The Nationalist of The Turks by Wania Sheikh 8-E

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The Rise

of •Made by :

Nationalist •Wania
•Abdul Rafey
The End of Ottoman Empire
• After the world war 1 ended turkey lost Egypt,
Lebanon Mesopotamia, Syria, and Transjordan,
and were also made to pay for war damages,
(known as Treaty of Sevres)
• Many British, Italian, French, and Greek soldiers
came there in Turkey on some fake excuse or the
• People came and came that once Istanbul was
overpopulated with foreign soldiers coming and
living there.
• Mostly greek soldiers were living in Izmir.
• The adana province was occupied by the French
and Urfa while the Maras was occupied by the
A Change in Turkey
•Constantinople and Symrana were
two major cities who’s foreign forces
were envyed by Turks. The Ottoman
Caliphate, the world's last widely
recognised caliphate, was abolished
on 3 March 1924 (27 Rajah 1342 AH)
by decree of the Grand National
Assembly of Turkey. The process was
one of Atatürk's reforms following the
replacement of the Ottoman Empire
with the Republic of Turkey. The
movement collapsed by late 1922
when Turkey gained a more
favourable diplomatic position and
moved towards Nationalism. Kemal
Ataruk was given the title “Ghazi” and
Treaty Of
•When Mustafa Kemal pasha defeated
the European forces he made them sign
the treaty of Lausanne in 1923. This
treaty was based on to give the Turks
what they want and what they had lost.
Turkey had already regained all the
things that they had lost including lands
and demands by the Treaty Of Sevres.
But under the treaty of Lausanne the
turkey would develop an independent
state.Although all of this, the Arab were
given Britain and France as mandates(A
member of League of nation).Due to
this France had control over Lebanon
and Syria while Britain had
Transjordan, Palestine and Iraq in there
Mustafa Kemal Ataruk

Mustafa Kemal Pasha was an Ottoman Turk who

joined the Salonika Military School when he was
12. Then he joined Ottoman Military Acadmey and
received graduation from Ottoman Military College
of Constantinople in 1905. He became a responsible
officer known for defeating Allied Armybof

The Ottoman Sultanate which the Ottonam Sultans

held for 500 years was abolished. Mustafa Kemal
Ataruk was made the First President of Republic of
Turkey. Thus, Turkey gave up the spritiual
leadership of the Muslim World.
Reforms By Kemal
• Ataruk’s aim was to make Turkey a modern,
westernised and strong nation state. He took over
cultural, political and legal codes of European nations
as the basis of his government. Roman was the new
script of Turkish language forming a separate identity
for Turks. The traditional Sufi orders were replaced
with a westernised and modern curriculum as well as
Madressas were abolished. The Islamic calendar was
replaced by the Gregorian calendar. The western hat
for men replaced the “Fez”(headgear) as well as
mandatory hijabs were abolished for women. Ataruk
realised the importance of education for his uplift and
progress of its country and its subjects. Schools,
colleges and universities were developed in fact, he
himself went around to countryside to teach and
encourage learning.
Progress in Turkey
 Mustafa Kemal Ataruk wanted to modernise Turkey.
 He studied law and system. He separated religion from
government and brought European laws to run the country.
 Women were given right to vote in 1934. He industrialised
turkey by setting factories and railway stem.
 In 1934, Mustafa Kemal was given the name “Ataruk” by
Turkey parliament.
 Till today, he is greatly regarded with administration and
respect in Turkey for making the country independent from
other powers.
 Mustafa Kemal Ataruk died on 10th November 1938 and is
buried in a mausoleum over looking Ankara.
Thanks For Watching!

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