Slide Set 14 - Software Testing Strategies

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Software Testing Strategies

Slide Set - 14
Organized & Presented By:
Software Engineering Team CSED
TIET, Patiala
Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach, 6/e

Chapter 13
Software Testing Strategies
copyright © 1996, 2001, 2005
R.S. Pressman & Associates, Inc.

For University Use Only

May be reproduced ONLY for student use at the university level
when used in conjunction with Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach.
Any other reproduction or use is expressly prohibited.

Testing is the process of exercising a
program with the specific intent of finding
errors prior to delivery to the end user.

What Testing Shows
requirements conformance


an indication
of quality

Who Tests the Software?

developer independent tester

Understands the system Must learn about the system,
but, will test "gently" but, will attempt to break it
and, is driven by "delivery" and, is driven by quality

Verification and Validation
• Software testing is part of a broader group of activities called verification
and validation that are involved in software quality assurance
• Verification (Are the algorithms coded correctly?)
– The set of activities that ensure that software correctly implements a specific
function or algorithm
• Validation (Does it meet user requirements?)
– The set of activities that ensure that the software that has been built is
traceable to customer requirements

Testing Strategy
unit test integration

system validation
test test

A Strategy for Testing
Conventional Software

System Testing

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Validation Testing

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Integration Testing

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Unit Testing

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System Engineering

Levels of Testing for
Conventional Software
• Unit testing
– Concentrates on each component/function of the software as implemented in
the source code
• Integration testing
– Focuses on the design and construction of the software architecture
• Validation testing
– Requirements are validated against the constructed software
• System testing
– The software and other system elements are tested as a whole

Testing Strategy applied to
Conventional Software
• Unit testing
– Exercises specific paths in a component's control structure to ensure complete
coverage and maximum error detection
– Components are then assembled and integrated
• Integration testing
– Focuses on inputs and outputs, and how well the components fit together and
work together
• Validation testing
– Provides final assurance that the software meets all functional, behavioral,
and performance requirements
• System testing
– Verifies that all system elements (software, hardware, people, databases)
mesh properly and that overall system function and performance is achieved

Testing Strategy
• We begin by ‘testing-in-the-small’ and move
toward ‘testing-in-the-large’
• For conventional software
– The module (component) is our initial focus
– Integration of modules follows
• For OO software
– our focus when “testing in the small” changes from an
individual module (the conventional view) to an OO
class that encompasses attributes and operations and
implies communication and collaboration
Strategic Issues
• State testing objectives explicitly.
• Understand the users of the software and develop a profile for
each user category.
• Develop a testing plan that emphasizes “rapid cycle testing.”
• Build “robust” software that is designed to test itself
• Use effective formal technical reviews as a filter prior to testing
• Conduct formal technical reviews to assess the test strategy and
test cases themselves.
• Develop a continuous improvement approach for the testing
When is Testing Complete?
• There is no definitive answer to this question
• Every time a user executes the software, the program is being
• Sadly, testing usually stops when a project is running out of
time, money, or both
• One approach is to divide the test results into various severity
– Then consider testing to be complete when certain levels
of errors no longer occur or have been repaired or
Ensuring a Successful Software
Test Strategy
• Specify product requirements in a quantifiable manner long before testing
• State testing objectives explicitly in measurable terms
• Understand the user of the software (through use cases) and develop a profile for
each user category
• Develop a testing plan that emphasizes rapid cycle testing to get quick feedback to
control quality levels and adjust the test strategy
• Build robust software that is designed to test itself and can diagnose certain kinds of
• Use effective formal technical reviews as a filter prior to testing to reduce the amount
of testing required
• Conduct formal technical reviews to assess the test strategy and test cases
• Develop a continuous improvement approach for the testing process through the
gathering of metrics

Test Strategies for
Conventional Software
Unit Testing

to be

test cases

Unit Testing
• Focuses testing on the function or software module
• Concentrates on the internal processing logic and data
• Is simplified when a module is designed with high cohesion
– Reduces the number of test cases
– Allows errors to be more easily predicted and uncovered
• Concentrates on critical modules and those with high
cyclomatic complexity when testing resources are limited

Unit Testing
to be
local data structures
boundary conditions
independent paths
error handling paths

test cases

Unit Test Environment
local data structures
Module boundary conditions
independent paths
error handling paths
stub stub

test cases
Targets for Unit Test Cases
• Module interface
– Ensure that information flows properly into and out of the module
• Local data structures
– Ensure that data stored temporarily maintains its integrity during all steps
in an algorithm execution
• Boundary conditions
– Ensure that the module operates properly at boundary values established
to limit or restrict processing
• Independent paths (basis paths)
– Paths are exercised to ensure that all statements in a module have been
executed at least once
• Error handling paths
– Ensure that the algorithms respond correctly to specific error conditions

