Particle Interactions 1 - A Level

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Title: Particle interactions 1

• Describe what is meant by an interaction

• Name different types of interaction
• Explain what makes charged particles attract or repel each other
• Describe an exchange particle

Calculate the minimum energy required in Joules required to

• A proton / antiproton pair.
• An electron / anti electron pair.
PET scanner
• Positron emission tomography

• The radioactive isotope emits


• These collide with electrons and

annihilate – producing 2

• These photons are detected by

the scanner.
Four fundamental interactions
• Gravitational force – weakest but infinite range.
• Electrostatic force – infinite but greater strength than gravity.
• Strong nuclear force – only effective at subatomic level
• Weak nuclear force – only effective at subatomic level,
weaker than strong nuclear.

Recap: Where have we Holds the nucleus together.

already encountered the Attractive between 0.5-3 fm,
strong nuclear force? repulsive at less than 0.5.
What does it do? Ineffective at greater than 3 fm.
Forces are caused by particle exchange
Each of the four interactions has an exchange particle

• EM force – virtual photon

• Strong interaction – Pion
• Weak interaction – W boson
• Gravitational – Gravition (?)
Feynmann diagrams

• Simple diagrams to show the interactions of particles.

• Includes exchange particles.
• Shows the movement of the particles through space and time
Feynman diagrams
Rich is walking across the playground
time towards the hall
Rich sees Dave at the other side of
the playground walking towards the
Rich picks up a snowball and runs to
Rich throws the snowball really hard
at Dave
The snowball hits Dave and knocks
him unconscious
Rich runs away

Electrostatic repulsion
• A proton approaches a
• Due to their like
charges – the repel and
move away from each
• This happens due to
the exchange of a
virtual photon.

The virtual photon
• Feynman worked out that the EM
force between two charged objects
is due to the exchange of virtual

+ +

ES repulsion
• Proton – proton (done)
• Task: complete the Feynman
diagrams for…
• Electron – electron
• Positron - positron
The weak nuclear force

• Explaining beta decay.

• The job of the strong nuclear force is to hold the nucleus
• The EM force isn’t responsible for beta decay as the neutron is
• Therefore, a force weaker than the strong force (in order to not
cause chaos in the nucleus) must cause these interactions.
Neutrinos and antineutrinos
• Hardly interact with other particles except for:

Charge is always
conserved – the
same before and
after the

When a proton meets an

When a neutron meets a neutrino –
antineutrino a neutron and a
a proton and an electron are
positron are produced
W boson

• Non-zero mass. Creating one therefore takes so

much energy that it can only exist for a short
period of time.
• Also means it has a very short range: about
0.001 fm.
• A virtual photon has zero mass so can act over
infinite range.
• W bosons are charged either W+ or W-

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