minimize the risk of data breaches and production
delays across their networks.
Benefits of Industry 4.0
• Facilitates operational connectivity.
• Paves the way for market-share growth, the evolution of operations, and the
incorporation of innovation.
• Machines easily communicate with one another, collect and analyze live data,
exchange insights and make smart decisions either with or without minimal
human supervision.
•Facilitates fast, data-driven business decisions leading to streamlining of
operations, maximization of capacity, extension of equipment lifespan, and the
improvement of production and quality.
• Facilitates custom products and optimizes the supply chain.
• Can increase employee productivity and boost workforce retention while
cutting costs.
To realise the full benefits of industry 4.0 technology, six design principles are to
be followed
• Interoperability refers to the ability of objects, machines and people in a
business to communicate, exchange data and coordinate activities
• The ability to create a virtualised view of your operations or virtual copies
of everything to see how new equipment or processes will impact
• moving systems to components rather than a central computer to enable
unlimited scalability and flexibility.
• Real-time capability refers to the collection and analysis of data in real-time,
allowing decisions to be made immediately and at every moment.
• Free information flow within and between businesses to better meet
customer needs.
• The ability to flexibly adapt to changing requirements and industry needs.
Conventional Automation
• Conventional automation refers to the use of machines, robotics, and control
systems to perform tasks with minimal human intervention.
• This form of automation has been in existence for several decades and has
greatly improved productivity and efficiency in industries.
• However, conventional automation primarily focuses on replacing manual
labor and streamlining specific processes, without extensive connectivity or
data-driven insights.
Characteristics of Conventional Automation

• Task-specific automation: Machines and robots are programmed to perform

specific tasks repeatedly, such as assembly line operations or material
• Limited connectivity: Conventional automation systems often work in
isolation and have limited communication and connectivity with other
machines or systems.
• Centralized decision-making: Decisions are usually made by human
operators or a centralized control system based on pre-programmed
instructions or simple rule-based logic.
• Limited data utilization: While data may be collected during automation
processes, it is not extensively used for real-time monitoring, analysis, or
• Conventional Automation :
• use of machines, robotics, and control systems to perform tasks with
minimal human intervention.
• replacing manual labor and streamlining specific processes, without
extensive connectivity or data-driven insights.
• Automation in Industry 4.0:
• leveraging digital technologies, connectivity, and data analytics to create
smart, flexible, and interconnected systems.
• characterized by the integration of cyber-physical systems, the Internet of
Things (IoT), cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), big data
analytics, and machine learning.
Value chain from the digital world to the real world:
• It refers to the process of transforming digital information, data, or designs
into tangible products, services, or physical actions.
• Digital Design and Modeling
• Simulation and Prototyping
• Manufacturing and Production
• IoT and Connectivity
• Supply Chain and Logistics
• E-Commerce and Digital Marketing
• Delivery and Customer Experience
• Data Analysis and Feedback Loop
• Customer Feedback and Iteration

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