Common Computational Errors in
Execution Paths
• Misunderstood or incorrect arithmetic
• Mixed mode operations (e.g., int, float, char)
• Incorrect initialization of values
• Precision inaccuracy and round-off errors
• Incorrect symbolic representation of an
expression (int vs. float)

Other Errors to Uncover
• Comparison of different data types
• Incorrect logical operators or precedence
• Expectation of equality when precision error makes equality
unlikely (using == with float types)
• Incorrect comparison of variables
• Improper or nonexistent loop termination
• Failure to exit when divergent iteration is encountered
• Improperly modified loop variables
• Boundary value violations

Problems to uncover in
Error Handling
• Error description is unintelligible or ambiguous
• Error noted does not correspond to error encountered
• Error condition causes operating system intervention prior to
error handling
• Exception condition processing is incorrect
• Error description does not provide enough information to
assist in the location of the cause of the error

Drivers and Stubs for Unit Testing
• Driver
– A simple main program that accepts test case data, passes such data to the
component being tested, and prints the returned results
• Stubs
– Serve to replace modules that are subordinate to (called by) the
component to be tested
– It uses the module’s exact interface, may do minimal data manipulation,
provides verification of entry, and returns control to the module
undergoing testing
• Drivers and stubs both represent overhead
– Both must be written but don’t constitute part of the installed software

Integration Testing
• Defined as a systematic technique for constructing the
software architecture
– At the same time integration is occurring, conduct tests to
uncover errors associated with interfaces
• Objective is to take unit tested modules and build a program
structure based on the prescribed design
• Two Approaches
– Non-incremental Integration Testing
– Incremental Integration Testing

Integration Testing Strategies
• the “big bang” approach
• an incremental construction strategy

Integration Testing
• Commonly called the “Big Bang” approach
• All components are combined in advance
• The entire program is tested as a whole
• Chaos results
• Many seemingly-unrelated errors are encountered
• Correction is difficult because isolation of causes is
• Once a set of errors are corrected, more errors occur, and
testing appears to enter an endless loop

Incremental Integration Testing

• Three kinds
– Top-down integration
– Bottom-up integration
– Sandwich integration
• The program is constructed and tested in small increments
• Errors are easier to isolate and correct
• Interfaces are more likely to be tested completely
• A systematic test approach is applied
Top-down Integration
• Modules are integrated by moving downward through the control
hierarchy, beginning with the main module
• Subordinate modules are incorporated in either a depth-first or breadth-
first fashion
– DF: All modules on a major control path are integrated
– BF: All modules directly subordinate at each level are integrated
• Advantages
– This approach verifies major control or decision points early in the test
• Disadvantages
– Stubs need to be created to substitute for modules that have not been
built or tested yet; this code is later discarded
– Because stubs are used to replace lower level modules, no significant
data flow can occur until much later in the integration/testing process

Top Down Integration
top module is tested with


stubs are replaced one at

a time, "depth first"
as new modules are integrated,
some subset of tests is re-run

Bottom-up Integration
• Integration and testing starts with the most atomic modules in the
control hierarchy
• Advantages
– This approach verifies low-level data processing early in the testing
– Need for stubs is eliminated
• Disadvantages
– Driver modules need to be built to test the lower-level modules;
this code is later discarded or expanded into a full-featured version
– Drivers inherently do not contain the complete algorithms that will
eventually use the services of the lower-level modules;
consequently, testing may be incomplete or more testing may be
needed later when the upper level modules are available

Bottom-Up Integration


drivers are replaced one at a

time, "depth first"

worker modules are grouped into

builds and integrated


Sandwich Integration
• Consists of a combination of both top-down and bottom-up integration
• Occurs both at the highest level modules and also at the lowest level
• Proceeds using functional groups of modules, with each group completed
before the next
– High and low-level modules are grouped based on the control and data
processing they provide for a specific program feature
– Integration within the group progresses in alternating steps between the high
and low level modules of the group
– When integration for a certain functional group is complete, integration and
testing moves onto the next group
• Reaps the advantages of both types of integration while minimizing the
need for drivers and stubs
• Requires a disciplined approach so that integration doesn’t tend towards
the “big bang” scenario

