Presentation. Lec. 3. The Cell 1

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Lê Chí Dũng BTBTIU21192

Văn Trung Kiên BTBTIU

Lê Chí Dũng BTBTIU21192 Văn Trung Kiên BTBTIU21139

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Lê Chí Dũng BTBTIU21192
Lê Chí Dũng BTBTIU21192 100%
Văn Trung Kiên BTBTIU
Văn Trung BTBTIU21139 100%
Distinguish between the following pairs of terms:
Discussion Topics
1 magnification and resolution; prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cell; free and bound ribosomes; smooth
and rough ER

2 Describe the functions of the cytoskeleton

3 Describe the structure and roles of the extracellular

matrix in animal cells

4 Describe the structure and function of the

components of the endomembrane system
magnification and prokaryotic and
resolution eukaryotic cell

between the
following pairs of
free and bound smooth and rough
ribosomes ER
Magnification Resolution

Refers to the Determined Resolution

degree to by the power refers to the Typically
Magnification of the ability to Refers to the expressed in
which an
increases the objective lens distinguish sharpness units of
size of the in a between two and clarity of distance,
appears image microscope, closely the image such as
larger than such as 10x or spaced
its actual size nanometers
1000x objects

1.Distinguish between the following pairs of terms

Prokaryotic Eukaryotic
⁻ Do not have a nucleus and no membrane- - DNA in a nucleus that is bounded by a membranous
bound organelles. nuclear envelop and many other membrane-bound
- Prokaryotic are typically smaller in size and organelles.
have circular DNA. - Eukaryotic are large and have linear DNA
- Prokaryotic cells are typically found in - Found in animals, plants, fungi, and protists.
bacteria and archaea.

1.Distinguish between the following pairs of terms

Free ribosomes Bound ribosomes

- Found in the cytoplasm of a cell - Found on the outside of the

endoplasmic reticulum or nuclear
- Synthesize proteins that are used within envelope.
the cytoplasm of a cell - Synthesize proteins that are destined
for export from the cell or for use
within the cell membrane or
transported to other organelles.
1.Distinguish between the following pairs of terms
The rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) The smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER)

With ribosomes studding its surface and is Lacks ribosomes and is involved in lipid
responsible for synthesizing and modifying metabolism, detoxification of drugs and other
proteins. toxic substances, and calcium storage.

1.Distinguish between the following pairs of terms

2. Describe the
functions of
the cytoskeleton

The Cytoskeleton
is a complex network of protein filaments that provides
shape, structure, and organization to cells. It is involved
in various cellular processes such as cell division, cell
motility, and intracellular transport.
Cell shape and mechanical support

Intracellular transport

Cell division

Cell motility

Cell signaling
The cytoskeleton provides the cell with its
characteristic shape and helps maintain its
Cell shape and mechanical support mechanical stability. This is particularly
important in cells that experience mechanical
stress, such as muscle cells and skin cells.

The cytoskeleton is involved in transporting

materials within the cell. Microtubules and
Intracellular transport microfilaments serve as tracks for motor
proteins to transport vesicles, organelles, and
other molecules to their appropriate locations.
The cytoskeleton is essential for cell division.
During mitosis, microtubules form the spindle
Cell division
apparatus, which pulls the chromosomes

The cytoskeleton enables cells to move. This is

Cell motility particularly important in cells that move
through the body, such as white blood cells
and sperm cells

The cytoskeleton is involved in cell signaling

Cell signaling pathways. Allow cell-cell communication to
maintain multicellular functions
3. Describe the
structure and roles of
the extracellular Structure: The ECM is made up of glycoproteins such as
matrix in animal cells. collagen, proteoglycans, and fibronectin. ECM proteins
bind to receptor proteins in the plasma membrane called

Role: Cell communication within tissue and tissue

formation are the main functions of the extracellular
matrix of animal cells.
4.Describe the structure
and function of the
components of the
endomembrane system

The endomembrane system of cells is

a system of compartments in eukaryotic
cells consisting of different organelles
surrounded by membranes. They are all
found in the cytoplasm.
Endoplasmic reticulum : There are two
01 distinct regions of ER: Smooth ER and
Rough ER

The function
02 Functions of the Golgi apparatus
of the
of the
endomembra Lysosomal enzymes can hydrolyze
ne system. 03 proteins, fats, polysaccharides, and
nucleic acids

Nuclear envelop: encloses the

04 nucleus, separating it from the
• Synthesizes lipids.
• Metabolizes carbohydrates.
Functions of Smooth ER
• Detoxifies poison.
• Stores calcium
Endoplasmic reticulum : There
01 are two distinct regions of ER:
Smooth ER and Rough ER • Has bound ribosomes, which
secrete glycoproteins (proteins
Functions of Rough ER covalently bonded to
• Distributes transport vesicles,
proteins surrounded by
• Is a membrane factory for the
Modifies products of the ER

02 Functions of the Golgi

Manufactures certain
apparatus macromolecules

Sorts and packages materials

into transport vesicles
Endoplasmic reticulum : There are two
01 distinct regions of ER: Smooth ER and
Rough ER

The function
02 Functions of the Golgi apparatus
of the
of the
endomembra Lysosomal enzymes can hydrolyze
ne system. 03 proteins, fats, polysaccharides, and
nucleic acids

Nuclear envelop: encloses the

04 nucleus, separating it from the
Presentation by

Lê Chí Dũng – Văn Trung Kiên


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