Elections - PPTX PSMC 111
Elections - PPTX PSMC 111
Elections - PPTX PSMC 111
Labeled by thinkers as the very heart of democracy.
There are also some exeptions to this statement in which we can see that
Political Systems in Monarch led Countries do not need elections as well
as some of the Legislature chambers in the UK.
The next thing is who can vote? There are some informal
restrictions when it comes to voting such that in the US where
only citizens get the electoral registration solely in their hands
since non-voting is quite rampant.
This goes to show that there many aspirants to actually run for office but
there are a lot of differences between these candidtaes depending on the
parties they represent since political parties have different influence,
impacts towards the public as well as importantly drastic difference in
funding for the electoral process.
Compulsory Voting or Not?
• YES:
- the largest number out of a collection of numbers, not necessarily an absolute
majority(50 percent % or more of all the numbers combined.
• Country is didvided into single-member constituencies, usually of equal size. Voters
should select a single cadidate by crossing the his/her name in the ballot.
• Winning candidate only needs to have majority of votes to win.
The system creates a clear link between representatives and constituents and thus to
ensure the constituency duties must be carried out properly.
offering the electorate a clear choice of potential parties of the government.
allows the formation of electorate supported governments albeit only plurality based.
Keeps extremism at bay, by restricting radical groups from gaining seats and actually
influencing the greater palns of the whole political system.
makes for a stronger and more effective government in that a single party usually has
a majority control of the whole assembly. It also produces a stable government unlike
others that actually collapse mainly due to dis-unity and internal friction. If there is
only a single party, then the risk is less.
This system is said to waste a lot votes that are not actually included in the plurality
benchmarks. This also ignores the impact of the smaller parties which then means
disregarding the third party effect.
Only gives limited choices(duopolistic tendencies), and also undermines the
legitimacy of the government since it is included in the minority support.
could create instability once a change of government happens and a radical shift of
policies and direction could happen. It also creates an unstable government that gives
more power towards the executive than the legislature since there are more
supporters of the latter in the community.
Single-candidate constituencies and single-choice voting are present just in the last
system of voting. In order to win the 1st ballot, candidate must