Sandwich Testing
Top modules are
tested with stubs


Worker modules are grouped into

builds and integrated



begins by evaluating the correctness and
consistency of the OOA and OOD models
• testing strategy changes
– the concept of the ‘unit’ broadens due to
– integration focuses on classes and their execution
across a ‘thread’ or in the context of a usage scenario
– validation uses conventional black box methods
• test case design draws on conventional methods,
but also encompasses special features
• Strategy
class testing is the equivalent of unit testing
– operations within the class are tested
– the state behavior of the class is examined
• integration applied three different strategies
– thread-based testing—integrates the set of classes
required to respond to one input or event
– use-based testing—integrates the set of classes
required to respond to one use case
– cluster testing—integrates the set of classes
required to demonstrate one collaboration

Regression Testing
• Each new addition or change to baselined software may cause problems
with functions that previously worked flawlessly
• Regression testing re-executes a small subset of tests that have already
been conducted
– Ensures that changes have not propagated unintended side effects
– Helps to ensure that changes do not introduce unintended behavior or
additional errors
– May be done manually or through the use of automated capture/playback
• Regression test suite contains three different classes of test cases
– A representative sample of tests that will exercise all software functions
– Additional tests that focus on software functions that are likely to be affected
by the change
– Tests that focus on the actual software components that have been changed

Smoke Testing
• Taken from the world of hardware
– Power is applied and a technician checks for sparks, smoke, or other dramatic signs
of fundamental failure
• Designed as a pacing mechanism for time-critical projects
– Allows the software team to assess its project on a frequent basis
• Includes the following activities
– The software is compiled and linked into a build
– A series of breadth tests is designed to expose errors that will keep the build from
properly performing its function
• The goal is to uncover “show stopper” errors that have the highest likelihood of throwing
the software project behind schedule
– The build is integrated with other builds and the entire product is smoke tested daily
• Daily testing gives managers and practitioners a realistic assessment of the progress of the
integration testing
– After a smoke test is completed, detailed test scripts are executed

Smoke Testing Steps
• A common approach for creating “daily builds” for product software
• Smoke testing steps:
– Software components that have been translated into code are integrated
into a “build.”
• A build includes all data files, libraries, reusable modules, and
engineered components that are required to implement one or more
product functions.
– A series of tests is designed to expose errors that will keep the build from
properly performing its function.
• The intent should be to uncover “show stopper” errors that have the
highest likelihood of throwing the software project behind schedule.
– The build is integrated with other builds and the entire product (in its
current form) is smoke tested daily.
• The integration approach may be top down or bottom up.

Benefits of Smoke Testing
• Integration risk is minimized
– Daily testing uncovers incompatibilities and show-stoppers early in the testing
process, thereby reducing schedule impact
• The quality of the end-product is improved
– Smoke testing is likely to uncover both functional errors and architectural and
component-level design errors
• Error diagnosis and correction are simplified
– Smoke testing will probably uncover errors in the newest components that were
• Progress is easier to assess
– As integration testing progresses, more software has been integrated and more
has been demonstrated to work
– Managers get a good indication that progress is being made

High Order Testing
• Validation testing
– Focus is on software requirements
• System testing
– Focus is on system integration
• Alpha/Beta testing
– Focus is on customer usage
• Recovery testing
– forces the software to fail in a variety of ways and verifies that recovery is properly performed
• Security testing
– verifies that protection mechanisms built into a system will, in fact, protect it from improper
• Stress testing
– executes a system in a manner that demands resources in abnormal quantity, frequency, or volume
• Performance Testing
– test the run-time performance of software within the context of an integrated system

Validation Testing
Validation testing follows integration testing
• The distinction between conventional and object-oriented software
• Focuses on user-visible actions and user-recognizable output from the system
• Demonstrates conformity with requirements
• Designed to ensure that
– All functional requirements are satisfied
– All behavioral characteristics are achieved
– All performance requirements are attained
– Documentation is correct
– Usability and other requirements are met (e.g., transportability,
compatibility, error recovery, maintainability)

After each validation test
 The function or performance characteristic
conforms to specification and is accepted

 A deviation from specification is uncovered and a

deficiency list is created

A configuration review or audit ensures that all

elements of the software configuration have been
properly developed, cataloged, and have the
necessary detail for entering the support phase of
the software life cycle

Alpha and Beta Testing
• Alpha testing
– Conducted at the developer’s site by end users
– Software is used in a natural setting with developers watching intently
– Testing is conducted in a controlled environment
• Beta testing
– Conducted at end-user sites
– Developer is generally not present
– It serves as a live application of the software in an environment that
cannot be controlled by the developer
– The end-user records all problems that are encountered and reports
these to the developers at regular intervals
• After beta testing is complete, software engineers make software
modifications and prepare for release of the software product to the entire
customer base

