Community Development Practice

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Department of Co-operative Studies


 First Step: Define The Community

 Practicing Community Development
 Community Development Principles of Practice
 The Community Development Process
 What Do Community Developers Do?
 Professional Standards of Ethical Practice
Department of Co-operative Studies

Community Development Practice

Community development is a wide-ranging discipline that encompasses economic
Community development is a process whereby all citizens are involved in the process of
community change and improvement. success in community development leads to more
success in economic development.
a set of values and beliefs and ethical standards has been developed that should always
guide the community development process.
Department of Co-operative Studies

First Step: Define The Community

 A community is not necessarily defined by geographical or legal boundaries.
 A community could involve interaction among people with common interests who live in a
particular area.
 it could involve a collection of people with common social, economic, political, or other interests
regardless of residency.
 Professional community development (CD) practice could involve a community that is comprised of
a single city, town, or village.
 it may involve working with a community comprised of several cities, towns, and villages, or a
community of counties that decide to form a regional development organization.
Department of Co-operative Studies

• when considering a single city (town or village), it is also important to realize that citizens may not be
• Those who make investments in, work in, or operate businesses in a city but live outside of the city
boundaries are still very much citizens and stakeholders of that community.
• Major corporations may also be corporate citizens who invest in a community and represent the interests
of the many individuals who have invested in their company.
• As the city goes, so go the fortunes of the investing corporation and its shareholders.
• when organizing a community development initiative, it is important to carefully define the community
and who should be included in the process.
• The community should not be too narrowly defined.
Department of Co-operative Studies

• CD professionals may find themselves working in unique communities such as “virtual

• With the great advances in computers and electronic communications, it is possible for individuals
with common interests and concerns to have electronic communities without legal or physical
• Their interactions, business dealings, and common concerns may result in an interdependency that
requires support from a community developer.
• This brings a whole set of unique problems and opportunities to the CD professional.
Department of Co-operative Studies
• The practice of community development may be described as managing community change that
involves citizens in a dialogue on issues to decide what must be done (their shared vision of the
future) and then involves them in carrying it out
• Critical issues addressed in the CD process include:
• jobs and economic development;
• education and workforce development;
• infrastructure development and improvement;
• quality of life, culture, and recreation;
• social issues such as housing, crime, teen pregnancy, and substance abuse;
• leadership development;
• the quality of governmental services;
• community image and marketing; and tourism development.
Department of Co-operative Studies

The professional community developer’s role

• a professional community developer’s primary role is to facilitate the cd process.
• is an agent of change
• would include consultants trained in the field and local residents
• could also be a volunteer
• people who spend a large portion of their time in community development activities –
whether paid or volunteer – may be considered professional community developers.
• whether considered a professional community developer or not, the more local citizens that
understand the principles and practice of community development, the more successful the
process and outcome will be.
Department of Co-operative Studies

• CD is based on the idea that all people are important and should have a voice in community decisions, have
potential to contribute, resources to share, and a responsibility for community action and outcomes.
• citizens are entitled to make informed decisions
• is always open and transparent.
• CD is an inclusive approach
• the professional community developer uses many techniques
• these techniques may include responding to a survey, being interviewed, and participating, task force,
subcommittee, or strategic planning committee.
• these actions greatly increase local citizen involvement and to improve their quality of life.
• CD is guided by a set of values and beliefs.
• these may be thought of as mental tools
Department of Co-operative Studies

Community Development Principles of Practice

1. self-help and self-responsibility are required for successful development
participation in public decision making should be free and open
2. broad representation and increased breadth of perspective and understanding are
conditions that are conducive to effective cd.
3. methods that produce accurate information should be used to assess the
community, to identify critical issues, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats (SWOT analysis).
4. understanding and general agreement (consensus) is the basis for community
Department of Co-operative Studies

