Fundamental Particles, Fundamental Questions: Dean and Professor, Lyman Briggs College

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Fundamental Particles,

Fundamental Questions

Elizabeth H. Simmons

Dean and Professor, Lyman Briggs College

The smallest pieces of matter…

•  Nuclear physics and
particle physics study
the smallest known
building blocks of the
physical universe --
and the interactions
between them.

•  The focus is on single
particles or small
groups of particles, not
the billions of atoms or
molecules making up
an entire planet or star.

… and their large effects …

… affect us all.

–  History: alchemy,
atomic weapons

–  Astronomy: sunshine,
“metals”, cosmology

–  Medicine: PET, MRI,

–  Household: smoke
detectors, radon

–  Computers: the World-
Wide Web

–  Archaeology & Earth
Sciences: dating


Classifying the composition of objects at the
atomic level is now a familiar process.

This ring, for example, is made up of only 2

kinds of atoms:
gold (Au) and carbon (C)

Periodic table

The periodic table lists about 114 atoms with distinct

properties: mass, crystal structure, melting point…

The range and pattern of properties reflects:

the internal structure of the atoms.

Inside Atoms: neutrons, protons, electrons

Carbon (C )

Atomic number Z=6
(number of protons)

Gold (Au)

Mass number A=12
(number of protons + neutrons)

Atomic number Z = 79

# electrons = # protons Mass number A = 197

(count them!)
(atom is electrically neutral)

#electrons = # protons
(trust me!)

Properties of nucleons

Electric Charge

1 GeV

1+ GeV

•  Units:

–  The electric charge of an electron is -1 in these units.

–  Mass units are “billion electron volts” where 1 eV is a typical
energy spacing of atomic electron energy levels.

•  Question: Why are the masses nearly the same but
the electric charges so different?

Further layers of substructure:

u quark:
electric charge = 2/3

d quark:
electric charge = -1/3

Proton = uud
electric charge = 1

Neutron = udd
electric charge = 0

If each proton were 10 cm across, each quark would be

.01 mm in size and the whole atom would be:
10 km wide.

Introducing the neutrino

Another subatomic
particle, the neutrino,
plays a crucial role in
radioactive decays like
n -> p+ + e- + v-

The ve (electron-neutrino) is closely related to the electron

but has strikingly different properties.

Electric Charge

0.0005 GeV

< 0.00000001 GeV

How to detect neutrinos?

•  Their existence was
inferred by Pauli in 1930.
E.g., without neutrinos,
radioactive decays would
not conserve energy or

•  The 2002 Physics Nobel
prize to Davis & Koshiba
was for detecting
neutrinos emitted by
fusion in our sun.

Exotic Matter Particles

Other subatomic matter particles are heavier copies of
those which make up ordinary atoms (u, d, e, ve)

Sub-atomic interactions

•  Two familiar kinds of interactions are

–  gravity
(masses attract one another)

–  electromagnetism
(same-sign electric charges repel,

opposite-sign charges attract)

More exotic phenomena hint at new interactions
peculiar to the subatomic world:

•  What binds protons together into nuclei ?

Must be a force strong enough to overcome
repulsion due to protons’ electric charge

•  What causes radioactive decays of nuclei ?

Must be a force weak enough to allow
most atoms to be stable (long-lived).

Physical effect

Strong nuclear
Binds nuclei

Light, electricity

Weak nuclear


Subatomic particles interact by exchanging integer-spin

“boson” particles. The varied interactions correspond
to exchange of bosons with different characteristics.




Why do fermions
with the same
charge have
different masses?


Why are the W &

Z bosons heavy
while the photon
is massless?
Higgs Mechanism

The Standard Model of particle physics postulates a
particle called the Higgs boson, whose interactions
give rise to all mass:

•  During an earlier epoch of our universe, all the known
elementary particles were massless.

•  The Higgs boson triggered a phase transition
(as when water freezes into ice) which caused all
particles interacting with the Higgs boson to become

•  The W and Z bosons and the fermions are massive
because they interact with the Higgs boson.

•  The photon and gluon remain massless because they
do not interact directly with the Higgs boson.

A variety of masses:

The Higgs field would form a uniform
background within the universe. Each
particle would interact with the Higgs
boson to a different degree.

The more strongly a particle

interacted with the Higgs, the
more mass it would gain and the
more inertia it would display

Where is the Higgs Boson?

•  If this theory of the origin of mass is true, experiment
should be able to detect the Higgs boson.

•  The Standard Model does not predict how heavy the
Higgs boson is, but it does predict how strongly it
interacts with all the known particles. For fermions,
the interaction is proportional to mass:

•  When elementary particles collide, the energy released

in the collision can re-coalesce as one or more
elementary particles… and the produced particles
could include a Higgs.

•  Experiments observing protons collide
can create and study Higgs bosons.

Producing Elementary Particles

Causing particle collisions powerful enough to
produce a Higgs boson requires an enormous and
powerful particle accelerator: the Large Hadron
Collider (LHC), which started up last fall.

Acceleration & Steering

Protons are accelerated and
collided in LHC. Two beams
or protons travel in opposite

Electric fields accelerate the
protons because:

•  like charges repel and unlike
charges attract each other


Magnetic fields steer the beams:

•  since charged particles move
in circles when exposed to
magnetic fields


Designing an Accelerator


Equating the magnetic force

to the centripetal force

tells us the size of the ring

required for a given proton
beam speed

and the timing of the

oscillating electric field


At four places around the

LHC ring, protons from
the two counter-rotating
beams will collide.

The collision energy

condenses into
particles (e-, p, …)

Layered detectors
surrounding the
collision point are
sensitive to the passage
of various energetic

Higgs Detection: H

A Higgs decaying to 2 energetic
photons would be a striking
event in the LHC detectors.




The combined energies of the signal

photons would cluster at the mass of
the Higgs boson. In contrast, background

background events include photon
pairs with a variety of energies.

Fundamental questions

•  How accurate is the Standard Model of the origin of mass?
e.g., in the SM, the Higgs boson is fundamental (not made of
any smaller particles).

•  Could the Higgs boson be composite?

–  Several theoretical points argue in this direction:

–  Higgs mass and self-interaction

•  What would a composite Higgs be made of?

–  Top quarks? Might explain why top is so heavy!

–  An entirely new type of fermions? Might require a new force!

•  If the Higgs is composite, how can we tell?

–  A composite Higgs could cause processes which are rare in the
SM to occur more frequently.

–  A composite Higgs might be part of a larger family of particles,
analogous to the many states composed of quarks (p, n, π…)


Several layers of subatomic structure
have been revealed in the millennia
since the “particle quest” began.

Many questions about the fundamental
particles and forces - and the origins
of their masses - remain.

The joint efforts of theoretical and

experimental particle physicists will
begin providing answers in this
decade as the LHC data emerges.

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