Different Types of System
• Recovery testing Testing
– Tests for recovery from system faults
– Forces the software to fail in a variety of ways and verifies that recovery is properly
– Tests re-initialization, check pointing mechanisms, data recovery, and restart for
• Security testing
– Verifies that protection mechanisms built into a system will, in fact, protect it from
improper access
• Stress testing
– Executes a system in a manner that demands resources in abnormal quantity, frequency,
or volume
• Performance testing
– Tests the run-time performance of software within the context of an integrated system
– Often coupled with stress testing and usually requires both hardware and software
– Can uncover situations that lead to degradation and possible system failure

The Art of Debugging
A Diagnostic Process

Debugging Process
• Debugging occurs as a consequence of successful testing
• It is still very much an art rather than a science
• Good debugging ability may be an innate human trait
• Large variances in debugging ability exist
• The debugging process begins with the execution of a test case
• Results are assessed and the difference between expected and actual
performance is encountered
• This difference is a symptom of an underlying cause that lies hidden
• The debugging process attempts to match symptom with cause, thereby leading
to error correction

The Debugging Process
test cases

new test results

regression cases
tests suspected

Why is Debugging so Difficult?
• The symptom and the cause may be geographically remote
• The symptom may disappear (temporarily) when another error is
• The symptom may actually be caused by nonerrors (e.g., round-off
• The symptom may be caused by human error that is not easily traced

(continued on next slide)

Why is Debugging so Difficult?
• The symptom may be a result of timing problems, rather than processing
• It may be difficult to accurately reproduce input conditions, such as
asynchronous real-time information
• The symptom may be intermittent such as in embedded systems
involving both hardware and software
• The symptom may be due to causes that are distributed across a number
of tasks running on different processes

Debugging Effort
time required
to diagnose the
time required symptom and
to correct the error determine the
and conduct cause
regression tests

Symptoms & Causes
symptom and cause may be
geographically separated

symptom may disappear when

another problem is fixed

cause may be due to a

combination of non-errors

cause may be due to a system

or compiler error

symptom cause may be due to

assumptions that everyone
cause believes

symptom may be intermittent

Consequences of Bugs
Bug Type
Bug Categories:
function-related bugs,
system-related bugs, data bugs, coding bugs,
design bugs, documentation bugs, standards
violations, etc.
Debugging Techniques

brute force / testing




Debugging Strategies
• Objective of debugging is to find and correct the cause of a software error
• Bugs are found by a combination of systematic evaluation, intuition, and
• Debugging methods and tools are not a substitute for careful evaluation
based on a complete design model and clear source code
• There are three main debugging strategies
– Brute force
– Backtracking
– Cause elimination

Strategy #1: Brute Force
• Most commonly used and least efficient method
• Used when all else fails
• Involves the use of memory dumps, run-time traces, and output
• Leads many times to wasted effort and time

Strategy #2: Backtracking
• Can be used successfully in small programs
• The method starts at the location where a symptom has been uncovered
• The source code is then traced backward (manually) until the location of
the cause is found
• In large programs, the number of potential backward paths may become
unmanageably large

Strategy #3: Cause Elimination
• Involves the use of induction or deduction and introduces the concept of
binary partitioning
– Induction (specific to general): Prove that a specific starting value is true; then
prove the general case is true
– Deduction (general to specific): Show that a specific conclusion follows from a
set of general premises
• Data related to the error occurrence are organized to isolate potential
• A cause hypothesis is devised, and the aforementioned data are used to
prove or disprove the hypothesis
• Alternatively, a list of all possible causes is developed, and tests are
conducted to eliminate each cause
• If initial tests indicate that a particular cause hypothesis shows promise,
data are refined in an attempt to isolate the bug

Three Questions to ask Before
Correcting the Error
• Is the cause of the bug reproduced in another part of the program?
– Similar errors may be occurring in other parts of the program
• What next bug might be introduced by the fix that I’m about to make?
– The source code (and even the design) should be studied to assess the
coupling of logic and data structures related to the fix
• What could we have done to prevent this bug in the first place?
– This is the first step toward software quality assurance
– By correcting the process as well as the product, the bug will be removed
from the current program and may be eliminated from all future programs

61 
Debugging: Final Thoughts
1. Don't run off half-cocked, think about the
symptom you're seeing.
2. Use tools (e.g., dynamic debugger) to gain
more insight.
3. If at an impasse, get help from someone else.

4. Be absolutely sure to conduct regression tests

when you do "fix" the bug.


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