6. All individuals have the right to be heard in open discussion whether in agreement or
disagreement with community norms.
7. All citizens may participate in creating and re-creating their community.
8. With the right of participation comes the responsibility to respect others and their
9. Disagreement needs to be focused on issues and solutions, not on personalities or
personal or political power.
10. Trust is essential for effective working relationships and must be developed within
the community before it can reach its full potential.
Department of Co-operative Studies
• establish an organizing group
• create a mission statement
• identify community stakeholder
• collect and analyze information
• develop an effective communications process
• expand the community organization
• create a vision statement
Department of Co-operative Studies

• create a comprehensive strategic plan

• Ientify the leadership and establish a plan management team
• implement the plan
• review and evaluate the planning outcomes
• celebrate the successes
• create new goals and objectives as needed
Department of Co-operative Studies


• community assessment
• strategic planning
• organizational development
• leadership development
• economic development
• public and private development financing
• community land-use planning and research
Department of Co-operative Studies


Professional values
Professional principles
Ethical standards
Department of Co-operative Studies

Professional values
• the following values guide the professional practice of community
- Honesty - Respect
- Loyalty - Tolerance
- Fairness - Duty
- Courage - Lifelong learning
- Caring
Department of Co-operative Studies
Professional principles
 to raise living standards and improve the quality of life for all citizens.
 seeks to build initiatives around shared values and critical issues after identifying existing
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. positive change begins with creating a
shared vision
 is inclusive and involves developing leaders and building teams across class, gender,
racial, cultural, and religious lines
 is more than social service programs and “bricks and mortar” construction.
 to improve all aspects of a community’s interdependence: human infrastructure, social
infrastructure, economic infrastructure, and physical infrastructure.
Department of Co-operative Studies
Professional principles
 involves consensus building that looks for the best solutions to community problems
rather than only those that are politically expedient or popular or that benefit a few
 is directed toward increasing a community’s leadership capacity for solving problems and
moving citizens from dependence to interdependence.
 leadership in community initiatives is shared so that responsibility and commitment are
encouraged across a broad base of the population. • development leaders work to
transform their communities for the better and inspire others to do the same.
 is an educational process that helps citizens understand the economic, social, political,
environmental, and psychological aspects of various solutions.
Department of Co-operative Studies

• is focused on action that improves communities by transforming learning into

• includes economic development initiatives that help bring high-quality
employment, career, and business opportunities to citizens.
• successful initiatives at the community level lay the groundwork for regional
alliances and cooperation directed toward solving common problems.
Department of Co-operative Studies

Ethical standards
establish and maintain a professional and objective relationship with the client community
and its representatives, one that advances the ethical standards of practice.
always perform in a legal and ethical manner.
immediately disengage from activities when it becomes apparent that they may be illegal or
unethical, reporting illegal activities to the appropriate authorities as required.
adhere to the professional principles outlined above.
clearly and accurately detail personal knowledge, experience, capabilities, and the outcomes
of past consulting when requested.
clearly and accurately detail the scope of work to be performed (and its anticipated
outcomes), and the fee for and terms of that work prior to engaging in consulting.
Department of Co-operative Studies

Ethical standards
avoid conflicts of interest and dual relationships, especially those that could result in or
appear to result in personal benefit (outside the scope of work) at the expense of a client
community or its representatives.
disengage from activities that may result in one group or individual unethically or illegally
benefiting at the expense of another.
adhere to all professional principles and practices regarding selecting, administering,
interpreting, and reporting community assessment measures.
keep confidences, and only reveal confidential information at appropriate times and with
proper authority.
Department of Co-operative Studies

Ethical standards
maintain confidential records in a secure location and under controlled access.
discuss ethical dilemmas that arise with other certified professional community and
economic developers or the community development council to solicit guidance and
opinions regarding possible actions.
when feasible, consult confidentially with professional colleagues whose behavior is in
question or when the colleague requests assistance in resolving ethical or legal dilemmas at
a personal level.
notify the community development council when ethical and legal dilemmas are unable to
be resolved at a personal level.
Department of Co-operative Studies

Getting started
Ground rules
Ice breaker

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